Doctor Whoniverse

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Welcome to the ultimate "Doctor Who" magazine. Featuring series 8 expectations, Tenth and Eleventh's unique characteristics and an interview with the head writer and executive producer of the show, Steven Moffat.

Transcript of Doctor Whoniverse

February 2014

Doctor Whoniverse

11th Doctor’s

quirks, p. 2

10th Doctor’s

Quibbles p.8

What we expect to see in series 8

Page 10



“T he one who forgets” . He was called this by his other incarnation, the

War Doctor. What we think is the goofiest Doctor of this Modern

Who Era comeback is possibly the most heartbroken too. Behind the

fezzes, Stetsons, and bowties he hides his sorrow for Rose and Martha

and the burden of Donna’s memory loss. Most don’t even consider that

the 10th reincarnation’s companion are also in the 11th’s memory.

The fez was introduced in “The

Big Bang” in series 5. we first se the

11th Doctor’s shadow wearing it

trough young Amelia Pond’s door. His

wife just asked. “What in the name of

sanity are you wearing on your head.”

And then he starts a trademark, “I wear

a fez now, fezzes are cool” The fez al-

so make a notable appearance in the

“Day of the Doctor” while 11 takes a

fez from a display and Clara makes the

sassy remark of, “Someday you will

just walk past a fez.” Which he replies

with, “Never gonna happen.” This al-

so shows itself in “The Bells of Saint

John” as he asks for money after land-

ing the TARDIS to simulate a magi-


Stetsons were introduced in “The

Impossible Astronaut” while he

was waiting for the Ponds on the

hood of the car. Which Amy takes

away from his head and throws it

in the air for

River Song to shoot. Unfortunate-

ly Stetsons are never shown


Bowties are this Doctor’s

trademark clothing and you might

as well say they are his costume.

The bowtie was chosen by himself in “The Eleventh Hour” to have clean outfit to

face the Atraxi after they threaten to incinerate planet Earth looking for Prisoner

Zero. We also admire that he kept the 10th’s Doctor’s glasses, although different

style, still kept them. Finally his ‘cool factor’ also labels this incarnation. He

claims that everything he likes is cool, most notably the fez, Stetson and bowtie

but also glasses.

The 11th Doctor

facing the Atraxi

at the hospital’s rooftop in “The

Eleventh Hour”

“The Big Bang” River Song questioning

11th’s fez.

“The Impossible Astronaut” Matt

Smith as the Doctor wearing a stetson.

Here we are with the head writer and executive producer of the British

show “Doctor Who” and co-creator of the modernized series “Sherlock” both

by BBC.

Interviewer: Welcome Steven. May I call you that?

SM (Steven Moffat:) Thank you and yes you may call me that.

Interviewer: Well lets get straight to the point, how do you feel about half of

the fandom not liking you for 'killing of everyone off'?

SM: *chuckles* Actually I like the feeling because it lets me know that I am

doing a good job because all good reviews is doing something for a little

group of people that you know are going to like than making it for a far great-

er audience open to all reviews. Also you have to make some tough choices,

you can't let everyone live or the plot gets boring, because even if they are in

danger you know they'll live so there's not that thrill you get by worrying

about a character's death.

Interviewer: *laughs* Ah very well, but you must know that they secretly,

deep down love you because, as you said, your episodes do have that thrill,

that you call. Moving on, there are rumors of an unshot scene where Amy and

Rory's adoptive son, Brian, goes to their previous home to find Brian Sr. and

to give him the letter the Ponds wrote. There is actually a video online with

Arthur Darvill narrating it. Is this scene official or unofficial?

SM: Why yes this scene is official but as you said unshot. We only recorded Ar-

thur's voice for the scene but then realized that we couldn't fit this scene into the

episode and didn't seem quite right to introduced it to the next episode

since Amy and Rory were already dead by that time, and Brian never makes anoth-

er appearance. Also we couldn't find anyone to play Brian Jr. in such short notice

and Mark Williams refused to reappear.

Interviewer: Oh wow… As a Whovian I can say that I was wondering that deeply,

but now we all have an answer! Okay so in the episode "Dinosaurs on a Space-

ship" that you wrote it with Chris Chibnall, we see for the first time Mark Williams

as Rory's father. He is a familiar face to much, being cast s Arthur Weasley for the

eight Harry Potter movies. We also witness a new one-timer villain, Solomon

which also is a familiar face being David Badley who played Argus Filch also in

the Potter series. I as a Potterhead was excited when I saw this familiar faces, did

you have that in mind when you help cast them or was it just 'good actors, and

chemistry between' stuff?

SM: Funny that you ask that since it was a little bit of both. They are both brilliant

actors, and there was as load of chemistry between Mark and Arthur, Karen and

Matt as well as overall chemistry between the two new actors [Mark and David]

and the three constant one [Karen, Arthur and Matt]. Now about the Harry Potter

saga, yes I knew they had appeared on this series and I did feel that adding them,

as you said, would create excitement amongst the Whovians who are Potterheads

such as yourself.

Interviewer: There are also rumors that you plan to leave "Doctor Who". Is it true?

SM: Sadly yes.

Interviewer: *gasps* Is that so?

SM: Yes this show swamps my whole schedule but don't worry I plan to make

most of series 8 episodes.

Interviewer: Oh very well.. That being said…. How do you feel about Matt Smith's


"Give him [Peter Capaldi] anyone, but don't give him Alex, [River Song], don't

give him my wife."?

SM: I am very content that Matt said that because it means that he grew really

attached to his character, Alex and her character, which means that I did a pretty

good job writing if I may say so myself *chuckles*. Although I am afraid that this

cannot be so because as we can se River Song first showed attraction to the Tenth

Doctor not the Eleventh, meaning she can easily move on from Doctor to Doctor

as she states in "The Time of The Angels" 'I have all of your faces' meaning she is

prepared for each new incarnation. However we may find a way to keep her only

romantically involved with Eleven since she married that incarnation and showed

more romanticism, but well as she so famously says, 'spoilers'.

Interviewer: *laughs* Oh Steven. I do wish that she keeps her romantic level on

Eleven but oh well. Anyways, do you have a say on the Doctor's costume?

SM: Yes as a matter of fact I do, but not much really. When Matt chose his outfit,

he had a rage variety of things to chose from but he picked what he picked, I just

have the veto power, which I don't use unless the outfit looks a little too much like

another Doctor's costume.

Interview: I'm sure nobly had any worry in an actor's costume looking a lot like

the Sixth Doctor's costume! *giggles*

SM: You are completely right! *laughs*

Interviewer: For our final question, is Capaldi’s previous appearance in Doctor

Who in “Fires of Pompeii” will be referenced in this series?

SM: Yes it will , like I said at Comic-Con, as well as many other cameos and is-

sues. But spoilers!

Interviewer: Well thank you Steven for agreeing to this interview with 'Doctor

Whoniverse' it has been a pleasure.

SM: Oh no problem at all and the pleasure has been all mine.

Steven Moffat at Comic-Con referring to the Peter Ca-

paldi previous appearance issue.

Allons-y! This is the 10th Doctor's catchphrase, meaning 'lets go' in French. Ar-

guably the most remembered appearance of this phrase is in the "Voyage of the

Damned" when the Midshipman Frame reveals that his name is Alonso, Ten says

in disbelief "You're kidding me! There's something I've always wanted to say? Al-

lons-y, Alonso!"

His 3D glasses are first seen in series 2 in "Army of Ghosts". He uses these glass-

es to identify Void material which help him a great deal in both parts of this two-

episode plot. The glasses make other appearance for short periods of time during

folioing episodes.

Sandshoes, oh sandshoes. The most notable reference to the sandshoes is probably

in "Day of the Doctor" when Eleven says to Ten, "Oi sandshoes!" and they keep

on bickering with Ten calling him "Chinny" Eleven calling him "Sandshoes" and

calling the War Doctor "Grandpa".

We of course can't miss his long elegant coat can we? This brown coat made its

first appearance in "New Earth" where we also see Cassandra, the old villain form

"The End of the World." In "New Earth' when Cassandra's mind posses Ten's body

she states him being so 'foxy' and slim, his slimness also being noted by Eleven in

the 50th anniversary.

Now back to his glasses, but these are normal glasses, fake even as stated in

"Tooth and Claw" in series 2. Ten confirms that he wears this glasses because they

make him look even more clever and help him think in a more open way. In the

50th anniversary, Eleven remarks that his glasses are "lovely" while examining the

time fissure created by the War Doctor.

Finally we have “Wibbly,-wobbly timey-wimey… Stuff . This remarkable phrase

makes it’s appearance in series 3 in the Doctor-lite episode “Blink“. The tenth

“Doomsday” 10th Doctor checking for

void material.

“Voyage of the Damned” Ten

founding out Midshipman

Frame’s name.

makes it’s appearance in series 3 in the Doctor-lite episode “Blink“. The tenth

incarnation states this when telling Sally Sparrow about time travel. Ni the con-

text of, “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but ac-

tually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it’s more like a big ball of

wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.”. This is practically the most basic and vague

explanation about time travel ever stated in the new 7 series of Doctor Who. In

the anniversary, the eleventh incarnation, makes a reference to this wibbly state-

ment and the War Doctor questions from where he gets these ideas and the Tenth

Doctor is also unsure, clearly this episode later in his timeline.

Explaining Sally Sparrow

time travel in the episode


We searched around Karl C. Parrish school for Whovians and asked them what

they expected to see in series 8 with Peter Capaldi.

After searching through the beautiful soccer field filled with iguanas, we found Is-

abella who stated that she expected to see new aliens because "if time lords can

come to this universe through the cracks why couldn't other aliens?" She also

share that she would like to have a full series [8] with Clara Oswald and expects

that she takes the regeneration like Rose Tyler did "At first a little freak rout then

just outright uncomfortable but then finally, she grows into this new Doctor and

the Docotr grows into her".

While walking across the vast hallways, birds chirping and the sun shining we

found Santiago and asked him what HE expected to be in series 8 he answered

that he would like to see a kind of reference to the Tenth Doctor, being his person-

al favorite. Upon asked if he agreed on the "new aliens theory" he confirmed that

he did agree but he hoped that they would show familiar aliens, such as the Weep-

ing Angels, a personal favorite, as well.

In the beautiful cafeteria while enjoying a pizza we found Angela, eating her share

of TARDIS cookies. Some highlights of the questionnaire are the following:

Q: "Who do you expect to see again"

A: "River Song, DEFINITELY RIVER SONG. I mean she has to appear, because

when she died in "Forest of the Dead" she has the Doctor's sonic screwdriver and

up to series 7 he hasn't given her his sonic item."

She also agrees with the "new aliens theory"

While these three students have different expectations the all come together for one

big question. "Is it because Twelve is part of a new cycle of 'lives', regenerations or

incarnations which ever you choose to call it, he can't remember to fly the

TARDIS? We are all eager to find out.

As we walk through the rage campus looking for more Whovians we ponder upon

this question and ask ourselves "Could this be true?" and as we do, we enjoy the

magnificent sights, large classrooms and upbeat atmosphere of Colegio Karl C.
