1.cdn.edl.io · Web viewThose textbooks could be contained in something as small as a Kindle...

Post on 07-Mar-2018

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Transcript of 1.cdn.edl.io · Web viewThose textbooks could be contained in something as small as a Kindle...

Honoring Others

To all of my very best friends—

You are the stars that light the way

through my life’s midnight hours.

Learning from Others

As a child, I had several people in my life who were key in my growing to be who I am now. The one I remember most significantly is my tall, dark haired, RC Cola drinking baby-sitter named Betty. Betty was the kindest, most loving woman anyone could meet, and her husband, whose name I don’t recall, was a garbage man who was forever salvaging toys from the garbage to bring to us. My brother and I didn’t know any better and were thankful for these surprises. I learned several lessons from Betty and her husband that still serve me today.

Lesson 1: Tom and Jerry make everything better. When life gets tough, there is nothing like some good belly laughs to give you hope.

Lesson 2: Popsicles and watermelon make you feel good. What’s wrong with comfort food? It can cure almost anything!

Lesson 3: A warm electric blanket and “Jesus Loves Me” will always put you to sleep, and everything is better after a nap. Even little brothers are not so obnoxious after you have had a good nap, a popsicle and can watch some Tom and Jerry.

Lesson 4: Clean up your mess and help the little kids clean up theirs. Around five o’clock is the best time…so “your Mom doesn’t think I let you run wild!” I still clean house when I know company is coming.

Lesson 5: Hugs and Kisses when you see someone you love or when you say good-bye. Saying good-bye is the worst…but hugs and kisses make it better.

Reaching Out to Others

Whoohoo!!! A million bucks!!! I just won a MILLION bucks! What? I have to give it away? How can this be? I could buy so many things, but doing good for others lasts forever…so here it goes. I choose to give my money to the English department at Davis High School. The teachers there could use the money to invest in technology and literacy enhancements for the entire student population. Students now must carry around huge, heavy textbooks. Those textbooks could be contained in something as small as a Kindle or IPad. The teachers could share some of the money to update the school’s current technology so that papers and tests could be submitted wirelessly, and they could cut down on paper usage. Students would have at their fingertips information and resources from around the world. If these students are the future of the world, I choose to invest in them.

Thanking a Special Other

Rt. 2 Box 289

Sulphur, OK 73030

May 4, 2016

Dear Mrs. Caldwell,

It has been many years since I have seen or talked to you. It was a long time ago when I graduated from Roff. I hope after so many years, this letter finds you happy and healthy. I realize you had many students both before and after me, but my junior and senior year were made special because of you.

I want to say thank you for being so patient with me, even when I was stubborn and sometimes silly. I honestly did not think I would EVER need to know how to cook beyond what my mother showed me, and I REALLY didn’t think I would need to know how to sew. As for the parenting unit, well, I had a little sister, what else did I need to learn?

Obviously, I was wrong about all that. Even though I made a B in your class because of that silly “Sew Your Own Bunny” project, I do appreciate the effort you put into making all of us better equipped for some real-life situations we might face. So, again, thank you for teaching me to be practical.

I know you have now retired from teaching, and I hope you are able to pursue some of those dreams I am sure you put on hold. Take care of yourself.

Much love,

Ginger Britt

Getting to know a special other

I interviewed____________________ who works at (lives, is).

GB: What is your favorite childhood memory?

Mrs. Ratchford: …….

Electing a Special Other

Lori Foster for president! Mrs. Foster has all of the qualities of a good presidential candidate. She is brilliant. She knows right from wrong and will not compromise her ideals. She takes care of business, is organized, and organizes others well.

As president I know that Mrs. Foster would address those needs in our country which demand attention. Education is a front-runner on her agenda, having taught in the public school system for many years. Also, she understands the needs of working people and how the economy thrives on THEIR success. She would work with others to find solutions to rising gas and grocery prices and make these issues a priority.

Vote Lori Foster for president! She is the ONLY logical choice.

An Ideal Microcosm of Others

English Dalton Fun, interesting, uses bad grammar, so he needs to practice all day.

Algebra I Leah Loves math and teaches it poetically. She also has great hair.

Vocational Agriculture Brant Likes to light fires, and cut things. He is also very laid-back and handles pressure well.

Oklahoma History Braden Knows history and presidents; he can turn any situation funny and help students remember through laughter.

Physical Science Ryan Curious and organizedAthletics Lexi Talented, knows the

sports, mean enough to whip people into shape.

Computers Tyler Genius with technology, avid gamer and hacker.

Painting a Picture of an Important Other

Aunt Donna

You welcomed us into your home

Nestled in the Oregon Mountains

Hidden among the tall Douglass firs

When my dad lay dying in his home

Only a few miles away

You fed us spaghetti made with Ragu

Sauce because you said you would never cook

From scratch again once your kids were grown

But it tasted so good, though it couldn’t make any

Of us feel happy

Your house was warm and you were so

Gentle in that time, when I knew

I was losing the father I had just found.

You read to my little girls and laughed and

Played Candyland to show them everything was


But it wasn’t.

You loved us, and like the fir trees that looked

Over your brother’s grave, my father’s grave

You tried to protect, to cover our hearts from the cold rain

That would not stop

A Recipe from Others

1 Gallon of Mother’s Stubborness

1 Gallon of Father’s Stubborness

27 cups of good advice

3 cups bad advice

1 cup overpowering emotion that flavors everything

3 quarts love from the family

1052 great Sunday sermons from Pastors

14235 prayers from my mother

Mix together gently with joyful moments, a sprinkling of frustrations, and a dash of worry. Whip in some tears from disappointment and death and some tears from laughing too hard . Pour into a large classroom and a small home. Allow to bake in the sun by the window and moisten with a few rainy days.