Do we involve God in our decision making process?

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Do we involve God in our decision making process?

Do we involve God in our decision making process?

1. When we choose to buy an expensive new car

2. Try to find our parking space at 1 Utama/Mid Valley Mall

3. Decide to quickly sell your share (market bull run)

4. Struggle to service your property building loan

5. Plan to impress a girl

6. Decide on your diet habits (eat bah ket teh every morning)

7. Choose which school / college to send your children

8. Consider which ministry to get involved in church

9. Confirm do you have calling for full time ministry

Does God have a specific individual will for every

important decision in our lives?

Common View

“God has an ideal, detailed life plan uniquely designed for each person, which He reveals to the

heart of the believer through inward impressions and outward

signs”(Pastor Bill Thompson in

Decision Making and The Will of God by Garry Friesen)

How Does God Reveal His Will for Me in Important Decisions in My Life?

Common view on how God’s individual will is revealed

Outward Impressions

1. Bible reading (is text directed at me?)

2. Advice from friends, counselling, etc

3. Signs and Circumstances (open and closed doors, etc)

4. Personal spiritual revelation (supernatural vision, dreams)

Common view on how God’s individual will is revealed

Inward Impressions

1. Inner urging (Is this the Holy Spirit prompting?)

2. Personal convictions / preferences / desires

3. Rationalizing

4. Peace and calm state after prayer and making decision

Common view of CERTAINTY of God’s individual will:

• All OUTWARD IMPRESSIONS and INWARD IMPRESSIONS received are in agreement. (or at least, most impressions received)

• The results benefit us.

What does the expression “God’s Will” Mean?

• Many Christians understand the term in 2 spheres:

Moral SphereGod’s guidance for spiritual wisdom and understanding (Col 1:9)

and how to walk morally pleasing to God (Eph 5:15-17)

Individual Sphere

• How God gave clear and specific guidance and instructions to believers. For example : Gideon (Judges 6:36-40) and his fleece, the selection of Rebekah (Gen 24:11-30) as Isaac’s wife. Paul’s vision of Man of Macedonia (Acts 16:9)

The Bible however speaks often of God’s will in the

Sovereign Sphere

God’s eternal plans and decrees (Daniel 4:35) and they are

a) SECRET (Romans 11:33-34)

b) MYSTERY (Eph 2:10)

c) PERFECT (Romans 12:1-2)

d) CERTAIN (Col 4:12)

The popular belief that God has an individual and specific will for every detail and decision in a person’s life is NOT FOUND IN SCRIPTURE and CANNOT BE SUPPORTED BIBLICALLY

Are there problems with trying to find God’s individual will for every major decision in our lives:

1. Does not address the issue of Equal Options

2. We become inconsistent – when does one decide to use own judgement to make decisions, and when does one need to seek our God’s will on the matter.

3. Encourages immaturity in Decision Making

4. Can lead to misplaced pride and arrogance

5. Can be dangerously similar to pagan practice of DIVINATION.

6. Breeds unnecessary ANXIETY in trying to “FIND” God’s will

7. Distracts Christians from thinking through issues and seeking guidance from the Bible

In general, it is the will of God that we ourselves should have a great part in determining our path through life. This does not mean that God is not with us.

God develops and tests our character by leaving us to decide. He calls us be responsible citizenship in His Kingdom by in effect our reality saying as often as possible

“My Will for you is for you to decide on your own” (page 233, In Search of Guidance, Dallas Willard)

We make our decisions, and then our decisions turn around and make us.

(pg 5 Discovering God’s Will for your life, Ray Pritchard)

Apostle Paul’s Decision-Making Process

PURPOSES What are our adopted spiritual goals?

PRIORITIES How do you arrange our life’s priorities around our spiritual goals?

PRAYER Humbly pray for wisdom, guidance and submission to God’s sovereign will

Apostle Paul’s Decision-Making Process

PLANNING Do we have discipline and wisdom to accomplish objectives?

PERSEVERANCE Do we have faith to persevere through discouragement?

PROVIDENCE Do we have faith to accept God’s sovereign will in all decisions we make.