Do Not Worry, Fear Not In 2020!!! - Amazon S3 · Fear not: No one can say what this year will bring...

Post on 02-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Do Not Worry, Fear Not In 2020!!! - Amazon S3 · Fear not: No one can say what this year will bring...

“In America, worry has become part of our national culture. You could write on countless American gravestones the epitaph: ‘Hurried, Worried, Buried.’" --John Haggee Folks, we are already well into the New Year. It is usually a time of hope and ambition, of dreams for the future and thoughts of a better life, but the American way seems to be to worry. According to history of the world, it is hard not to worry many times. But the Bible says in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything.” Most of us are anxious about something. One writer called worry “a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.” Someone else said that worry is “the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” To quote John Haggee once again, worry is “anxiety over the future that dominates the present.” Matthew 6:27, tells us “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Think about it. Can you add an hour to your life by your worry? No, but your worry may actually shorten your life by causing so much stress that your health breaks down. Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” It wastes time that could be spent in better ways. It focuses on the problem, not the solution. It saps our joy and energy. It keeps us sidetracked when we could be doing God’s will. . Philippians 3:12-14 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let us start with a humble evaluation, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect”. Paul knows that he is a sinner saved by grace. In another place, he even calls himself the “chief of sinners”. There is no perfection in this life. That fact is hard for some people to grasp. Often we would rather play games, make excuses, cover up, pretend, ignore the obvious, and live in fantasy land. It is hard to admit sometimes that we make mistakes; we are not perfect. Folks, it is only by God’s grace that we can keep moving forward. Notice that Paul plainly says, “I have not yet obtained.” It is easy for Christians to get the “look down your nose syndrome”. Martin Luther remarked that pride is so deep within us that we must “repent of our repentance,” by which he meant that even our repenting is full of pride, saying “Look at me! I’m honest enough to repent of my sins. I’m not like you. I don’t cover things up.” Were it not for grace, none of us could ever stand before the Lord. The only thing that keeps us going is this. Jesus is a wonderful Savior, and he is everything we are not. He is strong, He is wise, He is good, He is righteous, He is loving, He is merciful, He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is holy. We must know and realize; He is Holy. “But I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me". “Christ Jesus took hold of me." Christ found me. Christ saved me. Christ has a purpose for my life. The most important thing in my life is to pursue His purpose for my life. We must give all of our heart with a hearty determination: “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Paul said, “One thing I do.” In his case, it meant looking to the heavenly goal of winning the prize. That phrase covers all that God has for us when we finally stand before Jesus Christ and hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord." Forgetting what lies behind. What are we to forget? We are to forget our worries, fears, failures, and defeats. Don’t brag about our accomplishments, and victories. Move forward! Pressing on to what lies ahead. When missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, returned from Africa to England, he was asked, “Where are you ready to go next?” “I am ready to go anywhere,” he replied, “provided it be forward." This must be the attitude of every Christian every single day. “Lord, I am ready to go wherever you lead, no matter where that takes me.” Too many times we make our list and say, “Lord, sorry, I’m busy today”; but that’s not how it works. We say, Lord, You lead me today to do what Your will is.

February 2020

Do Not Worry, Fear Not In 2020!!!

Verse 14: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" In the spiritual life, direction makes all the difference forgetting and moving on. Paul said, “I haven’t arrived yet, but I’m still climbing!” If he were here today, he would say, “Press on!!!!” It’s not enough to start well. You also have to end well. Let me ask you three questions: • What is the goal of your life? • Why do you get up in the morning? • Why are you still here? A couple old timers standing viewing a tombstone. One asks the other, “You know what is the most important thing on the stone?” The other said, “Most likely the name.” “No, that’s important but not the most important; well what about the date of birth?” “No, well must be the date of death.” “No, the most important thing on the stone is the little mark between the two dates.” In other words, what God has made possible and how many souls we touched for the glory of God while on this earth. Lindell Thompson at SRBA Lay Revival 2013 Fear not: No one can say what this year will bring or if we will even be here twelve months from now. But that thought should not alarm us in any way. To all our worries the Lord simply says: "Fear not.” We of all people ought to be optimistic as we face this year. We have a great future because we have a great God. My Grandpa use to say chin up, pull those shoulders back. So we launch out with great faith into the New Year. We’ll have our share of hard times, but overriding it all is the promise of God who said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Lift up your head; be of good cheer, the Lord is with you. So, if God is with us, who can be against us? Fear not and Press on! In Christ’s Love, Bro. Frank Welch

Tuesday Morning Prayer Meetings Time: 6:30 a.m.

Place: Family Resource Center

Thursday Morning Prayer Meetings Time: 6:00 a.m.

Place: Rachel’s Restaurant, Elsberry, MO

Prayer Gathering for Pike County Date: Thursday Mornings Time: 6:30 a.m.

Place: JJ’s Restaurant Louisiana, MO

Date: Thursday Nights Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: First Baptist Church

608 S. Carolina Louisiana, MO

Pathway Newspaper- The Pathway is provided FREE through the Cooperative Program giving of your local Missouri Southern Baptist Churches. To subscribe to the printed edition, call 800-736-6227 or subscribe online at

Seminar on Biblical Relationships Family Matters: A Matter of the Heart

March 28, 2020 7:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

God’s House of Ministry 3407 North Hwy 79 Elsberry, MO 63343

To register, call 573-312-5111

Men’s Breakfast Saturday, March 21st 8:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

God’s House of Ministry Elsberry, MO

Guest Speaker: Robert Loggins

Pike County Christian School “Family Fun Day”

Date: Saturday, March 14th Time: 11:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Place: Pike County Christian School

Events: Cake Walk, Bingo, Food, Games-All ages, Lunch, Silent Auction, & Prizes!!!

Lighthouse Ministries Free Dinner & Movie Night

Date: March 6th Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Pike County Christian School

FREE ADMISSION!!! Door Prizes!!!

2020 Mid-America Crusade for Christ- Dates: September 5th-9th, 2020 Need Prayer? Call our SRBA prayer directors, Theresa Trower at 573-253-3692 or Eleanore Warner at 573-324-3507. NEED Biblical Counseling? – Call Bro. Kevin Ford at 573-470-1736 Church Families- If you have a special event coming up at your church and would like it put in the SRBA newsletter or placed on our website, please get us a flyer. You can send it by mail, e-mail, or just drop it off at the SRBA office. Please have information to us by the third Monday of each month.

Dates to Remember- VBS Gathering Meeting– Mt. Zion BC– February 1st Student Ministry Round Table Event– February 11th Children’s Ministry Day– February 15th MB Collegiate Conference– February 21st-23rd Newsboys-Quincy, IL– February 27th Men’s Breakfast– 1 Way Ministries– February 29th Lighthouse Ministries Movie Night– March 6th Family Fun Day–PCCS- March 14th MO VBS Team Training– March 14th Men’s Breakfast–GHM-March 21st Medical Mission One Day– April 25th Family Matter Seminar–GHM- March 28th Big Daddy Weave Concert– March 29th SRBA Executive Board Meeting– April 2nd WMU Celebration & Meeting– April 3rd-4th Peno Revival– April 5th-12th RA Congress– April 17th-18th P.A.C.T. Community Spring Sing– April 26th Cooperative Program Sunday– April 26th PCCS Fish Fry– May 8th Youth Camp Forms Due– June 8th PCCS Annual Banquet & Auction– June 13th Super Summer– HLGU– April 15th-19th SRBA Executive Board Meeting– July 2nd 2020 Youth Camp– July 6th-10th Children’s Camp Forms Due– July 6th 2020 Children’s Camp– August 3rd-7th

Rheubin L South MMO Emphasis Month– September 2020 Mid-America Crusade for Christ– September 5th-9th MMO Week of Prayer– September 13th-20th SRBA Annual Worship Service– September 16th (Louisiana First Baptist) SRBA Annual Meeting– September 19th PCCS Fish Fry– October 9th Cooperative Program Emphasis Month– October MBC Annual Meeting– October 26th-27th Layman Revival– November 1st-4th HLGU Booster Banquet– November 20th Lottie Moon Emphasis Month– December 1st-9th Annual Pastor & Wife Christmas Appreciation Banquet– December 11th Please keep these events in your prayers. Summer Missionary Opportunity... Do you have a passion for missions? If you have just graduated from high school, currently attend college, or are between the ages of eighteen and thirty, you can participate in Summer Missions. Just call the Associational Office to find out how to get your application. Deadline for applications is March 9th, so be sure to sign up right away! Vacation Bible School is on the way! Please send in your VBS dates to our associational office. So that we can put them on our calendar. E-mail: Mailing address: SRBA P.O. Box 368 Bowling Green, MO 63334

MWMU Missions Celebration & 2020 Annual Meeting Friday, April 3, 2020 - Saturday, April 4, 2020

Join us in an Unshakable Pursuit to know God more, show His love unconditionally, and make disciples who make disciples. MAIN SPEAKER: Sandy Widson-Martin, National WMU Executive Director Event includes Missionary Speakers, Breakout Sessions, Ministry Projects, WMU Age Level Training, MWMU Book Store, Madge Truex Fund Offering, and Gift Basket Silent Auction. If you are a WMU Leader and would like to go, please contact our associational WMU leader Judy Colbert at 573-754-0710. She will be taking a bus to this outstanding celebration.

2020 VBS Concrete & Cranes- Building on Jesus shows children the foundation that lasts. As children explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion. Please keep our Vacation Bible Schools in your prayers.

February 2020


February 2020

Box Tops- Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production, but may continue to be found on many products through-out the store. You can still clip and send them to school. Every valid Box Tops clip is worth 10¢. Make sure each one has a clearly visible product acronym and expiration date. Eventually, the Box Tops program will become digital-only. Partici-pating brands are starting to change their packaging from a traditional Box Tops clip to the new Box Top label. If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to

Important Dates: 02– Tuition Due 11- Teachers’ Meeting 22– Board Meeting

PCCS Information: Location: 203 E. Maple Address: P.O. Box 96 Curryville, MO 63339 Phone: 573-324-2700 or 573-470-8820 E-mail: pikecountychristian Website:

We are collecting items for our big 2020 Fundraiser Auction on June 13th. Here’s how you can help… Gift baskets, Gift Certificates,

Handmade items… quilts, afghans, dishtowels, blanks, purses, aprons, Wood crafted items… chairs, shelves, mailboxes, cars, trucks, etc.

Man Hours… Cleaning, cutting grass, babysitting, construction, dog setting, etc. If you would like to donate any items, please call 573-470-9340 or 573-470-8820.

We thank you for your prayers and support.

2020 PCCS K-12 Registration & Enrollment Date: May 2, 2020

Time: 10:00 a.m. –2:00 p.m. The mission of Pike County Christian School is to assist Christian parents in equipping students with a Christ-centered education, empowering them to impact the world for the glory of God. Pike County Christian School invites you to come and learn about an education rooted in a Biblical world view.

• Our mornings are opened with the “The Lord’s Prayer,” Pledges to the Bible, Christian Flag, and American Flag.

• A Christian Education gives a Christian worldview which will make a positive difference now and forever in the lives of our students.

• Christian Education gives students a strong foundation through God in a world of shifting values and morals.

• A foundation in God today prepares students for a successful tomorrow.

• We strive to assist parents in their God-given mandate. Deuteronomy 6:4-9

• PCCS is a place where our American Heritage is taught and revered.

• PCCS presents a respectful atmosphere with Christian values.

PCCS is supported by our communities in addition to students’ tuition. Students receive a quality education, making a difference in our community, county, and country.

Saturday, March 14, 2020 11:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.

Pike County Christian School GYM Cake Walk, Bingo, Food, Games-All ages, Jail (Put your friends in jail), & Prizes!!! $5.00 Meal Deals Food served all day!

Games: 11:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. 10 tickets for a $1.00

Silent Auction: 11:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Candy Bars are available… $1.00 each/ 60 per box

Come get your yummy snack for your sweet tooth!!!

Salt River Baptist Association P.O. Box 368 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (Return Service Requested)

Missions: Please go through your cabinets and collect some non-perishable food items to donate to the following outreaches. Your participation is important. Thank you for your generosity.

Angel Wings Program: Phone: 573-242-3261 Address: 20389 Hwy W, Clarksville, MO The Community Food Pantry: Phone: 573-754-2421 Address: 414 Georgia, Louisiana, MO

The Bowling Green Hope Center: Phone: 573-324-6255 Address: 30 North Court, Bowling Green, MO

Senior Adult Ministry (Ages 55+) Monday, February 13, 2020 6:00 p.m.

Bowling Green Second Baptist Church

Please keep our 2020 Crusade in your prayers!!!

Men’s Study What does the Bible say

about men? Date: February 14th

Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Friendship

Baptist Church

2020 Disaster Relief Training March 6th-7th – Connection Point, Raytown

April 3rd-4th – FBC Chillicothe September 11th-12th – Second Baptist, Springfield

October 2nd- 3rd – Canaan Baptist, St. Louis

Vacation Bible School Gathering Information Meeting

Date: February 1, 2020 Time: 5:00 p.m.

Place: Mt. Zion Baptist Church 20738 Pike 255 Bowling Green, MO 63334

What can we do to help with your Vacation Bible School?

Share Your Ideas! *What works for you? *What doesn’t work?

State Training in coming to Troy, MO on March 14, 2020. Thanks from your VBS Director, Dale Shy. For more information, call 573-470-9464

2020 Youth Camp– July 6th-10th 2020 Children’s Camp– August 3rd-7th