DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)

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Transcript of DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)

  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)




    (Note: This Declaration must be attached to the ship’s Maritime Labour Certificate)

    Issued under the authority of the Government of the Repu !i" of Cyprus

    #ith respe"t to the provisions of the Maritime La our Convention$ %&&'$ the fo!!o(in) referen"ed ship*

    +ame of ship IMO num er Gross tonna)e

    ,yundai Busan -.&/'/- 01'/2

    is maintained in a""ordan"e (ith standard 3/424. of the Convention4

    5he undersi)ned de"!ares$ on eha!f of the a ovementioned "ompetent authority$ that*

    6a7 the provisions of the Maritime La our Convention are fu!!y em odied in the nationa! re8uirementsreferred to e!o(9

    6 7 these nationa! re8uirements are "ontained in the nationa! provisions referen"ed e!o(9 e:p!anations"on"ernin) the "ontent of those provisions are provided (here ne"essary9

    (c) the detai!s of any su stantia! e8uiva!en"ies under 3rti"!e ;I$ para)raphs . and 1$ are provided in these"tion provided for this purpose e!o(9

    6d7 any e:emptions )ranted y the "ompetent authority in a""ordan"e (ith 5it!e . are "!ear!y indi"ated inthe se"tion provided for this purpose e!o(9 and

    6e7 any ship

  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)


    than 2 year for under 2@s4.4 ua!ifi"ations of seafarers 6Re)u!ation 24.7 5he MLC$ %&&' Ratifi"ation La( of %&2% Part ; 3rt4 .2

  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)



    ate* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD46Sea! or stamp of the authority$ as appropriate7

    Sub*tantia& e+ui a&en%ie*6Note: Strike out the statement which is not applicable 7

    5he fo!!o(in) su stantia! e8uiva!en"ies$ as provided under 3rti"!e ;I$ para)raphs . and 1$ of theConvention$ e:"ept (here stated a ove$ are noted 6insert des"ription if app!i"a !e7*



    +o e8uiva!en"y has een )ranted4


    ate* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD46Sea! or stamp of the authority$ as appropriate7

    E,em(tion*(Note: Strike out the main statement which is not applicable)

    5he fo!!o(in) e:emptions )ranted y the "ompetent authority as provided in 5it!e . of the Convention arenoted *

    +o e:emption has een )ranted4


    ate* DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD46Sea! or stamp of the authority$ as appropriate7


  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)


    De%&aration o' Maritime Labour Com(&ian%e Part II

    Measures adopted to ensure on oin compliance between inspections

    5he fo!!o(in) measures have een dra(n up y the shipo(ner$ named in the Maritime La our Certifi"ate to

    (hi"h this e"!aration is atta"hed$ to ensure on)oin) "omp!ian"e et(een inspe"tions*6State e!o( the measures dra(n up to ensure "omp!ian"e (ith ea"h of the items in Part I7

    24 Minimum a-e .Re-u&ation /0/1a) FOM Sect 3.4.2 states that the Company shall employ seafarers who are a e!

    1" an! a#o$e. %&ef 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art ///rt. 20 105)

    #) Seafarer a e $er-f-cat-on -s !one pr-or to employment to $er-fy that no onen!er the a e of 1" shall #e en a e! #y the Company.

    c) he Company ses the sh-pmate system+ wh-ch -s an electron-c !ata#asesystem for ma-nta-n-n crew recor!s. h-s system -s also se! for chec -n thestat s of the seafarer s !oc ment.

    !) 'ate of #-rth -s -ncl !e! on crew l-st an! -s o#ta-ne! from the seafarer s passport.

    e1 nn al sh-p#oar! -nternal a !-ts %FOM sect are con! cte! to $er-fyconformance w-th these processes.

    %4 Me2i%a& %erti'i%ation .Re-u&ation /0"1a) FOM Sect ,.2.2 states E$ery seafarer employe! on#oar! -s -n possess-on of a$al-! me!-cal f-tness cert-f-cate+ -n En l-sh+ attest-n that he -s me!-cally f-t to

    perform the ! t-es he -s to carry o t.

    #) FOM Sect ,.2.2 re6 -res the nat re of me!-cal e7am-nat-on an! cert-f-catecompl-es w-th the re6 -rements as spec-f-e! #y the a!m-n-strat-on -n 'MS( heM*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art /8 rt. 29. he Form se! shall #eas re6 -re! #y the 'MS(Cypr s+ -n accor!ance w-th the pro$-s-ons of theCon$ent-on an! the S C: Co!e+ pro$-!e! the -ss -n a thor-ty of that State+f lf-lls the re6 -rements set -n &e lat-on /(9 of the S C: Con$ent-on nne7

    %&ef 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art /8 rt. 24 ; 30)

    c) he me!-cal f-tness cert-f-cate m st #e s- ne! #y the me!-cal pract-t-onerl-cense! -n the place of e7am-nat-on.

    !) Seafarers ha$e the r- hts to ha$e a f rther e7am-nat-on as st-p late! -nStan!ar! 1.2.5 of the con$ent-on. seafarer that has #een ref se! acert-f-cate may apply to the -n!epen!ent me!-cal pract-t-oner or -n!epen!entme!-cal referee. %FOM Sect ,.2.2)

    e) Each me!-cal f-tness cert-f-cate states -n part-c lar the health con!-t-on of theseafarer as st-p late! -n Stan!ar! 1.2., of the con$ent-on.


  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)


    f) he $al-!-ty of the me!-cal f-tness cert-f-cate w-ll comply w-th the fla statere6 -rements. he me!-cal f-tness cert-f-cate -ss e! spec-f-es the per-o!+commenc-n w-th the !ate of the me!-cal e7am-nat-on+ for wh-ch thecert-f-cate shall rema-n $al-!+ normally one year. /n the e$ent wherecert-f-cat-on of colo r $-s-on -s carr-e! o t separately+ the cert-f-cate of colr$-s-on -ss e! shall #e $al-! for a ma7-m m per-o! of s-7 years. he master w-llchec on monthly #as-s $al-!-ty of cert-f-cates an! w-ll report the con!-t-on tothe Company< Form 4.3 w-ll #e se! for report-n the $al-!-ty of the me!-calcert-f-cates. he pro$-s-ons of 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012

    art /8 rt. 2= w-ll #e compl-e! w-th.

    ) FOM Sect ,.2.2 states pro$-s-ons so that a seafarer w-th an e7p-re! me!-calcert-f-cate wh-le -n the ser$-ce of the sh-p can o#ta-n a new me!-cal cert-f-catefrom a 6 al-f-e! me!-cal pract-t-oner at the f-rst a$a-la#le opport n-ty w-th-n a

    per-o! not e7cee!-n three months. he pro$-s-ons of 'MS( he M*C+ 200,&at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art /8 rt. 2,.# w-ll #e compl-e! w-th.

    h) /n r ent cases+ a newly h-re! seafarer may wor w-tho t a $al-! me!-calcert-f-cate nt-l the ne7t port of call where the seafarer can o#ta-n a me!-calcert-f-cate from a 6 al-f-e! me!-cal pract-t-oner+ pro$-!e! that the per-o! ofwor w-tho t a $al-! cert-f-cate !oes not e7cee! three %3) months an! theseafarer concerne! -s -n possess-on of a me!-cal cert-f-cate that has e7p-re!w-th-n the past s-7 %,) months.

    %&ef 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art /8 rt. 2,.a)

    .4 3ua&i'i%ation* o' *ea'arer* .Re-u&ation /041a) FOM Sect 3.4.4 ( FOM Sect 1.=.2.3( FOM Sect 2.5., states he Company

    shall ens re that all seafarers ser$-n on#oar! are competent for the-r pos-t-on #ase! on appropr-ate e! cat-on+ e7am-nat-on+ tra-n-n %#oth -n ho se an!e7ternal) an! e7per-ence. %&ef 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012

    art 8 rt. 35)

    #) FOM Sect re6 -res Seafarers wor -n on#oar! ha$e s ccessf llycomplete! the tra-n-n s re6 -re! #y the sect-on ;8/(1 of the Co!e of theS C: Con$ent-on+ as amen!e! from t-me to t-me. he re6 -rements are set -n&ef 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8 rt. 31; 35 -naccor!ance w-th S C: 9" %as amen!e! from t-me to t-me) for seafarer scert-f-cat-on.

    c) FOM Sect 3.4.4 states that the e7p-rat-on !ates of seafarers !oc ments -schec e! monthly #y the master. 'oc ments are f-rst e7am-ne! at recr -t-na ent s off-ce+ then -n Company s off-ce an! when s- n-n on #oar! to $er-fythat the !oc ments are $al-!. Competency re6 -rements are met or e7cee!nat-onal an! -nternat-onal re6 -rements. ra-n-n re6 -rements ha$e #eenesta#l-she! for each seafarer pos-t-on. he Company ses the sh-pmate system+wh-ch -s an electron-c !ata#ase system for ma-nta-n-n crew recor!s. h-ssystem -s also se! for chec -n the stat s of seafarer s !oc ments.

    !) Seafarer competency re6 -rements are comm n-cate! to the recr -t-n a entswho are re6 -re! to f-ll seafarer pos-t-ons w-th 6 al-f-e! personnel. llseafarers employe! #y the Company are competent as re6 -re! #y the S C:Con$ent-on an! ha$e s ccessf lly complete! the tra-n-n s re6 -re! #y the


  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)


    Sect-on ;8/(1 of the S C: Co!e. copy of off-cers cert-f-cate ofcompetence or temporary perm-t to #e !-splaye! on #oar!.

    e) he seafarers >o-n-n the Company n!er o an -n ho se tra-n-n pro ram asre6 -re! to et fam-l-ar-?e! w-th Company pol-c-es. he seafarers n!er o ash-p#oar! fam-l-ar-?at-on pon >o-n-n the $essel -n accor!ance w-th FOMSect 2.5( Sect 3.9 ( Sect 4.1

    14 Sea'arer*5 em(&o6ment a-reement* .Re-u&ation "0/1a) FOM sect-on 3.4 states the company enters -n to wr-tten employment

    a reements w-th the seafarer. h-s a reement shall comply w-th there6 -rements of M*C stan!ar! 2.1 para 4 %a) to %m) an! the re6 -rements set-n 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8// rt. 3";40.

    #) ll seafarers employment a reements are concl !e! -n En l-sh an! cop-es ofth-s a reement are ma-nta-ne! on #oar! an! -n off-ce .@oth part-es %Companyan! Seafarer) s- n the employment a reement pro$-!-n the seafarer w-th!ecent wor -n an! l-$-n con!-t-ons on #oar! the sh-p as re6 -re! #y theCon$ent-on an! the re6 -rements set -n 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on*aw of 2012 art 8// rt. 3".1.a.

    c) r-or s- n-n the a reement the seafarer -s -$en an opport n-ty to e7am-ne thea reement an! see clar-f-cat-on on any aspects of the a reement . h-s -s toens re that they ha$e freely entere! -nto an a reement w-th a s ff-c-ent

    n!erstan!-n of the-r r- hts an! respons-#-l-t-es. he seafarers >o#!escr-pt-ons are a$a-la#le on #oar! an! -n the mann-n a ency+ these are!ef-ne! n!er FOM sect-on 4.

    !) n or- -nal of the seafarer s employment a reement -s a$a-la#le w-th #oth

    seafarer an! the company.

    e) he copy of the seafarers a reement an! the Collect-$e @ar a-n-n reement pro$-!es the seafarers+ -ncl !-n the sh-p s master + clear -nformat-on to thecon!-t-ons of seafarers employment an! a copy of the a reement to ether w-thC@ -s a$a-la#le for a thor-?e! off-cers to re$-ew -n ports where the sh-ps call.

    f) Seafarers are pro$-!e! w-th a seafarers !-schar e #oo as per re6 -rements set-n sect-on 9%4) of the Merchant Sh-pp-n %&e -strat-on of Seafarers an!Seafarers &e -ster) *aw wh-ch sho l! conta-n a recor! of the-r employmenton #oar! sh-p. he !oc ment shall conta-n s ff-c-ent -nformat-on+ w-th atranslat-on -n En l-sh+ to fac-l-tate the ac6 -s-t-on of f rther wor or to sat-sfythe sea ser$-ce re6 -rements for p ra!-n or promot-on.

    ) he seafarers !-schar e #oo shall not conta-n any statement as to the 6 al-tyof the seafarers wor or as to the-r wa es. Seafarers not re6 -re! to possess aseafarer -!ent-f-cat-on an! recor! #oo are -ss e! cert-f-cates of ser$-ce+ the

    pro$-s-ons of wh-ch are the same as referre! to -n the Con$ent-on ; 'MS( heM*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8// rt. 3".4.

    h) he m-n-m m not-ce per-o! to #e -$en #y the seafarer an! the company for

    the early term-nat-on of a crew a reement shall not #e shorter than se$en !ays+company allows seafarers to term-nate the crew a reement at shorter not-ce or


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    w-tho t not-ce w-tho t penalty for compass-onate or other r ent reason. /ncase there -s a confl-ct w-th the term-nat-on cla se as per C@ then theterm-nat-on cla se as per contract w-ll pre$a-l pro$-!-n an a!$anta eo ss-t at-on to the seafarer.

    -) he follow-n pro$-s-ons st-p lat-n ACompany s l-a#-l-t-esB shall #e -ncl !e!-n the crew a reement -ncl !-n the cla se state! -n 'MS( he M*C+ 200,&at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8// rt. 11";122D

    1.1. Company shall #ear the costs for seafarers wor -n on Cypr-ot Flash-ps -n respect of s-c ness an! -n> ry of the seafarers occ rr-n #etween the!ate of commenc-n ! ty an! the !ate pon wh-ch they are !eeme! ! lyrepatr-ate!+ or ar-s-n from the-r employment #etween those !ates<1.2. Company shall pro$-!e f-nanc-al sec r-ty to ass re compensat-on -n thee$ent of the !eath or lon ;term !-sa#-l-ty of seafarers ! e to an occ pat-onal-n> ry+ -llness or ha?ar! as per the r les+ re lat-on of the an! / cl # the sh-p-s entere! w-th an! appl-ca#le Cypr s Fla le -slat-on.1.3. Company shall !efray the e7pense of me!-cal care+ -ncl !-n me!-cal

    treatment an! the s pply of necessary me!-c-nes an! therape t-c appl-ances+an! #oar! an! lo! -n away from home nt-l the s-c or -n> re! seafarer hasreco$ere!+ or nt-l the s-c ness or -ncapac-ty has #een !eclare! of a permanentcharacter as per the r les+ re lat-on of the an! / cl # the sh-p -s entere! w-than! appl-ca#le Marshall /slan! le -slat-on.1.4. Company shall pay the cost of # r-al e7penses -n the case of !eathocc rr-n on #oar! or ashore ! r-n the per-o! of en a ement as per the r les+re lat-on of the an! / cl # the sh-p -s entere! w-th an! appl-ca#le Cypr sFla le -slat-on< an!1.5. Company shall ta e meas res for safe ar!-n property left on #oar! #ys-c + -n> re! or !ecease! seafarers an! for ret rn-n -t to them or to the-r ne7t

    of -n as per the r les+ re lat-on of the an! / cl # the sh-p -s entere! w-than! appl-ca#le Cypr s Fla le -slat-on .

    >) he follow-n pro$-s-ons for AEnt-tlement to lea$eB shall #e -ncl !e! -n thecrew a reement as D

    1.1. Seafarers shall #e rante! shore lea$e to #enef-t the-r health an! well; #e-n an! w-th the operat-onal re6 -rements of the-r pos-t-ons. he ann allea$e w-th pay ent-tlement shall #e calc late! on the #as-s of a m-n-m m of ,calen!ar !ays per month of employment. he len th of ser$-ce -ncl !es the

    per-o! of tra$el-n to >o-n the sh-p an! the per-o! of h-s repatr-at-on froma#roa! to h-s proper ret rn port. st-f-e! a#sences from wor shall not #e

    cons-!ere! as ann al lea$e< an!

    ) he company has not entere! -nto any a reement w-th the seafarer to for o them-n-m m ann al lea$e.

    l) FOM sect-on 3.4., !-sc-pl-nary proce! res co!e states the ro n!s for

    !-schar e. % &ef 'MS( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8// rt.40.>a.--)

    /4 U*e o' an6 &i%en*e2 o' %erti'ie2 or re-u&ate2 (ri ate re%ruitment an2 (&a%ement *er i%e

    .Re-u&ation /071a) FOM Sect 1.=.2 ; Seafarers are en a e! #y the Company from l-cense!


  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)


    recr -tment an! placement ser$-ce pro$-!ers. he Company ses seafarerrecr -tment an! placement ser$-ces that are #ase! -n co ntr-es or terr-tor-eswho ha$e rat-f-e! the M*C 200, Con$ent-on an! are l-cense! #y Mem#erstates. /n case the Company ses seafarer recr -tment an! placement ser$-cesthat are #ase! -n co ntr-es wh-ch ha$e not yet rat-f-e! the con$ent-on+ theCompany ens res thro h an -n-t-al an! then a re lar ann al a !-t+ carr-e! o t

    #y a th-r! party+ that s ch seafarer recr -tment an! placement ser$-ces arefo n! -n compl-ance w-th the re6 -rements of M*C 200, Stan!ar! 1.4.5 an!

    1.4.=. %&ef 'M*C art /)

    #) ' r-n employment process+ the Company an! -ts appo-nte! mann-n off-cesfollows the proce! re to pre$ent the e7plo-tat-on of seafarers e-ther ! r-n therecr -t-n process or f-nanc-ally # r!ene! when ass- ne! to a sh-p for ! ty. Nofees or other char es for recr -tment or are f-nanc-ally # r!ene! whenass- ne! to a sh-p for ! ty. he char es for recr -tment or for pro$-!-nemployment to seafarers are not #orne !-rectly or -n!-rectly+ -n whole or -n

    part+ #y the seafarer+ for the p rpose of recr -tment+ other than the cost of the

    seafarer o#ta-n-n a passport or other s-m-lar personal !oc ments %e7cl !-n$-sas). he recr -tment centers are a !-te! re larly to ens re compl-ance.

    '4 Hour* o' 8or9 or re*t .Re-u&ation "041a) FOM Sect ,.2.1; ll seafarers shall #e pro$-!e! w-th a rest per-o! of not less


    -) 'a-ly a m-n-m m of 10 ho rs of rest -n any 24;ho r per-o!--) :ee ly; 99 ho rs -n any 9 !ay per-o!%&ef sect-on 5%2) of the Merchant Sh-pp-n %Or an-?at-on of :or -n -me ofSeafarers) *aw)

    h-s m-n-m m n m#er of ho rs of rest appl-es to all seafarers on#oar!. o rsof rest means t-me o ts-!e ho rs of wor s an! th-s term !oes not -ncl !e short

    #rea s.

    :or -n arran ements re ar!-n ho rs of wor an! rest per-o!s+ meal #rea sfor all seafarers are !ef-ne! an! poste! on#oar!. /nformat-on re ar!-n ho rsof wor an! rest are -n En l-sh an! -n the wor -n lan a e of the sh-p.

    #) he ho rs of rest may #e !-$-!e! -nto no more than two per-o!s+ one of wh-chshall #e atleast s-7 ho rs -n len th+ an! the -nter$al #etween the consec t-$e

    per-o!s of rest shall not e7cee! 14 ho rs.%&ef sect-on 5%2) of the Merchant Sh-pp-n %Or an-?at-on of :or -n -me ofSeafarers) *aw)

    c) Emer ency !r-lls w-ll #e arran e! -n a manner that m-n-m-?es the !-st r#anceof rest per-o!s an! !oes not -n! ce fat- e. Seafarers shall ha$e a!e6 atecompensatory rest per-o! -f normal per-o! of rest -s !-st r#e! #y call;o ts towor . Seafarers concerne! shall ha$e s ff-c-ent rest.

    !) ta#le for the sh-p#oar! wor -n arran ement -s poste! on #oar!. heta#le co$ers e$ery pos-t-on an! shall conta-n atleast ;D

    -) the sche! le of ser$-ce at sea an! ser$-ce -n port< an! --) the m-n-m m ho rs of rest.


  • 8/16/2019 DMLC Part I & II Cyprus (Hyundai Busan)


    h-s ta#le w-ll #e -n En l-sh an! -s place! -n an eas-ly access-#le place an! -s #ase! on A/MO(/*O G -!el-nes for the 'e$elopment of a#les of SeafarersSh-p#oar! :or -n rran ements %&ef Cypr s Fla Form EN05F205).

    e) &ecor!s of seafarers !a-ly ho rs of rest w-ll #e -n En l-sh an! the wor -nlan a e of the sh-p. &ecor!s are ma-nta-ne! to allow mon-tor-n ofcompl-ance w-th pro$-s-ons n!er the a#o$e para raphs ,.# to ,.e. heCompany has pro$-!e! /SF :atch eeper software to all $essels so that therecor!s can #e eas-ly ma-nta-ne!. 'epartmental hea!s are respons-#le forens r-n that the recor!s comply w-th the M*C 200, re6 -rements on woran! rest ho rs.

    f) he master of a Cypr-ot re -stere! $essel shall ha$e the r- ht to re6 -re aseafarer to perform any ho rs of wor necessary for the -mme!-ate safety ofthe sh-p+ person on #oar! or car o+ or for the p rpose of -$-n ass-stance toother sh-ps or persons -n !-stress at sea. ccor!-n ly+ the master may s spen!

    the sche! le of ho rs of rest an! re6 -re a seafarer to perform any ho rs ofwor necessary nt-l the normal s-t at-on has #een restore!. s soon as pract-ca#le after the normal s-t at-on has #een restore! any seafarers who ha$e performe! wor -n a sche! le! rest per-o! shall #e pro$-!e! w-th an a!e6 ate per-o! of rest #y the master.

    ) Each seafarer shall #e pro$-!e! a copy of the rest an! wor recor!s perta-n-nto h-m wh-ch shall #e en!orse! #y the Master an! the seafarer concerne!.

    04 Mannin- &e e&* 'or t:e *:i( .Re-u&ation "0;1a) FOM Sect 3.2.1 re6 -res that the Company places s ff-c-ent n m#er of

    seafarers on#oar! the sh-p to ens re that the sh-p -s operate! safely+ eff-c-entlyan! w-th ! e re ar! to sec r-ty n!er all con!-t-ons. he sh-p -s manne! #yseafarers that are a!e6 ate+ -n terms of s-?e an! 6 al-f-cat-ons+ to ens re thesafety an! sec r-ty of the sh-p an! -ts personnel+ n!er all operat-ncon!-t-ons+ -n accor!ance w-th the m-n-m m safe mann-n cert-f-cate -ss e!.

    %&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art / rt. ,=;92)

    b1 FOM Sect 3.2.1 ; he Company w-ll ens re %thro h master s re$-ew+ SafetyComm-ttee meet-n s an! rest ho r recor!s) that all $essels n!er -tsmana ement ha$e a s ff-c-ent n m#er of seafarers employe! on#oar! toens re that the $essels are operate! safely+ eff-c-ently an! w-th ! e re ar! to

    sec r-ty n!er all con!-t-ons+ ta -n -nto acco nt concern re ar!-n seafarerfat- e an! the part-c lar nat re an! con!-t-ons of the $oya e. he mastersre$-ew %Form 1.3@) an! H / &eport-n form+ mana ement meet-n s are thetools wh-ch the master w-ll se to a!$-se the Company re6 -rements fora!!-t-onal staff on#oar! #ase! on operat-onal re6 -rements an! the Companyw-ll re$-ew s ch re6 ests.

    @4 A%%ommo2ation .Re-u&ation 40/1

    a) FOM 1.10.1." Company $essels shall comply w-th Mar-t-me *a#o rCon$ent-on %M*C 200,). ny Cypr-ot sh-p mana e! #y the Company wh-ch-s constr cte! on or after the !ate when the Con$ent-on comes -nto effect -n

    Cypr s w-ll comply w-th the re6 -rements for on;#oar! accommo!at-on an!recreat-onal fac-l-t-es that are set o t -n &e lat-on 3.1+ Stan!ar! 3.1., to


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    3.1.19 an! G -!el-nes @3.1.1 to @3.1.12 of the M*C 200, Con$ent-on.%&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art /8).

    #) FOM 1.10.2 ppl-ca#le r les an! re lat-ons of the fla state. ny Cypr-otsh-p mana e! #y the Company wh-ch -s constr cte! #efore the entry -nto forceof the M*C+ 200, for Cypr s+ m st ha$e #een constr cte! an! e6 -ppe! -n

    compl-ance w-th /*O C=2 an! C133 as appl-ca#le. he $essel w-ll carry aStatement of Compl-ance or a S r$ey &eport for Crew ccommo!at-on to pro$e compl-ance w-th ccommo!at-on of Crews Con$ent-on %&e$-se!)+1=4=%No.=2)+ an! the ccommo!at-on of crew%S pplementary ro$-s-ons)Con$ent-on+ 1=90%No.133). %&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of2012 art /8).

    c) FOM Sect ,.2.5 he sh-p s master shall con! ct fre6 ent -nspect-ons+ note7cee!-n e$ery se$en !ays to ens re that seafarer accommo!at-on -s clean+!ecently ha#-ta#le an! ma-nta-ne! -n a oo! state. hese -nspect-ons w-ll #erecor!e! -n the sh-p s off-c-al lo #oo .

    !) he hosp-tal accommo!at-on+ -f f-tte! shall #e se! e7cl s-$ely for me!-cal p rposes.

    -4 On

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    pro$-!e! n!er re late! an! hy -en-c con!-t-ons %&ef 'MS ( heM*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8 rt. 100;104)

    he master m st ens re that wee ly -nspect-ons are !one an! recor!e! -n theOff-c-al *o #oo .

    Follow-n m st #e ens re! ;D

    -) he foo! an! !r-n -n water s ppl-e! on #oar! are of appropr-ate6 al-ty+ n tr-t-onal $al e+ 6 ant-ty an! $ar-ety. he s pply of foo! an!!r-n -n water shall also ta e -nto acco nt the n m#er of seafarers on

    #oar!+ the-r rel- -o s re6 -rements an! c lt ral pract-ces as they perta-nto foo! an! the ! rat-on an! nat re of the sh-p s $oya e.

    --) recor!s%!el-$ery notes(rece-pts) of all pro$-s-on p rchases an!-n$entory of foo! stoc are ma-nta-ne! an! recor!e!

    ---) re lar -nspect-ons at per-o!s of not more than 9 !ays of foo!storerooms are !one. FOM Sect ,.2.5 -ncl !es -nspect-n the #elow<

    ; s ppl-es of foo! an! !r-n -n water ; all spaces an! e6 -pment se! for the stora e an! han!l-n of foo! !r-n -n water ; alley an! other e6 -pment for the preparat-on an! ser$-ce of meals<

    -$) he !r-n -n water tan s are -nspecte! an! cleane! ann ally. herecor!s are ma-nta-ne! on#oar! for the same. ll the efforts are ma!e toma-nta-n the 6 al-ty of the !r-n -n water on#oar! #y the mostappropr-ate means.

    $) e7p-re! pro$-s-ons are -!ent-f-e!+ remo$e! from potent-al se an! properly !-spose! of<

    $-) Cater-n staff -s properly tra-ne! or -nstr cte! for the-r pos-t-ons.

    #) Seafarers on#oar! w-ll #e pro$-!e! w-th foo! free of char e ! r-n the-r per-o! of en a ement on#oar!. %&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on*aw of 2012 art 8 rt. 101)

    c) Form 4.3 ; the sh-p s coo w-ll #e tra-ne! + 6 al-f-e! an! fo n! competent #yha$-n complete! an appro$e! tra-n-n co rse an! rele$ant cert-f-cates may #e

    rante! #y an appro$e! coo s tra-n-n school wh-ch w-ll ha$e co$ere! pract-cal coo ery+ foo! an! personal hy -ene+ foo! stora e+ stoc control an!en$-ronmental protect-on an! cater-n health an! safety. /f the sh-p s coo!oes not ha$e a tra-n-n cert-f-cate as re6 -re! #y the Competent thor-ty+they w-ll #e -n possess-on of an e6 al cert-f-cate #ase! on the ACert-f-cat-on ofSh-ps Coo s Con$ent-on + 1=4,B%/*O Con$ent-on No.,=) -ss e! #y a party tothe Con$ent-on. %&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art

    8 rt. 10,).

    224 Hea&t: an2 Sa'et6 an2 a%%i2ent (re ention .Re-u&ation 7041a) FOM Sect 1.4 states the Company s AO#>ect-$es Safety+ ealth

    En$-ronment ol-cyB

    #) &-s assessments for health+ safety an! acc-!ent pre$ent-on -s !one on#oar!


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    s-n Company forms %O S C/&C O;109 + FOM Sect ,.10). Company FOMSect-on ,.0 %Safe :or -n ract-ces an! roce! res) pro$-!es preca t-ons to

    pre$ent occ pat-onal acc-!ents+ -n> r-es an! !-seases+ -ncl !-n meas res tore! ce an! pre$ent the r-s of e7pos re to harmf l le$els of am#-ent factorsan! chem-cals as well as the r-s of -n> ry or !-sease that may ar-se from the

    se of e6 -pment an! mach-nery on #oar!. he follow-n sect-ons pro$-!e-!ance to seafarers -n the Fleet Operat-on Man al D

    FOM ,.2.4 Car o a?ar!s to health %Chem-cal an! l-6 ef-e! car oes)FOM ,.2.= rotect-on a a-nst no-seFOM ,.2.10 a?ar!s an! protect-on a a-nst $-#rat-onsFOM ,.2.11 an!l-n of s#estosFOM ,.3.2 rotect-on E6 -pment an! Cloth-nFOM ,.4.9.4 a-nt-nFOM ,.4.10 reca t-ons for wor -n w-th chem-cals+ ca st-cs ( c-!s an!!eter ents.

    c) Safety meet-n s+ Free?e Car!s se an! analys-s+ Safety Comm-ttee meet-n s+re lar tra-n-n an! !r-lls -ncl !-n safety $-!eos+ -nternal a !-ts an! re larmana ement -nspect-ons are tools wh-ch the Company ses to ens re thecompl-ance w-th the re6 -rements.

    !) he Company pro$-!es E % ersonnel rotect-$e E6 -pment) for acc-!ent pre$ent-on for se #y seafarers. Company enco ra es the se of tool #o7meet-n s to -mpro$e safety at wor an! -t has to !oc mente! as well.G -!ance -s pro$-!e! for se of *S (FF -tems+ se of power tools an! othertools as well+ han!l-n ha?ar!o s mater-als an! waste+ an! se of E. hesh-p -s pro$-!e! w-th *S (FF tra-n-n man als+ -n!-$-! al man als an! plans

    for e6 -pment on#oar! an! MS'S for chem-cals+ pa-nts an! other ha?ar!o smater-als. he tra-n-n -mparte! -n o r IM co$er these areas a!e6 ately%FOM Sect 3.4.4) he Company pro$-!es re lar a!$-sor-es l- e / cl #an! SC fee!#ac + Fleet alerts+ nalys-s of the fleet w-th respect to /nc-!entan! acc-!ent reports for -mpro$-n occ pat-onal health an! safety on#oar!.

    he Company also or an-?es Fleet off-cers Meet-n wh-ch -s a one to one!-sc ss-on platform w-th seafarers where -nformat-on -s -mparte! to seafarersre ar!-n occ pat-onal health safety an! mar-ne poll t-on. he Companyalso -n$-tes spea ers from !-fferent wal s of sh-pp-n -n! stry to spea -ss esrelate! to mar-t-me -n! stry.

    %&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8///)

    ' t-es of masterD he master w-ll -mplement the Company s safety an! health pol-cy pro ram on#oar! the sh-p. he pol-cy an! pro ram+ -ncl !-n safetyr les an! re lat-ons+ sho l! #e clearly comm n-cate! to all mem#ers of thecrew. he master sho l! ens re that wor carr-e! o t on or from the sh-p -scarr-e! o t -n s ch a way as to a$o-! the poss-#-l-ty of acc-!ents an! thee7pos re of seafarers to con!-t-ons wh-ch may lea! to -n> ry or !ama e to the-r health. %&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8/// rt.125)

    e) ' t-es of Safety Off-cer %Ch-ef Off-cer)D Inless contrary to nat-onal law or pract-ce+ the safety off-cer sho l! -mplement the sh-p owners safety health


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    pol-cy an! pro ram an! carry o t the -nstr ct-ons of the master toD; /mpro$e the crew s safety awareness; /n$est- ate any safety compla-nts #o ht to h-s or her attent-on an! report thesame to the safety an! health comm-ttee an! to the -n!-$-! al+ where necessary<; Carry o t safety -nspect-ons; :-th co;operat-on of th-r! off-cer mon-tor an! carry o t the on;#oar! safety

    tra-n-n of seafarers.:hene$er poss-#le+ the safety off-cer sho l! see the co;operat-on an!ass-stance of the master an! other staff -n carry-n o t these ! t-es.

    f) E$ery $essel shall ha$e a ASh-p#oar! Safety Comm-tteeB compr-s-n of thefollow-n mem#ers

    Master Cha-rmanCh-ef En -neer SecretaryCh-ef off-cer Safety Off-cer 2n! En -neer Mem#er Other sh-p staff may #e -ncl !e! an! calle! for the meet-n as an! when

    re6 -re!. he ma-n ! ty of the ASh-p#oar! Safety Comm-tteeB -s to set thesafety an! 6 al-ty o#>ect-$e for the sh-p. he comm-ttee w-ll also -nform -f anyshortcom-n s are note! w-th the safety an! 6 al-ty mana ement system. heASh-p#oar! Safety Comm-tteeB shall !-schar e the-r ! t-es as per FOM Sect-on2.2.

    ) he reports on occ pat-onal acc-!ents an! -n> r-es are analy?e! an! #ase! onthem the meas res are ta en to correct the nsafe con!-t-ons. he Companyshall report occ pat-onal acc-!ents+ -n> r-es an! !-seases as re6 -re! #y the M/Mar-ne !m-n-strator. he Company pro$-!es report-n re6 -rement to the$essels #y p!at-n fla c-rc lars an! re6 -rements. FOM Sect-on ,.11.3re6 -res report-n of mar-ne cas alty to appropr-ate a thor-t-es l- e fla states.

    h) he Company pro$-!es on#oar! #oo s l- e G -!el-nes on Fat- e + Co!e ofsafe :or -n ract-ces + etc. for pro$-!-n -!ance to seafarers onocc pat-onal health safety on#oar!. G -!ance from COS:O %amen!e!from t-me to t-me) -s se! for carry-n o t r-s assessment of no-se+ $-#rat-onsan! other phys-cal a ents.

    -) he Company s pol-c-es an! proce! res are -n l-ne w-th Stan!ar! 4.3. he proce! res wh-ch encompasses the re6 -rements are -ncl !e! -n the follow-nsect-ons D

    FOM Sect-on ,.1 Safety or an-?at-on -n eneralFOM Sect-on ,.2 ealth+ F-tness an! y -ene of sh-p#oar! staff FOM Sect-on ,.3 ersonal SafetyFOM Sect-on ,.4 Safe :or -n ract-cesFOM Sect-on ,.5 Mach-nery SpacesFOM Sect-on ,., reca t-ons wh-le enter-n enclose! spacesFOM Sect-on ,." :or -n aloft or o$ers-!eFOM Sect-on ,.= &-s ssessmentFOM Sect-on ,.10 G -!ance on the ma-n element of r-s assessmentFOM Sect-on ,.11 /nc-!ent report-n ( -n$est- at-onFOM Sect-on ,.12 Mana ement of chan e FOM Sect-on ,.13 ool @o7Meet-n s FOM Sect-on ,.14 Free?e Car!


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    2%4 Onect tore lar monthly -nspect-on #y the a thor-?e! off-cer an! sh-pmaster. hesh-p s me!-c-ne chest -s also -nspecte! #y a cert-f-e! pharmac-st at re lar


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    -nter$als not e7cee!-n 12 months.; Me!-c-nes are correctly stores w-th la#els re ar!-n !-rect-on for the-r ses.; er-sha#le me!-c-nes are replace! as re6 -re!; E7p-re! me!-c-nes are !-spose! of as per any appl-ca#le -nternat-onalre6 -rements an! all appl-ca#le local an! nat-onal law(re lat-ons.; Sh-ps are pro$-!e! w-th latest e!-t-on of /nternat-onal Me!-cal G -!e+

    Me!-cal f-rst -! -!e an! me!-cal sect-on of the the /nternat-onal Co!e ofS- nals+ as amen!e!%&ef 'MS ( he M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8/ rt. 10=)

    e1 Ser-o s cases of -n> ry an! acc-!ents are referre! to /nternat-onal &a!-oMe!-cal Centre for a!$-ce an! ass-stance+ e7. C/&M %FOM Sect ,.2.2). hecontact an! ser$-ce pro$-!e! #y are !-splaye! -n the hosp-tal an! atcomm n-cat-on place. he sh-p also ma-nta-ns a complete p to !ate l-st ofra!-o stat-ons an! l-st of coast earth stat-ons thro h wh-ch me!-cal a!$-ce can

    #e o#ta-ne!.

    2.4 On

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    ; Fla !m-n-strat-on Na t-cal /nspector<; Fla !m-n-strat-on &eco n-?e! Or an-?at-on /nspector<; ort State control off-c-al<; *ocal seafarer la#or or an-?at-on representat-$e< or ; Other seafarer welfare ass-stance ser$-ce.

    $) he Compla-nt proce! re shall -ncl !e contact -nformat-on of the flaa!m-n-strat-on an! where !-fferent+ the competent a thor-ty -n the seafarersco ntry of res-!ence.

    c) /ncase !-sp tes for conc-l-at-on accepta#le to #oth part-es cannot #e reache!after 20 !ays+ the Company or the seafarer shall ha$e a f rther 20 !ays tocontact the Fla to act as me!-ator to en!ea$or to f-n! a sol t-on to the mattersat-sfactory to #oth part-es. %&ef Cypr s Form EN05F20" Mo!el format forOn#oar! Compla-nts roce! re)

    21 ll seafarers are #r-efe! an! pro$-!e! w-th the on;#oar! compla-nt proce! re

    form an! contact -nformat-on of 'MS(CJ &IS+ M*C+ 200, Contact o-ntan! that of the Competent thor-ty -n the seafarer s co ntry of res-!ence+ -fthe same -s not Cypr s+ at the t-me of s- n-n the employment a reement an!cop-es of on#oar! compla-nt proce! re are a$a-la#le on#oar!. he Master on aconf-!ent-al #as-s can pro$-!e seafarers w-th -mpart-al a!$-ce on the-rcompla-nt an! otherw-se ass-st them -n follow-n the compla-nt proce! resa$a-la#le to them on #oar! the sh-p.

    214 Pa6ment o' 8a-e* .Re-u&ation "0"1a) ll seafarers are to #e pa-! for the-r wor monthly an! -n f ll -n accor!ance

    w-th the-r Contract of Employment !!en! m+ -f any. %&ef 'MS ( he

    M*C+ 200, &at-f-cat-on *aw of 2012 art 8/// rt. 42)

    #) Seafarers are -$en a monthly statement of the-r wa e acco nt -ncl !-n anyappropr-ate !e! ct-ons. he porta e #-ll software shall #e se! for thecalc lat-on of monthly wa e acco nt an! w-ll -ncorporate all earn-n s an!!e! ct-ons appl-ca#le to the seafarer. /f payment has #een ma!e -n a c rrencyor at a rate !-fferent from the one to wh-ch a ree!+ the pre$a-l-n mar et rateor off-c-al p #l-she! rate of e7chan e se! to #e state!.

    %1 /n a!!-t-on to any stan!-n home allotment(rem-ttance+ seafarers are perm-tte!to ma e one home allotment(rem-ttance from the $essel per month. h-s

    rem-ttance w-ll #e affecte! w-th no char e to the seafarer. Seafarer cantransm-t all or part of the-r earn-n s to the-r fam-l-es or !epen!ants or le al #enef-c-ar-es.

    I here y "ertify that the a ove measures have een dra(n up to ensure on)oin) "omp!ian"e$ et(eeninspe"tions$ (ith the re8uirements !isted in Part I4

    +ame of shipo(ner 2*

    Company address*

    +ame of the authorised si)natory*


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    Si)nature of authorised si)natory*


    6Stamp or sea! of the shipo(ner7 2

    5he a ove measures have een revie(ed y 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444and$ fo!!o(in) inspe"tion of the ship$have een determined as meetin) the purposes set out under Standard 3/424. $ para)raph 2&6 7$ re)ardin)measures to ensure initia! and on)oin) "omp!ian"e (ith the re8uirements set out in Part I of this e"!aration4







    6Sea! or stamp of the authority$ as appropriate7*

    24 Shipo(ner means the o(ner of the ship or another or)aniAation or person$ su"h as the mana)er$ a)ent or are oat "harterer$ (ho hasassumed the responsi i!ity$ has a)reed to ta?e over the duties and responsi i!ities imposed on ship