Division 14 May Newsletter

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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by Jiayun Fang

Transcript of Division 14 May Newsletter

Hi everyone! Hope you've had a great start to the Service Year so far! Here are a couple of updates from the May Board of Trustees Meeting:

First, and foremost, the District Secretary has set a deadline for the submission of all officer rosters in the District. Therefore, after electing new officers, please email me their name, gender, position, address, home phone, cell phone, and email. (Any officer can compile this!) OR, in our division, officers can just fill out a Google form at the following link: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDg5ZWcwamM3MHpPV0F5aEMxR3NaS3c6MQ If using the form, please remind all officers and advisors to fill it out or else the complete roster will not be compiled for your club. Again, from now until the end of the school year, this will be the most important piece of information I am soliciting from you so please take the time to complete the form!

Secondly, as those of you who went to DCON should know, NJ District dues have increased for the upcoming year in order to lower price for DCON and other gatherings. Effective this Service Year, International Dues will be $6.50 and NJ District Dues will now be $5.50. Clubs are allowed to charge up to $5.50 for their own expenses. Please be prepared for this change as it will affect every club especially in these tough economic times.

In addition, service and fundraising goals for the next year have been passed by the Board and Kiwanis Committee. For our 5th year of serving Children’s Specialized Hospital as our District Project our fundraising goal is to raise $75,401.65. Our service goal is 15,700 hours. The goal for UNICEF fundraising next year is $33,190.25. (Why these numbers? See page 4 for more details.) To achieve these goals, we need your help to make it happen!


Division 14: Chatham | Columbia | ECLC | Jonathan Dayton | Madison | Millburn | Summit | Union

Jiayun’s Journal

Great job Jonathan Dayton, Chatham, Millburn, and Union for submitting Club Monthly Report Forms for April!!


Month of may –2nd Issue

Table of Contents

LTG Update .................. 1

Regional Training Conf.

Recap ............................ 2

Club Reminders ........... 3

Club Spotlight: Union .. 4

KC By the Numbers ..... 5

Contact Info ........ 6


Jiayun Fang

Keyclubltgdiv14@gmail.com Cell: 908-546-2996 Facebook: Jn Fang

Aim: jfang2996 Twitter: www.twitter.com/jnfang www.division14.moonfruit.com

Jiayun Fang 2010-2011 NJ Lieutenant Governor Division 14

45 Short Hills Cir. Apt 2B

Millburn, NJ 07041

Cell: 908-546-2996


LTG Update



Official Newsletter of NJ District of Key Club International Division 14

All Division 14 officers: Contact me!

Please CC me in emails and threads with your officers! I love calls and emails as well so feel free to contact me at

any time!

Regional Training Conferences (RTC) Recap

By LTG Div 21 Gabrielle Gutierrez

2 KEY CLUB Division 14 Newsletter

Hello everyone!

First, I must congratulate you

all on your newly elected

positions. Clearly you all have

demonstrated extraordinary

leadership, citizenship, and a

passion for service and Key

Club! I have faith in all of you

and your abilities to help

carry out a successful Key

Club service year for 2010-


The first important step to

begin a successful service

year begins with being

trained. All newly elected

officers are required to

attend one Regional Training

Conference (RTC) in order to

attend sessions which will

help better their leadership

roles and clarify their duties in

their club. If you couldn’t

make it to the one this past

weekend, see you at the Fall

RTCs in September! We hope

to also have your Advisors

join us, for a

workshop/meeting with Mr.

Barrie Werfel, the NJ District

Administrator. Also,

remember that RTCs are

open to general members! At RTCs, Key Clubbers meet

the New Jersey District Board

and attended workshops

which will help you have a

better understanding of your

position as well as workshops

that will help spice up your

meetings, stir some new

ideas for projects, and a

great opportunity to meet new

Key Clubbers! Because the

board knows that we all hail

from different schools that

could be far away from each

other, the RTCs are broken up

into three parts: North, Central,

and South. There are RTCs held

in the Spring and Fall. They take

place on Saturdays and


This year’s Spring RTC theme

was “Rock Out with Service!”

The Spring RTCs took place on

the following days at these


Saturday, May 22nd: South

RTC @ Brick Memorial HS

Sunday, May 23rd: North RTC

@ Morris Knolls HS

They were both a great

success as Key Clubbers

bonded from all over the

region came together to

learn about the next Service


Again, if you couldn’t make

either of these, have no fear

because there will be RTCs in

September as well.


Saturday, Sep 25th: North RTC

@ Millburn HS ( in our division!)

Please contact me (your LTG)

for any questions, comments,

or concerns.

Get ready to rock and

make this service year

your greatest hit!

“Rock Out with


The 2010-2011 NJ District Board of Trustees

LTGs Rockin’ Out with Service!

All Division 14 officers: Presidents council


This open to every officer and advisor!! (not just presidents).

*Presidents are required to attend.

Possible dates: June 20th –3:00pm Springfield

Library (Flexible)

All Division 14 officers: Officer Training


All officers have to be trained by me before summer starts so

please contact me ASAP if you have not been trained.

Possible dates: June 8th – Millburn HS 3:30 June 10th (if needed) –TBD

Secretaries: Club monthly

report forms

Please submit them by the 10th of each month. They are mandatory for secretaries and easy to fill out!

Template: http://www.njkeyclub.org/resource

s/cmrf Next Due Date: June 10th (for

month of May)

Past Presidents and Advisors: End of the year


You should have received in mail and in email a copy of the End of the Year Survey for last year. These short questionnaires are essential to Key Club’s progress so please take the time to fill it out and mail it to

District Gov Rachel Orbach!!

Deadline: June 15th All Division 14 officers:

Roster collection

If you have not done so already, please fill out the following Google Form

ASAP: https://spreadsheets1.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDg5ZWcwamM3MHpP

V0F5aEMxR3NaS3c6MQ Clubs must submit an officer roster

OR have all officers and advisors fill out the form above by Sunday, June


Club Reminders


Hey Key Clubbers!

Union High School Key Club has made a great run for its 2009-2010 year. We have accomplished many projects and events throughout the service year. One great success was our first "Operation Christmas Child." Union Key Clubbers brought in shoeboxes filled with toys, necessities, and school supplies to send to third-world countries. The contributions gave children of disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to


~By Vivienne Buenaventura Union HS Key Club President 2010-2011

Division 14


experience the joy and excitement of receiving Christmas gifts. In total, 89 BOXES were collected! Almost ninety children were able to celebrate Christmas this past year due to our club’s generosity and contributions. By participating in fundraisers and other projects like these, we were actually able to make a difference in someone's life.

UHS Key Club has also taken every chance to visit and help Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside. We really had fun with the children there by creating a connection with them, learning their names, and getting to know them. We are glad that Key Club is taking an earnest part in helping and supporting these children.

With the use of technology such as Facebook and the internet, organizing events and informing club members has become easier. This past year, important events were

sent to club members via Facebook messaging and, in turn, attendance became much more frequent. Also thanks to our club secretary, Vanessa Liwag, our club website is now set up, and we are excited to use it for future events.

Some upcoming events for UHS Key Club include Operation Clean Sweep, where we will be cleaning up a local park in Union, as well as joining in the Children's Specialized Hospital Carnival, and Walk n' Roll happening this month. For future endeavors, UHS Key Clubbers will continue to dedicate their time and efforts in events and service projects, even throughout the summer. We will also begin to prepare for another Operation Christmas Child this December along with the many other fundraisers to support UNICEF, Children's Specialized Hospital, and our community as a whole. The officers and members of UHS Key Club are determined to make the most of our time in high school, keeping our passion for service alive to benefit our community and the world. Most importantly, we will have fun doing so!

Please visit our website at: http://www.wix.com/unionhs/unionhighkeyclub

Club Spotlight

sample box from Operation Xmas Child ↓ CSH Walk n Roll

Union High School Key Club

NJ CSH Goals

Fundraising: $75,401.65

7 - 7 days a week service and dedication to CSH

5 - 5th year CSH is our NJ District Project

401 - the cumulative amount we will have raised (in 1000s)

65 - anniversary of the NJ District

Service: 15,700 hours

15700- 100 hrs for each club in NJ District

Dates to Remember

June 10 – CMRF for May due

June 13 – Officer rosters are due

June 15 – End of the Year Surveys Due

July 4-12 — ICON (NJ Tour)

July 10 – CMRFs again

Aug 10 – CMRF (leave blank if inactive but must

submit) Sept 10

Sept 25th – Fall North RTC @ Millburn

Jiayun Fang LTG Div 14 keyclubltgdiv14@gmail.com 5

Key Club By the Numbers

Key Club Numbers

85 years old (founded in 1925)

250000 members

30 countries

1 Kiwanis family


Fundraising: $33,190.25

33 --3.3 million: The number of newborns worldwide dying in the first month of life is 3.3 million

190 --190 countries that UNICEF works in

25 --25 for 25,000 children dying every day because of preventable causes

Key Club By the Numbers

March of

Dimes NJ District

goal: $3,000

Contact Information: phone, email, address, etc.

6 www. keyclub.org

Contact Info Jiayun Fang LTG Div 14 Keyclubltgdiv14@gmail.com Cell: 908-546-2996 Facebook: Jn Fang

Mrs. Celeste Werfel Zone Administrator cwkiw@aol.com

Mr. Barrie Werfel NJ District Administrator NJDAWerfel@aol.com

Ms. Beth Ann Keat Kiwanis Advisor of Chatham and Madison s.keat@att.net

Vivienne Buenaventura President of Union HS KC vivienne.buenaventura@yahoo.com

Bhavna Patny President of Millburn HS KC bpatny@hotmail.com

Annie Monson President of Chatham HS KC monson.annie@gmail.com

Caroline Murphy President 09-10 of Jonathan-Dayton HS KC in Springfield caroline_murphy_92@yahoo.com

Brenna Anderson President of Madison HS KC b.nosredna@hotmail.com

Danielle Martin 09-10 President of Columbia HS KC in Maplewood BabyDSews@aol.com

Eric Hermann President of Summit HS KC erichermann13@gmail.com

In addition, here are some suggestions to help everyone keep in contact: 1. Please to copy (CC) me in your emails (to officers or announcing general meetings)! That way, everyone can be kept in the loop and will not miss any opportunities. 2. Check out my divisional website: http://www.division14.moonfruit.com/. Although it's still under construction, I hope to constantly update it along with my Facebook, AIM, Twitter, and other messengers. (Found at the end of this email.) 3. Despite technology, I am still an old-fashioned girl at heart. =) So, please feel free to call instead of texting me! 4. Lastly, please reply to my emails Even if it is to say "I got it," I really appreciate hearing back from you all. Please give me the peace of mind that you received the message.

Thank you so much!