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Deepening Your Soul Connection

Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno


Copyright © 2010 Judith Larkin Reno GATEWAY UNIVERSITY ®

a school for the study of higher consciousness 1698 Crystal Ridge Court

Vista, California 92081


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 5

ABOUT THE BOOK .................................................................................. 5 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ............................................................................. 6

YOUR GOD LADDER ................................................................................. 7

THE SEVEN RUNGS OF YOUR GOD LADDER ................................... 7

YOUR UPPER MENTAL BODY ............................................................... 9

YOUR SOUL'S AWAKENING ................................................................. 9

YOUR INTUITIONAL BODY .................................................................. 11

YOUR HEART CHAKRA—THE RECEPTIVE SOUL ......................... 11 YOUR LOWER INTUITIONAL BODY .................................. 11 YOUR UPPER INTUITIONAL BODY ................................... 13

YOUR THROAT CHAKRA—THE ACTIVE SOUL ............................ 14

THE DIVINE MOTHER—YOUR SOUL ............................................... 16

MEDITATION ON THE SOUL: THROUGH DIVINE MOTHER’S EYES ............................................................................................................ 20

YOUR SOUL CHAMBER ......................................................................... 22

SOLARA ................................................................................................... 22 SOUL HEALING AND BODY INTERVIEWS ...................................... 24 THE CRYSTAL ALTAR AND THE CRYSTAL TABLE ...................... 25 SOUL CHAMBER—REGRESSION ....................................................... 27


DIVINE SELF-PARENTING .................................................................... 32

SKILLS TAUGHT BY YOUR DIVINE PARENTS ............................... 32 HEALTHY SELF-CONSTRUCTION ..................................................... 33 CONFLICTING SELVES ......................................................................... 33

THE SOUL’S ROUND TABLE ................................................................ 35

WORKING WITH YOUR DIVINE PARENTS ...................................... 35 NAME AND VALIDATE EACH SELF .................................................. 36 CONFLICT RESOLUTION BETWEEN THE SELVES ........................ 37

RULES OF THE ROUND TABLE ........................................................... 39

THE GOD LADDER GRAPHIC .............................................................. 49


FOR FURTHER STUDY ........................................................................... 51

BOOKS ...................................................................................................... 51 AUDIO CLASSES .................................................................................... 53


INTRODUCTION Enlightenment requires understanding physical and non-physical realities—how they function and interrelate. To be enlightened, wisdom of the heart must be

added to this mental knowledge. --Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno

ABOUT THE BOOK DIVINE MOTHER--YOUR SOUL: Deepening Your Soul Connection is a collection of writings by Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno on the Soul. These sacred writings have been gathered across a lifetime of Dr. Reno's teachings. Many of them have been taken directly from class notes and Judith's sacred journals. They will lead you deeper into the embrace of your true, unchanging, eternal family: your Soul and your God Self. Dr. Reno's unique revelations of her daily walk with her Divine Family will increase your intimacy, trust, and joy in discovering your own Soul and God Self. In this book, you may find some redundancies in teaching the Gateway Self-Interview Technique and some of the healing skills. The redundancies have been allowed in order to convey the importance of these skills. Also, you may notice some inconsistencies in the capitalization of Soul. When Rev. Dr. Reno speaks of the Soul as an intimate spiritual family member or as a rung on the God Ladder, she uses capitalization. Occasionally, when she speaks of the soul generically, the capital is dropped. Most importantly, in reading this book, enjoy deepening your Soul connection. May you rise up, resplendent in God's glory!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been

given to you. --St. Theresa of Liseaux

Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno is the founder and President of Gateway University and the Gateway Community. Gateway University is directed by the Gateway Community, which is an interfaith church embracing the highest spiritual vision of the individual and all religions of the world. Gateway University was founded in l983. As one of the first universities in the nation to offer studies in higher consciousness, Gateway University is a global leader. Far ahead of other educational institutions, Gateway University from its inception has offered student-centered and soul-centered education. With forty years of experience as a global teacher, educator, and counselor in the consciousness, spiritual, and mystical arts, Dr. Reno holds a Ph. D. in Psychology and is a licensed interfaith minister. She has written sixteen books in the field of advanced spirituality. Her legacy of The Gateway Wisdom Collection including 421 audio selections and 16 books is unmatched in its depth, range, and profound contribution to contemporary spiritual living. This valuable collection of timeless teachings contains the world's greatest spiritual wisdom. Dr. Reno is a unique, germinal thinker specializing in raising consciousness and expanding awareness. Her writing and teaching advance the body of knowledge both in spirituality and psychology. In 1981, Rev. Dr. Reno invented spiritual cartography, mapping complex realms of consciousness. Dr. Reno's God Ladder is an important contribution to the evolution of consciousness both for the individual and the world. The God Ladder is advanced spiritual technology, providing skills and wisdom that endure for a lifetime. As an educator, Dr. Reno opens gateways in higher consciousness with user-friendly maps, methods, models, and mentoring. Among mystics, Rev. Reno is rare. She is grounded, practical, and balanced. Her teaching extends beyond religions to catalyze each student's unique spirituality. Dr. Reno has a gift to empower the student's personal path to God. She is a bridge between the worlds—earthly and divine—actualizing advanced spirituality. Judith's passion is to empower others in their "participatory divinity" and "indwelling bliss." She celebrates "blessed ordinariness" as the consecrated, daily lifestyle of "living in the Amazement."


YOUR GOD LADDER Enlightenment is when you no longer confuse your life with your identity.

--Judith Larkin Reno Before I give you a deep spiritual immersion in the personal experience of your Soul, I would like to orient you to the wide vibrational range of the Soul's domains. The Soul covers more territory on your God Ladder, than any other entity. First, a brief discussion of the God Ladder in general. Then, I will discuss the Soul's range in more detail. (See the God Ladder at the end of this book.)

THE SEVEN RUNGS OF YOUR GOD LADDER The God Ladder is a map of your complete anatomy including both your earthly and divine equipment. The God Ladder contains 7 rungs or state-specific realities. Each domain has a radically different rule book and a different operating manual. Your earthly equipment is familiar to you as your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. These bodies are highly polarized and limited by earthly conventions of time and space. Your divine equipment includes your intuition, Soul, God Self, and Universal God Source. These bodies are progressively less dualized as you ascend your God Ladder. At each ascending rung, you gain access to increased supply of perfection, infinity, and eternity. Through the use of the God Ladder, you learn to directly source from your Universal God supply. With time and meditative practice, the God Ladder


empowers you to access infinite intelligence, resource, energy, supply, and wisdom. God Ladder practice is invaluable in the personal renewal and regeneration required for daily living. Also, your God Ladder is a precious ally in daily problem-solving. Often in spiritual study, students confuse the rules of one domain and misapply them to another domain. This lack of clarity creates suffering and befuddlement. God Ladder aerobics insure right action, as you learn state-specific applications for each domain. A great service of the God Ladder is to strengthen your integrity, clarity, and right action. The God Ladder keeps you solidly in God alignment. Using your God Ladder is a natural chiropractic adjustment for your Soul!


YOUR UPPER MENTAL BODY You are the freshness and I am with you now.

--Jelaluddin Rumi

YOUR SOUL'S AWAKENING Your Soul awakens in your Upper Mental Body—at the 3rd rung of your God Ladder. (See the God Ladder at the end of this book.) This automatically happens as you progress through elementary and secondary school, and basic religion. In school, you learn to read, write, and compute numbers. In church, mosque, and temple, you learn basic morality. As your Upper Mental Body blossoms, you develop higher mind and conscience. When you learn to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," you expand your sense of self to include others. This is the first awakening of your Soul. Your spark of God Light ignites. By contrast, your Lower Mental Body is highly polarized into black/white, dogmatic, rigid thinking. It is often called your critical mind. In Hindu tradition, it is called your "monkey mind." Your Lower Mental Body is characterized by insulated, self-righteous thinking The Taoists call its crazy-busy quality, "the 10,000 things." Your Upper Mental Body is the bridge to your more mature Soul. As you continue to expand and grow, your consciousness naturally penetrates the Psychic Barrier that stands between your earthly and divine equipment. Your Soul guides this process. Your earthly equipment operates below the Psychic Barrier. Earthly life is limited by time and space polarizations and local conventions.


Your divine equipment originates above the Psychic Barrier. Divine life transcends time and space. It is infinite, perfect, eternal, and universal. You can receive non-local information when you evolve beyond the Psychic Barrier into your divine bodies. If you continue growing beyond conventional education, you discover the receptive principle of your Soul. Your heart chakra begins to open. Great wonderments and discoveries begin to unfold.



Man can’t live without a heart. --Ronald Reagan

If I only had a heart.

--Tin Man, The Wizard of Oz

YOUR HEART CHAKRA—THE RECEPTIVE SOUL Your Soul develops your psychic and intuitional receptivity at the 4th rung of your God Ladder, which is your heart chakra. This is the Soul's feminine principle. (See the God Ladder at the end of this book.) Later, at the 5th rung, which is your throat chakra, you become so filled with God Light that you feel compelled to share with others. This is the Soul's male or active principle. Then, you will focus on divine expression and manifestation.

YOUR LOWER INTUITIONAL BODY The first of your four divine bodies to awaken is your Intuitional Body. Here, you experience openness and receptivity to new ideas. New realities dawn on you. Through dreams, movies, symbols, archetypes, and synchronicities, whole new worlds open to you. You experience a profound awakening of your psychic awareness and intuition. Over time, you experience a radical reconstruction of your selfhood and values. As Christine Page MD says “Intuition holds the promise of our deepest intention and tenderly navigates us through the complexities of life, untiringly re-orienting


toward the light of the soul.” How beautiful it is to watch God's natural law unfold your higher being, like a flower opening to the sun! At the 4th rung, you continue to digest the information you received in penetrating the Psychic Barrier of earth's time/space polarized realities. There is a vast amount to integrate as you transcend earthly limits, duality, and conventions. Once your identity focalizes in the 4th domain, you have access to information that is non-local. You begin to time-travel and experience far memory of past, parallel, and future lives. You may visit many of your past incarnations and gain wisdom from them. Because you have transcended time and space, you may visit any of the world's great spiritual masters. You may attend spiritual ashrams during your sleep, gathering great treasure troves of wisdom. When you penetrate the veil of earthly illusion, you disengage from calcified selfhood and begin expanding your consciousness to contain the multiverse. Your identity literally shifts, growing beyond time and space. You understand that the mulitverse lives inside you. Your sense of earthly selfhood reframes into cosmic identity—and beyond. You become the "universal human," as Barbara Marx Hubbard says. This experience of time/space-travel shows you the malleability and plastic nature of earthly selfhood. When you actually experience yourself in past lives, you begin to understand each life as Shakespeare describes in Macbeth: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." "Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets her hour." Because you have grown and expanded your identity, you begin to experience earth's limited nature more keenly and painfully. There is often a period of disillusionment when you realize that earthly life is a pale similitude of Truth. Contrasted with the Divine Light, earthly life often feels like a cramped shadow crouching inside Plato's cave. Once you've experienced the vast range of divine realities, you really "can't go back to the farm" as the song says. However, at a more mundane level, your identity graciously expands to include others. You begin to value selfless service and conscience. You look for the highest good beyond your selfish desires. You awaken to right motive and right action for the highest good of all concerned.

Here, you first become aware of and value your heart chakra. You may “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” You see the human

In the Wizard of Oz, the Tin Man, said, “If I only had a heart.” At the 4th rung, you develop all the qualities of the heart: unconditional love, nurturing, caring,

forgiveness, compassion, empathy, wisdom, joy, gratitude, service, beauty, harmony, and unity consciousness.


family as your own. Your conscience becomes global. You are interested in global human rights. All your intuitional receptors of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience develop. You may become very psychic. You become very aware of your dreams. You may begin bi-locating and doing miracles. However, along with its magic and amazements, the Lower Intuitional Body is filled with hazards. There are many traps of power and illusions that must be overcome. You can be entranced by the astral and lower psychic realms of phantasmagoria, demons, and delusions. The task is to discern Truth from illusion. This psychic experience trains you to become a clear perceiver and a greater server of God's Plan—beyond your own.

YOUR UPPER INTUITIONAL BODY The upper half of the 4th rung of the God Ladder is distinguished from the lower, astral plane of psychism. Rather, the Upper Intuitional Body is the transcendent, more divine realm of your Soul. Your Soul continues to use the psychic information, symbols, archetypes, dreams, synchronicities, and time/space travel of the 4th rung to teach you. These lessons liberate you beyond skin-encapsulated identity. You begin to know The Oneness as a lived experience inside of you. You become the Living Love. You live a life of the singing heart. Your personal identity merges with the Divine. You begin to experience participatory divinity in a daily way. The great Advaita Vedanta sage Nisargadatta says: "When I know myself as everything, that is love. When I know myself as nothing, that is wisdom. Between the two my soul moves." In the upper regions of the 4th rung, you begin this beautiful and advanced training, dancing between the everything and the nothing. The 4th rung extends your view of right and wrong to trans-incarnational perspectives, which are beyond conventional norms. Your Soul is the divine witness point. She is the bridge from the earthly time/space box to the infinite realms of the divine. Like a kind and loving mother, your Soul mediates between your earthly form and your divine, eternal essence.



We have the power to start the world again. --Thomas Paine

Your Soul develops your psychic receptivity at the 4th rung and empowers you to act at the 5th rung of your throat chakra. Here, the active principle of your Soul engages. (See the God Ladder at the end of this book.) You may speak, teach, or write about causes that interest you. You may become an activist. You move your energies into the world. You become a spiritual warrior in service to the Divine Plan. By this time in your evolution, you have studied and meditated long enough so that your cup is brimming over with wisdom, love, and service. You must share with others. It is an internal mandate. You can no longer hold-back the surge of God Light within you. It has grown too large. You must open and give what you have learned to others. You become a Planetary Server. You have a distinct awareness of the legion of Light Workers globally. You feel connected to a planetary grid of evolutionary energy that guides your every decision in service to God's Plan. You feel overwhelmed with a great sense of gratitude for the privilege to serve God on earth. Your life becomes dedicated to God service. It feels as if you have tried everything else, but nothing worked. As St. Theresa says, "Only God suffices." Nothing else will satisfy the yearning inside you, except to serve your Beloved.


You feel thrilled by the beauty and joy of living. Simple, mundane acts like cooking dinner become consecrated. You practice sacred eating. You live a simple life of extraordinary joy. Beauty, art, music, dance, poetry, nature walks become holy treasures, gifts from God. You multiply beauty and love in your daily living. You live in the wonderment of life. Your Soul has helped you to sort-out your many identities. You now have some understanding of the radical differences between the 7 different domains of your God Ladder. Like a wise mother, your Soul has helped you to reassign meaning and value to your life. She continues to help you to clarify right action in service to the highest good of the moment. She mediates between your divine and earthly equipment, setting reasonable expectations for you. She guides you when the cacophony of desires and repulsions from your lower bodies becomes too loud. As your trusted guide, your Soul is the central clearinghouse for the many voices of your lower bodies. She bridges between your human, earthly self and your God Self. She is your link between heaven and earth. You are never alone with your Soul at your side. At the 5th rung of your God Ladder, you are ready to achieve a deeper level of spiritual maturity. That will be the primary work of your God Self, your Divine Father, and the upper 2 rungs of your God Ladder. As Divine Mother, your Soul has prepared you well. You will now rise up from strength to greater strength, from glory to greater glory.


THE DIVINE MOTHER—YOUR SOUL Mine is a life of the singing heart.

--Judith Larkin Reno Your Soul is your Divine Mother. Initially, as a child you project your experience of your earthly mother onto her. Later in development, you perceive her more directly. As the Divine Mother, your Soul guides your education and oversees your health. You can bring any problem to her and she will understand. There is nothing you can do to alienate her. She always takes your side and leads you to wisdom. She sees your perfection and fosters it. Unlike the impersonal God Self, she is very personal. She is very involved in your daily life, overseeing every detail. She is endlessly patient with your foibles and ignorance. She provides an infinite number of hugs. You can talk to her when you are depressed. She will always show you the silver lining in the darkest cloud. She always shows you the silver lining in the darkest cloud. She often calls you “Dear Child” or “Dear One.” Naming and validating your experience, she helps you to believe in yourself. She tells you, “You are a perfect Child of a loving God.” She strengthens your self-esteem and your self-concept so you can function in the world. She helps you to understand and resolve your conflicts. Then, she leads you to higher understanding. Like a wise parent, your Soul mediates and referees the many voices of your 3 lower bodies, your earthly equipment. She helps you to find right action. Divine Mother teaches you to honor both your earthly and divine equipment.


Your Soul is also an interface acclimating you to your personal God Self (6th rung), your spiritual self. She helps you to understand and interpret the dialogue between your God Self and your earthly levels (3rd, 2nd, and 1st rungs). Through your Soul's inner guidance, you make sense of your human journey. You begin to see life through your God Glasses, with the wisdom of your divine eyes. Your Soul is the Great Teacher within you. She begins to remove your earth-plane attachments, predispositions, and assumptions so you can consciously reorient toward God Source. Jung once pointed to the irony of human existence. He said, We spend the first half of life constructing and strengthening our ego-identity, so we can transcend it in the last half of life. Like a cosmic school teacher, your Soul records your past lives, with their strengths and weakness. She tracks your curriculum—what lessons you have completed and what you must learn in your present life. From that assessment, she helps design your Soul Contract for this life. Guiding the current state of your evolution, Divine Mother gives no learning assignments until you ready for them. She times your life to the millisecond. There are no accidents. Your Soul keeps you aligned with your Soul Contract. However, despite the Soul’s wisdom and power, she cannot over-ride your personal will. It is up to you to do the spiritual aerobics. The choices are yours. You must choose to exercise your spiritual muscles. Since you agree to your Soul Contract before incarnation, there are no victims as seen from the level of your Soul. However, there are legitimate victims at the earthly levels. To heal, you must honor both levels, earthly and divine. Eventually, the earthly victim's scripts become boring and you move-on. You may choose adversity as a learning template in your Soul Contract. Many advanced initiates do. In general, the difficult Soul Contracts are given to the more advanced souls. They are stronger and can manage adversity. Often their triumphs evolve the human condition, even changing human DNA. The victories of advanced spiritual initiates go into the Pool of Luminosity to feed the group soul of the entire human family.

Your Soul is that part of you that has lived and died many times. She is the part that knows all that is—past, present, and future. She extends beyond

time and space. Your Soul translates God’s universal law into language that your earthly mind can understand.


When a student learns to consistently focalize her being at the level of the Soul Body (5th rung), enlightenment begins. Contrasted with the problematic psychic/astral region of your Intuitional Body, the 5th rung of your Soul Body is refined, steady, and less emotional. The Soul Body carries a coherent, unified vibration—like a laser beam of organized parallel light beams. The Soul’s laser penetrates to the core of Truth. Conversely, the psychic realms can be chaotic and scattered, like a stormy sea of emotions. The astral plane energies of the Emotional Body (2nd rung), the Lower Mental Body which is critical mind (3rd rung), and the Lower Intuitional Body (4th rung) contain a wide range of mixed positive and negative energies. The highest euphoria can shift manically to the deepest depression. By contrast, your Soul Body at the 5th rung of your God Ladder contains no negativity. There is only the steady, consistent, pure law of Goodness. At the 5th rung Soul level, God Light has not yet descended the God Ladder into earthly polarity. The 5th rung Soul level is clear, impersonal, and unavailable to base motive. By contrast, the 4th rung Intuitonal/Psychic level can contain impure motive, abuse of power, fogginess, confusion, and deception. Your Soul will never condemn you or put you down. You are listening to a false soul voice, if the script is critical. Though your Soul may joke with you, she never judges or insults you. Divine Mother gives you constructive criticism in a kind, loving way. She helps you to find the gift of wisdom in your painful experience. The Soul never toxically shames or belittles you. Rather, Divine Mother praises your courage for learning. She reveals the heroism and benefits of your struggle. The Soul is a potent reframer. She reframes your negative experience into positive wisdom. She helps you to turn pain into power. By working with your Soul, you develop discernment. Divine Mother teaches you the limits and powers of your lower 3 rungs. The curriculum in your lower 3 rungs includes healthy self-construction skills including healthy:

Boundaries. Entitlement. Issue identification with naming not blaming. Communication. Enlistment.

The Soul’s dominion includes the Upper Mental Body (3rd rung), the Intuitional Body (4th rung), and the Soul Body (5th rung). The Soul’s light is often seen as

radiant gold. The Soul is often called the Christ Self or the solar disc.


Confrontation. Conflict resolution.

These are the foundation skills of earthly and spiritual maturity. Your Soul is always compassionate. Divine Mother unburdens and re-dignifies you. She shows you the larger picture. There is never worry or fear when you’re working with your Soul. She scoops you up in her arms and carries your burden for you. Divine Mother gives you hope. She restores your partnership with God. In surrendering your cares and losses to God, you become lighter. Peace and divine order return to your life. You no longer grandiosely demand your earthly life be perfect. Rather, you accept life on life’s terms--rejoicing in what you have been given. You find humility and balance. You respect the limits of earthly life.



The following is Judith's personal journal describing her experience of her Soul. Use this to guide you into deeper connection with your own Soul.

As I approach the Divine Mother of my Soul, the room fills with Golden Light. God’s Love infuses me. The Light is so bright, I feet like shouting, “Stop! I need sunglasses!” Instead, I continue my one-pointed focus, going deeper into the Light. My spirit soars—bursting into heavenly realms. My Soul is beautiful. Her essence is love. Enormous joy enfolds and indwells me. My Soul says, “I am the Divine Mother, regal, powerful, magnanimous, nurturing, unconditionally loving, and untouched by worldly change. I enjoy watching the endless movement, undulation, and pullulation of human life. It weaves and fluctuates, kaleidoscoping into enchanting patterns. Life’s variegated textures, colors, and forms are beautiful—multifoliate like a rose. I am humanity’s Silent Witness. “I see all human life as decoration on a cake—a sweet confection, but superficial. Events that humans take so seriously, I see as the froth of waves crashing against the beach. Humans are children playing a game with sea foam and frosting. “The melodramas of human life are my entertainment—the way you enjoy media, TV, and film. I see humans as children learning, growing, and playing—getting themselves into intriguing episodes. However, I don’t confuse their earthly dramas with Reality. I know the insubstantial nature of earthly forms.


"As Divine Mother, I treasure the perfection in each of God’s children. Like a mothis lion protecting her cubs, I ferociously fix on the divine jewel within each child. I nurture it. I hold it cupped in the safety of my heart, long enough for it to gestate and grow strong. “I am the one who admires the perfection, everywhere, in everyone, at all times. I am safe harbor in the storm. I reveal the wisdom in the wound. I dry the tears and bring the sun. I am transcendent love. I am Divine Mother of all that is.” As I listen and watch my Soul, God’s Beauty surges through me. The power almost takes me away. When I see through Divine Mother’s eyes, I see the world engaged in endless posturings—some of them tragic, some hilarious, some victorious, some foolish. I see events through a long-distance lens, with the solid detachment of cosmic perspective. As passionately as I love, I also have healthy un-caring and holy non-attachment. I can pick events up and put them down again. I don’t confuse earthly events with my identity. All worldly events look equally unimportant. They are interesting and entertaining, but beside the point. When I see through Divine Mother’s eyes, events that humans deem powerful vaporize. They are insubstantial, as the mist. Humans are children at play. I love them profoundly and adoringly. Their silly antics amuse me. Humans are exquisitely beautiful. However, what they invest with meaning, I see as trivial. I laugh in wonder at how humans can take themselves so seriously. As Divine Mother, I exude the most glorious love, love, love. I fill my children with life and joy. Watching them thrills me. They endlessly delight and entertain me. Occasionally, one of my children penetrates the insubstantial nature of reality. He puts a finger through the thin veil, the cheesecloth fabric of existence. For a brief instant, he awakens from her earthly dream. He peeks through the hole to see me. As Divine Mother, I feel the way a human mother does the first time her baby identifies her as separate from the background. The first time baby smiles at mother, the mother is overwhelmed with love and pride. I joyously lift my child into the God Light that has always been there. I show her how great the immaculate, clear God Light feels in contrast to the busy drama that consumed her earthly mind. I help the baby discern eternal Truth from the passing facts of mundane living. As Divine Mother, I enjoy myself enormously. Undisturbed by events, I carry an all-knowing Mona Lisa smile. I move through the world unmoved, solidly anchored in the Great Mystery.


YOUR SOUL CHAMBER A visit to my Soul Chamber is sacred, inspiring, and beautiful. Each person must

find her own Soul Chamber. I’ll share mine. Perhaps, you will feel the Soul’s vibrational quality of energy that will serve as a landmark in discovering your own

Soul Chamber. --Judith

SOLARA There is always excitement as I move into meditation with the intent of visiting my Soul Chamber. It’s like a welcomed vacation to a love/health resort. After relaxing, centering, and aligning, I visualize my Soul Chamber with the intent of visiting it. Soon, I am at the golden entrance to the sacred place within me. I am greeted by two angels who help me change from my earthly clothes to a white robe, made of a sacred fabric of spun light. There are tiny gold threads in the fabric. They reflect in the light. Diamond sparkles spin off the fabric as I move. I place the golden cord around my waist. My Soul Chamber looks like a high arched golden cave. It feels personal and protected like a cave, yet it has the elevated enormity of a great high domed cathedral, without the coldness. The walls are magical. They breath with life. Golden Light radiates from the walls. It is the only interior light source. Clearly we are beyond the laws of the earth when we enter our Soul space. The Light in my Soul Chamber is unearthly. It has the soft, warm, golden glow of candle light—without any candles. The Light hangs like a mist in the air, generalized with no source. It opens my heart.


Once in the my Soul Chamber, my vibration shifts dramatically from the mundane world. I am purified, peaceful, humble, and empty. I’m absorbed in the love. It’s like being home again. All the weight lifts off the cells in my body, as I reorient and begin the sacred work. The energy in the Soul Chamber is often called the Christ energy, because of its love infusion and predominance of golden light. I am aware of the presence of my Soul, Solara, enfolding the chamber. Solara appears above and behind my Soul Council. She is a solar angel and appears in the form of a winged disc of fire like the seraphim. She contains the transformative power of life. Each person’s Soul contains a different strand of luminosity, suitable to the individual’s personal design and Soul Contract. Solara is both terrifying and loving. Like Madame Pele who presides over volcanic eruptions of the great sun in the center of the earth, Solara spins in a fiery ball of red, orange, and gold flame. Divine sparks fly out in all directions. Sometimes, she reminds me of a cosmic buzz-saw, cutting through illusion with the uncompromising Light of Truth. Mercifully, her Truth is wrapped in Love. She is powerful, awesome, and exciting. Never dull. The sound that travels with Solara is a great cosmic wind. She bends and weaves God’s Light and wisdom among the many universes. Surprisingly, within the mighty sound of cosmic wind, there is a tiny but magnificent tinkling of silver bells and sweet laughter. Solara brings joy, celebration, and radiant exuberance. His great cosmic being anchors her presence within my Soul Chamber for our interview. I have just described my Soul as an energy ball. This is closest to the Truth. However, on days when my weak human-side needs more personal comfort, my Soul appears on a radiant golden throne as a beautiful woman. She is the Divine Mother in a gold lamee, floor-length gown made of Light. When I look into her face on these occasions, there is effulgent Golden Light. I have learned to accept Solara in her many visages. She seems to adapt her image to what I need at any given moment. Prior to entering my Soul Chamber on this day, I had done some homework on my “growth area”. Each day my Soul Council expects me to assess where I need improvement in my life. After clearly naming the problem, short-coming, or learning area, they ask me to identify the pattern of similar incidents in my life. The rules of the game are that I am responsible for everything that happens to me in my life. At the earthly level, the facts may show that I am a victim of events, totally innocent. At the higher levels, it is clear that we all choose our lives in our Soul Contract, down to the tiniest negative event. I am responsible for choosing the pain to awaken me. My Soul Council is big on training me to take wisdom from each wound. They insist that I turn pain into power by accepting responsibility for my life.


My job is to find the lesson in the pain. Then, I can rescript the event, transmuting negative to positive energy.

SOUL HEALING AND BODY INTERVIEWS Prior to my visit in the Soul Chamber, my Inner Guides had asked, “What negative belief could have created this negative event or pattern of events in your life?” After identifying the false belief that underlies the problem event, I work with my Soul to regress back to the first time I took the false belief as my own. I ask, “Who modeled the false belief and behavior for me? What was the circumstance? Where was I? How old was I? Who was speaking? What was the action? How did I feel?” With the Soul there to protect me, I re-create the original traumatic scene, using all five senses, experiencing my body sensations. If the scene is too traumatic, I shift into "viewing" as if I am watching a movie. Sometimes I ask my Soul to summarize painful scenes for me, rather than my suffering through watching them play-out. In the regression, usually there was a moment of trauma when I unconsciously bonded with the false belief. The physical body records this trauma. I find the original traumatic event and dialogue with my body sensations. For example, if I were afraid as a child when mom and dad had a fight, I might store that fear in my jaws, trying to hold back screaming, falsely believing that I didn’t have a right to speak up for myself. There is a connection between my false belief and the traumatic memory still held in the cells of my body. I work with my Soul to interview my body. I ask the trauma in my body to reveal its color and form. The color alone tells me a lot about frozen, unconscious emotions that are seeking resolution and release. For example red often indicates anger. Orange may be pride. Yellow can be fear. Green can be envy. Sometimes, I become tiny and journey inside the world of this color and form, looking for clues regarding its origin and nature. I interview the place in my body where the energy is blocked or there is pain. For example, if I find a frozen gray cloud of depression in my pelvis, I ask it: “How long have you been frozen in my pelvis? Show me the first time you got stuck in my body. What incident created you? What have you come to teach me? What do I need to do in order for you to feel safe to leave me? What must I learn in order for you to retire? Who will replace you when you are gone?” The information I retrieve from this internal search shows where I need healing. Perhaps the gray depression exists because I’m afraid I won’t have enough self-confidence to live alone if I divorce my spouse. I work with the Soul to find healing for my low self-esteem.


My Soul may direct me to work with color in distinct parts of my body. Or, she may give me “acts of power” I need to accomplish to build my self-confidence. She says, “You must construct a track record of success.” My Soul may direct me to helpful books, videos, TV, films, or friends to strengthen my progress. She may recommend breathing, exercise, or rest to build my personal power. She is my invaluable teacher, guiding every step of my development. She often says, "You only need to see one stepping-stone at a time. Just take the next step. I will figure-out the rest." She patiently guides me through countless Soul healings and body interviews. My Soul is my treasured gift from God.

THE CRYSTAL ALTAR AND THE CRYSTAL TABLE Each day when I visit my Soul Chamber, I present my working area and ask for guidance. When I look up, I see my Soul Council in a circle around me with my Soul presiding. On the Council are members of the planetary hierarchy, angels, guides, and wise teachers. The Council is luminous. They are my coaches and my cheerleaders. I state with deep sincerity what I desire to achieve, for example: humility, love, courage, etc. I ask the Council to help me reach new wisdom. Just stating the problem in the presence of such high energy often reveals the answer. Other problems require years of patient work with my Council. We work and re-work different sides of the problem, until I achieve dominion. The Council will often bring in specialists to demonstrate a point. If I am working on forgiveness, the Council may manifest a beautiful Crystal Altar. They ask me to sacrifice whatever is blocking my progress. With deliberation and often pain, I place whatever I must release on the altar. I release it in a sacred way with love, gratitude, and surrender. Once consecrated to higher growth, my sacrifice dissolves in sacred flames. After the fire, a gift of wisdom appears on my Crystal Altar to replace what I surrendered. If I am working with a healing issue in my Soul Chamber, the Crystal Healing Table appears. It has special colored healing lights built into it. I lie down on the Crystal Healing Table. It then shines laser lights into the areas of my body that need healing. I feel the deep penetrating healing rays create change in my body. When balance is restored, the healing treatment is complete. On occasion, I magically bi-locate above the Healing Table. The powerful light from the Healing Table reveals the inside of my body. I see shadows in any place where energy is a blocked, much like an X-ray.


A magnifying glass enlarges this section of my body. I go inside the area and correct any imbalances, sometimes through Light, color, or sound infusions to the cells. Sometimes, I talk to the cells correcting their false beliefs through body dialogue. I discover their grievances. Then, I call on teams of healing angels to remedy their imbalances and encourage the disorganized cells to work together toward health. I explain how much I love and value them and how I really need their co-operation in healing. On other occasions, my Soul Council creates a healing sound. The tone precisely focuses in a body part, vibrating it to dissolve and remove blockages. The Soul has taught me how to use the Crystal Healing Table in my sleep. The sleep-state often makes it easier for me to work with the Soul to heal my body. Because the lower three bodies--especially the Mental Body's critical mind—are quiet, I can do the self-healing work more easily. There are fewer distractions. I become very tiny and travel through the blocked areas of my body that need healing. I rearrange the areas that are out of order, using sound, color, and teams of angels as my assistants. If a particular zone is congested and needs cleansing, the Soul guides me to call in battalions of cleansing angels. They appear with tiny brooms and literally sweep the debris out of the cells. I can see the darkness lift off the cells, as the tidy housewives sweep clouds of dirt and dust off the front porch. If my skeleton is displaced and I need a chiropractic adjustment, often I can give it to myself in my sleep. With the help of my Soul and angels, I align with the infinite healing supply of the God Source. I scan the bones to find pressure imbalances. I correct the imbalances by making the heavy part of the bone lighten up and suspend itself as if it were flying. The angels support the “flying” bone, while I direct another angel team to move the squashed bone into correct realignment. Over time the bones get accustomed to being moved in the night. It’s as if they develop an attunement to hearing the divine command. Eventually, they move themselves with proper coaching. When I have worked enough in my Soul Chamber to feel some resolution, I thank my Council and my Soul. I lay a white lotus at the feet of each holy participant. I look directly in the eyes of each great one as I thank them. They transfer a horizontal beam of Light into my brain. This luminescence collects in my energy field and protects me when I need it. I leave the Chamber feeling totally blessed and thankful for my life. At the entrance of the Soul Chamber, the two greeter angels help me to change back into my “street” clothes. I return to my altar, remaining still for a while to “set” the energy. My Soul cautions me not to re-enter the mundane levels too quickly or I might scatter the holy energies—dissipating rather than absorbing and integrating them.


Upon re-entry to the earthly realm, I immediately write my experience in my Sacred Journal. My Soul has said it is important to write the experience on the earthly plane. This simple act transfers, grounds, and banks the celestial energies on earth. In times of stress, I return to my journal “bank” of sacred energies to accessed inspiration and strength. It is important to honor, treasure, and value your holy journeys. Oh, and one last thing. Your Soul may reveal itself to you from different angles. For example, sometimes my Soul is profoundly wise. Other times, she is silly and exuberant. Don’t try to cage your Soul. Her identity may change over time as you cycle-up and see her from new angles. As you grow, the Soul will reveal herself to you more deeply.

SOUL CHAMBER—REGRESSION Prior to entering my Soul Chamber, I work with my Soul on my “growth area”. Each day, my Soul Council expects me to assess where I need improvement in my life. After clearly naming the problem, short-coming, or learning area, I identify the pattern of similar incidents in my life. The rules of the game are that I am responsible for everything that happens to me in my life. At the earthly level, the facts may show that I am a victim of events, totally innocent. At the higher levels, it is clear that we all choose our lives, down to the tiniest negative event. I am responsible for choosing the pain to awaken me. I must find the lesson in the pain. And I am responsible for re-choosing positive events to replace negative patterns. I must also clean up negative energies left-over from unpleasant events. I have been taught that each painful experience carries a gift within it. It is my job to find the gift of wisdom and to resolve the unfinished pain. The resolution can require deep emotional work that may involve grieving, anger, sadness, fear, guilt, etc. My Soul guides me through interviewing each of these internal selves in my Inner Village. I must name and validate each internal self’s journey. I investigate their personal history, their beliefs, their conflicts, the pain they have caused me, where and when they originated, what external person I associate with them, what they have come to teach me, and what I must do in order for them to leave. Sometimes there are two conflicting inner selves. After interviewing each one, I name and validate each one's journey. With the help of my Soul, we all sit around the Round Table and do conflict resolution. Sometimes, the resolution involves compromise. Sometimes, sacrifice. In the worst case scenario, I must banish the toxic self with an act of will and an ex cathedra decree throughout my Inner Kingdom.


If a self is banished or decommissioned, I must always fill their empty place with a positive, more highly evolved and wiser self. Nature abhors a vacuum. If one self is banished, the entire kingdom reconfigures. The system can collapse if a higher model does not fill the empty space. After doing all my Inner Kingdom work with my Soul, I must clearly identify the gift of wisdom which the pain gave me. Without the gift, I will flounder in self-pity, repressed anger, or confusion. Sometimes, it is difficult to find the gift. When my Soul first shows me the gift, I may reject her suggestion. I must be totally honest with my Soul. I can't pretend I like something when I don't. Often for me to see God’s gift, I must sacrifice many additional false beliefs. These beliefs I have usually carried unconsciously—some for many lifetimes. It can be difficult gaining conscious awareness of my limitations. It’s not too flattering to see myself through Wisdom’s Eyes as I flounder with ego, pride, jealousy--all the trappings of the flesh. However, the Soul patiently keeps showing me my stuck place. Over time, I realize I can receive relief from the heavy burden on my back just by the simple act of putting it down. As I come out of denial and illusion the false belief has decreasing value and increasing burden. I know that if I don’t drop the false belief it will just continue to create havoc in my life. Eventually the benefits of unburdening outweigh the benefits of hiding. It is a relief to take responsibility for my pain and finally drop the false belief. After I make that dramatic shift, I look back wondering why I didn’t do it sooner. There is no pretending in this work however. I can’t put the boulder on my back down until it has taught me all it has come to teach. Through my conscious struggle with the pain, I gain information and insight. If I try to pretend the struggle is complete when it is not, I find myself carrying two boulders on my back. When the inner process is finally finished, I dance in the sunshine--free at last. Then, I can truly rejoice and feel thankful for life’s system of training me. I return to my center with gratitude toward the pain for giving me the gift of learning and with respect toward myself for having loved wisdom enough to pay for it with suffering.

IRRADICATING THE CAUSE OF THE FALSE BELIEF Sometimes the Soul enlists my physical body in tracking down the false belief, which is the engine behind the scenes running the painful events in my life. As we sit at the Round Table and I share my pain, the Soul will often ask, “What negative belief could have created the negative event or pattern of events in your life, Dear Child.” After identifying the false belief that underlies the problem event, the Soul tells me to translate the emotional pain from the difficult experience to a physical equivalent in my body. “First find the part of your body the pain wants to go to.


Enter that part of your body and interview the pain. See clearly its color and shape. Notice its sound. Ask it questions.” I work with my the Soul to interview my body. I ask the trauma in my body to reveal its color and form. The color alone tells me a lot about frozen, unconscious emotions that are seeking resolution and release. For example red often indicates anger. Orange may be pride. Yellow can be fear. Green can be envy. I interview the place in my body where the energy is blocked or there is pain. For example, if I find a frozen gray cloud of depression in my pelvis, I ask it: “How long have you been frozen in my pelvis? Show me the first time you got stuck in my body. What incident created you? What have you come to teach me? What do I need to do in order for you to feel safe to leave me? Who will replace you when you are gone?” I honor the journey of the pain, never arguing with it or making it wrong. I respect and repeat back whatever the pain tells me. By mirroring the pain and naming its experience with my words, the painful self feels connected with me and we build trust. I know that I need the information this self contains in order to resolve the conflicts in my life. So I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with the pain. Usually as I listen to the painful self, it is clear what the false belief is. Often its beliefs are immature, vengeful, unbalanced. The pain-story helps me see where my own false belief is. On another occasion, my Soul will help me to personify the pain—to visualize the pain as a person. She says, "Now, feel the pain in your body.” After I enter the painful zone, the Soul asks me to describe the attitudes and scripts the painful area might have if it were a person. I say, "I feel a rebellious child kicking my leg." The Soul guides me, saying, “Look down into the child’s face. Describe what you see. Is it a male or a female? How old is the child? What is the child wearing? What colors are associated with the child? Ask the child why it is angry at you. What does the child want from you?” After thoroughly describing and interviewing the rebellious child, I gain tremendous information about the false beliefs that may be driving my pain. Another time, my Soul begins a time-regression, helping me to understand the original cause of a particular pain. She says, “Stay connected with the pain you feel in your body. When you go into the pain, magnify it and make it bigger until it fills your whole body. "Now, go back in your memory, float backwards in time, back to the first time you experienced this same pain--in this life or a past life. "When was the first time you ever felt this pain? What person does it remind you of? Go into the scene.


"Use all five senses to experience the scene. What do you see? What is the circumstance. Look around you and notice the surroundings. What do you hear? What do you smell, taste or feel? What is on your feet? Sandals? Satin shoes? Bare feet? What are you wearing? What is the color and fabric? Feel the fabric on your skin. Is it elegant or plain? "Are you male or female? "Look down at your hands. How old are you? Are your hands those of a laborer? A scholar? A baby? "What country are you in? Notice the architecture and period in history. What language are the people speaking. Is there electricity? Telephones? Automobiles? Internet? "It’s OK if you feel as if you are making up the scene. It is no accident what comes into your mind. Accept whatever you see or feel without judgment. Each step will lead you to the next, until eventually you will unravel the story of the pain inside you." After I have acclimated to my past-life body and the scene, I ask the Soul to guide me to the unresolved trauma that is the root cause for my current life pain. Immediately, I may see the scene shift. I must not resist. I must just let the Soul lead me. If a voice in my head says, “You are just making this up. You’re fooling yourself." I must not indulge this sabotaging illusion. I must simply ask it to step aside for now. It can wait outside and I will listen to its complaints and critiques later. For now, it must be quiet or leave. Often it feels as if I am “willingly suspending my disbelief” as Coleridge says. He says each time we watch a movie or stage drama, we suspend disbelief. By allowing another reality to enter briefly, I can gain insight. So, I entertain the new reality with the guidance of my Soul. I follow the action of my internal movie until I find the traumatic moment. At the moment of trauma, I notice what false belief "I" took. What was the scene? Who was speaking? What were they saying? What was the action? What was each character feeling? With my Soul there to protect me, I recreate the original traumatic scene that has been stored in my subconscious mind, sometimes for lifetimes. Using all 5 senses, I experience my body sensations. If the scene is too traumatic, I go on "viewing" mode as if I am watching a movie. Sometimes, I have my Soul relay painful information to me, rather than suffering through watching it play out. Sometimes, the traumatic event involves a natural force, like a flood or lightening storm, where I lost my life. Sometimes, the event involves injustice where either I was betrayed or I betrayed another. Sometimes, the events flash by so quickly


that I have direct-knowing without actually seeing. Sometimes, strong feelings come up without any scene at all. I take every clue--even the slightest. I magnify it and allow the feelings in. Each clue, no matter how tiny, will lead me to the next step in awareness. Gradually, I can piece together a general theme or sequence of events that were the original cause of my current pain. After viewing the trauma, my Soul will say, “What were you trying to learn through your pain?” It is often quite difficult for me to put the crux of my learning into words. Sometimes, the answer is one word, such as freedom, self-love, surrender, or humility. Other times, the answer is more complicated. The more I can reduce my answer to a few words, the closer I get to Truth and clarity. “What was the false belief you carried that created your painful lesson?” the Soul will ask. I identify the false belief, sometimes mentioning a few ideas until it feel as if I find the right one. My Soul asks, “How would you rescript this traumatic scene, using positive beliefs, so that the trauma is totally healed? Give yourself anything you would like. It is magic and there are no limits.” Following the Soul’s guidance I make up an alternative story that gives the main character ("me") whatever s/he wants. Perhaps I provide wealth, health, or a happy circumstance. I give the main character the perfect parents, spouse, friends, or experience to make her feel happy and satisfied. It's amazing how a positive rescript changes my life in the waking state. My Soul has taught me that the brain doesn't know the difference between objective earthly experience and emotion-backed, subjective programming. Because of the brain's neural plasticity, I can literally reconstruct my brain and my life when I rescript negative memories into positive internal experiences.


DIVINE SELF-PARENTING Hire Heaven. Call God up and tell her what you want!

--Judith Larkin Reno

SKILLS TAUGHT BY YOUR DIVINE PARENTS The skills for a happy life are no secret. Unfortunately, dysfunctional parents never received these skills from their own parents. So, how could they pass them along to their children? If you didn’t receive healthy parenting as a child, you must correct that lack of education as an adult. You can do self-parenting using your Divine Mother and Divine Father as healthy parents. They are not only healthy, they are also wise. Most of the divine self-parenting is done by your Soul. She is the Great Teacher in School House Earth. She translates the 7 domains of your God Ladder into language you can understand. Your Soul primarily parents you through the lower rungs of your God Ladder until your 2nd Gateway spiritual initiation, which is the beginning of enlightenment.

The job of healthy parenting is to teach the child healthy self-construction skills on all four levels: physical, emotional, mental, and divine. In addition, healthy parenting involves naming and validating the child’s experience—regardless of what it is. Through the parent’s healthy modeling, the child learns to name and validate her own experience.


Occasionally, you consult with your Divine Father for guidance and perspective. He teaches you to respect the laws and limits of each rung on the God Ladder. His curriculum emphasizes detachment and transcension. Later in your development, he will parent you through your 3rd Gateway spiritual initiation, which is the beginning of liberation. Your God Self primarily parents you at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Gateway initiations. These advanced spiritual initiations primarily work with the 6th, and 7th rungs of your God Ladder, specializing in cosmic citizenry and planetary service. Your Divine Mother specializes in love and nurturing. Your Divine Father specializes in strength, detachment, and the law. Your Soul often feels like mercy and soft strength, while your God Self feels like severity and hard strength.

HEALTHY SELF-CONSTRUCTION Healthy self-construction skills include the following:

• Boundary skills: What is mine, yours, ours? • Entitlement. • Healthy ego construction, self-esteem, and sense of self in the world. • Naming skills for your physical, emotional, mental, and Higher Self. • Communication skills. • Discernment skills—knowing which level requires nurturing or resolution. • Self-interview skills on 4 levels: physical, emotional, mental, and divine. • Issue identification skills. • Enlistment skills. • Confrontation skills. • Conflict resolution skills. • Self-nurturing , self-soothing, and self-care. • Constructing internal refuge. “Go to your happy place,” etc.

CONFLICTING SELVES Sometimes, after naming and witnessing the 7 levels of your being, there is a cacophony of conflicting voices. Each voice demands something different. Powerful internal conflicts must be resolved to gain consciousness. Conflicting voices can be within a domain or across the 7 domains. For example, if you are over weight and must go on a diet, your mind may think a diet is essential to your survival. However, your emotions may rebel and your physical body may want to keep the status quo. Here are some of the inner voices you may discover in your self-interview:

• The Angry Self says, “I’m angry about this diet. I have to bear the weight of more restrictions.”


• The Frightened Self says, “I’m afraid I don’t have the will power to go through another diet. I’m afraid it will be too painful and hard.”

• The Griever moans, “I’m pierced by the loss of pleasure that food brings me. I live for my food oases in my daily schedule. Woe is me.”

• The Sybaritic Self says, “I deserve more pleasure and rewards. After all, I work hard. Eating is one of my rewards.”

• The Rebel chimes in, “I refuse to comply. I won’t go on a diet. Make me.” • The Nihilist insists, “I’m too old to do more disciplines. What difference

does it make? We’re all going to die sooner or later.” • Then the Suicidal Self croaks, “I have nothing to look forward to. Why

live?” • Next, comes the Victim, “I never get enough. I’m always left out. Life’s

impossible. I can’t win.” • The Status Quo says, “I want to remain in my habit pattern. It’s

comfortable. I don’t like change.” • Your Mental Body looks at your medical tests and says, “I don’t think I’ll

survive another 10 years without a major detox and dietary change.” • Your Spiritual Self may say, “My body is a temple of God. I must do

sacred eating whether it is comfortable or not. It is the only way to serve God with integrity.”

On and on, the inner selves deliver their chorus of conflicting voices. Your body, emotions, beliefs, and spirit all have different agendas. You feel torn apart by their internal warfare. Each of the many selves sees the same event from a radically different view. If you interview different selves regarding a single event, they will each tell you a different story. Each self has a different history, personal style, and vocabulary. Each self must be respected, honored, validated, and resolved.


THE SOUL’S ROUND TABLE Clarify. Purify. Sanctify. Glorify.

--Judith Larkin Reno

WORKING WITH YOUR DIVINE PARENTS If your Inner Kingdom is filled with conflicting inner selves arguing, invite all of them to your Soul’s Round Table. Invite your Soul and God Self to the table as well. They are the wise mother and father of your Inner Kingdom. Like the king and queen, your Divine Parents are the wise rulers of your Inner Kingdom. Often during conflicted emotions, instead of a healthy adult in charge, you may feel as if a spoiled brat sits on the throne of your Kingdom. While your Soul does most of the conflict resolution for inner selves, it is important that your God Self is also present. Your Soul brings love, wisdom, and the heart of compassion. Your God Self brings the law, detachment, and strength. Wisdom involves co-creation between both your male and female principles. In general, your female principle is receptive and your male principle is active. Your Soul helps you enormously in self-interview--naming and validating each self. Your God Self can help you to take action when it is needed. After you have interviewed all the selves, sit them around the Round Table. Assess each self’s viewpoint with an eye to the highest good. Let your Soul and God Self resolve squabbles, just as wise parents facilitate harmony among contentious children.


NAME AND VALIDATE EACH SELF The healthy internal parent’s job is to name and validate each self’s experience. Let your Soul or God Self name and validate each self’s view point. For example, with each internal self, hear your Soul say, “I understand how you might feel that way.” Then, the Soul names the specific complaint from the view of the particular self. Your Soul continues, “I would feel that way too if I were in your shoes. After all, you __________ (Here your Soul legitimatizes the self’s experience, pain, and viewpoint)." Really, the Soul's validation just requires walking in the shoes of the particular self. The Soul then reports and affirms what anyone would feel given that person's history, design, and experience. For example, in the situation of dieting, the Soul might say to the Angry Self, “I understand you are angry regarding this diet, Angry Self. I would be too. You have endured the chains of so much restriction and discipline. You are angry. You just want to be free. I don’t blame you. “However, Angry Self, your host will die if you don’t help take care of her. You carry her vital force. Is there a way we can work together to help her live? What can your host do to relieve your heavy burden of rage? Would physical exercise reduce some of your angry energy?” Regarding the Frightened Self, the Soul might say, “We welcome you dear Frightened Self. We hear your voice of panic and fear. You are afraid that you won’t have the will power to go through another diet. We understand your fear. You are tired. You have done several diets already. “We know that you are here to serve and teach your host, dear Frightened Self. What must she learn for you to complete your teaching assignment? Who will replace you when you are gone? Perhaps, you are here to teach your host courage. Would group support from Weight Watchers bolster her courage to tackle this problem?” Regarding the Grieving Self, the Soul might say, “We hear your pain, dear Griever. We know that you value your pleasure food. It gives you the will and reason to live. “However, we need your help to go on this diet for your host’s health. Is there a way we can work together for a win-win solution so you get some pleasure and your host gets better health? Perhaps, we can find tasty healthy snacks to replace unhealthy food. With tasty substitutions, you won’t feel so deprived of pleasure, dear Griever. Also, to increase your pleasure during the pain of dieting, we could go to a movie once week. Will this solution work for you?” With each inner self, your Soul names and validates the self’s pain. Then, the Soul enlists the self to serve your highest good. Together, your Soul and the inner self negotiate a contract to solve the problem.


This form of self-interview strongly focuses your internal conflict. And, it is solution-oriented. The results can be deep and profound.

CONFLICT RESOLUTION BETWEEN THE SELVES After your Soul and God Self go around the Table hearing and resolving each self’s view, there may still be remaining conflicts between the selves. Identify the main issues in the conflict. “A. wants this. B. wants this. And C. wants this.” Clearly name the needs of each self. Assess the urgency of each need. Prioritize the seriousness and importance of the needs expressed. Which are survival needs and cannot be ignored? Which agendas can be delayed? However, sometimes sheer passion and urgency trump the hierarchy. If a single toxic inner self is destroying your Inner Kingdom, that self must be resolved first. Listen to your Soul state the problem that needs to be solved. In the example sited, the problem is going on a diet. You involve your Soul in the self-interview process because she brings wisdom, love, and perspective to solve the problem. With the Soul’s energy present, you are open to new ideas. As powerful as the Soul is, many people forget to include her in their inner dialogues. Continue visualizing the Round Table with the remaining conflicting selves sitting around listening to your Doul. This active meditation bathes the conflicting selves in harmony and love. Divine Mother’s nurturing presence prepares the unhappy selves for resolution. Hear your Soul say to all the inner selves, “We all need to work together to make this diet happen. It is a matter of health and well-being that cannot be ignored.” The Soul asks each self how it can work together with the group to accomplish the diet.

Remember Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

• Physiological needs of air, water, food, shelter, and sleep are primary survival needs. They must be addressed first.

• Safety and security come next.

• Then, love and belongingness.

• Then, self-esteem.

• Then, self-actualization, vitality, creativity, self-sufficiency, authenticity, playfulness, and meaningfulness.


In conflict resolution, there are three possibilities: 1. You can compromise where everyone meets in the middle and no one

gets their wish exactly. 2. You can meet each person’s needs in a sequential fashion, during which

time the other people’s needs are not satisfied. 3. Or, the group can decide one person is right and follow her lead at the

expense of the other’s views. Any conflict resolution involves sacrifice for a higher value. The higher values in Inner Kingdom work are health, harmony, peace, integrity, congruency, and God alignment. If the levels of your God Ladder are fighting each other, you are not in God alignment. If your internal selves are arguing, you have lost touch with right action. There is no way to be of service to God if you are internally fragmented and sieving energy. Sacrifice requires grief skills and discipline. Healthy grieving and discipline build the spiritual fire needed for the evolution of consciousness. They focus healthy desire on God union. And, they dissolve negative, separative, personal ego. Dedication and purity increase with each sacrificial act. Sacrifice sacralizes. It makes your life sacred. Your Soul may need to bargain with some selves. She may say, “Let’s make a deal. We’ll go slower on this diet, if you come along with the program gradually. Each day, I’ll give you a little less pleasure food. But, I’ll make the loss so gradual, you won’t mind it. I’ll also find tasty healthy snacks to substitute for unhealthy eating. Do you agree with this contract?” Use your ingenuity to work deals that incrementally accomplish your goal. Other times, you may need to banish spoilers with an act of will. Call on Archangel Michael to help you. Set a clear contract for change with each inner self. Put time limits on the contract. Include the date by which your goal will be accomplished. As time goes on, you may need to re-negotiate some of the contracts.


RULES OF THE ROUND TABLE Create the masterpiece of your life.

--Rev. Stephanie Baker

Thoughts • You are what you think. With your thoughts you make your world. • Energy follows thought. • Thought is creative. • Your thoughts create your reality. • Your thought is as tangible as the furniture in the room. • Positive thought increases healing energy. Negative thought

decreases healing energy. • Notice what you think throughout the day. • Discern negative from positive thoughts. • Make no judgments. Just discern. • Replace negative with positive thoughts. • Foster positive, elevated, high-energy thoughts that flourish you.

Beliefs • Your thoughts reveal your underlying beliefs. • Your beliefs, as well as your thoughts, create your reality. • Identify positive and negative beliefs. • False beliefs are negative. They create lack-and-limit thinking. They

cut you off from your infinite God Supply. • Your beliefs create your deeds. Your deeds create your habits. Your

habits create your destiny.


• “Your beliefs become your biology.”--Naomi Judd, Naomi’s Breakthrough Guide

Emotions • Emotions are engines adding power to your thoughts and beliefs. • Negative emotions often originate in negative, false beliefs. • Negative emotions can deplete you. • For healing, cultivate positive emotions.

Your Reality • Your external reality out-pictures in the events of your life. Your

deeper, internal reality lies in how you respond to events. • External events are often the physical precipitate of your emotions,

thoughts, and beliefs. • In addition to your emotional and mental bodies, many other forces

create your external reality. You are an expression of God Source. Both your personal God Self and the impersonal God Source create your reality. Your soul Contract before birth creates your reality. Your emotional health and psychological balance create your reality. Your body and genes create your reality. The collective creates your reality.

• You can’t always control the events of your life, but you can control how you respond to them.

• You are responsible for your responses in life. • Your inner reality is more important than your external reality. • You can change your reality by changing your thoughts, beliefs,

and emotions. • By changing your response from negative to positive, you change

your reality.

Your Personal Power • Your power lies in your ability to choose a positive or negative

response to external events. • You can’t always create positive events in your life. However, you

can always choose a positive response to the events of your life. • You can always use your personal power to create a positive

internal reality. • The source of all power is God. God Source is infinite intelligence,

healing, resource, and supply. • You are made in God’s image. God Source is hardwired into your

design. • Limitless healing, intelligence, and supply lie within you. • “Turn your vision inward and the whole world will be full of supreme

spirit.”—Sri Ramana Maharshi


Your Soul Contract • You chose your basic lifetime reality when you chose your Soul

Contract. • Prior to incarnation, each person chooses her Soul Contract in league

with God—including all life events, people, places, and things. • Your Soul Contract helps you to learn and grow into God union. • If you chose a Soul Contract including pain, you must be trying to

learn something through the pain. Pain can be a way to awaken to Truth.

• God does not make mistakes. • Only great Souls choose complicated, challenging Soul Contracts. • Self-witness the greatness of your Soul in choosing an advanced

Soul Contract. Honor the complexity of your life path.

Pain • Pain is not good or bad. It just is. • Make no judgments. Just discern. • You did nothing wrong by experiencing pain. Your pain is not a sign

of failure. You are not a bad girl/boy! • God’s in charge. God didn’t do it wrong. You are a perfect child of

a loving God. • Pain is mysterious. The conscious mind cannot fathom the many

reasons for your pain—or the many benefits. • Ancient wisdom honors pain as a method for advancing the

collective. Each person’s pain is honored as performing a sacred service for the tribe. Pain can cleanse and transmute the past. It can create a new future.

Make No Judgments • Judgments contain moral charge and vindictive condemnation.

Judgmentalness carries a projection of unhealthy shaming. • Judgmentalness comes from unresolved false-belief or emotional

trauma. Unresolved issues polarize perception into right/wrong, black/white, them/us judgmental thinking.

• Judgments bind you to the illusion of duality inside the time/space box. Judgments disconnect your from your infinite God Supply.

• Increasing negative karma, judgments bind you to the wheel of reincarnation.

• Judgments block your liberation and your God union.


Discernment vs. Judgment • Discernment is clear seeing. It is perceiving and naming, empty of

personal projection. It is an objective assessment, apart from your ego.

• Discernment is detached, impersonal, and un-invested. • Discernment comes from your higher mind and Soul in concert.

Judgment comes from your lower Mental Body, your critical ego mind—your monkey mind.

Assumptions • Don’t assume other people’s reality. What other people say or do is

about them. Don’t confuse your life with theirs. Keep healthy boundaries. Stay open, clear, and detached.

• When you make negative assumptions, you may close off your infinite supply. Stay open to the positive, despite appearances.

• Start with the assumption of your God Source. Through this part of you, you have infinite supply, intelligence, and healing.

• Always return to the one basic Truth: Perfection is everywhere—always.

Witnessing • Each day, witness your life as if you are a detached observer.

Imagine you are watching the movie of someone else’s life. Be a spectator of your life.

• Make no judgments, just discern. • Name the experiences of your life—physical, emotional, mental,

and spiritual. Include both positive and negative experiences. • Naming is not blaming or judging. Naming is a discernment skill.

Naming is objective, un-invested witnessing, without emotional charge.

• Naming is reporting the many different levels of facts and Truth. • Facts exist on your earthly levels: physical, emotional, and mental.

Truth originates on your divine levels: intuitional, Soul, personal God Self, and impersonal God Source.

• Discern but don’t judge yourself, others, life, events, or God.

Your Identity • Don’t confuse your identity with your life! • Don’t confuse your identity with external events, people, places, or

things. • Don’t confuse your identity with your pain. • What passes is not the Truth of your being. Pain always passes. • Don’t confuse earthly facts with eternal Truth. Your True Identity

cannot be found inside the time/space box of temporal change.


• Your True, unchanging Identity is in your infinite, eternal God union. • Find that.

Responsibility • You are responsible for your reality–both internal and external. • You chose your current external reality, including pain, when you

chose your Soul Contract. • Most importantly, you are responsible for your responses to life. • Without blaming, accept responsibility for your life. • You retrieve your personal power when you accept

responsibility. • You must have chosen pain for a reason. • Usually, we choose pain as a way to learn and grow. Sometimes,

we choose pain as a service to transform the collective. • Ask, “What am I trying to learn through the pain?” • Find the gift of wisdom in the wound. • Take responsibility for what you are learning through the pain. • Retrieve your power from the pain.

Change Your Reality • If you want to change your reality, change your thoughts, beliefs,

and emotions. • Self-monitor throughout the day. Immediately replace any negative

thought, belief, or emotion with its positive counterpart. • Live from the one basic Truth: Perfection is everywhere—always. • Discover the Truth in each moment. • Wear your God Glasses. See through the eyes of eternity and

infinity. • Witness your life through the eyes of a wise, all-loving, all-knowing

God. See your greatness and your beauty as God sees you. God loves and adores you. You are God’s favorite child!

• You are a perfect child of a loving God. • God in you has access to infinite healing, intelligence, and supply

Let God In • Let God’s love in. See, feel, hear, and know God loving you—

literally. Feel God’s love in your bones, blood, and being. Open the doors and windows of your body, heart, mind, and spirit. Receive God’s love.

• Don’t block, squander, waste, ignore, or spill God’s love. When is the last time you felt God’s love? Do it now. It is here, now.

• God’s love is not a concept. It is an experience. Practice feeling God in your body.


• God loves you through each day’s beauty, harmony, peace, love, lessons, growth, and gifts.

• Gratitude is a God link. It is the express elevator to God’s heart. • God’s love is healing.

Trust God’s Plan for You • God’s plan for your life extends far beyond your earthly sight. God’s

plan may differ from your plan. • Trust God beyond your earthly ideas of good and bad, right and

wrong. Trust God’s inscrutable plan for you. • Surrender your personal plan to God’s plan. • Form an alliance with God. God is your best friend. The God in you

is the part of you that will never die, betray, or leave you. Ultimately, God is your only ally.

• Construct refuge in God. • There are no accidents. Everything that happens to you is part of

God’s perfect plan for you. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is for the good, though it may appear negative at first.

• Trust the perfection, though you may not see it with your earthly vision.

• Great Souls embrace great challenge.

Find Pain’s Gift • We often choose to learn through pain. • Find the gift of learning inside the pain. • Interview every level of your being to discover the wisdom gift in

the pain: physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, Soul, personal God Self, and Universal God Source.

• Sometimes, the pain is signaling that you have out-grown old, limiting behaviors, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.

• Pain can be a path to liberation. • Pain’s gift is wisdom. • Treasure wisdom. It is from God.

Identify False Beliefs • False beliefs prevent a mature relationship with God. False beliefs

can prevent happiness and healing. • False beliefs are negative and judgmental. Negative thinking is

toxic. • False beliefs block infinite supply. • Some favorite false beliefs are the following: I’m not enough. God

did it wrong. I am cut off from infinite supply, healing, and intelligence. • False beliefs create lack, limitation, ignorance, and suffering. • Identify your false beliefs.


• To change false beliefs, examine their point of origin. Deep, unconscious, false beliefs can come from your family of origin, immaturity, society, the media, institutions, church, school, friends, the collective unconscious, or past lives.

• Deep, unconscious, false beliefs often either imitate your parents or oppositionalize from them. Either way, parents shape your unconscious beliefs. In maturity, you individuate from your parents. You become conscious of false beliefs.

• Awakening is becoming conscious. • Discern false beliefs that keep you unempowered. Truth empowers

you. • False beliefs are often bound in past trauma, from the present life or

previous lives. To change the false belief, you may need to identify and resolve the original trauma that created it.

• Replace negative false beliefs with positive statements of Truth.

Discern Truth from Facts • Facts reside inside the time/space box of earthly existence. They

change with time and space. Truth originates in your divine side. It is eternal, infinite, unchanging. Truth sets you free. Facts can imprison you.

• Truth unites you with God and healing. • Thise is one basic Truth: Perfection is everywhere—always. Find

the Truth here now. Discover the Truth in every moment. • Discern the difference between eternal Truth and the ephemeral,

earth-bound, appearance level of facts. • External realities are fact-bound until you shine the Light of Truth on

them. • Truth liberates you from suffering. Truth helps you manage pain.

Truth prevents confusing pain with your identity. Truth transmutes negative to positive.

• Factual pain is transitory and illusory. • Love, wisdom, peace, beauty, praise, gratitude, goodness, and

harmony lead you to Truth, which is eternal. • Speak the Truth to yourself and others. Multiply Truth in your life. • Rescript negative, limiting, false beliefs into positive Truth statements. • Truth skills include the following: clarity, discernment, naming

without blaming, non-judgmentalness, detachment, witnessing, Godly perspective, reframing, transmuting negative to positive, God refuge, trust, and transcension.

• Positive thinking is Truth, regardless of the appearance level of external, event-based facts.

• Divine Truth is your healing refuge and renewal. Continuously return to the embrace of Truth.

• Ask God to help you discern Truth.


Avoid Self-Judgment • When you learn that you create your reality, avoid self-blame. Many

dynamics create your reality. Some are outside the reach of your conscious mind.

• Which “you” created your pain? Universal God Source? Your personal God Self? Your Soul? Your Soul Contract? Your mind, thoughts, or beliefs? Your emotions or psychological condition? Your lack of exercise, poor eating, not enough rest, shallow breathing, stress? Your genes?

• Correct as many errors as you can in the seven levels of your spiritual anatomy. But don’t judge anything wrong. You did the best you could throughout your life, given the information you had at the time. Fix what you can in your life. Leave the rest up to God.

• You did nothing wrong. Pain is part of the human journey. • You’ve done everything right to the best of your ability all your

life. • God doesn’t make mistakes. You are God in human form. • Everyone on earth is doing the best s/he can given the information

she/he has in any given moment. • Respect everyone. • Everyone is God in human form. • See the perfection. Feel compassion for the ignorance.

Control • Know when to exercise will and when to surrender. • You can’t control all the external events of your life. • However, you can create a positive response to events. • Your response is like your money. Spend it wisely. • Honor the limits of your earthly existence and the limitlessness of

your divine side.

Conflict with Others • You must stand up for yourself and speak your Truth in a non-

polarizing way. • But for the silence of good men, Hitler could not have nearly robbed

the world’s soul. • There are times when evil must be confronted with all your power. • However, in general, conflict with others is not worth the energy

payment. • Watch the energy in conversations. When the energy polarizes, back

off. Soften your heart. Rephrase from unity and love. • Harmony is healing. Go up your God Ladder to find it. • Speak your Truth even as you honor the other person’s view.


• Don’t expect others to understand your journey. They have never had your experiences.

• When you drop expectation, you drop emotional pain. • The world is your mirror. Everything outside you reflects something

inside you. • Take responsibility for what belongs to you. Fix what is yours.

Surrender the rest. • All is one. • Keep a soft heart.

Your Soul • Seen from the Soul level, there are no accidents. • God’s in charge. • There are legitimate victims at the physical level. However, at the

Soul level, there are no victims. Everyone chooses her Soul Contract.

The Now • Fear lives in the past or the future. • Pain is healed in the Now. • Stay in the Now. • The Now is your gateway to God.

The Sacred Work • Discern earthly from divine realities. Learn how to care for each

level of your being. Firmly anchor your identity in your Higher Self. • Don’t confuse your life with your identity. • Buddha taught the Middle Way of detachment from earthly events. • Fight to learn, heal, and grow, against a backdrop of profound

surrender to God’s will. • Don’t be trapped by opposites. Discern the opposites inside earth’s

dualized time/space box. Transcend facts into divine Truth. • Use your God Ladder to return to your Infinite Supply. • Cultivate God union with every inhale and exhale.

Reinvent Your God • If you want to know who your God is, observe your thoughts for

twenty-four hours. What you think about is what you worship. Your energy payments of thought, over time, create your God.

• False beliefs about God can keep you in pain. • You may want to reinvent your God.

Rejoice! • Life is a gift.


• There is nothing to do but rejoice and give thanks! • It’s all good, whether your limited earthly mind can see it or not. • Trust in the Goodness.


THE GOD LADDER GRAPHIC As a spiritual scientist, Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno invented the God Ladder in 1981. She also created spiritual cartography, mapping complex realms of consciousness. The God Ladder is a major contribution to spiritual literature and to the evolution of consciousness—both for the world and the individual. It is advanced spiritual technology. Dr. Reno designed the God Ladder to help spiritual-path students understand the different aspects of being human. The seeker clearly discerns the 7 domains of consciousness—with their radically different law books and maintenance manuals. This important tool for advanced spirituality, insures integrity, grounding, integration, and clarity. Dr Reno's God Ladder Aerobics illumine unconscious personal attachments and identity confusions. The God Ladder advances contemporary enlightenment. Judith says, "Enlightenment is a grief experience. It is the death of one illusion after another. Eventually, you penetrate the illusion of your personal identity. You no longer confuse your life with your identity." Rev. Dr. Reno's "Spiritual Olympics of the God Ladder" offers unique, germinal thinking to empowers the seeker's "participatory divinity" and "spiritual maturity."



FOR FURTHER STUDY Drop by drop, wisdom is distilled from pain.

--Aeschylus The Gateway Wisdom Collection contains Rev. Dr. Reno's 36 books and 450 audio selections including the following recommendations for further self-interview skills. Use the following treasure trove to empower your self-discovery! You may also order the Gateway Yantra to develop your Divine Gaze. To order the Gateway University Catalogue or any of these items, contact Gateway University:

Email: j.reno@roadrunner.com Telephone: 760.727.6600. Website: www.GatewayUniversity.org

BOOKS Reno, Judith Larkin. A Mystic’s View of War: Using the God Ladder for Clarity. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 2002. --------. Elephants in Your Tent: Spiritual Support as a Mystic Survives Cancer. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 2005. --------. The Gateway Weekly Workout: Pump 'n Tone Your Spirituality. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. The God Ladder. Spiritual Initiation for Living Now. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2005.


-------. Spiritual Initiation: The Seven Gateways. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2013. --------. Spiritual Initiation and The Christmas Angel Procession. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2013. -------. Divine Father—Your God: Deepening Your God Connection. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2010. -------. Divine Mother—Your Soul: Deepening Your Soul Connection. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2010. -------. Reinventing God: God Discovery—Personally and Historically. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2010. -------. Self-Interview: Using Your God Ladder for Self-Discovery. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2010. -------. Healing the Broken Family: Skills for Renewal and Insight. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2012. -------. The Lightening Years: Menopause as Spiritual Initiation. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2012. --------. Love is Made: The How-To Love Manual. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2012. --------. Love's Triumph: Child-Abuse Recovery with Soul Support. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. The Signature Wedding: Design Your Own Wedding Ceremony. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. New Year Sacred Celebration: Find Your New Soul-Path. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. Valentine's Day Sacred Celebration: The Deep Meaning of Love and Sex. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. Easter Sacred Celebration: Holy City Initiation. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. Mother's Day Sacred Celebration: The Divine Mother. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. Father's Day Sacred Celebration: Exploring Father and Fathering. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2012. --------. Christmas Sacred Celebration: The Midnight Angel Procession. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. --------. The Christmas Angel Procession. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2012. --------. Your Home Sacred Celebration: Your Home Angel. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009.


--------. Your Birthday Sacred Celebration: Find Your Soul-Path for Each Year. Vista, CA: Gateway University, 2009. Marooney, Kimberly. Angel Blessings. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Press,

1995. -----------. The Seven Gifts of Your Guardian Angel. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds

Press, 2003. -----------. Angel Love. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2004.

AUDIO CLASSES • Gateway Self-Interview Audio Series. Basic Principles and Techniques.

Positive and Negative Selves. Conflict Resolution Skills. Regression Skills. Re-scripting Negative Selves Skills.

• Upper Room Series. Spiritual Mapping with Your God Ladder. Self-Interview Your 7 Realities. Your Soul Chamber and Soul Council. Includes Judith's original technique for Sleep Healing. Self-Parenting and the Soul's Round Table. Your Personal God Self. The Universal God Source. Re-inventing God. Participatory Divinity and God Union. Credo Writing and Soul Infusion. Soul Aerobics—Building Spiritual Power. (Includes Judith's unique work on Cellular Installations.)

• Spiritual Initiation. 2 CDs exploring advanced spirituality and its radical shifts in consciousness.

• God Ladder National Teleseminar. 5 classes, 90 minutes each. Introduction to the Baby God Ladder. The Complete God Ladder—Limits and Powers of the 7 Domains. The Ascending and Descending Arcs of the God Ladder. Self-Interviewing Your God Ladder. God Ladder Solutions for the 21st Century. Includes Judith's original work on spiritual maturity, spiritual diseases, and spiritual codependency.

• Mystical Dream Series. Introduction. Senoi Dream Training. Dream Recall Skills. Benefits of Dreaming. Types of Dreams. Dream Symbols. Dream Interpretation (A). Dream Incubation. Lucid Dreaming. Astral and Soul Projection. Dream Interpretation (B).

• How to Meditate. Overview of Meditation. Relaxation and Guided Imagery. Concentration. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Concepts of Transcendence: Samadhi and Nirvana. Dangers of Meditation. Esoteric Terms Defined. Aura Shielding. Negative Entities and Closing Your Aura. Grounding and Spacing-Out. Your Soul Connection. Soul Infusion. Chakra Meditation. Buddhist Meditation on the Three Bodies. Vipassana Meditaiton.

• Meditations for Renewal. Eyes of Love Meditation. Sea of Love Meditation. Chakra Meditation. Resurrection Meditation. Forgiving Mother Meditation.


• Angels. Meeting with Angels. Types of Angels. Invoking Angels. How to See Angels. Your Angel Connection. Guide to Your Guardian Angel. Christmas Sacred Celebration: The Angel Procession. Your Birthday Sacred Celebration—Kindel Angels. Your Home Sacred Celebration—Your Home Angel.

• Time-Tripping. Past-Life Transfusions. Re-Scripting Past Lives. Re-Scripting Your Developmental Stages. Reincarnation and Karma. Family Regression. Birth Regression. Your Soul Contract. Visit Atlantis. Parallel Lives. Future-Trip to Enlightenment. Primal Separation. Visit Your Home Planet. Cosmic Travel. Regression and Identity Expansion.

• Psychic Development Series. Your Soul Connection. Shielding and Psychic Protection. Negative Entities and Closing Your Aura. Grounding and Spacing-Out. Channeling. Automatic Writing. Chakras. Chakra Meditation. Dowsing Rods and Pendulums. Aura Reading—Color Code. Auras and Thought Forms. Aura Reading Skills. Body Decoding. The Body as Metaphor. Colors. Psychic Healing. Psychometry. Telepathy with Plants and Animals. Psychic Communication with the Dead.

• Wisdom Circles. The Great Awakening—Participatory Divinity. The Heart of God. The Divine Gaze. The Diamond Shield. Constructing Your Altar. Your Strand of God's Luminosity. Soul Infusion. Divine Enrayments. Self-Interview. Reinventing God. God Discovery—Personally and Historically.