Diversity - Lone Star College System hope you will enjoy ... helping the elderly at nursing homes is...

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Transcript of Diversity - Lone Star College System hope you will enjoy ... helping the elderly at nursing homes is...

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Diversity: The Intensive English ProgramMagazine is published once a semester.

Editor’s Note:The Intensive English (ESOL) Program at Lone Star College-Kingwood was founded in August 2001 to help the immigrant and international students living in the community to learn and improve their English.

One of the goals of the ESOL Program is to promote intercultural understanding and diversity on campus and in the community. Diversity: The ESOL Student Magazine plays an important role towards this goal. This issue of the Diversity has several themes: Creating a Better Society; This I Believe; What I Like Most about My Country; What Surprised Me Most about the US; My Hero, and My Favorite Teacher. I hope you will enjoy reading these great stories. The Diversity Magazine is copyrighted by the LSC-Kingwood. Use of any of the materials without the copyright holder’s written permission is prohibited.

If you have any comments about the newsletter or to obtain permission to use the materials, please e-mail Masoud Shafiei at shafieim@lonestar.edu. The magazine is also available online at http://lonestar.edu/12212.htm

Contents: My Contribution to Society.......3

. My Hero.......8

This I Believe..... 12

What I Like Most About the US..... 16

My Favorite Teacher..... 17

. What I like about My Country..... 18

. Featured Faculty: Viviana Gomez .... 20

. Summer & Fall Class Schedules..... 21


The Intensive English Program MagazineDiversity





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Diversity ContributorsAnastasia Barreto • Bibiana Barajas • Lorena Lopez • Guadalupe Flores • Marcelino Fernandes • Saima Ahmed • Perla Perret • Roxana Boscaneanu • Melissa Rios • Deysi Velasquez • Dalila Choudhry • Liqun Luo • Zaida Duenez • Natasia Asboeg • Gabriel Emir Preciado Martinez • Mariana Garcia • Giselle Sanchez • Patricia Vera • Fahad Ahmed • Edicson Leon • Jennie S. Arteaga • Marcela Lopez • Andrea Stastna • Maria Ramirez • Alejandra Saucedo • Francis Venegas • Claudia Rondoleanu • Nikita Bhakta • Edwin Custodio • Cinthia Gordillo • Gloria Pedraza • Myriam Mugica Dech • Karla Reyna • Maria Beatriz Briceno • Isabel Rios • Juan Albarracin • Adrian M. Huitron •

Claudia Perez • Kimheak Him • Erzsebet Halasz • Giorgio Enrico Shimabucuro • Karla Lacourt • Najwa Abdallah • Kattya Flores • Zahra • Amos Goncalo • Valdir Da Mota • Claudia Moreno • XiMei Pei • Rosa Delia Reyes • Anum Mukhtar • Kim Le • Samuel Dantas • Laura Maria Moschini • Gorge Gordillo • Alan Carapia • Marcela Lopez • Nelly Fernandez • Naci Goncuoglu • Nancy Ann Saeng • Vicky Perez • Marina Koler • Nancy Gutierrez • Jorge Gordillo • Jose Luis Erazo • Laura Maria • Adalia Crater • Watts Sathaporn • Zaida Duenez • Jesus Santisteban • Nora Funes • Rosa Delia Reyes • Viviana Gomez

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My Contribution to Society

Creating a Better SocietyAnastasia Barreto, Russia, Writing II (Level 5)

It is not enough just to live on this planet. Sometimes people do not think about their lives because they do not have the time. They do not know what they need to do to live better. People are more easily able to see mistakes made by others than by themselves. To be an important part in the lives of their fellow citizens and contribute to society, people need to personally participate in their community, be good citizens, and successfully raise their children.

First, personal participation in society can include small actions like driving with respect. Every day we drive to school, to work, or somewhere else, but often we do not think what would be respectful and safe for others. Many drivers talk on cellular phones, eat lunch, or put on make-up while driving, not realizing how dangerous these situations can be. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a good expression to use on the road. Another example of the support we can give to society is watching out for each other in our neighborhoods. Watching our neighbors’ houses while they are on vacation helps keep our neighborhoods safe from crime.

The second important contribution to society is to practice good citizenship. Everyone should be politically informed, and those who can vote should do so regularly. It is very important to be a patriot of the country where we live because patriots make their country strong and safe. For example, participating in the voting process can help prevent corruption in politics. Another contribution to one’s country is participating in volunteer military service. A country’s armed forces provide safety and peace to its citizens. People who know their history, remember their cultural traditions, and love their country show what it means to be patriotic.

The last important contribution concerns successfully raising our children. If we teach our children to be kind and respectful to others, in the future they will be well mannered people, and we will be proud of them. Furthermore, obtaining an education is important to both individuals and society. Parents should help and support their young people in pursuing higher education because a degree gives more options to become a professional, and a profession makes the future of the next generation more successful and stable. If a society has more educated citizens, then they are able to make more rational and informed decisions.

In conclusion, people should use their opportunity to participate in society by giving their personal contribution, being good citizens, and by raising their children responsibly. The progress of the country directly depends on its people who can give and do something honorable to their state, like our soldiers who give us a peaceful life. And of course, the biggest mission we can fulfill is raising our children so that we can be proud of them in the future. These contributions are like a seed that grows into a beautiful tree that can make us successful and happy.

Are You Rich in Your Pockets or in Your Heart?Bibiana Barajas, Colombia, Writing II (Level 5)

How many times have we heard, “If I were rich, I would like to help poor people?” Some people are born to help others and save lives. For instance, they belong to different organizations which concentrate their efforts in supporting and rescuing those in dangerous situations, from illness to grave economical issues. As an individual, I think that you do not need to be rich to help the human race. Although money is important, there are other ways to aid people and make changes in their lives. These ways are: donations of time, donations of knowledge, and the generation of community projects.

It is important to dedicate time to people who do not have others to listen to them. For example, when I was in high school, I volunteered my time in a small school where children learned by playing. This program, “Ludotecas,” has been helping children for nearly seven years in the poorest areas of Bogotá. In particular, I programmed different activities that helped them to understand subjects such as math or sciences in various ways. I was also able to participate in social activities with the children and hear about their necessities. At the end, I felt that I was often the only support for them. This experience was so satisfying that I would like to volunteer with children again in the future.

Another important way to support people in need is to put a professional degree to good use. If one is an expert in medicine, engineering or arts, he or she can use his or her knowledge to contribute to society’s development. For example, there is a surgeon named Ernest Cronin from Houston. He has cured children that suffer from cleft palate in Latin America. He gives these children an opportunity of a better life. I, too, would like to use my profession to help people in the agricultural area. For example, I would like to belong to the international Food and Agriculture Organization because it helps developing countries fight against hunger.

Generating community projects is the third way in which one can help those living in poverty. For me, “unity is strength,” meaning that when we all work together, we can accomplish a lot. In some wealthy countries, people have found a way to lower the poverty level by working together. For example, in the state of Choco in Colombia, various groups are working to build tourism in this impoverished region. Thus more people can have jobs and income to support their families. For me, this is a notable way to help a community.

In conclusion, helping people is always a positive experience that you can keep in your mind and also in your heart. Working to improve the lives of others gives us a warm feeling, especially when we see success. In addition, contributing to our society enables us to see a better future for our children. Finally, we do not need to wait to be rich to help others. I think now is the right time to start saving lives.

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My Contribution to Society

Helping SomeoneGuadalupe Flores, Mexico, Writing II (Level 5)

To help another person is extraordinary. Motivated by the positive feeling this gives, I would like to contribute to this country for all the good things I have received. Specifically, I would like to volunteer in various activities that help vulnerable people.

First, I would like to offer my services to patients in hospitals that do not have family or friends to take care of them. I would like to help them during their recovery. For example, I would like to take them outside, push them in their wheelchairs, or just walk with them because convalescent patients need to breathe fresh air, see the flowers, and simply leave the bedside. This will help them to feel better. Also, I will assist them with money when necessary for items like groceries, rent, and gasoline.

Second, helping the elderly at nursing homes is an activity that I also really enjoy. A few years ago, I used to volunteer in the nursing homes where I also worked as a nurse aid. I really enjoyed being there because I helped the patients to eat. Some of them were handicapped, and they were not able to move their arms by themselves. Other times, I just simply talked with the residents and gave them a hug and a kiss.

Third, teaching English is something that I also wish to do. I would feel proud to teach English to the immigrant community. Many adults who come from other countries are desperate to speak English because it allows them to feel secure and independent. If these people have the opportunity to take English classes at their nearest community school, their problem would be solved.

In summary, helping the community is an awesome contribution to society. I have seen many people doing volunteer work at different places, and they have been my inspiration. They are the kind of individuals that I want to imitate.

My Contribution to SocietyMarcelino Fernandes, Guinea-Bissau, Writing II (Level 5)

My contribution to society has focused on the humanitarian area. In 2005, I joined a volunteer organization named “Medicine without Borders” to help evacuate people during a cholera epidemic in my native country of Guinea-Bissau. As an ambulance driver, I transported patients to the hospital. I also assisted by providing information about the cholera epidemic to the general population as well as helping to disinfect the contaminated area by providing healthy water. The reason why I chose to do this is that I cannot stand to see people suffering. My heart just cannot handle it. With this very difficult situation, contributing this way simply makes me happy, and I believe that helping another human being is the best thing a person can ever do.

Guinea-Bissau is a tiny country in West Africa, where every six years the population is affected by a cholera epidemic. Cholera is a disease that can spread rapidly by insects, non-sanitized water, and food unprotected from flies – and even hugs and kisses between people. The country does

My Best to SocietyLorena Lopez, Venezuela, Writing II (Level 5)

One beautiful young dreamer once said: “When I grow up, I would like to have a lot of power to change the bad things around the world, and then this world could be better.” These were my words when I was a child. Now, when I think about it, I recognized then that society would change only when I decided to be a better citizen by doing my best and contributing my abilities and my talents. Therefore, I will contribute to society in three ways: by motivating immigrants to learn English, helping unfortunate people, and recycling items at home that are harmful to our planet.

First, why is it important to motivate immigrants to learn English? The answer is simple: because  we are in a different country with English as the primary language. The best way to know my rights in any country is when I know the language. It is a big advantage because we can communicate with a variety of people, such as clerks at the store and the bank or when we have to go to the doctor, speak with our children’s teachers, and build our social relationships. So when I talk with someone who does not want to learn English, I try to motivate them to go to school, advising them of the many schools and organizations that offer free English classes in this country. I also suggest that they watch TV in English and volunteer in an organization that helps immigrants.

Second, helping people in need is another positive contribution to society. One day, my mother told me: “If you do not wear that or you do not need it, give it to someone else.” When possible, I try to help vulnerable people by giving them different kinds of items, such as clothes, food, and blankets. Sometimes I drop clothes in contribution centers like the Salvation Army and women’s shelters. I like this country in this aspect because there are numerous local places where I can donate unused items.

Finally, I try to recycle everything that I can. In my house, I have three trashcans outside; one is for plastic, the other for aluminum cans, and the last one for garbage. I teach my husband to do the same, and I try to share with my friends this new habit I have. I am a green person. I love to be so. Sometimes it is tedious because I have to be careful to throw my items in the right trashcan, but I enjoy it when I recycle.

When  I  motivate immigrants to learn English, help unfortunate people with their needs, and recycle many items that I know are bad for our world, I feel that I am contributing to society. The difference between a childish dreamer and adult is that I know that I am doing all I can, and I do it with a smile.

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My Contribution to Society

not have the means to control such an epidemic, and sometimes it takes six months or more to control the disease. When this happens, it turns into a disaster as there is often no help or help that comes too late. Thousands are affected by cholera, even to the point of death. The disease is treatable if detected in time, but it can be fatal if the people infected are not adequately informed about it. Once cholera strikes, it can kill in a very short time – three hours!–if people do not seek medical attention immediately. However, many people in my country feel embarrassed by this disease and its symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration–so embarrassed that they will not call or go to the hospital. Their sense of shame ends in their death.

I want to change this kind of situation. It is so hard to see people dying because of their poverty. This is why I have returned to school. I want to prepare myself to become a part of those who are willing to take care of this kind of situation, no matter where in the world. And I want to tell a human being that we still can make this world a better place for all of us, a place that we can live and enjoy, and a place that everybody can think of illness without fear.

My Ambitions for the Beloved SocietySaima Ahmed, Pakistan, Writing II (Level 5)

I started my college education with enormous and precious dreams. Now, I want to do something different for society, something never done before. I think a lot about my future career and when I will achieve my college goals. At that time, I know that I will definitely contribute to society by helping people who suffer from injustice.

My first step will be to try to convince lawmakers to make changes in U.S. immigration policies. For instance, the immigration department should increase the visa numbers. This will help those people who wish to spend time with and enjoy their beloved relatives already here in the U.S.

After that, I would like to help solve some of the medical problems that immigrants face. In the U.S., even a minor illness is a big problem if the person does not have any medical insurance. Often, they cannot avail themselves of any public medical benefits because they do not qualify for Medicaid due to their immigration status. Furthermore, buying private medical insurance is not affordable for low-income families. In the future, I will try to help provide more efficient access to medical facilities.

My last and most important wish is to help unfortunate students understand their rights under immigration law. I would like to start an organization that will assist students to solve their legal problems and other matters. For example, I would like to help them raise money for student fees and find employment.

In conclusion, I will never forget my responsibility to the community. I will continue working and never lose my hope and effort to do something different and beneficial for others. I will specifically try to make life easier for immigrants facing injustice. One day I am sure I will achieve my aspiration with the help of God, the blessing of my family, and with the support of my colleagues.

My Gift to SocietyPerla Perret, Mexico, Writing II (Level 5)

My contribution to society has been the establishment of my own business, a used car dealership. How does this help people? It helps by offering employment opportunities, by facilitating the purchase of a used car with a low interest rate, and by paying taxes to the government so they can help vulnerable people.

First, I believe the community at large benefits from the work opportunities that my business provides. I do not own a big car dealership, but I need to have at least two employees. This fact makes me feel satisfied and proud. I know that I am helping two people to have stable employment, and at the same time, I am helping them to support their families. This contribution to the community fills me with happiness.

Second, my goal in my business is to help people own a used car without having to pay high interest rates. I ask for 40% to 50% of the vehicle’s price as a down payment, so they do not have to pay for the vehicle for many years with a high interest rate. Additionally, I do not check my customers’ credit history because I think that having a stable job is sufficient proof of responsibility. While I know that new car dealerships base their interest rates on customers’ credit, I choose not to follow this practice because there are many immigrants in our country who do not have credit. I do not consider it fair that this particular group has to pay high interest rates, and sometimes this prohibits them from buying a car at all. I am proud that my business helps this population.

My third contribution to my fellow human beings is financial. Every year when my income tax is due, as a small business owner, I have to pay a large amount of money to the government. I know that this money goes to the community because the government uses it to provide health insurance, housing, food stamps, education and other needs for the public. This makes feel comfortable paying my taxes because they are appropriately used and directly benefit those that need assistance. Before I owned the car dealership, I was one of many people who had benefitted from government assistance in the form of health insurance. Now that I operate my own business, I have to pay for my own medical expenses, but it is something that I am happy to do because I have the opportunity to assist people in need.

In conclusion, I share what I have with people in different ways, but every one of my contributions has a significant meaning in my life. In the future, I would like to be able to contribute much more to society. I hope my business grows to be able to create more jobs, help more people to own a used car, and to make more taxable income that will help fund necessary government programs.

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My Contribution to Society

Finally, a significant contribution to society is finding ways to support our fellow citizens until they become self-reliant. Different forms of charity help achieve this goal. There are people in very difficult economic situations that lack the basic needs, such as food and water. The Houston Food Bank is one place we can support in order to address these needs. Another important action is volunteering in schools, the YMCA, or local youth programs. Finally, we can offer financial assistance to different programs. For example, I started to give a specific amount of money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, where they help children with cancer whose parents do not have enough money to pay for their treatment.

In conclusion, there are many ways to help our society. Everyone can help their community by taking care of the environment, helping people with their education, and offering financial assistance and time to people who need them. If everyone contributes with something, our society will be a utopia where most people have what they need. Lastly, helping other people is beneficial to us because it makes us feel better about ourselves.

The Pleasure of HelpingDeysi Velasquez, El Salvador, Writing II (Level 5)

Have you ever made a significant contribution to society? During their life, many people dream about helping others, but they spend their life just thinking about it. However, the reality is that humanity and the planet have many needs, and if we can help, we should. Therefore, I want to promote a campaign to say no to war, no to discrimination, and yes to saving the planet.

First of all, I want to implement a law that prohibits war in the world. Governments must learn to resolve their differences without violence. Furthermore, they need to be tolerant and dialogue with other countries instead of commanding a war. World leaders must accept that war is extremely expensive and leads their countries into a giant recession. Thus, resolving problems with courtesy and respect is the best arrangement.

Another contribution that I would like to make is to teach people to treat each other with kindness regardless of race, culture, religion, or disabilities. I believe that the majority of problems in our communities derive from discrimination. For example, in many contexts, disabled people and women suffer from discrimination. Nevertheless, others do not do enough to change this. Therefore, the general population must learn to respect and treat others equally. As a result, helping and respecting others make people feel satisfied.

Finally, saving and taking care of the planet is my aspiration for the future. Our planet is slowly being destroyed. People are not conscious of the catastrophe that is coming if we do not act responsibly now. For example, if we do not stop using so much paper, we will deplete the rainforests. Moreover, if we keep drinking water from plastic bottles, we will contaminate the ocean. People have to learn to recycle, save water, and conserve electricity as much as they can. At home, I already recycle most of my household items. Thus, I preserve the environment and I am a model for my children.

Certainly, our society needs changes in many areas. Nevertheless, if we work as a team we can accomplish all of them. Our generation needs a clean Earth and water to survive. I believe that the world is better without violence, without discrimination, and at the same time we can have a healthier future with a planet free of pollution. Working towards these changes is my contribution to society.

What I Have Done to Help SocietyRoxana Boscaneanu, Romania, Writing II (Level 5)My contributions to society have proved to help a lot of needy citizens thus far. Most of my participation took place in my native country, Romania, a couple of years ago. I have participated in primarily three ways to help the community as much as I could and to make the world a better place to live. First, I have made many donations to benefit the poor and orphan children. Every time I am given the opportunity to raise funds, I try to contribute and make myself helpful. My contributions have consisted of clothes, toys, food, or money, depending on the cause and my abilities to donate at the time. I usually take part in these charitable actions around the holidays, and I participate by doing all the above to bring joy and comfort to the lives of others.Second, I volunteered for a couple of months in “Mare Nostrum,” an environmental organization in Romania which takes care of everything that surrounds us. Four years ago, I offered my help in cleaning the beach and in painting the trees in a park situated next to a beautiful aquarium. It was an interesting experience for me because it was the first time I took part in such a creative activity.Third, I have always succeeded in paying all my taxes on time. Even though it may appear as an obligation, “a must-do thing,” there are some people who do not respect this responsibility, and because of that, the environment may suffer and deteriorate. This is one of the reasons why I pay all the state taxes on time and ensure that I am a good citizen who helps and takes care of our surroundings. In conclusion, my participation to society has been demonstrated in three ways, and I am always trying to do my best in each one of them. Of course, my contributions are not going to end now. I will certainly continue to do the same activities as before, or even more when I have the possibility to demonstrate my dedication and support to my community.

My Contribution to SocietyMelissa Rios, Mexico, Writing II (Level 5)Have you ever thought about your contributions to society? Some people often do things that they do not realize are helping their fellow citizens to improve their lives. Other people think that they have not contributed to their community, but they think they are going to aid in the future in different ways. For my part, I would like to contribute to our society by teaching others, helping to maintain the environment, and providing different types of direct aid.My first contribution will be in education. One of my goals is to become a bilingual teacher to help people, especially children, to learn a second language. Also, I would like to prepare them to be able to use both languages in their everyday lives. For me this contribution is very important because this country, in particular, is multicultural, and people who speak two or more languages have more opportunities, especially in finding a job.Another contribution to society is to help the environment. I already participate by recycling everything possible, planting and taking care of trees, and not wasting any water. By doing this, I am doing my part to preserve the environment and maintain the essential resources for the future. With this important contribution I am helping not only our society, but also our planet.

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My Contribution to Society

Our Actions Can Increase the Quality of Our WorldDalila Choudhry, Mexico, Writing II (Level 5)

A worthy gift to humanity does not have to be big or expensive. The decay of our society has been accelerating these days because of selfish attitudes, the diminished importance of marriage and family life, and the increase in violent behavior. However, there are three ways that I can personally respond to these problems: by volunteering my time and talents, being a better citizen, and raising honest children.

Volunteering with adults who have not finished their elementary education has been my first contribution to society. Since 2000, I have participated in a program with the Mexican Consulate where many people have had the opportunity to study. I am happy to help them as I believe this benefits our entire community. As a result, by getting a better education, parents can set a good example for their youngsters who may aspire to get a degree, too. For example, the children of doctors, lawyers, teachers, or engineers are more predisposed to go to college than those who have parents without a degree.

Since I also attempt to improve my world by being an honorable citizen, I try to do my best by respecting my country’s rules and laws. For instance, I have refrained from using substances that may cause addictions. Sometimes the excessive use of drugs or alcohol may lead people to commit crimes, such as stealing money in order to fulfill their need of consumption. Therefore, these habits, if we do not know how to control them, may cause an alteration in our society resulting in destroyed families, orphaned children, and homeless people. Thus, I try to be courteous, respect others, and obey the standards where I live because I wish to dwell in a peaceful habitat.

At the same time, raising respectable children has been my goal since I had my two daughters. Therefore, I consider this as an important contribution to our society. Somebody once said, “If we as parents do not teach our children good moral values, we are letting scorpions loose outside.” We should practice what we teach to our little ones. If we do not lie, they will not; if we do not steal, most likely they will not, either. In addition, I think it is important to fix the love for home and family life firmly in our children’s’ hearts, including sharing at least one meal together every day, and keeping up important cultural practices. Finally, I discipline my daughters when they make mistakes because I believe they have to learn from their errors. Even though teaching our children to be honorable, respectful, fair, and tolerant is not an easy task, the result is of great value for the next generation.

In conclusion, my contribution to humankind may seem insignificant. However, it can have a tremendous impact because children are our world’s future. For these reasons, I suggest beginning with these three actions: be kind to each other, give of ourselves, and bring up well-behaved children. These contributions, though simple, can improve the fate of our world and prevent its decay.

My Contribution to SocietyLiqun Luo, China, Writing II (Level 5)

I might have a very comfortable life nowadays, but I feel I am missing something. In my childhood, I grew up in a small village in China where we had no electricity, no heat during the winter, and a high level of poverty. I saw a lot of sickness and children dying in my village because there was no adequate healthcare. That is an unforgettable memory for me, so I am studying to be a nurse so that I can contribute my skills to society to help prevent sickness, while also taking care of my family and unfortunate children. By becoming a nurse, I will help people reduce their pain and suffering. Also, I plan to volunteer at a nursing home in my free time. I hope I can help the elderly to eat more healthfully and take care of themselves better. As my culture has great respect for the elderly, it is honorable for me to contribute my acquired skills to make my patients and the elderly more comfortable.

Taking care of my family is another contribution to society. My ideal family consists of two or three children and a loving husband. Taking care of them is my dream job. I would like my husband to be comfortable at his work. He would not need to worry about our children’s school and housework. My father never cooks because my mother always cooks for the family, so my lucky husband will not need to cook either. I will teach my children respect, responsibility and the values of life, just as my parents taught me. I hope that by doing this, and teaching them about the poverty and illnesses of other societies, they will also grow up to want to help poor people of the world.

Finally, I would like to help unfortunate children. I always consider myself lucky because I live in a modern powerful country. There are many people in Asia and Africa still living in poor areas without enough food. I know this from personal experience as I have helped with a young girl’s education in China since 2006. Her parents were working on building a bridge when they died in an accident. She now lives with her elderly grandmother. I knew her parents, so I decided to help her financially until she finishes her studies. I hope that my assistance shows her the power of compassion as she grows up and that she will also pass along kindness and gratitude to others.

I am just a normal person, and my dreams are to live a simple and healthy life. Helping those in need and taking care of my family are my contributions to society. There are many people who have helped me when I had a difficult time, so I would like to repay the kindness that I have received back to society. F

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My Hero

Zaida Duenez, Mexico, Oral Communication 3My hero is my grandpa. His name is Antonio Romo. If you ask me to describe him, I will tell you that he is the most patient person and loving grandpa in the world. I remember the time when I was trying to learn how to ride a bicycle. Actually, it was a present that my grandpa gave me for my birthday that year. He told me to keep going and to always look straight and not to look down because, if you looked somewhere else, you would lose your balance and fall. I said “Yes, grandpa, I know.” However, as soon as he let me go I found myself on the ground. Before I was able to stand up he was already there by my side. I told him “I’m not riding that thing anymore, grandpa!” He said “You’ll be fine, you’ll see. Keep practicing.” I learned how to ride a bicycle and drive a car from my grandpa. He was very patient with me at that time. That’s how he has been ever since I’ve known him: a loving grandfather, a person who always has time to listen to me and to tell me what I want to hear, a person who always knows what’s wrong with me without saying anything, and a person who sings a song to make me feel happy. He says to everybody that his granddaughters are the best gift that life has ever given to him. I love you, grandpa and I’m so happy that God gave me an opportunity to be your granddaughter and share the most important moments of my life with you. Thank you!

Gabriel Emir Preciado Martinez, Mexico, Oral Communication 3I know that a lot of people have the same heroes but it doesn’t make me feel bad. My hero is my father! Why? Since I was a child, my dad has always been a good father. He was always at home at 2:30 pm just to have lunch and spend some time with his family in the afternoon. However, sometimes he had to go back to work. It didn’t happen often, though. He taught me how to be a good person with Christian values, to be responsible, and to help people. Because of him my family has a custom to go to church on Sundays. I believe it’s good because it feeds the soul.

Some people say that it is wrong to beat your kids; however, my father did that sometimes, and my opinion is that he was right because sometimes it’s necessary. In spite of that, I have always loved my father, and I’m really proud of him. He is a hard-worker and he always cares about us. Because of him I had the opportunity to study in good schools in Mexico. I have also had the opportunity to study in Spain during one semester. Now I have a chance to improve my English in Houston. That’s why I’ll do my best by practicing. Someday I would like to thank my dad for his support by making him proud of me.

Natasia Asboeg, Denmark, Oral Communication 3My hero is the most important and special person in my life: my mother. She is always there if I need her, or somebody else needs her. She always knows exactly what to do or say. She gives me advice whenever I need it. Since I moved to the United States, it has been really hard for me not to have my mother around. I miss all her spontaneous hugs that she used to give me several times a day. I miss her saying “I love you” to me as well. However, I talk to her on Skype almost every day which helps me a lot.

I’m sure that my mother, my hero, is the best mother in the whole world. She’s the best friend anybody can ever have, and she is an amazing person. She always helps everybody if they need it. She cares about other people more than herself. She is kind and loving. She never judges anybody. She accepts people the way they are. If I end up being at least half as good as my mother, I will be very happy. My mother is my best friend, my hero, and I’m very proud of her.

Mariana Garcia, Mexico, Oral Communication 3The most important person in my life is my Father; he is also my hero. I could write many reasons to explain why he is my hero, but I will start with the most important ones. First of all, he is the most patient person I have met. For example, when I have some kind of problem he listens to me with patience and tries to resolve it with me. Also, he gives me day-to-day advice to be better and understand the situations of life.

He supports my dreams. When I was a child I told him once that I would have two careers, and that dream came true, thanks to my father. He encouraged me every day to follow my dream. Another reason for admiring my father is that he is a very smart person. In addition, he is a teacher and he teaches physics, chemistry and math. When I was a little girl I knew those subjects very well. He liked to teach me so that I could be more advanced for my age. Besides, he has always been my teacher of life.

He is a hard-working person. He came from a really small town and moved to a city to study and achieve his goals. One of them was to become a great engineer and a teacher, and since then he has not stopped. He worked as an engineer for a big company. All his life he worked at least 18 hours a day so that my brother and I did not need anything. However, he was always with his family on his days off.

He has been my hero just for the fact that he has been my father, and he always supported me and loved me so much. I can’t imagine what my life would be without my father. He knows that everything I do, I do it for him, to be proud of me every day. God was and is good with me because he gave me the best father and hero of my life.

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My Hero

The Person I AdmireGiselle Sanchez, Venezuela, Writing 3

My friends always said to me that they wanted to be a hero like Superman, or someone famous like Michael Jackson. I never thought about who I wanted to be. Now I can say that I want to be someone else; however, it is not a famous person. I just want to be special and important in my life. My mom is one of the most important people in my life. I love her with all my heart. She is an example of a special, dedicated, beautiful, and generous person. She always talks to me about how to be a better person. She is always helping me, taking care of me, and talking to me. We have a beautiful relationship as best friends. She taught me that the word “never” should not exist in my vocabulary. The only time that I can use that word is if I say “I am never going to give up on my goals.” She has always supported me and given me a helping hand to accompany me in my life. She is my hero in many ways, and she is the only person that I will admire for the rest of my life. She is in Venezuela now, but she is always in my heart.

Patricia Vera, Mexico, Writing 3The person whom I admire is unique. He is a wonderful person and the best thing for me. I have many reasons why I admire him. First of all, when he was a child, he lost his dad and he overcame it. He had two little brothers, and he said to them, “We don’t have a dad, but you have me.” He helped his two little brothers grow up. Second, he is an optimistic person. When he has problems he always thinks positively and he  says, “Peace always follows a storm, mistakes are good, learn from them.” Third, when someone asks for help, he is there to politely help. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know the person. He is a nice and helpful person. We say in Mexico he takes bread out of his mouth to give it to someone in need. Fourth, he is a good worker and he works for his family and loves them. He has his mom living with him because he doesn’t want to leave her in a nursing home. Also, he loves me so much. I know it, I feel it, I live it, and I love him, too. In addition, he is my example to follow. I want to be like him, and I want to do what he does for other people. Finally, I love him for everything he does. This person that I admire is my father; his name is Salvador Arauza. 

Fahad Ahmed, Pakistan, Grammar 3I would like to introduce my uncle because I admire him. First of all, he is very friendly and has the best personality for me. He is always trying to make us laugh. He has a happy, positive nature. One important thing for me is that I can share everything with him everything whenever I want. Secondly, he is an educated person. He has a lot of qualifications and experiences in his life. He has studied engineering, and he has also completed an MBA degree. Now, he is working with Pakistan International Airlines as a high officer in the department of engineering. He can travel with his family all around the world without paying for a ticket because the company pays for all the expenses. The company also pays for all the expenses wherever they stay. Third, the most important thing for me is that he told me he will help me find a great job just like him. Indeed, I want to become a successful man just like my uncle!!!

Edicson Leon, Venezuela,Writing 3I admire a person that appears in the Bible. His name is Abraham and was the only man that God called friend. There are many reasons why he gained this title. The story starts when God promised Abraham a big nation, but this is the good part. What about the other part? He had to leave his whole family and the land where he had business and everything. After that, he went through the desert just believing what God said about him. I think it was a long trip until he arrived at the promised city. Then God said to him: “I will give you a son.” We might think this is not a big deal, as many women can get pregnant and have a baby, but let us analyze the following: Abraham was more than one hundred years old, and his wife Sara was ninety years old. It is amazing that a couple could do that, so it is a double miracle! First, a woman’s body is not able to get pregnant at that age, and also, in ancient times, Viagra did not exist. Here is where you see God’s hands. When everything seemed happy and normal, Abraham heard God’s voice again and he said: “Give me you your child, your only child.” I guess it was very hard to sacrifice his son, but he loved God and he would do anything he asked, so one more time he trusted him and went to make the sacrifice. But just as he had almost started the sacrifice, God stopped him. He wanted to know how much Abraham loved him. This is the proof of Abraham’s character, the love he felt for God and how much he knew Him. It is amazing how Abraham came through all the circumstances and because of his faith, he deserved the title of God’s friend. That is why I admire him.

Jennie S. Arteaga, Mexico, Grammar 3The person I admire is my mother. I admire her because she is a hardworking woman. When she was young, she studied and worked at the same time. She is the oldest child of the family, so she needed to take care of her 3 sisters and her brother. When she got married, she decided to study alternative medicine. She has been practicing alternative medicine since she was 12 years old. She has gone to many rural areas to help a lot of poor people. She has helped patients with chronic degenerative diseases. I am proud of my mom because she has been able to save lives. There were times back in Mexico when she did not have her meals because she was consulting her patients. Now she travels a lot; today my parents are trying to start their own business, so she needs to travel a lot to train other coworkers. That’s the reason why I admire my mother.

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My Hero

Marcela Lopez, Colombia, Grammar 3My hero is Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Álvaro Uribe Vélez restored the faith of Colombians; that was his major task during his eight years as president. When Uribe stepped down after eight years as president in August 2010, Colombia had become a different country. Its economy is booming as the result of many multinational companies coming to invest in many different economic sectors. Once they steered clear of the country, but now they consider Colombia among the top markets in Latin America. Uribe revived interest among Colombian and international business executives to do business in Colombia. The former president also put an end to the climate of fear and managed to create a safer environment by demobilizing and neutralizing paramilitaries and guerrillas alike. The number of kidnappings fell dramatically. It became safe to drive on the highways, and now Colombia is one of the safest countries in Latin America. As the president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe’s greatest achievement was to reassure people that the country could be a better, nicer place to live. Alvaro Uribe developed programs for the cultivation of land and the organization of farming cooperatives.

Andrea Stastna, The Czech Republic, Grammar 3The person whom I admire the most is my grandfather Alexei. He was born in the Czech Republic in 1910. Although he was born in a very poor family and raised with no father, his grades at school were so good that he graduated from a university as a lawyer. As a young student, he played a very important role in helping raise the communist party. In 1938, he and his friends started to fight with Nazi Germany, which started to occupy the Czech Republic in 1939. In 1941, he was deported to a concentration and extermination camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. He spent 4 years there. I had a chance to see his pictures from this time and this person was not the same I used to know as my lovely grandpa. He lost his teeth and was VERY skinny. I remember him trying to cover his left arm which had his tattoo number. By the way, while at this camp, he underwent a surgery to remove his appendix (blind gut). His cellmates did this without any anesthesia and with a kitchen knife. Since he was very politically active, even in the camp after World War II, he became the minister of defense. In 1953, after Stalin’s death, the Czech Communist Party expelled him from the government and from the party. This process was called the fight against the personality cult and it came from the USSR. So my grandfather retired very early in 1953, at age 43. He had never talked about his feelings before, but now, 20 years after his death I am pretty sure it had to be a very difficult time for him. He had to give up all his political thoughts and ideals to live a secluded life. Despite all this, he was always the best grandparent. He spent every weekend with his grandchild: he cooked for us, he taught us to love and value food, nice table manners, and to love nature. As a very intelligent person he trained his brain everyday by reading and writing long essays. Then we had long discussions about his ideas; he always wanted answers from me, even if I was still a little girl. Grandpa, I will always love you and think about you. I named my son Alex in memory of you.

Maria Ramirez, Mexico, Writing 3The person that I most admire is my dad. My dad is a Mexican engineer. All of his life, he has had to work hard to give us everything that we need. He travels around the world for his work. He works for a company that provides services for oil companies. Most of the time, he is away from home. When he comes home he is so funny, loving, and giving. He always makes me laugh. He is like a little kid. My mom says that he is mentally 13 years old. He fought for a better life for us, his family. He is still fighting to bring our dogs and cat to the States. They are part of our family, too. He is always telling me that I have to be better than he is. But I love my dad because he put us before everything.

Alejandra Saucedo, Mexico, Grammar 3People have different perceptions about heroes. Each person has an idea about what qualities a hero needs to have. In my case, I have very clear idea of what a hero means to me. I come from a Latin family and like most countries that share my culture, family is first. Putting family in first place is important for us. Doing this according to Latin cultures and traditions makes you a hero, and this is where my hero comes from. I consider my mother a hero. There are several reasons to considerer my mom a hero. The first reason to consider my mom a hero is because she is a reliable person. For example, when someone in the family is sick, she leaves all of her duties and goes to help that person. Another example is her reliability and how she helps with funerals. When someone in the family dies, she always cooks for that family and attends the funeral service. No matter how tired or sick she is, you know that she will always be there for you. Another reason to consider my mom a hero is her willingness to do hard work for her family. My mom is a very hard worker. I do not know another person who wakes up at five o’clock each morning to prepare everything in the house for the family, and she has breakfast made by nine o’clock. By noon she has cleaned, cooked, done laundry, swept, dusted, mopped, washed the dishes, folded the clothes, ironed, watered her plants, worked in her small business and is ready to babysit her grand children. One would think: “What is so extraordinary about her work? Everyone cleans.” However, not everyone works so hard and with a smile on his or her face like she does for her family. Finally, I consider my mom a real hero because she is such a giving person. For example, last year she had a call from a friend who was in a difficult economic and emotional situation. To help her friend, my mom spent her savings to help her friend’s family without thought. In addition, I remember another time during my childhood when my father did not have a job. In those days, my mom would clean other houses. She did all of this because it was within her power to bring food to our table. If it was necessary, she would not eat until she was sure that there was enough food for her kids and her husband. I also consider my mom a hero because of all the charities she has worked with in her life. She has helped poor people, orphanages, and the abused women’s organizations. In fact, because my mom is the hardest working, most reliable, and selfless person that anyone has ever met, I consider my mom not just my hero, but also a superhero to my family and to everyone that has had the pleasure of meeting her.

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My Hero

Claudia Rondoleanu, Romania, Grammar 3The person I admire is Nadia Comaneci. She was a Romanian gymnast, winner of many Olympic gold medals and the first gymnast ever awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event. She was trained by Bela Karolyi, a famous trainer. Bela described Nadia as the perfect child: “She knew no fear”. Nadia trained 6 days a week and 4 hours each day. She would practice exercises again and again without a single complaint. In 1976, at the Olympics in Montreal, Canada, Nadia performed perfectly. The audiences were amazed waiting for her score. Suddenly, the scoreboard shows 10.0. No one had ever scored a perfect 10.00 before, and the scoreboard didn’t have enough room. She took 7 more perfect 10’s and went home with 3 gold medals. She is one of the best-known gymnasts in the world. In 2000, she was named as one of the athletes of the century.

Nikita Bhakta, India, Writing 3The person that I admire is Hrithik Roshan. He is a famous Bollywood actor in movies. He has two thumbs on his right hand. He is married with a Hispanic girl, and they have two sons. His first movie role was a child artist when he was only six years old, in the 1980s. His first movie was Aasha. Hrithik made his film debut as the leading actor in Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, in 2000. Kaho Na Pyaar Hai means I am in love with you. This movie was directed by his father. His father saw him playing a double role, and the movie proved to be successful at the box office, so the film made him an overnight star. He got this movie because one of the best actors left the movie in the middle of shooting. He received an award for this movie. He dances in many different ways, and he is the best dancer in Bollywood movies. He learned to dance from one of the best dancers, Prabhu Deva. He is also very good in romantic movies. Kaho Na Pyaar Hai is one of the best romantic movies. He also gets many awards for movies. I met him once in my life at an airport, but I did not get much time to talk with him. I have watched all of his movies. He is making two movies in 2011, so I am excited to watch both of his movies. They will be released in the middle of this year. I love him.

Edwin Custodio, El Salvador, Writing 3A person I admired was my grandfather. My grandfather was a great man. His name was Andres. I can’t remember any mistake he made. He always had a smile on his face. I remember that even as an old man, he was good looking. My grandfather was a very wise man, and most of the time he made good decisions. He had a beautiful family; he was also a successful businessman. That old man was a good husband, a great father and an awesome grandfather. I remember that everybody in my family always wanted to be around him. Even though he passed away thirty years ago, I remember him like I saw him yesterday. I really loved my grandfather.

Cinthia Gordillo, Venezuela, Grammar 3There are several people that have influenced various aspects of my life based on their values, personal characteristics, and accomplishments. I have had the privilege to have had many professors whom I admire for their patience and intelligence. I value many political leaders, who have inspired many people for their contributions to society. There are artists that have inspired many people by their natural talents and original creativity, but the person whom I admire the most is my grandmother. She is not famous, but she has played an important role in my life; she always says how proud she is of me. I have always admired her compassion and sense of understanding. She is a person to whom I can talk and from whom I receive good advice. I also admire her because she is very intelligent and kind. She is a wonderful grandmother, very patient, sensitive and warm-hearted too. She knows answers to every question, even those very silly ones. Being so patient and sensible, she even helps others to solve their problems. She always says that family is the most important thing in her life. She is so important to me because she teaches me to be a better person every single day.

Gloria Pedraza, Mexico, Grammar 3We have many heroes in our countries and in our lives. There are many historic heroes who died fighting for our country to give us a better life and our own independence. We are proud to have these historic heroes. We live around many heroes, people who did something important in our lives. When we were children, our first heroes were our parents. They taught us to be good people. When we went to school, our teachers became our heroes as well. They taught us and helped us with our homework. Our spouses are other kinds of heroes. They are always with you when you need them. There are also other kinds of heroes that exist, which nobody sees. These heroes are unknown. They walk on the streets like you and me, but they are there when you need help. When you feel alone or nobody is with you, one of them will help you. I think these heroes have another name: angels. They are always with you when you need them.

Myriam Mugica Dech, Mexico, Writing 3Lucy lives a lifestyle that leads her into a better way to be, and she goes into her relationships with quality. That makes her personality so unique and inspiring. Lucy has a clear awareness of what is going on within herself, so when she feels depleted she finds ways to move forward to change her inner state and face her challenges in a positive manner. She takes care of her health by eating high quality organic food and exercising. Also, Lucy knows how to set boundaries to protect her life. She has discernment to look for her goals in life, and sets her own

pace to achieve it. Lucy is willing to share her knowledge and experience with her friends. She is very warm when she is taking care of relationships. She has nice get-togethers at her home. When Lucy is sharing, she gives the best of her and welcomes friends with joy. She is always on time for meetings and special events. These are some of the many ways Lucy is kind, and she is a very trustworthy person. F

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This I Believe

A Ghostly Experience Karla Reyna, Mexico, Writing 4

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever seen a ghost? Many people think that ghosts do not exist, and they also say that this is just a part of people’s imagination. This theory could be true, but in my opinion, it is wrong. I believe in ghosts, especially after the scary experience that I had a few years ago.

This experience occurred back in 1993 when I came to Houston, Texas, to visit my family in the summer. The first person to see the ghost was my mother. She said that she felt someone around her, like a person who was hugging her so hard that she could not escape. She began to feel desperate about the situation that she was in. After a few minutes of praying, she felt that this hard grip was disappearing slowly. Finally, when she felt free of this situation, she ran to my uncle and aunt’s bedroom and told them what had just happened to her.

After she told my uncle of her experience, my family decided that everybody should sleep in the living room, so this way we could take care of each other if something went wrong. In the middle of the night, all my family was sleeping when suddenly a curious sound woke everybody up. My first reaction was to cover my whole body and face with the bed sheet and close my eyes as tight as I could. My next instinct was to open my eyes because I was a little curious to see what my family was doing at that moment.

Oh my God! I was in complete shock at the horrible scene. I was lying on the floor under the bed sheets and blankets, but I was looking in the direction of the kitchen. The next few seconds were the longest of my entire life. I saw a white shadow with two big, circular, glowing, green eyes in front of me. That thing was looking directly at me, and I could not believe what I was seeing. At first, I was silent, and my whole body had goose bumps. I did not know what to do. The ghost was approaching me, and I could feel the chilly air that was coming from it. It did not have any feet. It was flying! I remember that the only thing that I did was scream loudly and run to my mother’s arms. I began to cry because I was so scared. After I screamed, the ghost quickly disappeared into the darkness.

I respect the opinion of people that do not believe in ghosts or say that it is just my imagination. Before the experience that I had, I was one of those people who did not believe in this kind of thing. I was the typical person who always laughed about this topic. After this awful experience that marked my life forever, I truly believe in ghosts. Now I always show respect for these unnatural events because you never know when the next encounter is going to happen.

I Believe in a Good Doctor-Patient RelationshipMaria Beatriz Briceno, Venezuela, Writing 4

Doctors have a wide knowledge of diseases and treatments. But that is not the most important background they need. I will tell you a story of what changed my point of view of the doctor-patient relationship. I believe this was the greatest lesson I learned during medical school, and I did not learn it from a textbook.

I used to work in a hospital. It was an environment full of doctors and nurses who were busy almost all the time, and also patients who needed someone to take care of them. I gave my patients all that I could. I tried to make them feel comfortable. I offered the best treatment I could and gave them all the attention they needed. It was not easy because there were so many patients, and I was just one doctor.

One day, one of my best friends was diagnosed with cancer. That was shocking. He was twenty-five years old, and he was studying in his last year of medical school. My friends and I started to go to the hospital to visit him, and during that time, we became like family. That was a new experience. At that moment, I learned a beautiful lesson: treat others the same way you want to be treated.

From then on, I started to pay attention to how the medical team talked to the patients. I realized that sick people need to be listened to. They need to talk, not just about their diseases, but also about their lives, their jobs, their homes, and their children. Some of them do not even know if they will ever get to go back home.

During the time my friend was in the hospital I listened to patients’ families and their stories; I learned how their illness changed their customs and schedules. I felt like one of them, but the truth was that they were teaching me how to be a better professional.

Today, I listen more and talk less. I answer all my patients’ questions. I try to explain everything clearly and simply. I ask about their jobs and how the family is doing. I give them a smile, hoping that it helps. Today, I know that one of the top secrets to helping sick people to get better is to have a good doctor-patient relationship based on trust and respect.

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This I Believe

The Power of the MindJuan Albarracin, Colombia, Writing 4

Do you believe that your mind has power? Why do people say “think positive” to someone who has problems or a disease? The mind has a lot of power, which is something that people might not know. Thoughts have a big role in the successes or the failures of humans´ lives and can affect the way a problem or situation is resolved.

Focusing our thoughts on the things that we want to get will help us to get those things easier and faster. For example, if you want a car, you have to maintain positive thoughts about you and the car, such as “That car will be mine. I will have that car soon. I can buy it.”

A person who has pain and wants to reduce it has to concentrate on that pain and have with positive thoughts, such as “I can and will get better. The pain is going to disappear.” Those positive thoughts will make you feel mentally and physically better.

When I was 15 years old, I had a wart on my finger. I went to the doctor and tried many drugs to remove it, but nothing worked. One day, I was upset because I was unable to treat the wart, and I wanted to get rid of it. So I went to my bathroom and decided to remove that wart myself. I knew that it was going to be painful, so I concentrated on the pain that it was going cause. I took a scalpel, and I cut the wart from its root taking it out of my finger. I could see the finger bleeding and part of my bone, but through the power of the mind, I had reached a state of almost no pain.

I believe in the power of the mind because I have realized that my thoughts have influenced my life. It is amazing what we can do with our thinking. You just have to believe in yourself and think positively, and you will have success.

I Believe in the Perfect LoveIsabel Rios, Puerto Rico, Writing 4

I believe in agape love. For many people the meaning of love is an ineffable and tender feeling. The perfect love is more than that. Agape is a Greek word that translated into English means love from God. There are different forms of love, and people express love in different ways. There is the love of parents for their children, the love between friends, the love of a couple, and unconditional love.

One of the most important of these is the parents’ love. This kind of love is always present, no matter how difficult the situation is. For example, they may express their love when maybe nobody else will do it. You can see parents visiting jails and hospitals, trying to give support and love to their sons or daughters. When nobody else is around, parents will be there.

The second most common form of love is friendship. Man is by nature a social being. It is a necessity for all of us to interact and socialize. Friends express their love through their company, sharing time and advice with one another. A good and real friend will always be there for you.

The third and most serious type of love is romantic love. Lovers express their love with letters, poems, email, texting, hugs, kisses and being there for their special person in the right moment. Boyfriends, girlfriends and marriages are part of these relations. This type of relationship requires compromise, trust, respect, and much more.

However, there is only one unconditional love. Agape love is love from God. It is the only perfect, disinterested, divine, and voluntary love. God loves humanity and gave himself in sacrifice so that we could be free. He died to give us the wonderful gift of life. Forget your past, your mistakes, wrongdoings, bad judgment, sadness, and hate, because Jesus is willing to receive you with open arms. His love forgives any fault if your repentance is sincerely from your heart. His love is eternal, unconditional, and impartial. While any person can wish you the best and try to do their best for you, no one can love you the way that Jesus loves you. Nor can anyone make a bigger sacrifice than Jesus did for you to have peace, forgiveness, love, and salvation.

I Believe in MusicAdrian M. Huitron, Mexico, Writing 4

Whenever you’re feeling sad, happy, excited, frustrated, or however you may be feeling, there’s always something that can help you feel better, and that is music. Music can express a range of human emotions. There are hundreds of different kinds of music, a style for every situation and for any kind of person.

Most of the time people choose music depending on how they are feeling at that moment. There are people that whenever they feel sad, they just start listening to some sad music. However, there are other people who try to change their sad mood by listening to something a bit happier, something that will cheer them up.

There are hundreds of different kinds of music from all over the world, and each country has its own traditional music. Sometimes you can tell people’s personality just by listening to the music that they like. Also, many people dress according to the music that they like because it makes them feel original.

Music is something that can be found anywhere. Wherever you go, you will be able to listen to music. There is no place on earth without music. Music is everywhere and for everyone. I believe that there is nobody in the world that does not like music. It might be rock, metal, blues, country, jazz or any other style, but everyone likes at least one style of music.

I believe that music is for everyone, for any time, and for any kind of mood. Music helps us express our feelings, and most of the time it makes us feel better whenever we’re feeling down. Music is love, sadness, happiness, and loneliness. It is everything, depending on how you want to see it. Nothing matters for music; music will always be there for you, and that is why I believe that music is one of the most important things in our lives. So turn up the volume and enjoy.

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This I Believe

I Believe in the Law of AttractionClaudia Perez, Mexico, Writing 4

You should be very careful of what you think about because it can come true. I believe in the law of attraction. Attraction law means that all your thoughts, positive and negative, can be realized in your current life. It is the reason you should to learn how to wish for positive success. Even if you don’t honestly believe you can achieve your goal, you should believe in your own lie if you want to make it true.

For example, one year ago I used to say jokingly that I was going to have gastric bypass surgery to lose weight, go to Europe, and buy a new truck. My ex-husband used to laugh about my thoughts because I did not have any money in my bank account. One day, a customer came to my store and bought a twenty-dollar scratch off lotto ticket. He told me that if he hit the big one, he was going to give me one thousand times the value of the ticket. That would mean twenty thousand dollars. A few minutes after the customer left the store, he came back and told me he had won a million dollars, and the next day he brought me my money. One week later, I had to my surgery, and after two months I bought a truck. After that, I used to say “Now I just need to go to Europe.” Six months later, my best friend said, “Hey, I need go to visit my relatives in Europe. Do you want to go with me?” Because she works for an airline, we did not have to pay for the tickets.

I did not know about attraction law at that time, but after I read a book called The Secret, I remembered all my adventures. Another example of this law is my mother’s mistake. My aunt, who lives in another city, asked to my mom to visit her. However, my mother does not like going to her house, so she made an excuse and told her that she had had a little accident and had broken her leg. My aunt kept calling my mother every day to ask her how she was doing, and my mother kept telling her how bad she felt with her broken leg. A few days later, my mom had an accident and broke her leg. Then I explained attraction law to her, and we agreed that attraction law really works. So if you want to be rich, do not think like a poor person; think about how you are rich, and start planning how you are going to spend your money.

I Believe in SocietyKimheak Him, Cambodia, Writing 4

Do you know how important it is to be a part of society? Many people isolate themselves to avoid social problems. However, there are benefits that we can get from society. Engaging in our society allows us to see different kinds of lifestyles, and it teaches us to be more confident and social. I believe in society because it gathers a lot of people together into one community, and it would be difficult to live if we were unable to communicate with other people.

In my opinion, people cannot go through life alone, even if they are introverted. They need to connect with someone and share their experiences, personal problems, and happiness. They can live by depending only on their own abilities, but they cannot live without human contact. Furthermore, how hard it is if we do not keep in touch with other people. For example, a girl who lives in an isolated house with her parents does not communicate with other people. She stays home without going anywhere for her entire life. She never sees or knows anything about the outside world. Thus, it is very difficult for her to connect with other people because she does not know anyone besides her parents. Also, she is probably afraid of being around a lot of people. Moreover, her whole life could be meaningless because of her isolation.

In conclusion, integrating with society is very significant and helpful. We learn many different things from society, such as how to have a good relationship with other people and how to be self-confident. Therefore, do not isolate yourself from society.

I Believe in Unconditional LoveErzsebet Halasz, Hungary, Writing 4

I grew up in a poor family. We did not have a luxurious life, but we were rich in love. My mom taught me to love and not to be greedy, no matter what. She was always on my side, in good times and bad. The love that my mom has given me throughout my life is unforgettable.

When I was a small child, I did not understand why other families had a better life than us. One summer night, I cried hard because I could not go to see a fireworks display downtown. I was angry and sad. I argued with my mom. Why did everybody get to go downtown except us? I angrily told my mom to buy a car, so we could go to see the firework. She did not scream at me, nor did she spank me. She just sat quietly with tears in her eyes, wrapped her arms around me, and promised that next year she would buy a car.

My mom worked hard days and nights all her life to support the family. She spent all her money on the family, but she never bought anything for herself, not even an ice cream. She had two jobs, and she did the household chores, too. She cooked two times a day for us, even when she was tired because she was not sleeping enough. When I wanted to help her with the housework, she stopped me and said,” I will do it.” She went to bed at twelve o’clock every night with a headache, swollen hands and back pain.

I have grown up, and I am an independent woman now. I can take care of myself, but my mom still wants to help me with household chores. When I told her that I did not need help, she got upset, and she thought that I did not need her anymore. Actually, I need her in my life more than anything else.

I thank my precious mom for raising me to be who I am today. She gave up all her freedom to support the family and me. I never heard her complain about how hard her life was. She worked hard even though her energy level was nil. She has loved me unconditionally throughout my entire life.

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This I Believe

I Believe in Living with a Purpose Giorgio Enrico Shimabucuro, Brazil, Writing 4

Why do immigrants believe that they will have a better life abroad? Isn’t better to always be close to family, around people who have the same customs? From my point of view, it is easier to live with people that speak your native language. It is easier to live with the weather, which you are adapted to as well. However, sometimes the easiest choices aren’t necessarily the best.

The fact is that people start to live a new life thousands of miles away from their hometown for various reasons, perhaps political or economic. The common motive among all these people who risk their lives by immigrating is the quest for a better life, even knowing that it will be challenging.

I have been one of these adventurers since August, 25th 2010, when a Continental Airlines plane left São Paulo, Brazil, bound for Houston, U.S.A. I have been thinking positively and trying to enjoy the life here in the best way. Of course there are some hard times, but they disappear when my faith and my positive feelings take over. By the way, everyone who has goals in life will have hard times. I believe that these hard times will be rewarded in the future.

People say that for those who have huge ambitions, the fall is huge as well. However, I’m not afraid to fall because my faith goes beyond any negative thoughts. I believe with all my strength that there is a God who wants three things from us: To live with love, to respect everyone, and to fight for our goals.

I Believe in My Lovely MexicoKarla Lacourt, Mexico, Writing 4

It is not a secret that Mexico has been having problems with corruption, drug cartels, and thieves for the last six years, but I still believe that one of these days Mexico will be the same as it was ten years ago. I was born in Monterrey, Mexico, and I lived in there for twenty-four years. When I was living in Monterrey, it was for me the most peaceful city in the world.

I grew up in a middle-class suburb, and I had a normal life as a kid in Monterrey. In the morning I went to school, in the afternoon I did homework, and after I finished my homework, I used to meet my friends outside my house. My mother allowed me to play outside with my girlfriends by myself. What I’m trying to say is that even without adult supervision, there was nothing to worry about. We used to play soccer and ride bicycles, and when we got tired, we walked freely to the store to buy a soda.

One day when I was thirteen years old, I went downtown by bus. When it was time to return that night, I completely forget which bus to take to return home safely. I was not afraid because I knew somebody would help me. Back at that time, taking a walk late at night was not a problem, even for a young kid like me.

In conclusion, now Monterrey is having a hard time because of the struggle for money and power. Unfortunately, both involve corruption, crime, cartels, and violence. I wish with all my heart for security in Mexico, and I believe that my lovely Monterrey will be a safe city once again.

I Believe in SuccessNajwa Abdallah, Lebanon, Writing 4

Success is an important achievement in life. It gives us the opportunity to be proud of what we have done to reach the highest level of accomplishment. Success means different things to different people, and all people have their own ways for reaching their goal in life. I believe that success is not only a dream; it is a goal that can be achieved through many years of hard work and study. People try to have success in many parts of their lives, including work, school, and marriage.

How do we become successful in our work? Success doesn’t come easy; we need to work hard in life. It may take many years to make progress, but when we set a goal for ourselves, we should try to reach it, whatever the price.

Success in school is very important for our future. Everything depends on education. Also, the process of setting a goal gives us the chance to choose where we want to go in life and what we will do in the future. Everything depends on your success and achievements. Some people will find many obstacles they will have to struggle with. They shouldn’t let that stop them. On the contrary, they must work harder and study more to overcome those obstacles and achieve success.

Also, I believe in success in marriage. Marriage is the building block of society, but a building cannot stand without a solid foundation. For that reason, it is important to build a marriage with wisdom and understanding.

In conclusion, positive efforts are needed to reach a goal and be successful. There is no limit to the success we can have, but life is full of choices. The choice we make today determines our future. People can reach the highest levels of success, depending on their choices. I believe in success, and nothing is impossible. F

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What I Like Most About the U.S.

Amos Goncalo, Brazil, Writing 3This country is one of the places where I feel very comfortable to say that every day surprises me with something different. When I was young, people told me many stories of the U.S. The technology, education, and quality of life were considered the best in the world. When I heard that, I didn’t trust in the people, because I hadn’t been to the U.S. myself. After a few years, when I got the opportunity to move to the U.S., I compared the stories the people told me before; about the U.S, they forgot to add many other qualities. For example, in this county the people respect each others’ lives. I have seen this at school.

Today I am learning about the American culture with my daughter. I enjoy it because for her everything is normal and for me it is new. One good example happened the other day, when I picked her up at school. I checked her lunch bag, and I noted that she hadn’t eaten lunch, so I asked why she hadn’t shared the food with her friends. She told me that here in the U.S. we can’t share food with anybody. I asked why not? She said, “Because you never know if the other people can eat your food, it doesn’t matter if they are kids or adults, they might have an allergy.”

Day by day, I am learning in this country, with the American people, with my daughter or with friends. In this country the government, the companies, and the people are very worried about the quality of life of everybody. This is what am I very surprised by this country.

Valdir Da Mota, Brazil, Writing 3When someone comes to the U.S. for the first time, it is impossible not to see anything new or different, especially if that person comes from Central or South America. When I arrived here in the US, which was a long time ago, my flight came from Brazil, Sao Paulo City, to Miami, Florida.

As soon I arrived and passed through immigration, I saw my friend waiting for me. First, he took me to see Miami Beach and during the trip what surprised me most was the organization; everything looked perfect and clean. When I mention organization I am referring to the condition of the roads and highways. There were no holes, there were police everywhere, and there were big bridges and intersections.

It looked like everything was planned before they built it. I was also impressed with how people knew the rules to follow, even at the beach. You cannot park your car everywhere; there are specific parking places for people who want to go to the beach. There are also showers, restrooms, a police station, and lifeguards all the time during the day to help people on the beach. Also you cannot drink alcohol. If you do, you will have a ticket, and if you drink and drive you will go to jail and pay a lot of money to get out.

I am also surprised at how well the government helps the businesses move fast, which makes life easy for people. People from other countries see these qualities differently depending on the country they left. There is sometimes culture shock until they get used to the differences and understand the real American culture.

Kattya Flores, Peru, Writing 3 I have been living in the United States of America almost three years. What I like the most about this country are the educational and job opportunities. I come from a country that does not provide the same benefits as here. It is sad to say, but my country and other countries apart from the U.S. do not help people as much as this country does. People dream of coming here to study and work in order to have a better life. That is why, when I came here, I knew sure enough that I was in the right place to live and succeed as the young student I am.

Education in the U.S. is very helpful for everyone who wants to study. In fact, there are a lot of institutes to help students progress in their education. Most of them have a plan which provides the students with school supplies and also transportation. For instance, the government can even pay for their education. I like it because the educational system in the U.S. is very organized and helps the students to become professional and accomplish their goals.

I also like the job opportunities in this country for people who come from elsewhere. For example, most of the people who come to the U.S. have the opportunity to work and achieve their goals. Even people who study get the chance to have a job and do both things at the same time without having so much trouble. In my country it is not like that. There are not many chances to have a job while you are studying. It is very difficult because most employers prefer to have a person who is going to be able to work full time, so people who study do not have the time and chance to work. However, here in the United States, there are a lot of job opportunities for people who want to work and study.

Additionally, there are other aspects that I like about this country, but I think these above are the most important right now. Being a student here in the U.S. just brings hope to become a professional soon and accomplish all the goals that I have. Like my mother always says, “Having an education well finished will open all the doors of success”.

Zahra, Iran, Writing 2I have been living in the United States for about twenty-four years. We also lived in England for a few years, and I found that American people are friendlier and kinder. When we came here one of my husband’s friends from high school let us stay in his house for a few weeks so we could find a place to live. His wife was American. She was a very nice, caring lady. My husband found a job in a grocery store. After a few days, one of the managers gave my husband a free car, and it surprised me. After twenty-four years, we are still blessed by the kind people who want to help others no matter what.

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What I Like Most About the U.S.

Claudia Moreno, Mexico, ESOL - Grammar 3What has surprised me most about the United States are some of its conditions of employment and education.

I was amazed by the jobs and work opportunities that are given to seniors and the elderly. In my opinion, these opportunities are important because they make people feel productive by keeping them busy and active. In my country, there are no such opportunities, and it is almost impossible for older people to get work. Also, I find the large number of jobs available for students remarkable, as those work opportunities not only allow them to help cover some of their school expenses, but they also aid them in gaining work experience.

As for education, I was very surprised by the fact that regardless of their economic level, all children are given the opportunity to study high academic standards at elementary, middle and high schools for free.

What Surprised Me Most about the USXiMei Pei, China, ESOL - Grammar 3I always knew that the United States was the most powerful country in the world. However, I was very surprised by the level of its social development, its humanitarianism, and the freedom of speech people enjoy in this country.

First of all, it does not matter what the political discourse is because American people are cultured in human rights. In my country, China, talking about freedom is forbidden. Second, it is much easier for people to have guns in the U.S. than in any other country. In China, it is impossible for the common people to own guns. Third, people in the U.S. sympathize with the poor. The government helps them with food, gives financial aid for single mothers or people in need who go to school. All of these cannot be imagined in China. Finally, in the United States, you have the right to freedom of speech, which is very limited in many countries. All these things make me amazed by the United States, and that is why the U.S. is my favorite country.

Rosa Delia Reyes, Guatemala, Reading 2The name of my favorite teacher was Alicia Martinez. She was very friendly. What I remember is that she was very knowledgeable, and she was very prepared at the time she started her classes. Mrs. Martinez was a very organized, hard-working and committed teacher. The entire school community loved Mrs. Martinez a lot because she never stopped being friendly with everybody. Every student in school loved her. Mrs. Martinez was an experienced teacher. I always keep the best memories of her in my mind and heart.

Anum Mukhtar, Pakistan, Reading 2My favorite teacher is Olga Spuskanyuk. She has many good qualities as a teacher. She is very intelligent and very well educated. I like her teaching style. She is a very experienced and knowledgeable teacher. Mrs. Spuskanyuk is a very friendly and a hard-working teacher. She is a very cooperating and an organized teacher. What I most like about Mrs. Spuskanyuk is that she is a very helpful and a patient teacher. Olga Spuskanyuk is my ESOL teacher. She is married, has two beautiful daughters, and a loving family.

Kim Le, Vietnam, reading 2My favorite teacher in Lone Star College is Olga Spuskanyuk because she is very friendly, pleasant and helpful to everybody. Mrs. Spuskanyuk is a committed teacher. She has a beautiful smile. She is courteous and attentive. When I experience a problem, or don’t understand something, Olga Spuskanyuk always helps me. I am very happy that I am her student.

Samuel Dantas, Brazil, Reading 2My favorite teacher is friendly, helpful and motivating. This person is patient and encourages students to study hard and succeed. In Lone Star College my favorite teacher is Laura Fiunez. She remembers me and my mother. She has a nice personality. Mrs. Fiunez is very friendly, kind and nice. I like my favorite teacher a lot.

Laura Maria Moschini, Brazil, Reading 2My favorite teacher was a kindergarten teacher. She was nice, attentive and patient. When you work with small children, you need to be caring, loving and understanding. My kindergarten teacher was very kind, and she took a very good care of all children. I liked her personality a lot. When she died, I was very sad. I always remember my favorite kindergarten teacher. I keep the best memories of her.

Gorge Gordillo, Guatemala, Reading 2My favorite teacher is an experienced and knowledgeable person. This teacher is friendly and helpful. My favorite teacher is very hard-working, and she motivates students to work harder to reach their goals. It is very important to have a commitment, motivation and experience to share with the students. It is also important to know more than one foreign language. This skill is very helpful when teaching foreign students.

Alan Carapia, Mexico, Reading 2My favorite teacher was Erasmo. He was a special person because he could give many opportunities to learn. He was hard-working, and he gave us a lot of homework. He was always very friendly and had a very good relationship with the students. I would like to see him again in the future. Also, I would be happy to take classes from him. The most important thing is that he likes to travel, and he comes to the USA, as well. He is my favorite teacher.

Marcela Lopez, Columbia, Reading 2My favorite teacher is from Columbia. She is very intelligent, and her name is Sandra Sanchez. She was my favorite teacher because she has many characteristics of a good teacher such as being patient, sympathetic, organized, creative, funny and responsible. The most important fact about her is that she made the students feel good. Her methods of teaching were very good and impressive, she made learning interesting and fun. If somebody didn’t understand the material, or had a problem, she would find time to explain the mistakes; therefore, I will always remember my teacher. F

My Favorite Teacher

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What I Like About My Country

MexicoNelly Fernandez, Mexico, Reading 2

I am from Mexico. It is a beautiful country. There are many beaches in Mexico. There are also many interesting places to visit and see in Mexico, such as museums. People in Mexico are very friendly and nice. The most important thing is that many places have a rich culture, traditions and history. Many people, who visit Mexico one time, come back again and again.

TurkeyNaci Goncuoglu, Turkey, Reading 2

I am from Turkey, and I like my country’s nature and weather. I love Antalya City. Antalya looks like Miami to many people from Turkey and Europe. We have visitors from everywhere: England, Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the USA. Antalya has lots of restaurants, cafes, discos, bars, beach condos, resorts, apartments, and farms. Since I came to Houston, I no longer live in Antalya, but I would love to live there, too. People in Antalya are very friendly and nice. Turkish food is very delicious. It has the taste of Italian and Spanish food, but Turkish food is still very different. Famous food meals are Adona Kebab, Doner, Pide, Iskender Kebab, Lanmacun, Gozleme and Durun.

MexicoVicky Perez, Mexico, Reading 2

What I most like about my country is diversity. Mexico has different types of weather. It has beautiful landscapes. It has beautiful beaches. Cancun is a paradise. Starting with the sand, it is like a dough, and the water in the ocean is blue, and it looks like a nice blue water in the swimming pool. Mexico also has deserts with an amazing oasis where you can swim with a lot of fish. The food is delicious! Every state has its own type of food. I enjoy traveling to Mexico because it is rich in culture, and I learned a lot of things in every state I visited.

RussiaMarina Koler, Russia, Reading 2

I like my country a lot. At 17,075,400 square kilometers (6,592,800 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia is also the ninth most populous nation with 142 million people. There are 11 big cities in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Russia has the world’s largest reserves of mineral and energy resources. It has the world’s largest forest reserves, and its lakes contain approximately one-quarter of the world’s freshwater. Russian people are very friendly and nice. The population of Moscow is 10,563,038 people. The capital is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the world. There are a lot of institutes, universities, academies, music and concert halls in Moscow and around the country.

ThailandNancy Ann Saeng , Thailand, Reading 2

I like Thailand very much. It has beautiful beaches and clean sand. The food is delicious. I especially like the seafood in Thailand. People in Thailand are very friendly and nice. Thailand has a rich culture, history and traditions. I love my country a lot.

MexicoNancy Gutierrez, Mexico, Writing 2

I am going to talk about Mexico. Mexico has a lot of places that you can visit as a tourist. One of them is called Cascadas Hierve el Agua (Boiling Water Waterfalls) in Oaxaca. The Boiling Water Waterfalls were formed naturally in several thousands of years. Due to the leak of water with a high mineral salt content, from a long distance, it seems like the water is boiling and it has a very shining white color. But when the people are close to them to check the texture, they realize that is solid rock! It looks like stone painted with lime. It is worth to be mentioned that in this area, which is located near the capital of the State of Oaxaca, there is abundant production of cactus that is used to make the White Mezcal, an alcohol drink similar to Tequila. This is an example of the places that you can enjoy as a tourist in Mexico.

VenezuelaJorge Gordillo, Venezuela, Writing 2

The Chinita festival is celebrated every year in Maracaibo, a city in Venezuela, and it lasts three days from November 17th to 19th . I love that festival because I can have fun with my friends and family. In this festival, there are a lot of performances by famous music groups and we choose Miss Chinita. This festival celebrates the miracle of the Virgin of Chiquinquira. These celebrations have also been observed by catholic churches every November 19. At this festival, there is also a bull run throughout the fair, which is the traditional game of the Chinita and a game of baseball, which has been organized by the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League. That is why I love that festival.

Honduras Jose Luis Erazo, Honduras, Writing 2

Honduras is in Central America. It has 18 provinces. The Capital is Tegusigalpa, and San Pedro Sula is the industrial capital of Honduras. The population is 8 million. About 90% of the population is mestizo. There are also small minorities of European, African, and Asian people. The most popular religion is Roman Catholic, and the type of government is constitutional republic. The President is elected for 4 years. Honduras has many kinds of tourist sites, such as the Mayan structures, beaches and others. Honduras is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. There are many beaches and different types of white sand and volcanic sand. In the Caribbean Sea there are islands of white sand. Bay Island is one of the 18 provinces of Honduras. 

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What I Like About My Country

BrazilLaura Maria Moschini, Brazil, Writing 2

I like the wonderful beaches of my country. First of all, the Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro, is beautiful and it has a long sand band and is smooth. The sea is clear, and many people walk in the pedestrian street twenty four hour s a day doing exercise. Besides this, there is a spectacular view of mountains that surrounds the city. Second, there is the beach Fernando de Noronha in Pernambuco, which has transparent water. It is rich in the marine fauna and for this reason it is a paradise. The third beach is Joaquina in Florianopolis. It has a set of dunes, rocky shores and beautiful waves which are enjoyed by surfers from around the world. And the last beach, and the most beautiful, is Pipa in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. It has fine and clear sand. The sea is like a pool and the water is warm and calm where you can swim. The landscape is wonderful. In conclusion, these are some amazing beaches in Brazil.

MexicoAlan Carapia, Mexico, Writing 2

Mexico is a beautiful place that has two things: Perks and drawbacks. First, Mexico has different cultures, different traditions and different kinds of food. For example, I like and I will like to visit “The Riviera Maya” because this place has interesting information about the Mayan culture, and also because I like to eat a special dish called “chiles en nogada.” This food is special because it has different nuts, such as almonds, peanuts and walnuts. These are examples of how beautiful Mexico is. However, Mexico has a lot of crime and corruption. Now people are afraid of going outside because something bad may happened to them. Corruption with the government is also worrisome. In my opinion, people in Mexico should pay attention to their crime and corruption ,but they should also continue to retain the good things that they have.

HondurasNora Funes, Honduras, Writing 2

I like everything from my country Honduras, the climate, beaches, river, etc. The climate in Honduras is tropical during the year; however, it is cold in December. The beaches are blue and the sand is white. Most of the people go to the beaches during the spring break. All the beaches are full, and the rivers, too. The type of food that is mostly eaten is seafood. This is why I love my country.

PakistanAnum Mukhtar, Pakistan, Writing 2

I am from Pakistan. I love my country because it is an Islamic country and full of colors, traditions, and festivals. In my country we have four states and we have our own languages. Some states are in plains, some are in mountainous areas, and some in deserts. There are many beautiful places in my country. People live together and help each other. They respect their elderly. In my country, people wear our traditional clothes. There are four seasons in Pakistan: winter, summary, autumn, and spring. I like most of our festivals, such as Ramadan and Eids. People in my country are very peaceful. Pakistan means “The land of peace.” That is why I like my country.

MexicoZaida Duenez, Mexico, Writing 2

My country is Mexico and is well known by its cuisine, the beauty of its women and its music. Thinking about Mexican food makes me feel hungry. The diversity of the food is big. The different kinds of textures and spices combined make the most delicious meals. The beauty of Mexican women is almost a miracle. They are not only beautiful on the outside but also inside. The music is well known also because of the Mariachi. Talking of music from Mexico reminds me of the Mariachi Loco, Mexico Lindo y Querido, and many more. My country is one of the best. If you want to enjoy your life and live happy forever, marry a Mexican woman so you can have good food, a beautiful woman and music daily, because we do most of the housework with music. 

PeruJesus Santisteban, Peru, Writing 2

Two main reasons to visit Peru are its tourist places and the great variety of dishes. Peru is located in the central part of South America and is divided by three natural regions, Costa, Sierra and Selva: The Costa located by the Pacific Ocean offers many beautiful beaches and delicious seafood. The Sierra located in the central part offers Macchu Picchu (one of the 7 wonders of the world) and vegetable dishes. The Selva offers beautiful ecological parks full of wildlife, and dishes of beef and fruits. In September of each year in Lima, capital of Peru, there is a food festival called “Mistura,” where you can find dishes from all regions. That is the best date to visit and try all these wonders of this beautiful country.

MexicoMariana Garcia, Mexico, Writing 2

Mexico is a country with many qualities. One of them is the warmth of its people. For example, in a neighborhood all the neighbors know each other and maintain a friendship. Although you may not know them for a long time, if you need something from them or any help, they will undoubtedly help you. Another characteristic of Mexico is its tourist places and its culture. For instance, it is very common to find statues of people that were part of Mexico’s history. Mexico is characterized by being  much attached  to  its traditions;  people celebrate  each of the important days in the country with great celebrations, local foods and traditional music. I like its traditions and culture. In almost each city you will find all the stores and other places very close to each other. For example, if it is in the middle of the night and you want something to eat, you can find some stores open. There are also many places where you can go without requiring a car. I also like the food, because we have a wide variety of dishes. In general, I love my country and I just have wonderful things to say about Mexico.

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Featured Faculty: Viviana Gomez

What I Like About My Country

MexicoAdalia Crater, Mexico, Writing 2

I like Mexico’s old architecture, scenery, people, and food. I like the Mexican architecture because of is variety. I especially like Mexico City. It has a big palace from the 1800s, like the white house in Washington DC. Around it are new buildings. When you travel through Mexico, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. There are beautiful gardens, amazing mountains, and many lakes and rivers. The people there make you feel very welcome. In the Mexican culture family and friends are very important. The food in Mexico is varied because each state has its own seasoning. In central Mexico people use more spices for more flavorful taste. In northern Mexico, where I am from, we use more hot peppers. In southern Mexico, people use more fruits for flavor like nowhere else. All of these things make Mexico a very nice place to visit.

BrazilSamuel Dantas, Brazil, Writing 2

I like the  climate of my country. The climate is good because it’s not too hot and not too cold. In my city the climate is different. At the end of the year, it rains everyday with sun shining. It is really hot, but not like in Rio de Janeiro. All the places that have beaches in Brazil are very hot, and all the people in Brazil like to go to the beach in the end of year for the festivals. Brazil is known worldwide by its beaches and festivals. All year long tourists from all over visit the beaches, the amazon, the carnivals, etc. I like Brazil also because the people are very friendly, and I have a lot of friends in different places. Everybody enjoys doing the same things and eating the same foods. I also like the traditional foods, like churrasco, arroz with feijao, pastel  and  so forth.  I  love the  traditional festivals. In my city  the most popular  festival is Festa Junina. This festival attracts a lot of people from different places. This festival has traditional foods, dance, music and the people wear traditional costumes and everybody has a lot of fun.

GuatemalaRosa Delia Reyes, Guatemala, Writing 2

My name is Rosa Delia Reyes I was born in Guatemala located in Central America. Guatemala is a country where our tourists are amazed when looking at the beauty of each of its volcanoes, mountains, rivers and lakes. My native origin is a beautiful town called Izabal, located south of Lake Izabal and the great love of all Guatemala. Izabal is a proud town with very humble people, noble, educated, and loving. What I would say is that I could never finish telling you about the gorgeous small land where God wanted me to be born. On this occasion I tell you all that if everyone had the opportunity to visit Guatemala, I recommend to everyone to try to visit the most beautiful part of this city. You will find it near the ruins of land located in Petén Izabal and the Castle of San Felipe. Each and every one is welcomed to visit my country whenever you wish and we will be glad to see you there whenever possible.

ThailandWatts Sathaporn, Thailand, Writing 2

I like my country of Thailand because the people are always smiling, the food is good, and the monarchy is interesting. In Thailand, people are always smiling because they are happy and friendly. They call us the”Land of Smiles.” In addition, Thai food has all kinds of fresh, healthy ingredients. My favorite dishes are spicy green curry and a fruit called durian which has a very strange smell, but delicious taste. In our culture, we have a King and Queen. Thai people love their King and Queen a lot. We have a good monarchy. These are some of the reasons why I like my country. If you would like to visit Thailand, you are most welcome. Sawadee! F

I was born in Berisso, a small town in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I started studying English at a small British School at the age of five. When I was six, I started regular elementary school but I would still attend the British School in the evenings. When I was in high school, I started teaching English to my classmates and neighbors. I ended up running my own little private school. I studied Public Translation at the University of La Plata in Buenos Aires. After

that I took a post-graduate course as an interpreter at the Law College of the University of Buenos Aires. At the same time, I attended government teaching courses and I was certified to teach. I taught English at the state owned company I was working for. I enjoyed my experience teaching students from different parts of the world who were temporarily working

in the construction of ships. I got attracted by the cultural diversity and this made me decide to travel and work for some time. I lived in different countries in Europe, mostly England, Italy and Spain. I worked on different fields from harvesting mushrooms in Sardinia to teaching Spanish in England and English in Spain. I lived and worked with families who helped me understand their cultural codes. After this, I came back to Argentina and I got married. We had three girls in two years (twins). I managed to work part time at the Business College of the Catholic University and at a pharmaceutical company. When we thought that we would live in our home country for the rest of our lives, my husband was offered a job overseas. Ever since, we have been moving every two or three years. It is a very exciting life!

This is my second semester at Lone Star-College Kingwood. One of my most rewarding experiences of teaching here is to see students from the ESOL Program improving their language skills throughout the courses. I appreciate their dedication and effort to face this challenge, and I am gratified to be a part of this wonderful learning process working together with my colleagues. F

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LSC-Kingwood Intensive English Program (ESOL) Class Schedule

Summer 2011 6-Week Courses – Day Classes Start Date: 7/14/2011 End Date: 8/18/2011Course Name CREDIT Number CE Number Day/Time RoomESOL Grammar 1 ENGL. 0308, 2001 ENGLC 3000801, 2001 MTWTh COT 101 4282 8:00–10:50ESOL Grammar 2 ENGL. 0308, 2003 ENGLC 3000801, 2003 MTWTh TBA 4294 8:00–10:50ESOL Grammar 3 ENGL. 0308, 2005 ENGLC 3000801, 2005 MTWTh COT 100 4296 8:00–10:50ESOL Grammar 4 ENGL. 0308, 2007 ENGLC 3000801, 2007 MTWTh TBA 4299 8:00–10:50ESOL Writing 1 ENGL. 0371, 2001 ENGLC 3007101, 2001 MTWTh TBA 4649 11:30–2:20ESOL Writing 2 ENGL. 0372, 2001 ENGLC 3007201, 2001 MTWTh COT 101 4651 11:30–2:20ESOL Writing 3 ENGL. 0373, 2001 ENGLC 3007301, 2001 MTWTh COT 100 4653 11:30–2:20ESOL Writing 4 ENGL. 0374, 2001 ENGLC 3007401, 2001 MTWTh LIB 203 4655 11:30–2:20Writing II ENGL. 0307, 2001 ENGLC 3000701, 2001 MTWTh TBA 4657 11:30–2:20Developmental Reading II ENGL. 0305, 2001 ENGLC 3000501, 2001 MTWTh LIB 203 4659 8:00–10:50

Fall 2011 16-Week Classes - Day ClassesStart Date: 8/29/2011 End Date: 12/16/2011Course Name CREDIT Course Number Room Day TimeLanguage Skills ENGL. 0308, 2001 LIB 203 MW 1:00–2:50 am Workshop Pronunciation 12053 ESOL Grammar I ENGL. 0308, 2003 To be announced MW 8:30–10:20 am 12107ESOL Grammar II ENGL. 0308. 2005 LIB 203 MW 8:30–10:20 am 12110 ESOL Grammar III ENGL. 0308, 2007 COT 100 MW 8:30–10:20 am 12115 ESOL Grammar IV ENGL. 0308, 2009 COT 101 MW 8:30–10:20 am 12117 ESOL Grammar V ENGL. 0308,2011 LIB 201 MW 8:30–10:20 am 12121ESOL Writing I ENGL. 0371, 2001 To be announced MW 10:30–12:20 am 12125ESOL Writing II ENGL. 0372, 2001 LIB 203 MW 10:30–12:20 am 12128ESOL Writing III ENGL. 0373, 2001 COT 100 MW 10:30–12:20 am 12132ESOL Writing IV ENGL. 0374, 2001 COT 101 MW 10:30–12:20 am 12137ESOL Writing V ENGL. 0375, 2001 LIB 201 MW 10:30–12:20 am 12139

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LSC-Kingwood Intensive English Program (ESOL) Class Schedule

ESOL Reading I ENGL. 0361, 2001 To be announced TTh 8:30–10:20 am 12141ESOL Reading II ENGL 0362, 2001 LIB 203 TTh 8:30–10:20 am 12143ESOL Reading III ENGL. 0363,2001 COT 100 TTh 8:30–10:20 am 12147ESOL Reading IV ENGL. 0364, 2001 COT 101 TTh 8:30–10:20 am 12149ESOL Reading V ENGL. 0365, 2001 LIB 201 TTh 8:30–10:20 am 12151ESOL Oral Communication I ENGL. 0381, 2001 LIB 203 TTh 10:30–12:20 am 12153ESOL Oral Communication II ENGL. 0382, 2001 COT 100 TTh 10:30–12:20 am 12155ESOL Oral Communication III ENGL. 0383, 2001 COT 101 TTh 10:30–12:20 am 12157ESOL Oral Communication IV ENGL. 0384, 2001 LIB 201 TTh 10:30–12:20 am 12159

FALL 2011 15-Week Classes (Late Start Evening Classes)Start Date: 9/5/2011 End Date:12/16/2011 Course Name CREDIT Course Number Room Day TimeESOL Reading V ENGL. 0365, 2003 To be announced MW 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12161ESOL Grammar I ENGL. 0308, 2013 LIB 203 MW 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12165ESOL Grammar II ENGL. 0308, 2015 COT 100 MW 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12169ESOL Grammar III ENGL. 0308, 2017 COT 101 MW 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12171ESOL Grammar IV ENGL. 0308, 2019 LIB 201 MW 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12173ESOL Writing I ENGL. 0371, 2003 LIB 203 TTh 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12176ESOL Writing II ENGL. 0372, 2003 COT 100 TTh 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12182ESOL Writing III ENGL. 0373, 2003 COT 101 TTh 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12185ESOL Writing IV ENGL. 0374, 2003 LIB 201 TTh 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12188ESOL Writing V ENGL. 0375, 2003 To be announced TTh 6:00–8:00 p.m. 12192

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ESOLESOL – A great learning experience!

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank our ESOL student contributors, ESOL faculty,

Pam Clarke & Designs in Print intern Michelle Goynes for their collaboration and assistance.

Copyright 2011: Lone Star College–Kingwood is the copyright holder of the material

in Diversity. Any use of the material in this newsletter is only allowed with permission from LSC–Kingwood.