Distribution And Delivery

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Distribution And Delivery

Distribution and Delivery

Unit 7

• Reading: Selling your product abroad

• Listening: Enquiring about orders and deliveries (telephone conversations)

• Writing: Phone messages

• Speaking: Making a telephone call to a supplier

• Vocabulary: Telephone language

• Grammar: Modal verbs of obligation

Getting started: Distribution and Delivery

• Do you think it is better to use a supplier who is local to your company, or a national supplier who is in another part of your country?

Discuss with a partner;Try to find three advantages and three disadvantages for each(Cost, delivery time etc.)

Task: 2 and 3 on page 34

•Supplier = leverandør

Modal verbs of Obligation

• Have to (obligation)• Don’t have to (advice)• May (advice)• Must (obligation)• Mustn’t (obligation)• Should (advice)• Shouldn’t (advice)• Can (advice)• Can’t (obligation)

• Må• Må ikke• Kan• Må• Må ikke• Burde• Burde ikke• Kan• Kan ikke

Complete the table on page 34 using these verbs.

Modals of obligation

• Task 3-4 on page 35

• Extra: worksheet

Selling overseas

What sort of things should you think about if you want to sell your product abroad?

What decisions do you have to make?

Advertising and marketing = reklame og markedsføringCustoms regulations = tollbestemmelser Sales channel = salgskanalTransportPreventing people from copying your product (Task2 p. 35)

Reading: Selling your product abroad

• What famous products do we export?

• Do we produce anything in Norway that you think would not sell well overseas?

Listening: Enquiring about orders and deliveries

• Listen to the conversation – Task 1 on page 36

• Listen to the conversation again – task 2 on page 36

Role-play; Enquiring about orders and deliveries

• Student A = customer services manager

• Page 37

• Student B = Shop owner

• Page 106

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Øvinger på s. 115 (fasit s. 164-165)