
Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Distribution

What kind of media institute might distribute your film and why?

My Film

• Since I have chosen a film that blends the sci-fi genre with a teen drama story I would gather that a studio with experience with both genres would be likely to produce the film.

• These companies would include:• 20th Century Fox• Working title• Universal Pictures• Paramount

20th Century Fox

• 20th Century Fox remains as one of the largest American Film studios. The studio have had a history with exploring different genres including sci-fi and teen drama. Examples of these films include the sci-fi film X-Men: First Class and the upcoming coming of age film Paper Towns.

Working Title

• Working Title is an example of one of the largest British film distributers. They have distributed many genres of film including the worlds end and the theory of everything. This distributer would be a great choice for my film as they would be more likely to make a British film than some larger American companies.

Universal Pictures

• Universal is an American film company that has created hundreds of successful films. The company have had experience in many genres including sci-fi and teen drama, developing films such as Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim V.S The World.


• Paramount is one of the largest grossing film studios in America. They have seen success over multiple genres including sci-fi and teen drama. Such films include Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Iron Man.

How would I grab the attention of the company?

• Because the film would be generally low budget I would result to cheaper means to get publicity for the film.

• These methods would involve social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook in order to create a free fan page for the film, YouTube in order to advertise and upload trailers for the film, and I would also use film festivals in order to gain feedback from audiences for advertisement use.

• I would use my feedback and publicity in order to reach out to these companies in order to make them confident in investing for the film.

• Due to the style and genre of the film, I would probably choose Working Title as they would be more likely to support a British film such as this.