Dissemination Information Packages (DIPS) for Information Reuse

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Program on Information Science Brown Bag talk by Nancy McGovern, Head of Curation and Preservation Services

Transcript of Dissemination Information Packages (DIPS) for Information Reuse

Dissemination Information Packages (DIPS) for

Information Reuse (DIPIR)

MIT Libraries Brown Bag

DIPIR Principal Investigators:

Ixchel M. Faniel, Ph.D. Elizabeth Yakel, Ph.D.

Overview of DIPIR :

Nancy Y McGovern, Ph.D.

Research-based Practice

research instruction


• IMLS-funded project led by Drs. Ixchel Faniel (PI) & Elizabeth Yakel (co-PI)

• 3-year project October 2010 – September 2013

• Studying the intersection between data reuse and digital preservation in three academic disciplines to identify how contextual information about the data that supports reuse can best be created and preserved.

• Focuses on research data produced and used by quantitative social scientists, archaeologists, and zoologists.

• The intended audiences of this project are researchers who use secondary data and the digital curators, digital repository managers, data center staff, and others who collect, manage, and store digital information.

Motivation for the DIPIR Project

Two Major Goals 1. Bridge gap between

data reuse and digital curation research

2. Determine whether

reuse and curation practices can be generalized across disciplines

Data reuse research

Digital curation research

Disciplines curating

and reusing data

Our interest is in this overlap.

DIPIR Project

Nancy McGovernICPSR/MIT

Ixchel FanielOCLC Research


Eric Kansa Open Context

William Fink UM Museum of Zoology

Elizabeth Yakel University of

Michigan (Co-PI)

The Research Team Resources at dipir.org:• Project Details• People• Sites• Publications• Bibliography• Project Reports• News

For more information, please visit http://www.dipir.org

Next Steps

Interviews• Social scientists• Archaeologists• Zoologists

Survey• ICPSR Data


Observations• UMMZ Data


Web analytics• OpenContext.org

transaction log analysis

Map significant properties of data as representation


Faniel & Yakel 2011

Methods Overview

ICSPR Open Context UMMZ

Phase 1: Project Start up

Interviews Staff

10 Winter 2011

4 Winter 2011

10 Spring 2011

Phase 2: Collecting and analyzing user data

Interviews data consumers

43 Winter 2012

22 Winter 2012

27 Fall 2012

Survey data consumers

2000 Summer 2012

Web analyticsdata consumers

Server logsOngoing

Observations data consumers


Phase 3: Mapping significant properties as representation information

A Survey of ICPSR Data Reusers Measuring Data Repository Success

What data qualityindicators contributeto quantitative socialscientists’ data reuse satisfaction?

Measuring Repository Success Survey of ICPSR Data Reusers - Part 1

• Completeness – sufficiency, breadth, depth, and scope• Relevancy – applicability and helpfulness of data for the task • Accessibility – ease and speed data were retrieved• Ease of Operation – ease data were managed and manipulated • Credibility – correctness, reliability, impartiality of data

Additional Indicators:• Data Producer Reputation – regard for a data producer’s work• Documentation Quality – sufficiency and ability to facilitate use

Data Quality Indicators ICPSR Survey of Data Reusers – Part 1

(Wang and Strong, 1996; Lee et al., 2002)

Survey Methodology

Data Collection1,632 first authors of published journal articles 2008-2012 surveyed

The Survey Part 1:inquire about data reuse experiencePart 2: inquire about experience using ICPSR repository and intention to continue use

Preliminary Findings• Tested measures of repository success • Extended ideas about data quality beyond credibility and

relevance of data – Data reuse satisfaction requires data that are complete, accessible,

and easy to operate

• Data producer reputation was not significant• Documentation quality played a role if data reuse satisfaction

The Study

Research QuestionHow do novice social science researchers make sense of social science data?

Data Collection22 Interviews

Data AnalysisCode set developed and expanded from interview protocol


Making sense of matching and merging capabilities across multiple datasets

• Combining longitudinal data• “If they're not asking the same question over years,… [it’s] particularly

difficult because if they’ve changed the question wording, are then people answering differently and so there were several discussions that I had with my dissertation advisor…” (CBU18).

• Merging data from different sources

• “…authors will create a variable, they’ll average across a four or five year period, and I’m trying to match that with a variable that was coded for a single year period. So making an argument…that these two things should be put together …, is something I always have to be wary of …So when dealing with that,…I’ll see if it’s been done by others” (CBU04).

Preliminary Findings

Novices engaged in careful articulation of the data producer’s research process.Novices relied on human scaffolding in the form of faculty advisors and instructors.Human scaffolding also came from the community as represented in the literature.

Research QuestionHow do novice social science researchers make sense of social science data? Data Collection22 InterviewsData AnalysisCode set developed and expanded from interview protocol

Preliminary Findings

Social Science Resource

Faniel, I.M., Kriesberg, A. & Yakel, E. (2012). Data Reuse and Sensemaking among Novice Social Scientists. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49. (Slides)

Full list: http://dipir.org/publications/

• Social and economic forces pushing toward digital archaeological data publication

• No robust set of standards exist for field archaeology

• Data reuse studies can inform standards development, but there are few outside of science and engineering disciplines

MotivationThe Challenges of Digging Data: A Study of Context in Archaeological Data Reuse


Archaeology resource

Faniel, I.M., Kansa, E., Kansa, S.W., Barrera-Gomez, J. & Yakel, E. (2013). The Challenges of Digging Data: A Study of Context in Archaeological Data Reuse. Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. (Preprint, Abstract, view slides via SlideShare)

Full list: http://dipir.org/publications/

Archaeology Study

Research Question1. How does contextual information

serve to preserve the meaning of and trust in archaeological field research over time?

2. How can existing cultural heritage standards be extended to incorporate these contextual elements?

Data Collection22 interviews with archaeologists

Data AnalysisCode set developed and expanded from interview protocol


• The lack of context was a persistent problem.• Data collection procedures were highly sought during

data reuse.• Additional context also played a role during data reuse. • Researchers have an interest in the entire data life-cycle

(data collection preparation through repository)• Need more studies involving data integration and reuse

to help guide standards development (CIDOC-CRM not sufficient)

Preliminary Findings

A Snapshot of the 27 Data Reusers



reuse data from colleagues


reuse data from other repositories and websites

reuse data from museums and archives


are systematists

study ecological trends

reuse data from journal articles


Data Selection Criteria

Data coverage Geographic precision

Matches another datasetAvailability of voucher specimen

Time period specimen collected

Condition of specimen

Sequence has been published

Results of pre-analysisIdentification or location errors

Relevant taxonomically

Trust in Repositories Resource

Yakel, E., Faniel, I., Kriesberg, A., & Yoon, A. (2013). Trust in Digital Repositories. International Journal of Digital Curation, 8(1), 143–156. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v8i1.251.(Awarded Best Conference Paper at the 8th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC). Amsterdam, Netherlands). (Article)

Full list: http://dipir.org/publications/

DIPIR is examining trust factors for re-use:

• Benevolence– The organization demonstrates goodwill toward the customer

• Integrity– The organization is honest and treats stakeholders with respect

• Identification– Understanding and internalization of stakeholder interests by the

organization – ISO TRAC understanding the designated community (pp. 25-26)

• Transparency– Sharing trust-relevant information with stakeholders – ISO TRAC sharing audit results (p. 19)

(Pirson & Malhotra, 2011)

Stakeholder Trust

Theoretical Framework

DeLone and McLean Information Systems (IS) Success Model

Information Quality

System Quality

Service Quality

Intention Use to use

User Satisfaction

Net Benefits

(DeLone & McLean, 2003)


• DIPIR used TRAC requirements as a starting point for informing a survey of social scientists

• That process raised questions about what users of digital repositories might notice and/or rely upon

• Worthwhile to take a step back and consider how users might perceive our TRAC-related efforts

Perceptions of TRAC Examples from TRAC requirements: 3.1.1. Mission Statement reflects “commitment to the preservation

of, long term retention of, management of, and access to digital information”

3.2. “sustained operation of the repository”3.3.4. “commit to transparency and accountability in all actions”

How might users of repositories become aware of and respond to our efforts to be compliant?

Should we strive to encourage them to be aware? How?How can/would we know if their interest in our practices increases

or changes?Who is our audience for demonstrating good practice?

Repository Trust Concepts

Continuance Intention




Identification-based trust

Social Factors

Structural Assurances

Performance Expectancy




Quantitative Social Scientists



(66)Stakeholder Trust in the Organization

Benevolence 0 1 1Identification 1 1 2Integrity 1 1 2Transparency 5 5 10

Social FactorsColleagues 1 7 8

Structural AssuranceGuarantees:Preservation/Sustainability 9 1 10Institutional reputation 4 23 27Third Party Endorsement 0 1 1

How often interviewees mentioned Trust Factors

Coming UP …

DIPIR Research Assistant Adam Kriesberg will present a paper on Nov. 4 at the 2013 Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). The paper is entitled “The Role of Data Reuse in the Apprenticeship Process” and features Rebecca Frank, Ixchel Faniel, and Elizabeth Yakel as co-authors.



• Institute of Museum and Library Services, – LG-06-10-0140-10

• Our co-authors: Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Ph.D., Julianna Barrera-Gomez, M.S.I., Elizabeth Yakel, Ph.D.

• Partners: Nancy McGovern, Ph.D. (MIT), Eric Kansa, Ph.D. (Open Context), William Fink, Ph.D. (University of Michigan Museum of Zoology)

• Students: Morgan Daniels, Rebecca Frank, Adam Kriesberg, Jessica Schaengold, Gavin Strassel, Michele DeLia, Kathleen Fear, Mallory Hood, Molly Haig, Annelise Doll, Monique Lowe