Display advertising 2011

Post on 12-May-2015

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Display, a quick overview.

Transcript of Display advertising 2011

Best of DisplayMake a good impression

“If I were starting life over again, I am inclined to think that I would go into the advertising business in preference to almost any other. The general raising of standards of modern civilization among all groups of people during the past half-century would have been impossible without that spreading of the knowledge of higher standards by means of advertising.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt




Display basic formats

Display Advertising - What’s it good for?

• Entertaining experiences, best when interactive, timely & engaging

• Far less investment than search but...

...people only search when they know something exists

• Tests found 4 rules for what can grab attention for banners:

• Integration into the editorial content

• Rich Media

• Annoying stuff

• High relevance of message

Some Principles

• Take the creative to the consumer

• The richer the media the richer the experience

• Always be contextual

• Don’t simply advertise, interact

• Utilise the features

Take the creative to the consumer

• Rich media allows us to take any content to where they already are

• Our websites aren’t necessarily the creative hub, our online media is often the key platform where we can communicate anything and everything

• Where do we drive to?

• If online media now becomes our conversation then we can drive to a platform where the person can continue the conversation-Facebook, YouTube, blogs, forums, Twitter etc.

The richer the media the richer the experience

• Treat online media space like any other creative medium. The more canvas space there is to play with the richer content we can provide.

• So we’re looking for high impact placements with:

• High file size 100kb with 1-2.2mb video

• Large banner formats - marquee placements, expanding banners & page take overs

• Audio & video

• Synchronised placements telling a story between banners

Be contextual

Rich media should always be designed to communicate with contextual relevance to our audience, who they are and where they are.

Online allows us to be extremely targeted in who we are talking to and in what space we are talking to them. From there we can effectively shape what we wish to say to them in that space.

Beware context

Beware context

Don’t simply advertise, interact

What’s special to online is response.

It’s the best advertising channel to talk to our audience and they can talk right back. This conversation may be through a game, a video rating, a competition entry, a music download or video upload.

The medium allows immediacy and there are endless ways to utilise it.

Utilise the features

Online offers an amazing number of ways to control and measure messaging and tracking.

We can have multiple messages served in any order in any situation.

We can further measure every interaction and then track the consumer path.

Data becomes extremely powerful for us to further optimise and become even more relevant.

Synchronised banners (roadblocks)

Synchronised placements allows us to tell a story within a page.

Within one placement we can engage using multiple rich assets including gaming, video and content downloads.

Video in banner

Broadband allows more video TV spots, product demos & trailers.

Allow instant feedback with commenting across YouTube and Facebook.

Webcams in banners

Games in banners

Video innovations

Widget banners

Within media banners we can either aggregate content which is dynamically updated. These could include video, product info, games or any user created content. Due to size this interface could be pushed through any online ad medium

Live data

Site Skins

Publishers often allow full page reskins and animations of their pages

Over the Page. Interruptive but effective when targeted

Data capture

We can take any format of creative to users. Competitions, online booking, registration or any other online functionality.

Why drive people to a competition site when we can get the data where they are?

Expanding Ads

Most online creative placements are small (300x250 & 728x90 pixels). Expanding banners means we can double our canvas size.

Ads that 'stalk' you


Small text files stored in the browser which tell a Web site how many times you’ve been to a specific site and what sort of sites you visit.

“Click through rates are 400-600% higher than standard banner ads.” Michael Steckler, Criteo's UK Managing Director

Retargeting Ads

Office retargeting campaign

• Office’s focus was purely on customer conversion

• They wanted to do this in a smart, highly targeted and measurable way.

• Ad serving priority was focused on those visitors that spent the most time browsing without buying on their site

Office results

“The personalised retargeting service that allows us to target consumers based on their behaviour on our site, has enabled us to be very smart and flexible with our online ad spend. Also, the fact that the CPC model is a low risk and high-impact ensures we only pay for very strong leads – those that click through to our site.” Corinne Poggi, eCommerce Manager

Over the last year Office’s revenue from redirected ads has increased by 185% and clicks are up 206%.

Welcome to the future...

Beware Cookies

Best in display

• Immediate engagement or strong call to engage

• Unique interactivity• Contextual relevance• A click is not required to be sold on the brand

• Wow factor

What to look for:

Dynamic Ads

What’s exciting is dynamic functionality. This allows us to change information in an online ad in a manner of minutes.

Tactically we can be extremely responsive in our online communication and respond immediately to market and competitions changes.

Contextually we can offer messaging that directly responds to current affairs as they’re happening.

and we haven’t even looked at Uniqlo or Facebook

It’s not always about the technology

Outdoor can be interactive too

But then that’s always been the way

Other banners to check out...

Browser shake - Burger King

Contextual Expander - Absolut Kravits

Mouse Tracking - MTV Groupie

User initiated roadblock with video - 300

Video in banners - Miami Vice

Print Voucher from banner - Burger King

Some things to look out for

• Google display

• Ad exchanges

• Facebook ads

• Real-time

• Location based

• Data data data

10 horrific display placements