Disk Diffusion Breakpoint Determination for Antimicrobial ...

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Disk Diffusion Breakpoint Determinationfor Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

Glen DePalma

Joint work with Professor Bruce A. Craig

Department of Statistics

March 20, 2012

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I Misuse of antibiotics is a major contributor to the growth ofdrug-resistant bacteria.

I Two clinical tests assess susceptibility of bacterial pathogen to drug

I Drug Dilution (MIC) → concentration (µg/ml)

I Disk Diffusion (DIA) → zone diameter (mm)

I Drug/Test breakpoints classify pathogen to be:

I Susceptible - very high likelihood of successful treatment

I Intermediate - marginal likelihood of successful treatment

I Resistant - low likelihood using FDA approved dosage

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MIC Test


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DIA Test

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Properties of the Two Tests

I Drug Dilution (MIC) test

I Considers set of two-fold dilutions

I Will use log2(MIC) = . . . ,−4,−3,−2,−1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .

I Observed MIC: lowest dilution with no visible growth

I Test rounds up to nearest dilution (integer)

I Disk Diffusion (DIA) test

I Observed DIA: diameter of clear zone surrounding disk

I Rounded to the nearest mm

I Inverse relationship between true MIC and true DIA

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I Both MIC and DIA breakpoints are set by agencies such as theClinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the Food andDrug Administration (FDA).

I MIC breakpoints (log2 concentrations) based primarily on thepharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug.

I Given the MIC breakpoints, the DIA breakpoints must be estimated.

I Relationship between DIA and MIC is drug/pathogen specific withunknown functional form.

I DIA is more often used in hospitals because it is faster and requiresless lab space.

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How to best determine appropriate DIA breakpoints?

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Determination of DIA Breakpoints - Current Practice

I The error rate bounded (ERB) method is currently used by agenciesto determine DIA breakpoints.

I Perform MIC & DIA tests on hundreds of strains of a particularpathogen and then find the DIA breakpoints that minimize anobserved classification discrepancy index.

I Discrepancies based on Very Major (VM), Major (M), and minor (m)errors

I Very Major: MIC test = R and DIA test = S

I Major: MIC test = S and DIA test = R

I Minor: One test = I

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Example MIC DIA Test Data

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Error Rate Bounded Method

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Error Rate Bounded Method

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Concerns with ERB Method

I Simulation studies (Craig, 2000) show the ERB method:

I Is biased

I Lacks precision

I Focuses on observed test results

I Does not take into account MIC test characteristics:

I Rounding Up

I 3-fold variability

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3-fold Variability

Table 1. Quality Control Study - MIC test: 10 Labs, 50 reps/labE. coli ATCC 25922

MIC LAB All1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Labs

-8 8 6 7 2 7 1 31-7 36 41 32 48 48 33 41 15 33 35 362-6 6 3 11 2 17 2 35 16 14 106-5 1 1

Mean -7.54 -7.57 -7.42 -7.21 -7.79 -7.06 -7.62 -6.93 -7.12 -7.22 -7.34StDev 0.46 0.37 0.52 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.35 0.14 0.42 0.38 0.43

Example of the rounding up effect on MIC data

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MIC Model

I Distinguish observed test result, xi , from true result, mi

I To generate observed pair:

xi = dmi + εie ε ∼ N (0, σ2m)

I Given MIC breakpoints ML and MU one can calculate the probabilityof correct classification:

pMIC (m) =

Pr(x ≤ ML) = Φ


)m ≤ ML

Pr(ML < x < MU) = Φ(


)− Φ


)ML < m < MU

Pr(x ≥ MU) = 1− Φ(


)m ≥ MU

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Probability of Correct MIC Classification

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New Method Needed

I We propose an underlying model of the process that focuses on theprobability of correct classification.

I We develop a hierarchical model that uses latent MIC test means tolink the two observed results as well as describe the probability ofcorrect classification for each test.

I Our model accounts for the inherent test variabilities and differingtesting properties by linking the observed test pairs to a latent 1-1function of ’true’ test results.

I This should result in better precision and increased accuracy.

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Model Based Approach

I The observed scatterplot of test results are used to estimate themodel parameters using Bayesian inference.

I Use model parameters to determine DIA breakpoints with best’performance’.

I More intuitive in the fact that the performance curves do not directlydepend on the observed results and also provides a visual descriptionof each test rather than a joint numerical summary.

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Model Based Approach

Summarized in four steps:

1. Observed Data Given True Test Value

2. True Pathogen MIC Distribution

3. Relationship between True Test Values

4. Calibration based on Probability of Correct Identification

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Observed Data Given True Test Value

I Distinguish observed test pair from true pair

I Observed pairs: xi and yi

I True pairs: mi and di

I Observed data are integers due to rounding

I To generate observed pair:

xi = dmi + εie yi = [di + δi ]

ε ∼ N (0, σ2m) δ ∼ N (0, σ2


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True Pathogen MIC Distribution

I Describe underlying pathogen MIC distribution as a mixture ofNormals:

π(mi |k ,µ,σ,p) =k∑


pj N (mi ;µj , σj)

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Relationship between True Test Values

I Relationship, di = f (mi ), has been assumed to be linear (Rudrik etal., 1985) or logistic (Craig, 2000).

I Here we propose a more flexible nonparametric approach usingI-splines (Ramsey, 1988) which restricts the relationship to bemonotonic.

Assume a = t0 < ... < tq = b is a partition of [a, b] and y1, ..., y2k+q−1 is the knotsequence of the M-spline of order k . Then the i th I-spline

Ii (x ; yi , yi+1, ..., yi+k) =

∫ x


Bi (t)dt

Where Bi (t) is the i th M-spline basis function

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Example Splines

M-splines - knot locations: (0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1)

Resulting I-splines

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Example of Hierarchical Model

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Probability of Correct Identification

I Probability model links observed MIC results to true MIC

I Can determine probability of correct identification

I Assume true MIC breakpoints same as test breakpoints

I Given breakpoints ML, MU , DL, and DU

pDIA(m) =

Pr(y ≥ DU) = 1− Φ



)m ≤ ML

Pr(DL < y < DU) = Φ(


)− Φ



)ML < m < MU

Pr(y ≤ DU) = Φ(


)m ≥ MU

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I ’Calibrate’ the two probability of correct identification curves

I Use loss function:

L =

∫ ∞−∞

min (0, pDIA(u)− pMIC(u))2 w(u)du

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Probability of Correct Identification Curves

Given the MIC probability of correct identification curve (fixed), presented is the DIAprobability of correct identification curve for a particular DU and DL.

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Bayesian Inference

I Interested in the joint posterior of model parameters:

θ = {I1...q, k ,µ,σ,p}

π(θ|{x, y}) ∝ π({x, y}|{m,d},θ)π({m,d}|θ)π(θ)

I Given fixed knot sequence, use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)to estimate parameters:

1. True test values:

I m, d

2. Underlying mixture of Normal parameters:

I µ,σ, p

3. Spline Coefficients:

I I1...q

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I Use when posterior is analytically intractable

I Construct a Markov chain whose stationary distribution is the targetdistribution

I Metropolis et al (1953) showed how this can be done

I Method generalized by Hastings (1970)

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Metropolis Hastings

I Suppose the specified distribution has unnormalized density h. TheMetropolis-Hastings update does the following:

1. When the current state is x , propose a move to y , having conditional probability densitygiven x denoted q(x , .)

2. Calculate the ratio:

r(x , y) =h(y)q(y |x)

h(x)q(x |y)

3. Accept the proposed move y with probability:

a(x , y) = min(1, r(x , y))

I So the state after the update is y with probability a(x , y) and x withprobability 1− a(x , y)

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I Use MH proposals to update each of the parameters during each iteration

I π({x, y}|{m, d},θ):





(−(xi − mi )







(−(xi − 1− mi )







(−(yi + .5− di )







(−(yi − .5− di )




I π({m, d}|θ):






−(mi − µj )2


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Priors π(θ)

I µ,σ,p

I µ - ordered: k!(


)kI 1

σ2 ∼ Gamma(3, 1)

I p ∼ Dirichlet(1, 1, ..., 1)

I log(I1...q)

I N (0, σ = 10)

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MCMC Process for Our Model

1. Update mI Proposal: N (m, .5)

2. Update µ,σ,p based on new m

I Propose new neighboring Normal components for m

I Update p

I Propose new µ′i s (proposal uniform between µi−1 and µi+1)

I Update σ

3. Propose new or collapse two Normal components (RJMCMC)

4. Update Spline Coefficients (I)I Proposal: Adaptive multivariate normal: In+1 ∼ exp{N (log(In),Σ ∗ s)}

5. Update dI Deterministic update given m and In+1

6. Update number and location of knots - work in progress

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I Can use RJMCMC to dynmatically change number of normalcomponents

I Provides framework for MCMC in which the dimension of theparameter space can vary between iterations

I Applications: change-point models, finite mixture models, variableselection, ...

I Change from model (k , θk) to (k ′, θ′k) with probability:


(1,π(k ′,θ′

k)|x)q(k ′ → k)qdk′→k(u′)

π(k ,θk)|x)q(k → k ′)qdk→k′ (u)

∣∣∣∣δgk→k′ (θk ,u)

δ(θk ,u)


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I Dimensions and first and second moments of each model must match

I Often must introduce random variables

I Consider mixture of normals. Combine two mixtures:

pj∗ = pj1 + pj2

pj∗µj∗ = pj1µj1 + pj2µj2

pj∗(µ2j∗ + σ2

j∗) = pj1(µ2j1 + σ2

j1) + pj2(µ2j2 + σ2


I Similar idea for splitting one component into two but must introducethree random variables for dimension matching.

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I Used fixed set of model parameters

I Generated 300 scatterplots with 500 pathogens

I Computed DIA breakpoints for each scatterplot

I Summarize distribution of ’best’ DIA breakpoints

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Simulation 1 - Linear Relationship

Example Data

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Simulation 1 - Linear Relationship Results

Our Approach ERB

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Simulation 2 - Logistic Relationship

Example Data

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Simulation 2 - Logistic Relationship Results

Our Approach ERB

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Simulation 3 - Convex Relationship

Example Data

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Simulation 3 - Convex Relationship Results

Our Approach ERB

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I Because of the increasing number of moderately susceptible andresistant isolates, choosing appropriate breakpoints has become moreof a statistical problem.

I The ERB method, while simple to implement, is too sensitive to thevariability in the observed frequencies caused both by the inherentexperimental error in each test and the choice/location of the isolatesrelative to the intermediate zone.

I Our model approach has shown increased accuracy and betterprecision.

I Working with subgroup of CLSI for making method available toclinicians.

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Additional Ongoing Work

I Real data sets often have censored values:

I ex. MIC ≥ 5 instead of MIC = 5

I Difficult to deal with in a nonparametric setting

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Additional Ongoing Work

I Assumed the measurement errors for MIC and DIA are known

I Reasonable given the abundance of past data

I However would like to estimate these parameters as well

I We have presented this approach to CLSI (Nov 2011)I Interest shown in new approach

I Actively developing software

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I Purdue Department of Statistics

I Professor Bruce A. Craig

I Professor John Turnidge (Chair: Antimicrobial Testing Sub-Committee)

I Professor Laura Sands (Department of Nursing)I Support from grant from the National Institutes of Health (R01AG034160)


I Brooks, Steve. Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2011.

I Craig, Bruce A. ”Modeling Approach to Diameter Breakpoint Determination.” Diagnostic Microbiology and InfectiousDisease 36.3 (2000): 193-202.

I Green, P.J. (1995). Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo computation and Bayesian model determination.Biometrika 82, 711-732.

I Ramsay, J.O. ”Monotone Regression Splines in Action.” Statistical Science 3.4 (1988) 425-41.

I Turnidge, J., and D.L. Paterson. ”Setting and Revising Antibacterial Susceptibility Breakpoints.” Clinical MicrobiologyReviews 20.3 (2007): 391-408.

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