Discovering the Vantage Point

Post on 21-Nov-2015

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Discovering the way to discover life's purpose

Transcript of Discovering the Vantage Point

Discovering the Vantage Point

Have you ever stood at the top of a cliff or a mountain range that overlooks an expanse of land, coloured with the beautiful scenery of summer's pleasant flowers on a quiet evening and watching the sun set? The very thought of nature's delight viewed from this position seems to make you forget all that has ever made you cry in a moment of time. Now suppose that right at that point, you hear someone calling your name and it happens to be the voice of your long gone heartthrob, whom you have longed to be with for a long time now, but hitherto, have been hindered by many pressing issues of life and work. You then realize that it was for you that he came just to be with you. Your heart at once leaps for joy and all your strengths are directed towards getting to him and be reunited again.But suppose you were initially in the plain, among the flowers, you may as well never see at once, the beauty of nature so gracefully set before your eyes nor will you find it an easy task to locate the voice calling to you, hidden by nature's beautiful lush that surrounds you.The latter is the situation of many young people today. Interestingly, the creator has so beautifully crafted a future for you and for me for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end Jer. 29: 11. However, many of us continue to grope in the midst of God's abundance and yet, we never achieve or realize God's plan for our lives.Even though many of us have realized that, like the Israelites had to look up to the brazen serpent, we also have to look up to Jesus Christ for us to be saved. Many of us have however not realized that we must do more than look up to Jesus. We must in fact GO UP TO HIM that we may from this vantage point, realize the full measure of our destinies in Christ!Consider with me for a moment, the story of Jacob in Genesis 28. The Bible reveals that Jacob left Beersheba and was en-route to Haran, to meet Laban. However, as he journeyed, he got to a certain place and he tarried there for the night because the sun set. God gave him a revelation where he saw a ladder that was set up from the earth to heaven and the angels of God ascending and descending upon it. But like many youths today, Jacob did not realize that God had made a provision for him to come up higher, to a place of realizing God's purpose for his life.However, there is a good news for you today. It doesn't matter for how long you have remained in the plain. God is willing, ready and more than that, able to lift you up from where you are to the vantage point, where He will sit you with Christ in heavenly places, far above the principalities and powers that have hitherto vowed to limit you up until now. Receive the grace to come up to the Vantage Point today in Jesus' Name.There is something that you must do, however. You must be willing to surrender the full control of your life from this point to the LORD! Although Jacob struggled with the Lord up to a point at Peniel, it took the LORD's touching his hip bone for him to be wounded and broken before the LORD, before the blessing could come. Your life must experience the LORD's touch the circumcision of the heart for you to be able to come up higher to the vantage point. Sanctification and purification of the heart is a must for you to come to the point where you can discover God's purpose for your life at the top of the mountain! For who can ascend to the hill of the LORD? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart...This person would receive blessings from the LORD (Paraphrase mine).Maybe you are out there at this moment and you have never given your life to the Lord Jesus, then you are like that fellow in the middle of the meadow in the summer but with BLIND EYES! You cannot even see the beauty of the real life talk less of being able to locate your glorious destiny calling out to you through nature's beautiful lush. Cry out to Jesus today and He will pour His amazing grace and love into your life today. That grace was what saved a wretched like me. He can restore sight to you and take you to the mountain top the vantage point from where you can view and locate your glorious destiny. Invite Him into your life today.

Let us Pray!!!S'e bi 'Wo l' amokoko aye mi o, Oluwa mo mi, mo mi o bi O ti fe. (2ce)Bi O ba mo mi ma ri bi O ti fe, Bi O ba mo mi, aye mi a dun wo,S'e bi 'Wo l' amokoko aye mi o, Oluwa mo mi, mo mi o bi O ti fe.

LORD, I surrender my heart to you today for a wounding and a breaking. Circumcise my heart oh LORD. Take me up to the Vantage Point, that I may discover your purpose for my life. AmenFor Counseling, send a message. For questions, you may wish to send a message. Otherwise, add a comment to this post.

God Bless You and may you fulfill destiny in Jesus' Name. Amen.