Dirwire Taiga PR

Post on 10-Apr-2016

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Dirwire Taiga PR

Transcript of Dirwire Taiga PR

F O R R E L E A S E O N : T H U R J A N 9 2 0 1 4 G E N R E : W O R L D / T R I B A L E L E C T R O N I C A

DIRTWIRE Releases "Taiga" ft. World-Renowned Throat Singer Kongar-ol Ondar Electro-Acoustic Duo Embarks on California Tour January 15th with EP Due Out Winter 2014

Dirtwire, an electro-acoustic duo born of David Satori of Beats Antique and Evan Fraser of Stellamara, announce the release of "Taiga" featuring world-renowned Tuvan throat singer Kongar-ol Ondar (1962-2013).

The creation of "Taiga" originated from a chance encounter in 2013 after Dirtwire's Evan Fraser was invited to play mouth harp with the Eagle of Tuva during a private performance in Marin, CA. Recorded by David Satori in a home studio later that night, the vocals were inspired by Bai-laa Taigam, an expansive steppeland in the singer's home region of Tuva, Russia. The unique growling vocal technique, kargyraa, achieves tones an octave below the main note and is a signature of Kongar-ol Ondar's unique vocal range.

"Taiga," available as a digital download via the band's site at http://dirtwire.net, celebrates the memory of Ondar's tremendous offering to the world music community and precedes a full EP of musical collaboration due out in the winter of 2014. Given his passing in August of 2013, half of all proceeds from the EP benefit Ondar's family.

On January 15, 2014, Dirtwire will embark on a mini-tour through California with stops in Nevada City, Oakland, Santa Cruz, and Santa Barbara. For a full list of dates visit http://dirtwire.net/event.

For more information about Dirtwire, visit http://dirtwire.net, or follow the band at facebook.com/dirtwiremusic or twitter.com/dirtwire.

For more information about Kongar-ol Ondar, visit http://ondar.com or his memorial bandcamp page at http://kongar-olondar.bandcamp.com.

COLLATERAL Download Landing Page Cover Art Direct DL Link (for self hosting only) Soundcloud Link

LINKS http://dirtwire.net http://facebook.com/dirtwiremusic http://twitter.com/dirtwire http://soundcloud.com/dirtwire

CONTACT Daysha Taylor, Manager I Dreamt Last Night mgmt@dirtwire.net press@idreamtlastnight.com

Photo Credit: Bill Loewy