Dirty Tourism by David Rengel

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Dirty Tourism by David Rengel

Child labor must be eradicated, can not become a spectacle for tourists.


The Photos that Will Break Your Heart


It is one of Cambodia's most popular tourist cities, where visitors flock to visit the nearby ruined temples of the Angkor


But while foreign visitors stay in luxury hotels and splash out of escorted trips to discover the delights of 12th-century

temple Angkor Wat, families work in a rubbish dump just 18.6 miles away for a meager £1 a day.

And now the rubbish site itself has piqued the curiosity of tourists, who have added a morbid visit of the site to their tour

itineraries, so they can snap photos with the children working to sort the rubbish

-- Daily Mail

• Anlong Pi is situated just 18 miles form the popular tourist town of Siem Reap and the Angkor Wat temple

• Around 200 people work at the toxic landfill site, including more than 50 children

• Photographer David Rengel travelled to Cambodia to photograph child labour conditions across the country

• The Spanish photographer was horrified to find tourists visiting the sump to take pictures of workers


安龍皮位於著名的旅遊城市暹粒的吳哥窟僅有18英里, 約有200人在有毒垃圾填埋場工作,其中包括50多名兒童。

西班牙攝影師David Rengel前往柬埔寨安龍皮,很驚訝的發現遊客去參觀,當作旅遊的景點之一,並拍攝撿拾廢棄物工人在工作的


Buses carrying visitors to the site. 巴士載遊客到此


A group of Japanese tourists arrive with their guide 導遊帶日本遊客到達



Viku Tupse, 9, poses with a Mickey face, knowing it will please tourists 米老鼠,取悅遊客


In recent years the garbage generated in Siem Reap has doubled and the landfill’s capacity has been exceeded.垃圾掩埋場已超負荷


A truckload of waste arrives at Anlong Pi.卡車運來廢棄物


In recent years the garbage generated in Siem Reap has doubled and the landfill’s capacity has been exceeded. 垃圾掩埋場已超負荷


Piles of rubbish strewn across the site. 成堆的垃圾


A tourist poses with children that work in the dump.休息供遊客拍照


A Japanese tourist covers her mouth with her hands due to the strong smell caused by the mountains of toxic waste and decaying food.日本遊客受不了有毒廢棄物的臭味


While Sueun Chany, 12, carries large bags of trash, from side to side at the garbage dump.她,12歲


They have no money so are forced to work here.沒錢上學,被迫來此工作


Sau Srey Neang, 11. This is her first year working in the landfill, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2014.她11歲,第一年來此工作


Children and their parents are all landfill workers and spend 10 hours a day scavenging for rubbish and recyclable materials. 童工與父母一起工作,每天超過10小時


Hael Kemra, 15. Her mother took her to the garbage dump of AnlongPi to earn money when her father abandoned them. 她,15歲,被父親拋棄後,與母親一起來此工作


Every day tons of organic and inorganic waste arrive in large trucks forming mountains of toxic compounds.. 每天運來萬噸的有毒廢棄物


The inhabitants of landfills are forced to burn some of the waste they receive. Many become sick due to a continuous intake of toxic gases.被迫燒掉沒用的,產生有毒氣體


Hael Kemra (left) is 15 years old and Suy Sokhon (right) is 16. They rest and laugh on a hammock in the landfill,.休息,等待下一卡車的來到.


A group of tourists take photos of local children while they’re resting.休息時遊客在拍照


A child searches through a rubbish bag at the site..孩童在垃圾袋中尋找東西


More than 40 minors work in this garbage dump. They have come with their families from different regions of the country to work.超過40位來自各地的童工


Kon Mai, 15, atop a mountain of garbage. 他,15歲


Sigen Rathy is 12 years old. She has worked at the site for a year. 她,12歲,在此工作已有一年


Kon Mai is 15 years old and has worked at the dump since he was 12. He has five younger brothers and theer are reported problems of domestic violence at home.他,14歲,12歲來此工作,他來自暴力家庭


Hael Kemra is 15 years old. In the future she wants to be an English teacher. 她,15歲,希望成為英語老師


A group of tourists watch Sueun Chany, 12, carrying large bags of trash across the dump for sorting. The landfill is located a few kilometers from Siem Reap, the most famous tourist destination in Cambodia. 安龍皮,成為柬埔寨最有名的旅遊勝地


They continue taking pictures and waving goodbye to the children.揮手告別,這只是他們旅程的一部分

03/17/2015 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.CAll photos were taken from Daily Mail,The Washington Post.