Directions for Senteo -…  · Web...

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Transcript of Directions for Senteo -…  · Web...

Directions for use of Senteo Response System

Essential Question:Why would a teacher use and electronic response system?How does an electronic response system foster learning and help teachers improve learning in the classroom?

Table of ContentsAgenda

1. Introduction to the electronic response system – Senteoa. Reasons/benefits using an electronic response systemb. Formative assessment during instructionc. Test and Quizzes

2. Setup of a class in Senteoa. Creating a class list from PowerGradeb. Importing class lists into Senteoc. Using either class lists or anonymous mode in Senteo

3. Assessmenta. Create testing item using Notebookb. Create testing item using PowerPointc. Importing testing items using Wordd. Create tests and quizzes e. Starting an assessment

i. Analysis of student response (graphs and exporting of data)ii. Limitations

4. Summary and time to “play”

NCallahan Feb09

Before you begin:1. Download the Senteo software and Notebook software on your computer from “Control Panel” “Get Program” “Notebook”, “Drivers”, and “Smart Response”.

Setup of a class in Senteo

Importing Class Names into Senteo

1. Click on the Senteo Button on the notification bar


2. Click on “To work with class lists, assessments and reports, switch to Gradebook view.”

3. Click on “Add a class” and follow directions to setup a class.

NCallahan Feb09


5. Launch “Gradebook” and select the class you want to import into Senteo. Click on “Reports” and select“Student Roster”.

NCallahan Feb09

6. Select “Export (CSV)”, “All Enrolled”, Student Info: “Student Name”, “Student Number” and Sort: “Student Last Name” and “Run Report”.

You will get a spreadsheet in CSV format that will be used to import students after a few changes have been made. The student Number (later ID) is necessary so students can login and you get results for each individual student.

7. Choose “Save Report”. Assign a location and name to the file you save.8. Open the Excel File. Change the size of the columns and it should look something like this.

9. Now we have to change the headings. First switch the Student Name and Student Number column. Then delete the name of the class, and Student Name and Student Number and replace with

ID first name last name

The last name column will be empty, while the first name column contains both last name, first name.To create two columns with first and last name from the one column containing both follow these instructions:

Use Text to Columns. Select the column where you have the names, go to the Data Tab, Text to Columns, select Delimited in Step 1, in Step 2 make sure that the comma checkbox is activated. Finally, in step 3 select a Destination cell (It defaults to the current cell). Hit Finish and that's it.

NCallahan Feb09

Then organize the names into the columns where they belong. I have always moved this data up into the first row (don’t know if it is necessary). Save the file.

10. Now we can import the class list. Choose the format you are importing from “Comma Separated Values (CSV)”, then click NEXT.

11. Navigate to the location of the file

12. Click OPEN and the names will automatically download

13. Once you have done this you will always have those names in that class and will not have to do this again.

14. You will see the student information if you click on the STUDENTS tab in SENTEO.

NCallahan Feb09

15. By clicking on “Privacy On/Off” you can see student ID, etc of your students. You can delete and add students here.

16. The menu on the left hand side of this window will allow you to select the classes you want to use or switch to anonymous mode.


Creating Senteo Questions Using Notebook

You can create individual questions in Notebook or create a series of questions (like a test). Both use the same method. You will just choose different options along the way.

1. Open a new Notebook file by clicking on the Notebook Button on the notification bar.

2. Click on the SENTEO TAB

NCallahan Feb09

3. Choose from the options given and follow the prompts as you create the question and answers.

4. Add another page to your notebook file and follow the steps above. If you create a second question, the software will ask you whether you are creating individual questions or a series. You can make your choice and go from there.

5. Choosing the “Instant ..” options allows you to create a question on the “Fly” that you could for example ask orally or quickly from a PowerPoint while you teach for instant feedback.

6. Choosing “Question” and following instructions will allow you to create formal questions in Notebook.

7. Title Page will allow you to create a series of questions (as a test for example).

8. When I give a test or quiz that has a multiple choice (or True/False, etc) portion, then I will use the “Title Page” option and create a test without inserting the actual test questions in the notebook file. I only insert the correct answers. Students will receive the test on paper. I will start the assessment and students will submit their answers at their own pace and I will end the assignment when all students are finished and can instantaneously see the test results and statistics.

Creating Senteo Questions Using PowerPoint

The Senteo software can also add questions to any PowerPoint presentation you have.

1. In your PowerPoint, choose INSERT, then SENTEO QUESTION

NCallahan Feb09

2. A little blue box will appear on your slide. Follow the directions……a. RIGHT CLICK on the boxb. Choose SENTEO QUESTION OPTIONS then PROPERTIESc. Fill in the options you want

3. The question will now be embedded in your PowerPoint slide

Start the Class in Senteo

1. Click on the Senteo Button on the notification bar 2. Click on SENTEO TEACHER

3. Click on the class you want to start, then click on START CLASS

You have now started a class and when students log in they will be able to access the class and the lesson/assessment you have created for them.

Students Log In to Clickers

1. Have students turn their clickers on

2. Have them choose FIND A CLASS and then press ENTER

3. A class will appear. The students need to select it and then press ENTER

4. They will be prompted with ID?

5. Students will then enter their student ID – they know this as it is the same one they use to get lunch!

6. The clicker will then welcome them by name. Students must make sure it is their name.

7. They are now ready to participate in your lesson/assessment

NCallahan Feb09

On button

Enter Button

Number and letter buttons

True/False buttons

Begin the lesson/assessment

1. Once you have started a class AND the students have logged on, you can begin a lesson/assessment.

2. Find the Notebook File or PowerPoint file that you created. Bring it up on the smartboard.

3. Click on the SENTEO TAB

4. Then click on the PROGRESS tab

5. When you are ready click on START QUESTION or START ASSESSMENT

6. When you are done click on STOP QUESTION or STOP ASSESSMENT

7. You will be able to see the results now.

NCallahan Feb09