DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English

  • 8/12/2019 DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English


  • 8/12/2019 DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English


    The #1 reference in Spanish

    for lovers of technology,

    digital cultureand innovation

    Why in Spanish?

    ccording to a 2009 study by one of the most prestigious universities in Puerto Rico, nine

    out of ten residents do not speak English at an advanced level.1The section of the census

    concerning population and housing in Puerto Rico in 2005-2009 stated that 95 percent of

    residents speak Spanish at home, and 85 percent do not speak English very well.2

    Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the United States. There are more Spanish

    speakers in the US than there are speakers of Chinese, French, German, Italian, Hawaiian and

    Native American combined. According to the 2012 American Community Survey, carried out by

    the U.S. Census Bureau, Spanish is the main language spoken at home by 38.3 million people aged

    five or over, more than double the number in 1990.34

    1Daily News (New York), 24 February 20092U.S. Census Narrative Profile. U.S. Census (20052009)

    3Primary language spoken at home by people aged 5 or older. United States Census Bureau. Retrieved 2012


    American Community Survey facts, U.S. Census Bureau 2008

  • 8/12/2019 DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English


    ** You can take advantage of the discount to reserve a space for any month of 2015 and the remainder

    of 2014. This offer can not be applied to any other offer or previously made proposals submitted by our

    vendors. Offer begins on November 1 and expires on November 28, 2014.

    Take advantage this November

    With our Black Friday Offer

    Plan your 2015 full campaign

    In the only media

    Specialized in technology innovation and digital culture

    Contact our vendors at

    Puerto Rico:787-330-1055 Miami:1-786-232-0665


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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Our Purpose

    here may be many magazines in English, but there

    arent any like this one, which speaks the official

    language of Latinos. igiUniversowas founded with

    the aim of meeting a significant need and filling a void thathas existed for years in the Spanish-speaking market in the

    Caribbean and the United States for a written medium

    specializing in technology and its various branches aimed

    at a Spanish-speaking market which has been a significant

    consumer of tech products and services for decades.

    igiUniverso is the first monthly magazine in Spanish

    specializing in news covering various areas of technology

    and digital innovation, with the aim of inspiring and

    accurately informing readers, and helping to boost the

    economy, education and entrepreneurship in these fields.We also report on Latinos and their progress in these

    industries. The publication have its own website and apps

    that are updated on a daily basis with the latest news from

    the technology world, along with the current reviews of products, brands and services.

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  • 8/12/2019 DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English


    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Our TeamSamuel Ortiz Ramos, COB/Editor in Chief

    He supervises all the publishing operations in EmperorsEntertainment LLC/DigiUniverso. Before this, Mr. Ortiz has been apublicist for more than 14 years, offering services to companiesrelated to the telecommunications, computation, technology aswell as to universities specializing in academic programs oftechnology, digital culture and innovation. He has been grantedwith international awards multiple times and nominated for theEmmy Award in 2012 for a public service campaign that co-produced with Samuel Benquez, and was launched with thecollaboration of the company AT&T. Also, he has written columnsfor the newspaper Primera Hora, and publishing material of

    companies of technology for different important newspapers at national andinternational level. Likewise, he is member of the Puerto Rico ManufacturersAssociation; Public Relations Society of America and the Sales and MarketingExecutives Association. He was also a member of the 'Video Games Cluster' ofthe Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company, which promotes the impulseand growth of the industry of video games in the islands of Puerto Rico.

    Samuel Benquez Mndez, Vicepresident and Editor

    As Vice President, he directs and supervises the expansion andstrategic planning of Emperors Entertainment LLC/DigiUniversoAlso, as Editor writes several columns for the printedpublication of the magazine and its web version DigiUniverso.comPrior to this, Mr. Benquez was publicist for more than 14 yearsoffering services to companies related to the bankingtelecommunications, computing, technology as well asuniversities specializing in academic programs in technology

    digital culture and innovation. In addition, Mr. Beniquez is anexpert in everything related to social media, SEO, SMO, andresponsive web sites development. He has been awarded with internationalawards multiple times and nominated for an Emmy Award in 2012 for a publicservice campaign that co-produced with Samuel Ortiz, and was launched withthe collaboration of the company AT&T. Likewise, he has written editorialmaterial for tech firms, for various national and international media. Also, hewas member of the 'Video Games Cluster' of the Puerto Rico IndustrialDevelopment Company, which promotes the impulse and growth of the industryof video games on the islands of Puerto Rico.

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    He is in charge of new business development at Emperors EntertainmentLLC/DigiUniverso and responsible for the expansion of the company in andoutside Puerto Rico.

    Jos A. Lpez Martnez, Technology Advisor

    He was Senior Manager, Marketing AT&T, with more than 18 yearsof progressive experience in the marketing of products andservices of technology. He worked on world renownedcompanies such as: BellSouth Nicaragua (2 years); Intercable

    Venezuela (2 years); Telefonica Movistar and Atento Holding (11months); BellSouth, Venezuela and Chile (4 years) and AT&T (7years).

    Alexnder Snchez Maldonado, Production Manager

    He has worked in major advertising campaigns for companies intelecommunications, and universities specialized in academicprograms in technology, digital culture and innovation. He is

    also in charge of everything related to the supervision of theproduction of the magazine, the assembly of the ads in themagazine (in print, digital and web version), and graphic art andvideos of it.

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Why advertise on DigiUniverso?Some Quick Facts

    How many loves technology, innovation and digital culture?

    Who is the DigiUniverso Audience?

    Desicion Makers



    People with purchasing power

    Thought Leaders


    Students of Science, Technology and Digital Culture


    Facebook Fans


    Email Subscribers


    Twitter Followers


    Total Audience

    Your customers are

    in DigiUniverso

  • 8/12/2019 DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English


    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Editorial Content5

    Social Media

    Accurate information on media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ andYouTube, with how to tips.

    Mobile Life

    All kinds of information on mobile life, answering questions about devicesInformation on new devices about to hit the market. Fresh ways of looking at howmobile life can help business entrepreneurs and students to grow. Information on

    new apps and much more.Product Reviews

    Reviews and opinion pieces on different products.


    Academic alternatives and offerings in the higher education market relating totechnology, digital culture and innovation. Latest information on the most inuniversities in the Caribbean and the United States.

    Business and Banking

    Informative content on innovation, Banking, advertising, jobs, marketing, media,small business and start-ups. Interviews and information on the most significantLatin Americans in the technology, digital culture and innovation industries.

    Digital Culture

    Video games, cinema, digital art and design, photography, music and TV.


    Business and home security, future technology, medical advances and developments

    in the automotive industry.Computing

    Hardware, software, Mac, Windows, programming, viruses/spyware, security andnetworks.

    5Note: Editorial Calendar subject to change without notice. *Subscribers receive the issue 7 days prior to the on-sale


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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Green EnergyWind systems, coal and natural gas, solar power, legal issues, interviews andinfluential figures in the industry, and technical studies of green energy issues.


    My Precious column (on essential articles for entrepreneurs and students) andAsk the Saviour (FAQs).


    Existing telecommunication networks and services, their application and different

    categories, standards and networking, Wi-Fi, internet and IP protocol, VoIP andmultimedia, broadband networks and services, cables, ADSL and VSAT, among otherissues.

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web


    *San Juan, Carolina, Bayamn, Catao, Trujillo Alto, Toa Alta, Toa Baja y Guaynabo.

    *San Juan, MetroArea










    Other Towns


    Points of Sale by Region (Puerto Rico)

    Miami, Fl


    Orlando, Fl


    New York, NY


    Points of Sale (USA)

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Digitalo Apple Newsstando Kindle Fireo Reader (Subscription at low cost)o

    Windows 8 (Free of charge)o Our Own Mobile App (Free if you provide your email and data)


    www.DigiUniverso.comAccording to major research6, 54 percent of Hispanic people in the United

    States are online. Our website lets your brand, product, business, event andservices reach them in a creative, specific and measurable way, using all ouravailable solutions.


    Printed and Digital: 8.5 x 11




    Puerto Rico Retail in Print format: 65,000Print Subscribers: 92,000Digital Subscribers (Apps): 105,000

    United States Retail in Print Format: 220,000Print Subscribers: 230,000Digital Subscribers (Apps): 240,000

    Pass Along: 3.5 personsTotal audience: 3,332,000

    Social Media

    Facebook: 50,000+Twitter: 45,000+Email Subscribers: 4,000,000+

    6Scarborough Research, March 20097Distribution and audience will constantly change based on strategic opportunities,readers and market


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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Visits to our website www.DigiUniverso.com

    750,000+ monthly

    Price of the magazine outlets retail

    Printed in US & Puerto Rico (Retail): $5.99Digital subscription

    (Apple Newsstand,

    Amazon Apps (Android),Kindle Fire) $28.75 yearly (60%off)Digital Subscription in Windows 8:

    Free of charge

    Our own Mobile Application:

    Free of charge when providesemail and data

    Readr: $9.99 monthly and can readDigiUniverso and many othermagazines

    Reading Profile





    18 - 2425 - 49

    50 - 65

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web


    Socioeconomic LevelMinority groups in the U.S. wield more economic influence than ever this yearand going into the future, according to the Annual Multicultural EconomyReport by the Selig Center for Economic Growth at the Terry College ofBusiness.

    Hispanic consumers in the U.S. control a market worth $1.2 trillion in 2013 afigure that surpasses the entire economy of Turkey as a result of high birthrates, immigration and increased business initiative among the Hispanicpopulation.8

    Technology, knowledge, digital culture, creativity companies and theirexecutives are the most powerful in the world.

    In Puerto Rico the most influential people with purchasing power, are morelinked to science, technology and digital culture. The influential and moreaffluent people know that only through technology managed to influencethe masses.

    8The Multicultural Economy 2013 by the Selig Center for Economic Growth at the Terry College of

    Business, University of Georgia





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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web



    University graduates +

    55% of our readers are college graduates or are in theprocess of completing their degree.

    Postgraduate Degree

    19% of our readers have a postgraduate degree or are inthe process of completion.


    91% of our readers are employed


    80% of professional/managerial read our magazine


    38% of CXOs read us

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    2014 Deadlines *

    Issue Space Reservation Digital Art DeadlineMarch-April 2014 January 23, 2014 January 24, 2014

    April-May 2014 April 10, 2014 April 11, 2014

    May-June 2014 May 1, 2014 May 12, 2014

    June-July 2014 June 9, 2014 June 13, 2014

    July-August 2014 June 27, 2014 June 30, 2014

    August-September 2014 July 1, 2014 July 4, 2014September-October 2014 July 11, 2014 July 25, 2014

    October-November 2014 August 8, 2014 August 22, 2014

    November-December 2014 November 5, 2014 November 9, 2014

    December-January 2014 November 24, 2014 November 28, 2014

    January-February 2015 December 1, 2014 December 5, 2014

    February-March 2015 December 22, 2014 December 26, 2014

    March-April 2015 January 13, 2015 January 23, 2015

    April-May 2015 February 12, 2015 February 25, 2015

    May-June 2015 March 12, 2015 March 25, 2015

    *These dates are subject to change without prior notice.

  • 8/12/2019 DigiUniverso MediaKit 2014 English


    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Traditional Specifications for Advertisements

    Size Bleed

    Height Width


    Height Width


    Height Width

    Double Page 11 16 1/2 10 3/4 16 1/4 9 1/2 15

    Full Page 11 8 3/8 10 3/4 8 1/8 9 3/4 7 1/8

    Junior Page 8 3/4 5 5/8 8 1/2 5 3/8 7 7/16 4 3/8

    1/2 Page Vertical 11 4 1/2 10 3/4 4 1/4 9 3/4 3 1/4

    1/2 Page Horizontal 5 5/8 8 3/4 5 3/8 8 1/8 4 3/8 7 1/8

    1/3 Page Vertical 11 3 5/16 10 3/4 3 1/16 9 3/4 2 1/8

    1/3 Page Square 5 5/8 5 5/8 5 3/8 5 3/8 4 1/8 4 1/8

    1/3 Page Horizontal 3 1/2 8 1/2 3 1/4 8 1/4 2 3/4 7 1/8

    1/4 Page (ROP) 5 5/8 4 1/2 5 3/8 4 1/4 4 3/16 3 1/4

    Banner 2 10/16 8 3/4 2 11/16 8 1/81/4 Shoppers Guide 4 5/16 3 1/2

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    General Rates 2014 (Rates for major companies that benefit of our wholedistribution market - U.S. & PR) includes print and Apps version**

    Black & White 1 X 3 X 6 X 9 X 12 X

    Full Page

    $7,339 $6,976 $6,608 $6,238 $5,872

    Junior Page $5,136 $4,879 $4,624 $4,368 $4,110

    1/2 Page V / H

    $4,387 $4,169 $3,947 $3,729 $3,508

    1/3 Page V / H $3,006 $2,855 $2,703 $2,554 $2,413

    1/4 Page (ROP)

    $2,493 $2,366 $2,242 $2,116 $1,986

    Banner $1,913 $1,813 $1,720 $1,621 $1,528

    1/4 Shopping Guide

    $1,471 $1,395 $1,322 $1,247 $1,176

    Two Colors 1 X 3 X 6 X 9 X 12 X

    Full Page

    $8,957 $8,507 $8,061 $7,611 $7,165

    Junior Page $6,270 $5,956 $5,644 $5,330 $5,018

    1/2 Page V / H

    $5,394 $5,127 $4,856 $4,585 $4,316

    1/3 Page V / H

    $3,680 $3,495 $3,307 $3,122 $2,941

    1/4 Page (ROP) $3,046 $2,893 $2,737 $2,588 $2,436


    $2,314 $2,196 $2,080 $1,968 $1,850

    1/4 Shopping Guide $1,780 $1,690 $1,600 $1,513 $1,423

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Full Color 1 X 3 X 6 X 9 X 12 X

    Full Page

    $10,528 $10,000 $9,479 $8,951 $8,424

    Junior Page

    $7,369 $7,034 $6,632 $6,265 $5,893

    1/2 Page V / H $6,328 $6,010 $5,690 $5,379 $5,061

    1/3 Page V / H

    $4,333 $4,117 $3,902 $3,683 $3,466

    1/4 Page (ROP) $3,589 $3,408 $3,226 $3,048 $2,869

    Banner $2,701 $2,564 $2,433 $2,293 $2,1541/4 Shopping Guide $2,077 $1,973 $1,872 $1,764 $1,657

    Front Cover***** $19,500 ---- ---- ---- ----

    Back Cover






    Inside Back Cover $12,419 $11,620 $11,175 $10,555 $9,932

    First 10 Pages: 15% extra

    Special position requested by client: 15% extra

    ***** Promotions in cover page "Full Page" must be approved by the Editor in Chief.** Rates effective April 2014.**Rate includes advertising in digital and print. In digital version you can add videos andhyperlinks.**Rates and rules subject to change without prior notice.**

    Rates for inserts or special projects will be quoted separately.**

    All rates are gross, before agency commission.

    **Advertising agency Commissions: 20% is paid only to recognized advertising agenciesand when the bill is paid on time. If the agency pays their bill after the date specifiedtherein, the agency will lose the right to receive its commission, without exception.**Discount per Frequency:Based on the frequency of advertising, advertisers can getdiscounts on the rate. To qualify, the advertiser must run at least 3X in DigiUniversowithin 12 months.**

    All advertising transactions are subject to the Terms, Conditions and Regulations ofthe Emperors Entertainment LLC./DigiUniverso Agreement. The terms, conditions andregulations are available on our website:www.DigiUniverso.com

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Retail Rates for Business 2014 (Rates for small businesses and for thosethat do not benefit of our whole distribution market) includes print andApps version ***

    Black & White 1 X 3 X 6 X 9 X 12 X

    Full Page $4,403 $4,186 $3,965 $3,743 $3,523

    Junior Page

    $3,082 $2,927 $2,774 $2,621 $2,466

    1/2 Page V / H

    $2,632 $2,501 $2,368 $2,237 $2,105

    1/3 Page V / H $1,804 $1,713 $1,622 $1,532 $1,448

    1/4 Page (ROP)

    $1,496 $1,420 $1,345 $1,270 $1,192

    Banner $1,148 $1,088 $1,032 $973 $917

    1/4 Shopping Guide

    $883 $837 $793 $748 $706

    Two Colors 1 X 3 X 6 X 9 X 12 X

    Full Page

    $5,374 $5,104 $4,837 $4,567 $4,299

    Junior Page $3,762 $3,574 $3,386 $3,198 $3,011

    1/2 Page V / H

    $3,236 $3,076 $2,914 $2,751 $2,590

    1/3 Page V / H $2,208 $2,097 $1,984 $1,873 $1,765

    1/4 Page (ROP)

    $1,828 $1,736 $1,642 $1,553 $1,462

    Banner $1,388 $1,318 $1,248 $1,181 $1,110

    1/4 Shopping Guide

    $1,068 $1,014 $960 $908 $854

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Full Color 1 X 3 X 6 X 9 X 12 X

    Full Page

    $6,317 $6,000 $5,687 $5,371 $5,054

    Junior Page

    $4,421 $4,220 $3,979 $3,759 $3,536

    1/2 Page V / H $3,797 $3,606 $3,414 $3,227 $3,037

    1/3 Page V / H

    $2,600 $2,470 $2,341 $2,210 $2,080

    1/4 Page (ROP) $2,153 $2,045 $1,936 $1,829 $1,721

    Banner $1,621 $1,538 $1,460 $1,376 $1,2921/4 Shopping Guide $1,246 $1,184 $1,123 $1,058 $994

    *** Rates effective April 2014.***

    Rate includes advertising in digital and print. In digital version you can add videos andhyperlinks.***Rates and rules subject to change without prior notice.***Rates for inserts or special projects will be quoted separately.***All rates are gross, before agency commission.***Advertising agency Commissions: 20% is paid only to recognized advertising agenciesand when the bill is paid on time. If the agency pays their bill after the date specifiedtherein, the agency will lose the right to receive its commission, without exception.***

    Discount per Frequency:

    Based on the frequency of advertising, advertisers can get

    discounts on the rate. To qualify, the advertiser must run at least 3X in DigiUniversowithin 12 months.***All advertising transactions are subject to the Terms, Conditions and Regulations ofthe Emperors Entertainment LLC./DigiUniverso Agreement. The terms, conditions andregulations are available on our website:www.DigiUniverso.com

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    of retail establishments should appear on each page. The establishmentor chain listed may be owned by the manufacturer.e. DigiUniverso will not allow that the manufacturer mention a company

    with over 500 establishments in the ad, getting the Retail Rates. If themanufacturer wishes to mention in the Ad a company with over 500establishments, will be forced to pay the General Rate. A manufacturerwill not get the Retailer Rate by the mere mention in the ad a websitebelonging to third parties, or by including an informational toll-freenumber.


    The minimum required font size should be 2 mm height.

    Ads that do not meet these requirements will be billed based on the General


    All Cover ads will be billed according to our General Rates.

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Rates to Business Directory (In Text / Classifieds Type) in Printed Formatmagazine (Black & White only):

    Prices and Complements:

    Price 1 x 3 x 6 x 9 x 12 x

    Per line

    $44.03 $41.83 $39.74 $37.75 $35.86

    Title Bold and Centered: 65.00

    Font of the title bold and centered on your box within the directory. A

    maximum of 22 characters are allowed for this line. The cost is $65.00 plus theregular cost of your ad. Phone and Internet address will also be bold withthe purchase of this package. This directory will be published in black andwhite.

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Production Costs*

    For ads prepared by DigiUniversos designers and copywriters:

    Black & White or Full Color

    Full Page $550.00Junior Page $450.001/2 Page $450.001/3 Page $450.00

    1/4 Page $320.00Banner $320.002 x 2 $175.00

    Other Costs:

    Photographic paper By Quotation(Color proofs, for all ad size)Logo design By QuotationPre-press and photo retouching By Quotation


    Costs are subject to change without notice.

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Email DropsMass advertising via email to database of users of DigiUniverso magazine

    Minimum delivery: 250,000 userso $20.00 CPMo Delivery Rate for the entire base: $80,000.00 (4 millions Users)

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Rates for online advertising (website)

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    Media Kit 2014 - printed, APPS & Web

    Notes relating to web ads The monthly fee guarantees a minimum of 700,000 impressions. CPM = Cost per thousand impressions. Monthly rates cannot be divided by week. Emperors Entertainment LLC reserves the right to publish an advertisement and

    it must meet its Advertising Copy and Contract Terms, Conditions andRegulations.

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