Digital Television Group 4 th March 2011 Roly Keating Director of Archive Content and Executive...

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Transcript of Digital Television Group 4 th March 2011 Roly Keating Director of Archive Content and Executive...

Digital Television Group

4th March 2011

Roly Keating

Director of Archive Content

and Executive Editor of BBC Online

Reports of TV’s death are greatly exaggerated…

Reports of TV’s death are greatly exaggerated…








2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Weekly hours of TV viewing, all people aged 4+ in the UK

…and everyone’s getting involved

People are buying connected TVs…

…but they’re not all connecting them

The BBC’s role – same as ever:

expressing the full, creative potential of the medium

In this case, that means…

• Innovation and creativity – deliver content in new ways

• Enhanced accessibility and availability of programmes – empowering the audience to take control

• Digital UK – whoever you are, helping you discover the potential of this new platform

Making TV even better

We believe it’s in all our interests to get everyone connected

• It’s not just about apps or VOD – vital as they are.

• It’s about enriching the broadcast experience – leveraging the power and reach of TV channels.

Mainstream audiences, not just early adopters

Building on habits that already exist

and making them gateways to the on-demand and online world

•the EPG•Red Button

EPGs that go backas well as forward.

EPGs that go backas well as forward.

‘Pressing Red’ to open a window to BBC online content

We’re changing BBC Online to get ready for this future

TV & iPlayer


Knowledge & Learning

Radio & Music





Putting Quality First:


Doing more with less

Making better use of what we have

Our vision of connected TV heaven takes the best bits of…

Our vision of connected TV heaven takes the best bits of…

Our vision of connected TV heaven takes the best bits of…

…and mixes currently separate skills…

• Scheduling• User Experience Design

• Product Management• Media Planning

…to reinvent the experience of ‘pressing Red’

A ‘dynamic bridge’ that responds to the channel and programme you’re watching

A ‘dynamic bridge’ that responds to the channel and programme you’re watching

A ‘dynamic bridge’ that responds to the channel and programme you’re watching

A ‘dynamic bridge’ that responds to the channel and programme you’re watching

Plus the basics everyone wants:

• Familiar fixed points – News, Weather, iPlayer

• Programme info: cast lists, music tracklists• Smart alternatives: something completely


It’s a shared project across the industry to set standards that make this possible

• Simple navigation and UX – the more seamless the better

• Broadcast-led entry points to online and on-demand

• And just around the corner – second screen connectivity

The goal:

TV that’s smarter, more intuitive, more attuned to what audiences want and


A better public service.

Digital Television Group

4th March 2011

Roly Keating

BBC Director of Archive Content