Digital & social trends for 2014

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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First posted in January 2014 (, these are some key digital and social marketing trends for the year ahead.

Transcript of Digital & social trends for 2014

Trends January 2014

Trends January 2014

Technology must be helpful, not distracting Wearable tech will revolutionise people’s lives in 2014, but it risks a backlash if it hinders productivity or gets in the way of real life interaction. The combination of targeted push notifications, Google Glass and the ‘glanceable UI’ featured by many new products will require changes to social norms and a disciplined approach from the user to avoid becoming swamped by alerts.

Big social platforms try to be everything to everyone The leading social platforms are responding to challenges from competitors by copying them. Snapchat’s success prompted Instagram Direct, while the popularity of apps like WhatsApp and WeChat has led to greater emphasis on private messaging from the big boys. Ultimately this is good for users, who can choose between all-encompassing networks and niche platforms whose offering is much more focused.

Retail must work harder to compete with online

Previously many retail environments sought only to make the shopper experience easy and smooth. But retail spaces can no longer compete with online shopping when it comes to seamlessness. Online will always be easier, so offline retailers must offer an experience that is more interactive and unique.

Digital loyalty programmes diversify Retailers are taking advantage of the possibilities afforded by mobile to focus on behaviours rather than just purchases. Apps from Shopkick and Harris + Hoole allow reward consumers for entering stores, while integrating geo-fencing and CRM will become essential as brands move towards longer-term, more targeted digital loyalty programmes.

Facial recognition goes mainstream Tesco’s partnership with Amscreen made headlines in 2013 and 2014 looks set to see huge process in terms of delivering personalised experiences in-store – despite protests from those concerned about privacy.

Tension builds between personalisation and privacy With brands learning more and more about consumers, there is a deepening conflict concerning how this information is used. Brands want to use consumers’ location, behaviour, social connections and physical appearance to provide messaging that is highly relevant for them – but concerns about privacy and invasive messaging pervade. It is up for grabs now, with 2014 likely to see things come to a head.

Lawmakers catch up

The law has inevitably lagged behind technology – with many applicable regulations pre-dating the internet. This has led to ambiguities for brands in their digital and social communications: from content copyright to online promotions. 2014 promises a tightening up of regulations as precedents are set and laws adapt. Meanwhile responses to new technology will develop, with draconian bans on Google Glass and drones setting a reactionary tone so far.

And these are the trends

we identified in 2013…

Harder links between sales and social Pinterest recently overtook Yahoo to become the fourth largest traffic driver online, a large cut of that directly linked to product consideration. Pinterest is also the fastest growing social site ever. The lightning quick adoption of this platform from brands signifies the growing thirst for harder sales measures through social.

Social at the heart of creative Social will be at the heart of the creative, not a bolt-on. We’ll see a move towards campaign concepts that will champion consumer participation within the big idea, not around it.

The move to niche platforms The dominance of the bigger social platforms is in decline as audiences seek out diverse, niche communities for new connections based on passion points. Luluvise, SparkRebel, Dudu, Gentlemint, Tradeo and Kyck are all examples launched in 2012. The best brands will follow suit to progress their social strategy.

The second screen The ‘second screen’, essentially simultaneous TV and social media usage via smartphones. has been talked about for some time now. This concept is now very real with nearly a third of all Twitter users tweeting about TV-related content. 2013 will see marketing strategies embrace this behaviour, leading to more integrated work.

Visual social media will be core to brand identity Instagram alone has grown by over 1000% in six months to reach 11 million daily users. This signifies an increasing appetite to express, communicate and consume through image over text – a much richer medium for engagement. Brands will upskill internally and through their agency partners to fully cater for this consumer-led trend.

Digital meets physical through mobile Mobile now accounts for over a third of all time spent on social platforms. 2013 will see us start to embrace mobile apps that surface more information about the people around us with common interests: Stamped, Highlight, Fribi and Ingress are a sign of things to come.

The connected home Companies like SmartLabs and Nest Labs are pioneering a vision of the connected home: with locks, lights, thermostats, smoke alarms and other home devices communicating with each other and the cloud to bring comfort, efficiency and environmental benefits. Open APIs offer exciting possibilities in an area that has been starved of innovation for decades.

Thank you ☺ Any questions, let us know!

Freddie Young, Community Director t: +44 203 206 2000 m: +44 755 334 8801 e: