Digital Media Marketing and Your Biz Part 2

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Digital Media Marketing and Your Biz Part 2

Social Media &

Your BusinessPremium Tools and Email


Social Media & Your Business 2

Presented by: Economic Development

Commission of Medford


Host & Sponsor: Medford Business Association

Speaker: Allison Eckel, Promotion Savvy

Member: EDC, Member: MBA,

Medford resident

Recap: Social Media Marketing 101

3 Types of Posts:




➔Company Update

Create engaging content,

customers will come


How many of you tried this strategy?

A Crowded Space

Pinterest: 40 million

Twitter: 288 million

Instagram: 300 million

Facebook: 1 billion

Image source:

Beyond Free Features

❏ Promoting Posts

❏ Targeting Audiences

❏ Segmenting Lists

❏ and Integrating

PlatformsImage source:

Facebook Ads

Reach for the Stars

❏ Your post appears to

users who Liked your


❏ Your post becomes

visible to the friends of

users who Like,

Comment, or Share

your post.

❏ You define an audience

for your post and pay for

it to be shown to related


Organic Reach: vs. Paid Reach:

Relatively Inexpensive

❏Choose your message

❏ Set your budget

❏ Set your timeframe

❏ Target your audience

Plan your ad; Pay for the resultsPay for an ad; Hope for the best?

Choose Your Message

The New York Times sponsored a post to increase page likes

Set Budget, Timeframe, Target

Facebook Fan Demographics

Facebook Engagement

Promoted Tweets

3 Types of Posts

Promoting posts on Twitter looks just like our 3

types of posts we covered in Part 1:

Generate Excitement

❏ “Coming Soon”

❏ “Getty Ready”

Share Exclusive


❏ “Click for a sneak


❏ Unboxing videos

❏ Exclusive coupons

Spark Conversations

❏ Ask questions:

“Which would

you choose?”

“Would you

rather A or B?”

Example of a Promoted Tweet

Exclusive Content Pulled from Instagram

Instagram is for photos and ads are coming soon


Before Continuing

Email Marketing

One of the best ways to

engage existing customers

is still through email


Email Marketing Platforms

allow you to integrate with

social media.

Image source:

Email Marketing Platforms

❏ Constant Contact

❏ MailChimp

❏ Campaigner

❏ Aweber

❏ StreamSend

❏ VerticalResponse

❏ GetResponse

❏ Square (new!)

And there are more! Mostly the same features, many different pricing models.

Multi-featured, cloud-based systems delivering high levels of customization and targeting.

Features of Leading Platforms

❏ HTML Templates

(customizable, mobile-

ready, drag-and-drop)

❏ List Segmentation

❏ Social Sharing

❏ List Building Tools (Text-

to-Join, QR Codes)

❏ Auto Responders

❏ 3rd Party Integrations


❏ CMS Integrations

(WordPress, Shopify)

❏ Multiple User Accounts

❏ Reporting and Analytics

❏ A/B Split Testing

List Segmentation

Targeting your customers works for email as

well as social media ads.

Example: Customizable Templates

Constant Contact Trial

Free, no-obligation 60-day trial of EmailPlus

from Constant Contact:

Promote, Target, Grow

❏ Continue organic posting to social media

❏ Choose occasional events/products/services to


❏ Target your audiences

❏ Leverage email to retain customers

❏ Integrate email lists with social posting for best results

Stay Tuned for Part 3

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about today’s seminar and a chance to vote on

the topic for Part 3!

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