Digital Marketing in the Spray Foam Industry

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Online Marketing Ebook from Spray Foam Magazine

Transcript of Digital Marketing in the Spray Foam Industry

  • 1. eBook Collection ISSUE 1 Digital Marketing in the SPF Industry

2. This eBook may not be copied or redistributed without the written permission of the publisher. A Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine eBook Copyright 2013 by Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine All Rights Reserved Digital Marketing in the SPF Industry 3. SPONSORED BY 4 5 6 7 8 9 Writing Killer Press Releases Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine: September 2011 Issue Customer Acquisition During a Recession Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine: September 2011 Issue Creating Custom Landing Pages Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine: December 2011 Issue Mobile Marketing and QR Codes Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine: December 2011 Issue Paid vs. Organic Search Results Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine: January 2012 Issue Organic Searches & Sales Leads Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine: March/April 2012 Issue Introduction In the first installment of Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazines eBook Series, we take a look at marketing in the SPF industry, with a particular focus on digital marketing. The internet is perhaps the most powerful marketing medium, and much like any other industry, spray foam can benefit from tapping into residential and commercial markets through establishing a business presence and attracting customers online. table of contents 4. 4SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY D istributing your organizations news via press release offers exponential benefits, from establishing trusted relationships with news sources, to increased company credibility, to greater visibility in the market. Whats more, press releases are easy, fast, cheap, and effective. Get the formula memorized and youll be ready to reap the benefits of the most widely-circulated information medium out there. Here is an example of a proper template; read the release for tips on content. HOW TO Write a Killer Press Release Have any news on the Spray Foam industry? Submit to or Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine and watch how easily a press release turns into news read by thousands. Send press releases to: Social Media When your press release is complete, dont forget to post your release to your social media pages and accounts. In todays fast paced social media environment, content marketing through press releases can also be very successful and rewarding. Contact: Grace Stainback Assistant Editor, 561.768.9793 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 1, 2011---Jupiter, FL---The first paragraph of a press release has one and only one purpose, and that is to explian what writers call The 5 Ws and the H: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Thats it. Stick to the facts in a clear and concise way. The reader should get the idea by scanning just the first paragraph of your press release; dont bore him or her with unnecessary blabber. The remaining paragraph(s) of the press release should be used to flesh out and support the first paragraph, but once again, in a clear and concise way. Provide further details, a relevant statistic or a quote from a company representative. But please, dont go off on a tangent - a press release is not meant to serve as an over-the-top sales pitch or a confusing technically - worded sermon, either. A quick word on length- dont overdo it. 300-500 words is sufficient; any longer and whoever is reading it will be asleep at their desk. Try to keep a press release within one page. Finally, the most important thing is to CHECK your press release for errors before you send it-- a journal- ist neither forgives nor forgets. ALSO - Dont forget to include a hi-res photo or graphic that illustrates the subject matter of your release. In todays digital age, we all we want to see pictures, illustrations and videos. ### Here in the gutter is where you provide information about your organization: your mission statement, your services, or whatever information you deem relevant. SPRAYFOAM.COM REVEALS SECRET TO PRESS RELEASE SUCCESS COMPANY NAME & LOGO 5. 5 SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY Whatareyour customersdoing tocapturenew businessinthis economy? L ets be candid if not blunt here: its not easy to make sales in todays economic environment. People out there are scared to spend their money. And on your end, an insulation design is required not only to meet the ever-changing code but to salvage a profit margin, meet a proposed budget, and all the while compete with the less scrupulous contractors offering their services for a cheap price. So, if youre not thinking outside that ever-changing box... your failure to plan may well be a plan to fail. Todays prospective customer is a far more knowledgeable customer than at any point in history, as the information superhighway is filled with data. The problem here is that much of what customers read on the Internet is false information. In short, people are losing out by turning to mediocre services with a low price tag. But, by being honest, ethical and detailed, you can gain the trust of a customer, make the sale that you need and provide them with the superior service that they deserve. Ive detailed some tips: Educate I cant say it enough, this is the most productive tip for successful selling, but also the tip that requires the most time & effort. Introduce your prospective client to your equipment and your preferred brand. Show them how to read data sheets and ICC reports. Explain some of the chemical costs. Their understanding of the detailed preparation and the costs will empower them to rebut those cheap prices offered by the less scrupulous. You may not win them all, but you can positively affect the future by empowering a client with knowledge. By Joe A. Gayle, International Mobile Equipment (IME) Design Create a custom design for each insulation system according to that structures need, not the industrys preference to standardize. Be willing to mingle foam products, open or closed-cell, with other insulation mediums. Ask questions that others may not and notice things that others dont! Which direction is the home facing? Is there strong southern exposure? Tree canopy and what type? What kind of roof? Details provide quality tools. Brand Awareness Familiarize yourself and your sales staff with the performance of alternative brands that may have a better yield, a higher r-value, or stronger flame resistance. Go after any job that specifies a brand that you dont spray and find a price for that product. However, after providing the apples to apples comparison, offer your preferred alternative to the customer. Use the technical data sheets and ICC reports to assist your closing and invite your manufacturers rep to help you close the sale. Define and support your alternative based on it being less costly, a better performer, and involve the customer in the price savings. Empower Your Applicators Promote the team spirit and teach your applicators the basics of selling so when that stray potential client walks up to your rig and asks questions, your applicators are ready to answer. Provide incentives for applicators to jump into the sales effort. Also, train your team to ask customers for referrals, testimonials and evaluations of the service. Be a Student of History For the better part of the last 30 years the construction industry has been populated by warm bodies i.e. extremely specialized companies solely offering a cheap price and fast performance at the expense of quality. The industry is changing as these words are read. Framing companies are now offering cornice and fascia, siding, decks, trim, and hardwood floors along with installing windows. Electricians have added whole house stereo, alarms, and automation to their list of services. Insulators are hanging sheet rock, painting, doing trim. Do you get the message? The trades are converging once again which typically means that the age of the specialist is gone and margins will be getting tighter! Specialized businesses are being forced to offer more options at more competitive prices. But, do not fall prey to the quick dollar. Do right by your customer and reap the long-term reward of quality service. In closing, you are the face of this rapidly growing industry. Craftsmen will survive this recession and true professionals will rise to the top of their sectors. The business and customers are there, the manufacturers that support this philosophy are there to keep you from getting lost in the maze. 6. 6SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY CustomLandingPages An introduction to internet advertising landing pages and how they will help your business What is a Landing Page? In its most basic terms, a landing page is a single Web page that opens in response to clicking on an advertisement or link on another page. The landing page further pitches the offer and develops interest and desire for the viewer to act on. Why is linking to a landing page better than simply linking to your company web site? Because the content of the landing page specifically addresses the pitch or offer that led your customer there. It is a logical extension of the advertisement. Low attention span on the Internet requires advertisers to capture interest, and ultimately action, in the fastest and simplest way possible. For example, you have an advertisement embedded in a Web page that offers a 20% discount on a service. A curious potential customer clicks on this link. This person will be much more likely to close the deal if they are directed to a page that further explains and pitches the offer, rather than to a page that merely provides your company information. Worse yet, they are directed to the home page of your company website. What happened to the deal? they will wonder. And they will move on. There should be as few links as possible. After all, you want them to take action on the offer, not start surfing your website. A landing page engages and convinces your potential customer. It turns thoughts into action, and advertising into business. Several key tips on preparing a landing page: Make sure that your headline refers directly back to the ad that drove the initial click. Match the language as closely as you can. This assures the viewer that theyre in the right place. Youve gotten them this far - dont lose them now! Speak to the potential customer directly. Use you and your. People want to know how your company is going to benefit him/her. Address them accordingly. Get rid of clutter and keep it simple. Provide only information about the offer on the page. Dont launch into an essay about your companys history and values. The ultimate goal of the landing page is not to inform - it is to initiate an action. Tell them exactly what they need to do. Give them a specific Web page to make a payment. Provide a direct phone number that you answer religiously. Shorten transaction time as much as possible. A simple data gathering form is also advisable. Make sure that when the form is submitted, the prospect is told that you have received it and will respond back to them immediately. The ultimate goal of the landing page is not to inform - it is to initiate an action to buy, call, or submit a contact form. This is one of the best landing pages we have seen in our industry. It is the URL destination of the FLIR thermal imaging ad on page 3 of the December 2011 issue of Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine. They have even gone to the extent of embedding a video into the landing page for even more product information. There is a toll free phone number clearly provided and a data gathering form that is simple and quick to complete. Check it out yourself: 7. 7SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY QR Codes: The Hottest Trend in Mobile Marketing Mobile Marketing is Serious Business - And it Will Generate Serious Business! The newest mobile marketing trend comes in the form of QR code marketing. Once you understand and embrace it, you will have even more reasons to utilize custom landing pages - described on the previous pages. Have you ever flipped through the newspaper or glanced at your cereal box and noticed a black-and-white square filled with barcode-like lines? This is a QR code, the newest trend in mobile marketing and user engagement. QR stands for Quick Response... and quick response it is. A simple spin through Best Buy or your local supermarket and you will see just how powerful this new marketing trend is at providing instant product and sales information to customers, shoppers and prospects. QR Codes Work Like This An interested party scans the QR code using a free APP on their smartphone, and the code links them directly, and immediately - anywhere. Most often, the code leads to a Web page that further elaborates on a product or offer. Thats right - the QR code takes the viewer directly to a website, or better yet a custom landing page - detailing the product or offer. The idea is that QR codes allow customers instant, mobile access to online coupons and other marketing content. The potential is limitless, and it will only expand with the next generation of QR codes, which will hold even more information and wont require an Internet connection to display the landing page. Try Scanning this QR Code with your smart phone to find yet another way to increase your spray foam business. The Nuts and Bolts of QR Codes QR Code Generators: there are a number of websites that generate QR codes and they are all free. An Internet search should bring up a myriad of choices. Then, you simply paste your URL into the generator and voila! QR Code Readers: you need to download an application onto your smartphone that will do the QR code scanning. Just like generators, code readers are plentiful and free. Where should you put a QR code? on your business card on your brochures or other marketing materials the sides of trucks and trailers product packaging receipts whatever surface you can think to put it on What should you link your QR code to? directions to your business offers and discounts usage instructions or advice recommendations for complementary products or services information relevant to your industry A simple internet search for QR Code Generators, and an Android or iTunes APP search for QR Code Readers, will have you using this powerful new Internet Marketing tool in minutes. 8. 8SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY W henever we enter a search term into Google, we get bombarded with thousands of results. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that anyone will spend the hours necessary to comb through the pages upon pages of search results in order to find exactly what theyre looking for. In fact, a study found that people spend an average of 6.5 seconds on the first results page before they choose a link to click. So how to make it onto this coveted first page on Google? And whats more, how to ensure that a searcher will actually choose your link from the list of choices? There are two main ways to get your page to the top of the list: pay-per-click (PPC) advertising programs and search engine optimization. As for which strategy works better, there is ongoing debate as to whether paid search results or organic search results produce more website traffic. Here we take a look at the two different approaches. Why its best to stay natural Paid vs. Oraganic Search Engine Results The Search Engine Marketing Roadmap Paid search results, or pay-per-click programs involve a client paying a fee for each site visit they receive via a search results page. These search results appear at the top (or sidebar) of the search page in a cluster of links that are identified as advertisements. Organic search results, on the other hand, are search results that appear naturally. Web marketers use search engine optimization techniques, or SEO, to optimize websites to appear prominently in relevant search results. Research overwhelmingly points to the advantages of organic search results over their sponsored counterparts. A study found that 70% of search engine users clicked on an organic search result, while only 30% chose paid results. Another study found that 6 out of 7 sales resulting from search engines originated in the organic search listings. But why? The answer probably lies in trust. Try to think back to the last time you clicked on a sponsored link. Cant remember? Thats because search engine users tend to be wary of paid search results and thus opt out without even glancing at the link. eMarketer reported that only 14% of searchers trust paid listings; whats more, 29% responded that they were annoyed by them. 9. 9SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY Now, pay-per-click programs certainly have their advantages. Paid search listings often show immediate results in the form of increased Web traffic and sales. Your site is guaranteed a place on the front page of a search results listing-- as long as youre willing to pay the premium for it. But while pay-per-click programs may show results in the short-term, boosting your website to the top of organic search listings using SEO will be more beneficial in the long term. SEO nurtures websites for longevity, increasing likelihood that your website will appear at the top of Web search listings long after a pay-per- click program has expired. How Spray Foam Local Can Help Getting your site to the top of a search page using SEO can be a painstaking process that takes months to yield results. On the other hand, you can get someone else to do it for you. is a marketing and lead generation program for SPF contractors and suppliers. offers search engine-optimized, region-specific websites for spray foam contractors looking to get a larger slice of the pie online. To set up your own exclusive network from, call 1-888-364-1271, or visit PPC PPC ORGANIC The Fundamentals of Organic Search Results Learn How Multiple Websites Can Spike Sales Leads and Phone Calls L ast issues Sales & Marketing discussion focused on the differences between paid and organic search engine results. While paid search can be a shortcut to first page placement, it is inherently expensive and solely contingent on the advertisers ability to pay. Top-ranked organic results require some preliminary effort to set up, but once the all the pieces are in place, they tend to be more cost-effective, more searcher-friendly and more enduring than paid search results. So, for this issue, the discussion naturally progresses to the factors that influence organic search results and how to take advantage them, a process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Factors Affecting Search Results While each search engine has its own specific method for ranking websites and webpages, there are a few overarching categories that every site aspiring for a top ranking should be aware of. Their purpose is to aid the search engine in assessing the quality of a website, and thus its merit in being ranked highly for a given search. The following major SEO factors by no means compose an exhaustive list, as Google uses over 200 metrics in its search algorithm, but rather illustrate the involved nature of optimizing websites for search engine success. Content Simply put, your website and its constituent pages should have some meat to them. This means a focus on content (text, photos, videos, etc.), in terms of not only quantity, but quality as well. The pages of a given website should contain content worthy of maintaining a searchers attention. This means developing content that is readable, relevant and varied across the pages of your site and the more, the better. Also, a websites content should be relatively fresh and periodically updated, an aspect appreciated by readers and 10. 10SFIRM eBook series | DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE SPF INDUSTRY search engines alike. Updates could come in the form of press releases, news, announcements, etc. Links A great indicator of site quality is how many links lead into it from other sites. These are known as external inbound links, or backlinks, and are especially valuable if they come from relevant sites (e.g. an SPF contractor website being linked from External outbound links, those going from your site to others, also play an important role for similar reasons. Both ways of linking affect the link popularity of a given website. Also factoring into a quality assessment are the links between the pages within the site itself. First, a pages URL should be clean and sensible (e.g. an About page: Also, links to a sites other pages should be based off keywords relating to the pages respective headings. Design This is a broad category of factors, relating to page layout, page tagging and even code design, but the common theme here is ease of usage. A sites layout should make it easy for human searchers to navigate and read, both of which facilitate increased time spent on the site. On the other side of the coin, the sites code and meta tagging should make it easy for search engines to read your site and determine its value. Specifically, search engines prefer a sitemap, which is an XML file containing the sites layout information. The sitemap protocol allows for a website to be easily indexed. SEO Options With a basic familiarity with how to improve your sites ranking for a given search result, whats the next move? Do you tackle these considerations yourself, or hire an expert? The former can be time-consuming and unreliable without prior experience, while the latter can be both time consuming and just plain expensive. A third option is to buy or lease a site offered by that already performs well for a desired search (e.g.spray foam Illinois). This option eliminates the risk of inexperience for a DIY site, reduces costs compared to a contracted site, and is less time-consuming than both options. Multi-Site Strategy Another drawback to creating and optimizing your own site is the complicated nature of trying to tailor the sites pages to every conceivable search relative to your site. Essentially, this is the jack-of-all-trades, master of none approach. This universally minded paradigm suffers from pages being too general or too applicable to numerous searches, which means they arent fully optimized for any of them. The key to avoiding the downsides of the general approach is to turn the strategy on its head. Instead of tailoring one site to multiple searches, tailor multiple sites to their own specific searches. For example, you could have one site trying to optimize for searches of spray foam San Francisco or spray foam Oakland or you could have individual sites optimized for both searches. This alternate approach can only be cost- effectively achieved with pre-designed sites that are engineered for specific searches. An example of such a service is, which is focused on providing search-specific solutions for the SPF industry. How Spray Foam Local Can Help Getting your site to the top of a search page using SEO can be a painstaking process that takes months to yield results. On the other hand, you can get someone else to do it for you. is a marketing and lead generation program for SPF contractors and suppliers. offers search engine-optimized, region-specific websites for spray foam contractors looking to get a larger slice of the online pie. To set up your own exclusive network from SprayFoamLocal. com, call 1-888-364-1271, or visit www. 11. SPONSORED BY |