Digital broadcasting ICT parliamentary committee presentation

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Transcript of Digital broadcasting ICT parliamentary committee presentation

ICT Parliamentary Committee Retreat

“Overview on Migration to Digital Broadcasting process in Uganda”

Lake Victoria Serena Hotel, Kampala, 12 August 2011

Patrick Mwesigwa,Director, Technology & Licensing

Uganda Communications Commission

Presentation outline

Background Digital broadcasting migration groupKey milestones in migration processWhy migrate to digital broadcasting?Role of stakeholders Implications of Digital BroadcastingKey success factors


Uganda was party to Geneva agreement of 2006 (GE 06) which resulted from the Regional Radio Communication Conference of 2006 (RRC 06)

that developed the Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Plan in the frequency bands III (174-230 MHz) and IV/V (470-862 MHz) for countries in Region 1 (Europe, Africa and the Middle East and Region 3 (Islamic Republic of Iran). that required all countries party to the agreement to have the analogue to digital switchover date of June 2015-

- Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting has several benefits that include optimal use of spectrum, more variety of programmes with better picture quality.

- to abide by the provisions of the GE06 Agreement, under the chairmanship of the Min of ICT, a digital broadcasting migration group was set up.

What is digital broadcasting?Digital Broadcasting: is the sendingand receiving of moving images andsound by digital (discrete) signals incontrast to analogue signal

Digital broadcasting migration group (DBMG)

Ministry of ICTUganda Communications CommissionBroadcasting CouncilUganda Broadcasting CorporationMTNUganda telecomZain (Airtel)Warid telecom

Digital Broadcasting Migration Process


Policy & regulatory

Content & consumer Affairs
















External consultation

Key milestones in migration process13 March 2009 – stakeholders workshop15 May 2009 – public dialogueJune 2009 – preparatory phase (pilot projects could start)1 July 2009 – Approval by Cabinet (approved in April 2011)August 2009 – Licensing of signal distributersJan 2011 – digital switch-on2011-2012 – simulcast periodDec 2012 - Analogue switch-off for Uganda17 June 2015 – global analogue switch off

Key Milestones Realized

• Pilot projects Authorized.• An approved frequency plan for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting.• Setup Box Technical specifications have been developed .• Licensing terms and conditions for signal distribution have been

drafted and pending approval.• The proposed licensing framework indicates two broad categories

i.e Signal Distribution and Content Service Provision. • Cabinet approved Digital Migration Policy approved with UBC as

the sole signal distributor with exclusivity period of 5 years. • A Digital Migration task force (DTMF) has been put in place to

oversee the migration process.

Brief Highlights on the Pilot Projects

4 companies were authorized to carry out DTT on a pilot basis. The companies include Star Times, MoTV, Next Generation Broadcasting and Kampala Siti Cable. In total over 80,000 subscribers majority of which are in Kampala. However there is new presence of DTT services in Masaka and Jinja as well. Delay in approval of the Digital Broadcasting Migration Policy caused the Ministry to extend the deadline for the pilot projects.Broadly MPEG 4 and DVB-T standard is being used.Generally there is an acceptable uptake of the services.

Work within the Region Under the East African Communications Organisation (EACO)

Umbrella, a specific Broadcasting Technical Taskforce was instituted to harmonise best practice standards and policies related to migration to digital terrestrial broadcasting. The following has been achieved:

- Carried out frequency coordination among the different member states.

- Developed minimum technical standards for setup boxes for the region.

- Made Recommendations for licensing framework for Public service broadcaster

The group is yet to harmonize on the following;• - strategies for the use of the Digital Dividend.• - framework governing content sharing and Digital Content

Management.• - Appropriate Quality of Service Parameters.

Challenges and Emerging Issues

The delayed approval of the policy impacted negatively on the progress.The provision for only one signal distributor UBC that is currently facing management and funding challenges may also impact negatively on the progress .The advent of DVB-T2. The need to effectively formulate a strategy for the Digital Dividend.

Digital Switchover, why are we doing this?

Digital broadcasting offers many advantages:increased programme diversity,lower operating costs through use of compression technology, system reliability and infrastructure sharinghigh quality video, audio and numerous other value added services

For regulators: improved spectrum utilization efficiency,Fair competition: To develop a terrestrial platform competitive with cable and satellite platformsTo be in line with GE06 Plan (as from June 2015 no protection of analogue TV)

Key challenges of the Digital Switchover

Technical challenges – size of the conversion task

Analogue transmitters to be replaced with digital equipmentNew frequency planning, new frequencies for many transmitters, coverage issuesDifferent time schedules in different countries: not all countries are going digital at the same timeShare spectrum with analogue television, protect analogue services during transition

Consumer related challenges Viewers have to buy new receivers, to adapt receive antennasDifficulties for elderly and less wealthy population to accept new technology

Key challenges of the Digital Switchover

Big Investment !

Approach to the transition to Digital television Broadcasting

Migration to digital is proposed to be implemented infour phases:

1. Preparatory Phase: period following finalisation of the policy on analogue-digital migration during which licensed broadcasters may be allowed to carry out digital broadcasting services on pilot basis under terms and conditions to be specified by UCC and BC.

Pilot projects are intended to enable learning of lessons: reaction of viewers and technical difficulties to be improved.

2. Digital Switch on: Introduction of digital broadcasting services involving the development of the digital broadcasting infrastructure including introduction of a signal distributor and availability of set-top boxes and/or integrated digital receivers. (2011)

Approach to the transition

3. Simulcast Period: to ensure viewers without set-top boxes are not deprived of services, analogue and digital will have to be broadcast in tandem for some period-Simulcast period (2011-2012).

4. Analogue switch-off: termination of analogue transmission which assumes the completion of the switch over process, so that it will not occur before almost all households can receive digital signals and have digital receivers (Dec 2012)

Approaches to ASO

National shut-off of analogue services

Approach used in theNetherlands, Finland,Andorra, Luxembourg, UnitedStates

Phased shut-off of analogue services

Approach used in Germany,Italy, Sweden, Switzerland,Czech Republic, Austria, France, Spain and the UnitedKingdom

Uganda has opted for the phased Analogue Shut-off approach

ASO completed overnight: Finland

National ASO on 31 Aug 2007 for all platforms Leading role taken by Ministry of Transport &


Problems that aroseViewers unpreparedReceivers did not work as expectedReception coverage was not as good as analogueThe day of ASO was during weekendBroadcaster was on frontline of critics

Need for Digital Signal Distributor: expected benefits

Lower transmission costs per broadcaster;Allow better efficiency in spectrum management;Lower initial costs for new broadcasters;Reduce adverse impact on environment ;Provide uniform coverage of the broadcast signal;Less signal interference;Ease of management of broadcast frequencies/channels;Allow broadcasters to focus on quality of content as their core business

Roles of the various stakeholders

Roles of Broadcaster

concentrate on content development and leave the responsibility of signal distribution, infrastructure development and operation to the signal distributor. Broadcasters will be freed from the difficulties in site acquisition, infrastructure development, operational and maintenance costs.extensive public relations and marketing campaigns to encourage the consumers to covert to digital television

Role of the Signal Distributor

Carriage of the signals from the studio to the distribution sites;

Distribution of the signal to designated transmission sites;

Broadcast the signal within the service area

Role of the Public/consumers

to purchase Set top Boxes or integrated digital TV receivers in order to receive digital terrestrial transmissions

Role of the Regulator

enforce licence conditions and ensure compliance by the signal distributors to minimise incidences of interference Effectively sensitise consumers on digital broadcasting issues regularly examine digital implementation issues with relevant parties and stakeholders put in place appropriate measures for ensuring safe disposal of disused analogue equipment to minimise adverse impact on environmentcoordination with neighboring countries in spectrum use to avoid interference so as to

ensure smooth transition process

Implication of Digital Broadcasting To Consumers

In order to receive digital television transmission/signals,the consumer will need at a cost either to:

Replace the analogue TV set, with a set equipped with a digital tuner or Adapt the current TV set by means of an external set top box.

Broadcasting Service ProvidersDigital transmission will provide opportunity to offer new programmes and services, which can result in new business opportunities for the service providers.There will be need for substantial investment in equipment and human resource training before the full potential of digital television can be realized.When the digital TV is realized there will be increased revenue through reduction of transmission costs and providing better technology for storage and processing of content

Implications of Digital Broadcasting

Government Put in place appropriate policy, legislative and regulatory framework to enable smooth execution of migration process within set time linesUndertake fiscal measures to enable consumers procure set top boxes and digital TV receivers at affordable prices, possibly through tax waivers and subsidiesProvide appropriate incentives and support for signal distributors and broadcasters to put in place necessary digital infrastructure and systems Support the development of local content

Key factors for success: viewers must be prepared

Communication is key: viewers must understand what will happen, when and how to prepare

Financial support may be necessary: subsidizing digital receivers/set top boxes

Key factors for success: quality of the digital offer

The service offer should be attractiveThe service offer should be technically of high quality:

The coverage should at least match the analogue one – gap fillers if neededGood digital receivers that fulfill reception specificationsAvoid many changes (in frequencies, in parameters, etc.)Minimise simulcast (expensive and frequency demanding)

Viewers should not be disappointed !

Key factors for success: cooperation of all actors

It is essential that all actors of the broadcasting chain COOPERATE and work together:

Public Service BroadcastersPrivate and commercial broadcastersManufacturers of professional and consumer equipment InstallersGovernments and regulators

Create a FORUM in charge of the switchover process, if it does not happen naturally

Key factors for success: information campaign

Who? - VIEWERS: it should support viewers during the whole process - Professionals (manufactures, installers):

equipment should be available on time and at right cost

- press/media: to avoid bad pressHow? - Simple to address different types of

population - Short if not people lose interest - Good indication of time schedule - Create attractive logos

Where? - Everywhere: Web, TV, newspapers, shops, street, post, transport

Create call centers to answer consumers questions and to guide them

The switchover process is complex but

Effective communication campaignCooperation and coordinated efforts of the whole broadcast industryGovernment and regulators support and involvementStrong leadershipDTT receivers available in the market on time at a reasonable priceAdequate financial resources being available

....... contribute to a successful Analogue Switch off

Thank you for your attention !
