
Post on 12-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Digipaks




The title of the album is “LOUD” which is cleverly reflected through the artwork on the album digipak. The imagery portrays the artist in a vulnerable yet sexy way and the bright red colour is shown on her hair, lips and roses.

The way that there is a corporate colour scheme works effectively. The text font is capitals and stands out even against the powerful images. The positioning at the bottom of the album also works as it doesn’t attract any unnecessary attention from the image of the artist.

The size of the font also varies as the album name is larger than the artist name which works well because when people see the image on the front they will know who it is anyway.

I love the photography on this album as it is original, arty and daring and definitely relates to the album name as the colours used are loud.

The imagery is very feminine and the image of Rihanna smelling the roses shows her wearing a long beautiful white dress. It is quite vintage inspired and retro.

There is a genre signifier as the imagery reflects the kind of songs that could be on the album. For example, there could be some strong power ballads as well as some loud tunes.

The relationship between the image and text (anchorage) work together because the album name LOUD relates to the brightness and loud colours used such as the vibrant red. This stands out really well.

The functions of the digipak show a front cover with an inside with two pockets for the CDs. They all fold into one.

The CD is also really well designed because it is a beautiful inside of a flower. This relates to idea of the roses used in the photography. It is a nice finishing touch to the album design instead of having a plain CD design. I really like the idea of having a CD design too.

The artists name, album title, producers and record label as well as website address are printed on the CD in small print giving a professional touch.

Overall, the digipak is really effective and it really expresses the artist style and personality and it definitely stands out.

BOMBAY BICYCLE CLUB- DIGIPAKI studied the Bombay Bicycle Club magazine advert and I have noticed a corporate image used for the album and poster as well as the typography and font style.

The images used are very unique. There are two heads facing one another with a pattern inside which is quite effective! This suggests that the band like to be different and have their own style.

There is a particular colour scheme used which is predominantly blue, pale yellow and orange. All the colours compliment each other well.

The positioning of the font on the digipak is also well done because there is the album cover and band logo on the front and then the name of each track on the back. Again, like the Rihanna digipak, there is a designed CD. I really love this idea because it looks effective and the pattern matches the images on the CD cover.

I wouldn’t say there was any kind of genre signifier but you can tell by the imaginative album art that their sound would be unique and cool.

The functions of this digipak is that it folds together well and has a slot for the CD inside.

There isn't great branding for the artist. As there is no image of the band members, as a first ever album it doesn’t present the band members. This is good in a way because it would make people want to see what they look like and look them up but it may have been good to have an image of them for their first album. However, having said that I think that they have created a great image and logo and colour scheme.

The identity presented is quite indie and British.

YOU ME AT SIX- DIGIPAKI looked at this album for some magazine advert research. One thing that I have noticed is that the front image for the album is exactly the same as the magazine poster. This is great band promotion because people will remember the image on the poster and then spot the same image on the album. This is really effective.