Difficult Passages In Hebrews

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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Difficult Passages In Hebrews. What are we to make of the writer’s use of the OT? He seems to quote various OT texts in a very haphazard manner with little respect for the original context. Jesus Is Better Than The Angels (Heb. 1:4-2:9). He is God’s Son (Heb. 1:5) Psalm 2:7 2 Samuel 7:14 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Difficult Passages In Hebrews


Difficult Passages In Hebrews


What are we to make of the writer’s use of the OT? He seems to quote various OT texts

in a very haphazard manner with little respect for the original context


Jesus Is Better Than The Angels(Heb. 1:4-2:9)

• He is God’s Son (Heb. 1:5)

– Psalm 2:7

– 2 Samuel 7:14

• They owe Him worship (Heb. 1:6)

– Deuteronomy 32:43


Jesus Is Better Than The Angels(Heb. 1:4-2:9)

• He is a King and the Creator (Heb. 1:7-14)

– Psalm 104:4

– Psalm 45:6-7

– Psalm 102:25-27

– Psalm 110:1


Jesus Is Better Than The Angels(Heb. 1:4-2:9)

• [Parenthetical Exhortation (Heb. 2:1-4)]

• The “world to come” has not been put in subjection to angels (Heb. 2:5-9)

– Psalm 8:4-6


Perfected Through Suffering(Heb. 2:10-18)

• It was “fitting” (Heb. 2:10)

• The Sanctifier and the sanctified are all of one (Heb. 2:11)

– Psalm 22:22

– Isaiah 8:17

– Isaiah 8:18


Quotations Don’t Match

• Heb. 1:6 & Dt. 32:43

• Heb. 1:7 & Psa. 104:4

• Heb. 2:6-8 & Psa. 8:4-6

• Heb. 10:5-7 & Psa. 40:6-8


Quotations Don’t Fit Context

• Psalm 2: The Coronation of the Lord’s Anointed (Heb. 1:5)

• Dt. 32: The Song of Moses (Heb. 1:6)

• Psa. 45: The Wedding of the Lord’s Anointed (Heb. 1:8-9)

• Psa. 102: The Lament of the Afflicted (Heb. 1:10-12)


Quotations Don’t Fit Context

• Psa. 110: The Lord’s Anointed King And Priest (Heb. 1:13)

• Psa. 8: The Song of the Astronomer (Heb. 2:6-8a)

• Psa. 22: The Lament of the Forsaken (Heb. 2:12)

• Isa. 8:17-18: The words of Isaiah (Heb. 2:13)


The Writer’s Use Of The OT• Paraphrases and allusions

• Quotations from LXX

• More than one possible translation

• Applies passages about Jehovah to Jesus

• Applies passages “typologically”

• Quotes one passage that is directly Messianic

• Borrows language that applies in principle


Hebrews & The Septuagint

• MT: “Rejoice, O nations, with his people, for he will avenge the blood of his servants; he will take vengeance on his enemies and make atonement for his land and people. (Dt. 32:43)

• LXX: “Rejoice, O nations, with his people, and let all the angels worship him, for he will avenge the blood of his servants (Dt. 32:43)

Hebrews 1:6


Hebrews & The Septuagint

• LXX: “Who maketh his angels winds, And his ministers a flaming fire.” (Psa. 103:4)

• MT: “Who maketh winds his messengers; His ministers a flaming fire.” (Psa. 104:4)

Hebrews 1:7


Hebrews & The Septuagint

• LXX: “Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, But a body didst thou prepare for me; Whole burnt offering and sacrifice for sin thou didst not desire….” (Psa. 39:7-9)

• MT: “Sacrifice and offering thou hast no delight in; Mine ears hast thou opened: Burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required….” (Psa. 40:6-8)

Hebrews 10:5-7


Hebrews & The Septuagint

• LXX: “…If the vision delay, wait for it, For it shall surely come, and shall not tarry. If it shrink back, my soul hath not pleasure in it: But the righteous one shall live by my faith.” (Hab. 2:3-4)

• MT: “…Though (the vision) tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay. Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.” (Hab. 2:3-4)

Hebrews 10:37-38


Hebrews & The Septuagint

• LXX: “…and Israel worshipped upon the top of his staff.” (Gen. 47:31)

• MT: “And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’s head.” (Gen. 47:31)

Hebrews 11:21


Psalm 2:7a

• LXX: “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels….”

• MT: “For thou hast made him but little lower than God”


Jesus Is Also “Jehovah”

• He is “God” (Jn. 1:1-3)• He is one with the Father (Jn. 10:30)• He should receive the same honor (Jn.

5:22-23)• “Jehovah” is applied to more than one

person (cf. Gen. 19:24; Zech. 2:8-9, 10-11, 12 ASV)


More Than One Person Called “Jehovah”

24 Then Jehovah rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Jehovah out of heaven; (Gen. 19:24, ASV)

• 8 For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: After glory hath he sent me unto the nations which plundered you; for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. 9 For, behold, I will shake my hand over them, and they shall be a spoil to those that served them; and ye shall know that Jehovah of hosts hath sent me. (Zech. 2:8-9, ASV)


More Than One Person Called “Jehovah”

10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith Jehovah. 11 And many nations shall join themselves to Jehovah in that day, and shall be my people; and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that Jehovah of hosts has sent me unto thee. (Zech. 2:10-11, ASV)

12 And I will strengthen them in Jehovah; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith Jehovah. (Zech. 10:12, ASV)


Psalm 2: A Messianic Psalm

Psalm 2 NT Passage

2:1-2 Crucifixion Acts 4:24-28

2:7 Resurrection Acts 13:32-33

2:7 Exaltation Heb.1:5; 5:5

2:8-9 Authority Rev. 2:26-27; 12:5; 19:15


Psalm 2: A Messianic Psalm

• Vs. 2: “The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and Against His Anointed….”

• Vs. 8: “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance And the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”


2 Sam. 7: A Messianic Passage

• Vs. 13: “He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.”

• Vs. 16: “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.”


The Greater “David”

• Jer. 30:9: But they shall serve the Lord their God, And David their king, Whom I will raise up for them.

• Hos. 3:5: Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.


R.V. G. Tasker“The kings and priests of the Old Testament

are to him [the writer of Hebrews, ksk] types of something better and greater to come; for in none of them was realized all that kingship and priesthood might mean. Christ is their antitype, for in Him kingship and priesthood find their fullest and truest expression.” (The Old Testament In The New Testament, 117)


The Wedding Of The King(Psa. 45)

• Introduction (45:1)

• The Eulogy of the Groom (45:2-9)

• Advice to the Bride (45:10-12)

• The Entrance of the Bride (45:13-15)

• The Results of the Marriage (45:16-17)


Psa. 45: A Messianic Psalm

• This king is called “God” (45:6)

• His reign is eternal (45:6; cf. Dan. 7:14; Lk. 1:33)

• His rule is righteous (45:6; cf. Psa. 89:14)

• His authority is universal (45:16-17)


Psa. 8: A Messianic Psalm3When I consider Your heavens, the work

of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, 4 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? 5For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. 6You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet….


Consequences Of The Fall• Women bear children in pain (Gen. 3:16)

• Wives subject to husbands (Gen. 3:16)

• Ground cursed (Gen. 3:17-18)

• Men earn bread by sweat (Gen. 3:19)

• All die physically (Gen. 3:19)

• Banished from tree of life (Gen. 3:22-24)

• Animals fear man (Gen. 9:2)


Psa. 22: A Messianic Psalm• 22:1: “My God, My God why have You

forsaken Me?….” (Mt. 27:46)

• 22:8: “He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him; Let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!” (Mt. 27:43)

• 22:18: “They divide My garments among them, And for my clothing they cast lots.” (Jn. 19:23-24)


Psalm 22 & Calvary

Psalm 22 Gospels

22:6 Reproach of men Mt. 27:15-26

22:7-8 Mockery Mt. 27:27-31, 39-44

22:14 Bones out of joint

22:15 Tongue clings Jn. 19:28


Psalm 22 & Calvary

Psalm 22 Gospels

22:16 Hands & feet pierced Jn. 20:25-28

22:17 Count bones

22:17 Look & stare Mt. 27:36


Isaiah & The Messiah

Isaiah NT

7:14 Virgin-bornImmanuel Mt. 1:22-23

8:14 Stone of StumblingRock of Offense

Lk. 2:34; Rom. 9:32-33; 1 Pet.


9:6-7 Child BornSon Given Rev. 12:1-6


Problems With Psalm 40

• Confession of sin (40:12)

• Imprecations on enemies (40:14-15)

• Significant differences between MT & LXX


• LXX: “Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, But a body didst thou prepare for me; Whole burnt offering and sacrifice for sin thou didst not desire….” (Psa. 39:7-9)

• MT: “Sacrifice and offering thou hast no delight in; Mine ears hast thou opened: Burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required….” (Psa. 40:6-8)

Psalm 40:6-8


Proposed Solutions

• LXX reading is a copyist error

• MT reading is a copyist error

• LXX offers an interpretative translation


Parallel Expressions(Heb. 10:5-7)

Sacrifice and offering In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin

You did not desire You had no pleasure

But a body You have prepared for Me.

Then I said, ‘Behold I have come – In the volume of the book it is written of Me – To do Your will, O God


Psa. 110: A Messianic Psalm

• Written about someone other than David

– 110:1: “The Lord [Jehovah] said to my [David’s] Lord [???]….” (Mt. 22:41-46)

• David could not have fulfilled

– 110:1: David did not ascend (Acts 2:32-34)

– 110:4: Davidic kings were not priests “according to the order of Melchizedek”


Borrowed Language

• Heb. 13:5: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (cf. Dt. 31:6)

• Heb. 13:6: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (cf. Psa. 118:6)

• Heb. 2:13a: “I will put My trust in Him” (Isa. 8:17)

• Heb. 2:13b: “Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.” (cf. Isa. 8:18)


Writer’s View Of Inspiration

• Words of God

– “He” or “Him” = God, the Father (Heb. 1:5, 6, 7, 8, 13; 4:3, 4, 7; 5:5, 6; 6:14; 7:21; 8:5, 8; 10:30; 12:26; 13:5)

• Words of Christ

– “He” = Christ (Heb. 2:11-13; 10:5)

• Words of the Spirit (Heb. 3:7; 9:8; 10:15 )


What is the “rest” that remainsfor the people of God (Heb. 4:9)?



Gen. 2:2


God rested



Not Enter Rest

Rest Remaining

Josh. 1:15; 22:4

Psa. 95:11

Heb. 4:9Rev. 7:16-17; 14:13

Ex. 20:8


Could Jesus have yielded totemptation to sin (Heb. 2:17-18; 4:14-16)?


What does the writer mean when he says that “it is impossible…to renew them again

to repentance” (Heb. 6:4-8)?


Elementary Principles(Heb. 6:1-3)

• Repentance from dead works

• Faith toward God• Doctrine of baptisms• Laying on of hands• Resurrection of the dead• Eternal judgment

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Hebrews 6:4-6

The People

• Once enlightened (vs. 4; cf. Heb. 10:32)

• Tasted the heavenly gift (vs. 4; cf. 1 Pet. 2:3; Heb. 2:9)

• Partakers of Holy Spirit (vs. 4; cf. Heb. 3:1; Gal. 4:6)

• Tasted the good word of God (vs. 5)

The Action

The Results• Impossible to renew them again to repentance

(vs. 6)• They crucify again the Son of God (vs. 6)• Thorns and briars rejected and burned (vs. 8)

• Fall away (vs. 6)


Hebrews 6:4-64For it is impossible for those who were

once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. [NKJV]


Hebrews 6:4-64 For in the case of those who have once been

enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame. [NASB]


Neil Lightfoot On Heb. 6:6“All along the author has expressed himself (in the

Greek original) by the use of participles – have been enlightened…have tasted…have become partakers…have tasted. Since all these are translated with past tenses, it is maintained that the next participle in the series (parapesontas) should also be translated in the past. And this is what the British and American revisions of 1881-1901 did, translating it ‘and then fell away.’ On the other hand, it is unquestionably permissible to translate parapesontas as a conditional participle, the if idea being included in the participle.” (Jesus Christ Today, 125)


James Macknight On Heb. 6:6“The verbs…, being aorists, are rightly rendered by our

translators in the past time, Who were enlightened, have tasted, were made partakers. Wherefore…,being an aorist, ought likewise to have been translated in the past time, have fallen away. Nevertheless our translators, following Beza, who without any authority from ancient MSS hath inserted in his version the word Si, If, have rendered this clause, If they fall away; that this text might not appear to contradict the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. But as no translator should take upon him to add to, or alter the scriptures, for the sake of any favourite doctrine, I have translated…in the past time, have fallen away, according to the true import of the word as standing in connexion with the other aorists in the preceding verses.” (Macknight on the Epistles, p. 532)


An Agricultural Illustration(Heb. 6:7-8)

The earth which drinks in the rainthat often comes upon it

Bears herbs useful for those by whom

it is cultivated, receives blessing

from God

Bears thorns and briars, it is rejected

and near to being cursed, whose end is

to be burned


“If” Passages In Hebrews• “If we neglect so great a salvation....” (2:3)

• “If we hold fast the confidence....” (3:6)

• “If you will hear His voice....” (3:7, 15; 4:7)

• “If we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end” (3:14)

• “If they fall away....” (6:6)

• “If it bears thorns and briers, it is rejected....” (6:8)


“If” Passages In Hebrews

• “If we sin willfully...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins” (10:26)

• “If anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him” (10:38)

• “If they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven” (12:25)


“Let Us” Passages In Hebrews

• Fear lest come short of promise (4:1)

• Be diligent to enter rest (4:11)

• Hold fast our confession (4:14)

• Come boldly to throne of grace (4:16)

• Go on to perfection (6:1)

• Draw near with a true heart (10:22)

• Hold fast confession of hope (10:23)


“Let Us” Passages In Hebrews• Consider one another (10:24)

• Lay aside every weight and the sin which easily ensnares us (12:1)

• Run the race with endurance (12:1)

• Have grace to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear (12:28)

• Go forth to Him outside the camp (13:13)

• Continually offer the sacrifice of praise (13:15)


Calvinists’ Quibbles(Heb. 6:4-6)

• A hypothetical case

• Hypocritical pretenders

• Loss of reward, not salvation

• If you lose it, you can never get it back


Lose Reward But Not Soul

• The reward for the righteous is eternal life (Mt. 16:26-27)

• The righteous’ reward is in heaven (Lk. 6:23)

• The righteous will receive the reward of the inheritance (Col. 3:24; cf. 1 Pet. 1:3-5)


The Christian’s Reward• Moses looked to “the reward” (Heb.

11:26)• The patriarchs looked for “a homeland”

(Heb. 11:13-16)• Paul promised an “inheritance” (Col.

3:23-24; cf. 1 Pet. 1:3-5)



Synopses Of Calvinism

“If you seek it, you can’t find it; if you find it, you can’t get it; if you get it, you can’t lose it; if you lose it, you never had it!”

C. R. Nichols


Impossible To Renew(Heb. 6:4-6)

• A Christian who sins can never be forgiven

• It is impossible for human agencies to bring apostates to repentance, but it is not impossible for God

• Apostates cannot be brought to repentance as long as they continue to renounce Christ

• It is impossible to keep on renewing Christians to repentance again and again without them going outside the bound of hope


Forgiveness For Christians• The Prodigal Son (Lk. 15:24, 32)• The apostles (Mt. 26:31, 56)• Peter (Lk. 22:31-32; Gal. 2:11-14)• Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:18-24)• John Mark (Acts 12:25; 13:13; 15:36-39; 2 Tim.

4:11)• The immoral Corinthian (1 Cor. 5:1, 4-5)• John’s readers (1 Jn. 1:8-9)• The wanderer from the truth (Jas. 5:19-20)• The Laodiceans (Rev. 3:14-22)


Raymond Brown“Such people ‘keep on crucifying’ (present tense)

for themselves the Son of God , and ‘keep on putting him to open shame’ (present tense again). If such people are resolutely determined to respond in this way to the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness, then certainly it is ‘impossible to keep on repeatedly leading them (present tense) afresh into repentance’.” (“The Message Of Hebrews.” The Bible Speaks Today, 114)


Who was Melchizedek (Heb. 7:1-3)?


The Great Melchizedek

• Melchizedek was a king as well as a priest (Heb. 7:1-2)

• Melchizedek received tithes from Abraham (Heb. 7:2)

• Melchizedek, unlike the Levitical priests, had no genealogical pedigree (Heb. 7:3)

• Melchizedek blessed Abraham (Heb. 7:6-7)


The Great Melchizedek

• Melchizedek’s priesthood takes precedence over the Levitical priesthood because death has no hold over it (Heb. 7:8)

• Melchizedek is greater because Levi paid tithes to him (Heb. 7:9-10)


Who Was Melchizedek?

• Shem

• Ham

• Descendant of Japheth

• Job

• Enoch

• An angel

• Christ

• Holy Spirit

• Heavenly Being

• Archangel Michael

• Extraordinary Emanation

• Historical Person


Melchizedek: A Supernatural Being

• Heb. 7:3: without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.

• Heb. 7:8: Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives.


“Forever” Or “Everlasting(owlam)

Gesenius: "(A) pr. what is hidden; specially hidden time, long; the beginning or end of which is either uncertain or else not defined; eternity, perpetuity. It is used -- (1) of time long past, antiquity ....(2) It more often refers to future time, in such a manner, that what is called the terminus ad quem, is always defined from the nature of the thing itself. When it is applied to human affairs, and specially -- (a) to individual men, it commonly signifies all the days of life....Elsewhere -- (b) it belongs to a whole race (dynasty), or people, and it comprehends all the time until their destruction....(c) the metaphysical idea of eternity (Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament, #5769, pp. 612-613)


“Forever Things” Sometimes Cease

Forever CeaseGen. 17:11-14 Circumcision Gal. 5:1-6;

6:15 Ex. 12:14 Passover Col. 2:16-17 Ex. 29:9; 40:15; Num. 25:13

Aaronic Priesthood Heb. 7:11-17

Lev. 16:29, 31, 34; 23:31

Day Of Atonement

Heb. 9:23-28; 10:1-12, 18


“Forever Things” Sometimes Cease

Forever CeasePsa. 119:151-152, 160

Righteous Ordinances

Gal. 3:24-25; Heb. 9:10

Gen. 13:14-17; 17:7-8; 1 Chr. 16:16-18; Psa. 105:9-11

Land Possession

Dt. 28:45-46; 1 Chr. 28:9

Ex. 31:16-17 Sabbath Col. 2:16-17 Psa. 78:69; Eccl. 1:4 Earth 2 Pet. 3:7, 10-



There are inconsistencies between the OT’s description of the tabernacle, and

the description of the tabernacle in Hebrews (Heb. 9:1-5). How are these

apparent contradictions to be explained?


The Furniture Of The Tabernacle


The Altar of Incense???(Heb. 9:3-4)

• The writer of Hebrews made a mistake (cf. Ex. 30:6-8; 40:26)– Obj.: This is not possible if the writer

was inspired• The altar of incense was actually in the

Most Holy Place (2 Baruch 6:7)– Obj.: In the postexilic temple, the altar

of incense was located in the Holy Place, not the Most Holy Place (cf. Lk. 1:9, 11)


The Altar of Incense???(Heb. 9:3-4)

• The original term [thumiaterion] (cf. 2 Chr. 26:19; Ezek. 8:11, LXX) refers to the high priest’s censer (Lev. 16:12), not the altar of incense [thusiasterion, LXX]– Obj.: The original term was used by Philo,

Josephus, Symmachus, and Theodotion to refer to the altar of incense

– Obj.: If this refers to the high priest’s censer, then the Hebrew writer omits any reference to the altar of incense, which is very unlikely


The Altar of Incense???(Heb. 9:3-4)

• The writer does not mean that the altar of incense was actually behind the veil inside the Most Holy Place, but that it pertained to the Most Holy Place (cf. 1 Ki. 6:22; Ex. 40:5; Lev. 16:12-13)– Obj.: The same word (i.e. “had”) is also

used of the ark of the covenant which was definitely inside the Most Holy Place


What does the Hebrew writer mean when he speaks of “the present time”

when both gifts and sacrifices are offered (Heb. 9:9)?


What Is “The Present Time”?(Heb. 9:9)

• “The time then present” = The Mosaic Dispensation (Gal. 3:23-25)

• “The time now present” = The Christian Dispensation


There are inconsistencies between the OT’s account of the ratification of the covenant and the consecration of the

tabernacle and the account in Hebrews (Heb. 9:19-21). How are these apparent

contradictions to be explained?


The Omissions

Exodus Hebrews

Use of goat’s blood Altar & 12 pillars

Use of water, scarlet wool & hyssop

Burnt offerings &peace offerings

Sprinkling of thebook of the covenant


Different Wording

• Ex. 24:8: “Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words” [NASB]

• Heb. 9:20: “This is the blood of the covenant which God has commanded you”


What does “forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” mean?

(Heb. 10:24-25)


Forsaking The Assembling(Heb. 10:24-25)

• Complete apostasy from the faith

• Neglect of public worship


Forsaking(Aorist Tense)

• God forsaking Jesus on the cross (Mt. 27:46)

• Christ’s soul not left in Hades (Acts 2:31)

• Paul’s companions abandoning him at his first defense (2 Tim. 4:16)

• Demas forsaking Paul (2 Tim. 4:10)

• God’s promise to never forsake His people (Heb. 13:5)


Forsaking(Present Tense)

• Paul was persecuted but not forsaken (2 Cor. 4:9)

• Forsaking the assembling together (Heb. 10:25)


What is “the Day approaching”(Heb. 10:25)?


The Day Approaching(Heb. 10:25)

• The day of death• The day of complete apostasy• The day of worship [i.e. Sunday]

• The Day of Judgment• The day of destruction for



What does the Hebrew writer mean when he says “if we sin willfully…there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”

(Heb. 10:26-31)?


What Is “Willful Sin”?

• Not human weakness or inclination to sin

• Not merely consciously sinning

• But sinning with a “high hand”

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Hebrews 10:26-31

The People

• “Brethren” (vs. 19)• Those who “have received the knowledge of

the truth” (vs. 26)• Those who are “sanctified” (vs. 29)

The Actions

• Sin willfully (vs. 26)• Trample Son of God underfoot (vs. 29)• Count blood a common thing (vs. 29)• Insult the Spirit of grace (vs. 29)

The Results• Punishment worse than death (vs. 28-29)• Judgment and fiery indignation (vs. 27)


What is the Hebrew writer referring to when he quotes Habakkuk 2:3-4 which says “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry”

(Heb. 10:36-39)?


Habakkuk & Hebrews

Hab. 2:3b-4 Heb. 10:37b-383b: Though it [the revelation] linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

37b: He who is coming will come and will not delay.

4: “See, he is puffed up; his desires are not upright –[LXX: And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him.] but the righteous will live by his faith.”

38: But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.


The Coming(s) Of The Lord

• Judgment on Egypt (Isa. 19:1, 4; cf. Ezek. 30:1-5, 18-19; 32:7)

• Judgment on Judah (Joel 2:1-2; Zeph. 1:14-16)

• Judgment on the earth (Isa. 26:20-21)

• Judgment on Jerusalem in 586 B.C. (Jer. 4:11-13; Ezek. 34:12-13)

• Judgment on Israel and Judah (Mic. 1:2-7)


The Coming(s) Of The Lord

• Judgment on the fourth beast (Dan. 7:13-14, 21-22, 24-27)

• Judgment on Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Mt. 24:27, 30; 26:64; Mk. 13:26; Mk. 14:62)

• Judgment on the ungodly (Jude 14-15)

• Judgment on the persecutors (Rev. 1:7; 14:14-20)

• Final Judgment (Acts 1:9-11)


What does the Hebrew writer mean when he says “for he found no place of

repentance though he sought it diligently with tears” (Heb. 12:12-17)?


No Place For Repentance(Heb. 12:12-17)

• Esau found no place for repentance in himself [i.e. He was unable to repent]

• Esau found no place for repentance in his father Isaac [i.e. Isaac could not change his mind after giving the blessing to Jacob]