Differentiating the Consumer

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Transcript of Differentiating the Consumer

  • 7/31/2019 Differentiating the Consumer


    E X E C U T I V E I N T E R V I E W

    Dierenang the ConsumerExperience Drives Retailers to Invest

    Beyond the Tradional Checkout

    WhaT aRE somE of ThE bIg-

    gEsT ChallENgEs VaRs faCE

    Today WhEN sEllINg a mod-

    ERN Pos sysTEm?

    From a macro level, the economy has

    challenged sales of POS systems since

    retailers tend to hold back on POS pur-

    chases and replacements when sales are

    down or there is perceived connuaon

    of low consumer spending. At a micro

    level, soluon providers are always chal-

    lenged with the complex and disparate

    environments of their customers. Solu-

    on providers need the experse to integrate across disparate

    applicaons and manage mulple types of legacy hardware.

    A way to address this challenge is to oer packaged soluons

    (hardware, soware, etc.) that are targeted at specic vercal

    market segments like grocery, specialty, general merchandise

    and hospitality, which include the soluon components re-

    quired for that segment. Finally, its always challenging to un-

    derstand the movaon of our customers and why/when they

    will buy. Weve found that these three movaons consistently

    resonate with retailers and oen result in new POS purchases:

    Rapid technology changes (retailer is seeking faster per-

    formance, smaller size, enhanced manageability)

    Addional soware funconality (retailer is seeking so-

    luons to address customer inmacy programs, consumer

    preferences, mul-channel communicaons and enhanced


    Regulatory compliance (credit card security, government



    hoW Is mobIlITy ChaNgINg ThE TRadITIoN-

    al Pos modEl?

    As retail operaons evolve, the future of POS will most cer-

    tainly change. Most likely, tradional POS terminals will re-

    main dominant with brick-and-mortar retailers who will con-

    nue to ulize mulple channels such as the Internet, catalogs

    and mobility to connect and interact with their customers.

    Mobile POS will grow to complement tradional POS ter-

    minals in the segments where appropriate, addressing spe-

    cic needs that improve the customer experience and create

    value for retailers, leading to a more integrated and converged

    store soluon.

    Is a Pos basEd oN CloUd-hosTEd TEChNol-

    ogy fEasIblE aNd WhaT WIll IT TakE To

    aChIEVE mass adoPTIoN?

    Not only is it feasible, it is already happening today! NCR

    recently released our rst cloud based POS soluon, NCR

    Silver, which serves the SMB marketplace. Cloud POS pro-

    vides centralized data, common conguraon of store sites,

    and real me reporng. However, the degree in more high-

    volume retailers adopt cloud-based POS soluons is another

    maer and the evoluon in this space will likely take more

    me. There is a lot more consideraon needed regarding

    security, data privacy, and network stability in larger, more

    complex environments.

    WhaT Is ThE CURRENT sTaTE of ThE Pos maR-

    kET IN TERms of salEs?

    Despite a challenging economic and retail environment glob-

    ally, we see a posive future for the retail industry.

    In fact, 80.3% of retailers said implemenng technol-

    ogy enhancements is the top strategy for addressing change

    through 2015, according to RIS News Retail Touchpoints

    2012 whitepaper study.

    In the past, producvity gains were driven by checkout in-

    vestments like bar code scanning. However, much of the gains

    have already been achieved in the upper ers in this space.

    While independents are recognizing these gains, many com-

    panies are strategically posion beyond that.

    Today, companies must focus on driving a new wave of

    growthhelping to drive revenue and deliver a dierenated

    consumer experience. The next generaon of producvity

    growth will require moving beyond tradional checkout.

    Kathleen Curry

    Vice President of North

    America Channel Sales

    NCR Corporation

    V R S P O S S T U D Y 2 0 1 2

    NCR CoRpoRatioN

    3097 Satellite Blvd., Duluth, GA 30096

    P: 770-623-7000 | E-mail: retail@ncr.com
