Did You See a Doctor? 1 》 Peter: Linda, you didn’t come to school yesterday. Why? 》 Linda: I...

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Transcript of Did You See a Doctor? 1 》 Peter: Linda, you didn’t come to school yesterday. Why? 》 Linda: I...

Did You See a Doctor?


》 Peter: Linda, you didn’t come to school yesterday. Why?

》 Linda: I didn’t come because I was sick.》 Sam: What was wrong?》 Linda: I caught a bad cold and had a high fever.》 Peter: I’m sorry about that. Did you see a doctor?》 Linda: Yes, I did. My grandma took me to the

hospital near my house.

Tell me and rewrite it.

Question 1

》Why didn’t Linda go to school yesterday?

》She didn’t go to school because she was sick.

Question 2

》What did Linda do ?

》She went to see a doctor in the hospital.

》She saw a doctor in the hospital near her house.

Question 3

》Who did that with her?》Her grandma did that with her.


》 conj 因為》他每天運動,因為他想保持健康。》 He exercises every day because he wants to keep


》我得到一台手機,因為我數學成績好。》 I got a cell phone because I got good grades in


because & so

》結果 because 原因 = Because 原因 , 結果 .

》 = 原因 , so 結果 .》 I was late because I missed the bus.》 Because I missed the bus, I was late.》 I missed the bus, so I was late.


》 ad 生病的,噁心的》 Sb be sick.》 Tom 昨天生病了。》 Tom was sick yesterday.

What was wrong?

》 What is wrong with Sb?》 What is up with Sb?》 What is the matter with Sb?》 What happened to Sb?


》 adj 高的》人發高燒》 Sb have a high fever》高價 》 high price

》 Sam: Why didn’t your parents take you to the hospital?

》 Linda: They were both out of town, so my grandma came to Taipei and took care of me.

》 Sam: I see. That was very nice of her.》 Linda: Yes, I know. She sat by my side all night

because I had a high fever. She also prepared chicken soup and apples for me.

》 Peter: Your grandma must love you very much.

Tell us and rewrite it.

》 Sam asked Linda why her parents didn’t take her to the hospital.

》 Both Linda’s parents were out of town.》 Linda’s grandma came from Taipei and

took care of her.》 Linda’s grandma is very nice.》 Linda had high fever, so her grandma sat by

her side.

Tell us and rewrite it.

》 Linda’s grandma prepared chicken soup and apples for her.

Question 1

》 Why did Linda’s grandma take her to the hospital?

》 She took her to the hospital because her parents were both out of town.

Question 2

》 What did Linda’s grandma do last night?

》 She sat by Linda’s side and prepared chicken soup and apples.

Question 3

》 How was Linda’s grandma?

》 She was very nice.》 That was very nice of her.


》知道;認識 V》 pt knew》我認識你。》 I know you.

》 N 知識 knowledge


》出的 adj》 out of ~ 出 ~》出城》 out of town》 St run out. 東西用完了》錢用完了。》 Money ran out.》 Sb run out of St. 人用完 ~》 Tom ran out of water.


》邊 N》出界 outside》人行道 》 sidewalk》 by one’s( 所有格 ) side 在某人身邊》在我身邊 by my side》在他身邊》 by his side


》湯 uncount》 一碗湯》 a bowl of soup》三碗湯》 three bowls of soup》雞湯 chicken soup》蔬菜湯 》 vegetable soup


》必定;必須 aux ,較為強硬口語 = have to

》接原形動詞》 You must go now.》你現在必須出發。

Important Phrases

》 What is wrong with A?》 Sb catch(es) a cold.》 Sb have a fever.》 A take B to some place.》 A prepare St for B.》 by one’s side》 A take care of B.


》藥物 不可屬名詞 》服藥》 Sb take the/some medicine》 Tom caught a cold, so he took the medicine.》 Tom 感冒,所以他服用藥物。》他必須一天服藥三次。》 He must take medicine three times a day,


》頭痛 N》 Sb have a headache,

sore throat

》喉嚨痛 N》 Sb have a sore throat.


》獨自地 adv = oneself》 My grandma lives alone in the country.》我奶奶獨自住在鄉下。》讓我靜一下 !》 Leave me alone.


》笑 V》 A 笑 (B) 。》 A laugh (at B).》不要嘲笑別人。》 Don’t laugh at others.》笑聲 laughter


》說 V pt told》 A 告訴 B 事情》 A tell B St. 》 = A tell St to B.》 My grandpa told us a story.》 My grandpa told a story to us.


》笑話 N 》 That is a joke.》那是笑話。》 Tom 說了一個笑話。》 Tom told a joke.


》小孩 N= child》 They are all my kids.》他們都是我的小孩。》玩笑 V 》 Are you kidding?》你是開玩笑的嗎 ?


》氣味;味道 N 》芒果的味道》 the smell of the mangoes》聞 V ;聞起來 linking Verb 》 Do you smell the smoke? Somebody must

smoke here.》你有聞到煙味嗎 ? 一定有人在這抽菸。》 The apple smells delicious.