Did You Know for Christians

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Did You Know for Christians

Did you know?

Some of the facts in this presentation have been used from the “Did You Know” project created by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, Xplane and theTyndale House books “Revolution” by

George Barna and the Baker Book “UnChristian: What a new generation thinks about the church and why it matters” by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lions used by permission

A surge of new technologies and social media innovations... are forever altering the media

landscape and the way we share the Gospel

Americans have access to..

1,000,000,000 web pages

65,000 I-phone apps

1,745 television stations

10,500 radio stations

5,500 magazines

200+ cable networks

While is increasingly easier to reach a large audience. It is becoming more difficult to

connect with them

Did you know?

More than 70% of four year olds have used a computer

More than 50% of 21 year olds have created content on the


Number of internet devices in 1984…1,000

Number of internet devices in 1992…1,000,000

Number of internet devices in 2006…600,000,000

Number of internet devices in 2013…1,000,000,000

Mobile devices will be the worlds primary internet connection tool by 2020

The average teen sends 2,272 text messages each month

The computer in your cell phone is a million times cheaper, a

thousand times more powerful and a hundred times smaller

than an MIT computer in 1965

“…what used to fit in a building, not fits in your pocket, what fits in your pocket will fit inside a

blood cell in 25 years…”Ray Kurzwell

“…what used to fit in a building, not fits in your pocket, what fits in your pocket will fit inside a

blood cell in 25 years…”Ray Kurzweil

Did You Know?

More video content was ulpoaded to YouTube in the last

two months than ABC, NBC and CBS have broadcasted since

they began in1948

The number of unique visitors ABC, NBC and CBS get

collectively each month…10 million

The number of unique visitors that viewed video on YouTube

last month…91.5 million?

CNN I-Reports is changing the way news is covered with user generated video…as happens locally and


Did you know?

MySpace, You Tube and Facebook collectively have over 250 million visitors every month.

None of these sites existed in 2000.

1 of 8 US couples married in 2009 met online

Twitter played an unprecedented roll in

information sharing during the Iranian elections in 2009…

…until they were bumped from trending topics list when the

news of Michael Jackson’s death broke.

In February 2008, John McCain traveled across the country,

attending fund raising events and raising $11million in 29 days.

That same month Barack Obama attended no campaign

fundraisers.Instead, Obama leveraged online

social networks to raise $ 55 million in 29 days

How are you using Social Networking sites?

Did you know?

Over 65% of Americans find their primary means of spiritual experience and expression out

side the local church congregation

Today’s 18-29 year old non Christians perceive the Church

as being…




Too Political


Most of these non-Christians were once engaged in Church

Over 40% of US population claim a commitment to Christ…

yet less than 9% live from a Christian worldview

The emerging post-modern generation longs for a sense of

authentic community and connectedness

How will we reach them?

A surge of new technologies and social media innovations are

forever altering the media landscape and the way we

share the Gospel

MediaSpan Online for Ministry is partner you can trust..to provide

the most effective web and mobile platforms, tools and strategy to help you reach

current and future generations for Christ.

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• Robust Content Management System

• E-Mail and database management

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• Social media integration

• Mobile & SMS platforms

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If you would like to learn more

please text 555-55, call us at ________ or visit our

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