Diary of a day shooting 2

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Diary of a day shooting 2



SHOT TABLEMatt Side view of

his face before the scene

Side mid shot of me punching the pads

Over shoulder shots again of me punching the pads

Over the shoulder shot of me strangling my trainer

WHAT WE DID This was my part, this was my character profile part. This was at school taken in the gym and basically because my background was a boxing legend doing a boxing session. We started off with different shots of me punching the pads and then my trainer hits me on the head. This then shows the temper of my character in the film and he switches and grabs his neck and throws him and we did a variety of different shots to see which looked best. I didn’t have ages to do this scene because I was meant to be playing in a basketball game but luckily we had it all finished and just needed to edit it all together before we could attach it onto the rest of the film.

TECHNICAL ELEMENTS We decided to film this scene in the gym, and when we got in there we realised that we had a big problem. As there are mirrors all around the gym we couldn’t do some of the shots we wanted to use as if we did they would have been in the shot which would have made it look really bad. So we had to think about what ones wouldn’t effect the scene. We used a two shot facing away from the mirrors for the first set of punches which didn’t effect any of the film because the mirrors were behind the camera man. Then for the second set of punches we used an over the shoulder shot over my trainers shoulder which we thought we could see the camera man in the background but Will is standing in the way and it looked really good as well. For the final set of punches we used an over the shoulder shot on my character which didn’t get effected by the mirrors and it yet again looked good as well. Then we done a wide shot of my character throwing will to the floor and that was it finished.