Diagnosis of Dora the Explorer. Dora the Explorer The patient is a 5 year old girl named Dora.

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Transcript of Diagnosis of Dora the Explorer. Dora the Explorer The patient is a 5 year old girl named Dora.

Diagnosis of Dora the Explorer

Dora the Explorer

The patient is a 5 year old girl named Dora.

Dora the Explorer

She is a balanced bilingual who speaks English and Spanish equally well. Hola


Dora the Explorer

She has a “friend” she calls Boots. Boots is a monkey who she believes is real and can talk.

Dora the Explorer

Dora also talks to her backpack and a map.

Dora the Explorer

Dora believes that a fox (that she calls Swiper) is always trying to steal from her.

Dora the Explorer

Dora’s visual acuity seems to be poor. She often can not

locate items that are directly in front of her.

Can you see a rainbow?

Dora the Explorer

Dora has a tendency to repeat herself. It is common for her to say the phrase “Can you say…” several times an hour.

Can you say star?

Can you say night?

Dora the Explorer

Dora appears to be obsessed with the number 3. She always looks for 3 tasks, 3 clues, 3 places, etc.




Dora the Explorer

Dora often goes on adventures unsupervised.

Dora the Explorer Despite the apparent lack of parental

involvement in Dora’s life she is not without family support. She has a cousin Diego whom she spends a significant amount of time with and who helps her complete her tasks.

Diagnosis of Dora Dora seems to be suffering from Paranoid

Schizophrenia. Symptoms

Delusions: She thinks her backpack and map are alive (depersonalization). She thinks that Swiper is always trying to rob her (persecution)

Hallucinations: She can hear her backpack and map talking to her (auditory)

Echolalia: She repeats phrases

Axis I: Clinical SyndromesAxis I: Clinical Syndromes

Diagnosis of Dora

Dora suffers from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms:

Her obsession with the number 3 Her compulsion to complete tasks Her compulsion to repeat

Axis I: Clinical SyndromesAxis I: Clinical Syndromes

Diagnosis of Dora

Dora displays evidence of a Dependent Personality. She is unable to complete any task independently. She seems to be dependent on her

“friends” and the audience

to help her.

Axis 2: Personality disorders

Diagnosis of Dora

Dora has poor eyesight as evidenced by her inability to see what is directly in front of her.

Axis 3: General Medical Conditions

Can you see the corn?

Diagnosis of Dora

Dora does not seem to have adequate adult supervision. She often goes on adventures unsupervised and engages in risky behavior such as crossing the bridge

Axis IV: Axis IV: Psychosocial and Psychosocial and Environmental ProblemsEnvironmental Problems

Diagnosis of Dora

She does, however, have a cousin and other friends that seem to provide the support system she needs.

Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental ProblemsAxis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems

Diagnosis of Dora

Dora’s would be rated as 50 on the GAF scale. She hangs out with unsavory characters. She wears clothes that don’t fit and don’t match.

Axis V: Global Assessment of Function (GAF) Scale:Axis V: Global Assessment of Function (GAF) Scale:

Stomach hanging out

Gang affiliation?

Diagnosis of Dora

Her highest GAF this year would be an 80. However, despite her delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking, and OCD tendency, she functions relatively well. She even manages to influence little children.

Axis V: Global Assessment of Function (GAF) Scale:Axis V: Global Assessment of Function (GAF) Scale: