Dexter Briefing

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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A creative briefing for the showtime series Dexter, I'm highly excited for the movie in the beginning. Enjoy.

Transcript of Dexter Briefing

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Dexter BriefingThe Inspiring Serial Killer

Shannon Graham

This is Dexter.

In simpler words Dexter has some issues with himself.

He has a little killing problem.

But in the eye’s of others he’s just a normal guy, just going

through his normal life.

(By investigating murder scene’s)

And just like the rest of us, he has to deal with everyday stress.

And even though we may think these thoughts we restrain by

doing anyone harm.

You see that charming looking fellow, he raped a nine year old girl and got a way with it. But

Dexter knows his secret, and he will soon relieve his stress onto


So in a dark sinister way Dexter is an everyday hero.

But with an out for blood, you killed my parents kind of vengeance.

Along with Dexter we can relate with other shows that don’t sugar coat unsettling

everyday occurrences.

Because sometimes we may find ourselves in a not so comfortable situation with ourselves or

persons around us. And its nice to know that we can relate with someone who isn't truly evil but is

still hiding behind a false persona.

Client- Dexter (Showtime series)

Account Planner: Shannon Graham

Background- Dexter premiered on Showtime October 1, 2006, Telling the story of Dexter Morgan a crime scene

blood analyst for the Miami police force, who was first introduced to crime investigation after his parents were

murdered, and was adopted by Harry Morgan a Miami police officer, who recognized Dexter’s inner anger of his

loss of his parents and psychotic thoughts that he had developed With Dexter struggling to silence his inner

thoughts he also challenges the act of being “normal” which he fights everyday.

Target audience-The target is between the ages of their late twenties to early forties, they enjoy watching shows

such as CSI, law and Order and Intervention. Which they find more engaging entertainment, they’ve enjoy shows

that have more in depth subject matter, that keeps them guessing. Compared to light hearted sitcoms and

mindless reality shows. They want to see a positive out-come created from a not so positive place. More so they

want to see a not so common hero, one they can relate with, whose gone through the same situations but uses

the pain in a less unlikely progressive direction. Relating with the shows topics of depression and despair the

audience can feel as if the show is a new form of therapy.

Objective-Introducing the series to people who’ve overlooked the show in the past, giving them the feeling as if

they’ve been missing out. They already found shows that their faithful towards and they need a reason to start

watching a new show, especially a new show in its fourth season.

Single most effective message- Have them feel as if they are Dexter, in which they have inner secrets


Media: -Guerilla, wild posting, print. The advertisements need to be in locations where the target will be in their

daily lives. Like bars, stores and high traffic locations where the advertisement will hit them where they didn’t


Thank You, And enjoy embracing your own hidden side, whatever it maybe.

Account Planner/ Video: Shannon Graham

Music Written And Produced By: Christopher Over

Stock Images Found On:, and Google images