Devotions 2015

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Transcript of Devotions 2015

Faculty Devotions April 16, 2015

Meditations on Revelation 1

1. Temple imagery of Rev. 1:4-5

The plan of Solomon’s Temple:

(For a description of Herod’s Temple, which was the temple at the time of Jesus, see; or, ESV Study Bible p. 1943.)

2. Jesus, the Great High Priest: Rev. 1:5b.

3. Israel, the Seven Churches: Rev. 1:6; Exod. 19:6

4. Jesus, Great High Priest of the Seven Churches, the New Temple: Rev. 1:12-20. See also Rev. 3:12; Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Pet. 2:4-9 (note the same mixture of imagery: the church as temple and allusion to Exod. 19:6).