DevOps tips for my past self

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Back to the Future (Backwards) – DevOps team building tips for my past self.

I’ve learnt a lot over the years being part of, and leading, software development teams. I’ve had the opportunity to work with great people in diverse organizations, employing wildly varying methodologies. Some of the organisations have been ferociously agile, others somewhat more traditional. I’ve made mistakes a plenty, learnt, improved and delivered.There may be no substitute for learning by doing, but there are certainly things I wish I’d discovered sooner. Things that would have improved efficiency and effectiveness, or simply made some days less frustrating.In this talk I’ll share the crucial tips for success I’d give myself, if I happened to have the benefit of a time machine and a generous helping of hindsight."

John Clapham@JohnC_Bristol


Back to the future (Backwards)DevOps Team Building tips for my past self

DevOps Capsules

Warnings: For external use only, keep away from children

Active Ingredient (each tablet):Culture……………….20mgLearning……………..20mgAutomation………….20mgMeasurement……….20mgSharing………………20mg

Other ingredients: Aqua, Agile, Lean, ToolsMay cause euphoria, drowsiness or headaches

Dosage: One daily, with pizza or coffee

2007 – Change Agenda.

“Actions speak loudest.”

“External actions are evidence of internal beliefs...” 

“External actions are evidence of internal beliefs. Our deeds are what show our creeds.” 

- Tim Hiller

2009 – Leading.

“Support, don’t carry”

“Help when it isn’t wanted isn’t helpful.” - Ester Derby,


2012 – Team Structure.

“Consider capabilities, not roles”

Focalism - The tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor", on one trait or piece of information…

Focalism - The tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor", on one trait or piece of information …usually the first piece of information that we acquire on that subject.

The Few & The New

The Few & The New- Mavens make change happen through

information and ideas

The Few & The New- Mavens make change happen through

information and ideas- Connectors make change happen

through people

The Few & The New- Mavens make change happen through

information and ideas- Connectors make change happen

through people- Sales people make change happen

through persuasion

“Every organization must be prepared to abandon

everything it does to survive in the future”

- Peter Drucker

“Actions speak loudest”

“Actions speak loudest”“Support, don’t carry”

“Actions speak loudest”“Support, don’t carry”

“Consider capabilities, not roles”


“Be the change you want to see”

- Ghandi (Possibly)

John Clapham@JohnC_Bristol

