DevInfo monitoring UNICEF Global Management Team Meeting New York, January 2004 social development.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of DevInfo monitoring UNICEF Global Management Team Meeting New York, January 2004 social development.

  • Slide 1

DevInfo monitoring UNICEF Global Management Team Meeting New York, January 2004 social development Slide 2 DevInfo Objectives Easy retrieval of data Analysis of trends over time Multiple sources of data Strengthen national monitoring INDICATORS Database All data compiled in one system Database System Functions Data Slide 3 DevInfo 8 development goals Millennium Declaration Millennium Development Goals 11 related targets 48 indicators 25 years: 1990 to 2015 Slide 4 DevInfo Global & user-defined goals DevInfo Database System User-Friendly Database on Human Development Global & user-defined indicators Easily adapted to country specs Easy to share databases Ten levels of geography Geography linked to maps Integrated with MS Office Technical support team Slide 5 DevInfo DevInfo Database System Home Page Slide 6 DevInfo DevInfo Database System Indicators by Goals Slide 7 DevInfo DevInfo Database System Time Periods Slide 8 DevInfo DevInfo Database System Geographic Areas Slide 9 DevInfo DevInfo Database System Data View Slide 10 DevInfo DevInfo Database System Data Presentations Slide 11 DevInfo Presentations User-defined rows & columns Tables Slide 12 DevInfo Presentations User-defined X axis & Y axis Graphs Slide 13 DevInfo Presentations Thematic map Maps Slide 14 DevInfo Presentations Presentations saved in gallery Gallery Slide 15 DevInfo South Asia EXAMPLES Zooming In on Key Indicators Slide 16 DevInfo Nepal Regional South Asia Slide 17 DevInfo National Nepal Regions Slide 18 DevInfo Sub-National Eco-Development Zones Slide 19 DevInfo Morang Districts Eastern Terai Eco-Zone Slide 20 DevInfo VDC Sub-Districts Morang Slide 21 DevInfo Monitoring at Subnational Level Human Development Slide 22 DevInfo Monitoring at Subnational Level Human Development Index Human Development 1996 Slide 23 DevInfo Monitoring at Subnational Level Human Development Index Human Development 2000 Slide 24 DevInfo Monitoring at Subnational Level Human Poverty Index Human Poverty 1996 Slide 25 DevInfo Monitoring at Subnational Level Human Poverty Index Human Poverty 2000 Slide 26 DevInfo Monitoring Exposure to Disasters Natural Disasters Gujarat Slide 27 DevInfo Monitoring Exposure to Disasters Natural Disasters Gujarat Slide 28 DevInfo Monitoring Exposure to Disasters Natural Disasters Gujarat Slide 29 DevInfo Population Movements Internally Displaced Persons Apr 2001 Monitoring Population Movements Angola Slide 30 DevInfo UNICEF Angola: NID Against Polio June 2000 Monitoring Accessibility Angola Slide 31 DevInfo UNICEF Angola: NID Against Polio July 2001 Monitoring Accessibility Angola Slide 32 DevInfo Monitoring the Situation of Children Malnutrition Slide 33 DevInfo 15 20 25 30 35 40 % 19901991199219931994199519961997199819992000 UNDERWEIGHT 1990-2000 MOZAMBIQUE MALAWI SWAZILAND ZAMBIA LESOTHO ZIMBABWE TRENDS Slide 34 DevInfo UNDERWEIGHT 2001-2002 HOW MANY? ZIMBABWE 496 000 ZAMBIA 541 000 MOZAMBIQUE 702 000 MALAWI 532 000 30 % 20 10 0 2.3 MILLION CHILDREN LESOTHO 46 000 SWAZILAND 14 000 Slide 35 DevInfo UNDERWEIGHT Slide 36 DevInfo ZAMBIAUNDERWEIGHT 2001 WASTING Slide 37 DevInfo TRENDS 1999-2003 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 19992003 ZAMBIAUNDERWEIGHT 2001 SINAZONGWE SIAVONGA KALOMO MONZE Slide 38 DevInfo Composite index calculate wizard Assessing Humanitarian Need Ranking by Composite Index User-defined indicators Indicators by weight National, sub-national data Slide 39 DevInfo Assessing Humanitarian Need Early Childhood Care Index Slide 40 DevInfo ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Births attended by trained personnel Slide 41 DevInfo Births attended by trained personnel Low birth weight ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Slide 42 DevInfo Births attended by trained personnel Low birth weight Underweight ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Slide 43 DevInfo Births attended by trained personnel Low birth weight Underweight Diarrhoea cases ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Slide 44 DevInfo Births attended by trained personnel Low birth weight Underweight Diarrhoea cases DPT immunization ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Slide 45 DevInfo Lowest Iringa0.38 Kigoma 0.36 Highest Kilimanjaro 0.79 DSalaam0.70 ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Slide 46 DevInfo Composite Index ESARO Tanzania: Early Childhood Care Slide 47 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 48 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 49 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 50 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 51 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 52 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 53 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 54 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 55 DevInfo National Databases Adaptations Slide 56 DevInfo