Developing You: Steps to Develop Your Professional Footprint By Ginger Wilson University of Oklahoma...

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Transcript of Developing You: Steps to Develop Your Professional Footprint By Ginger Wilson University of Oklahoma...

Developing You: Steps to Develop Your Professional

FootprintBy Ginger WilsonUniversity of Oklahoma

School of Community Medicine

Objectives• To provide the tools and knowledge

on how to “Develop You” and turn your thought process to self promotion.

• To define and develop a self brand that fits you.

• To provide a variety of skill sets that the you can implement to show added value in any position and ways to use them for self promotion.

Developing You• Changing your thought process• Developing your thoughts from

others to yourself• Be humble yet confident

Finding Your Passion

• How do you find your passion in your career?• Where does that passion lead you?• Are you spreading your skill set to broadly?

“The passions that you have for the tasks that you enjoy are going to be the positive reinforcements that will advance your career.” by Britt Simonson, CDIM Clerkship Administrator

Ways to build your self confidence

• Join organizations– Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine

• APDIM Program Administrators• CDIM Clerkship Administrators

– Groups on Educational Affairs• Northeast • Southern• Central• Western

– National Association of Professional Women

Ways to build your self confidence con.,

• Social Networks on the Professional Level– AAIM Connect• Groups of Interest• Discussion boards

– LinkedIn• Groups of special interest• Connect with other professionals• Connect with school alumni• Receive weekly articles of interest

Additional Ways to Build Self Confidence

• Follow blogs – Glass Hospital : Demystifying Medicine one

week at a time. by Dr. John Schumann, University of Oklahoma, School of Community Medicine

• Join a journal club • Attend seminars and workshops in your

area• Attend regional and national conferences– AAIM Medicine Week– AAMC

Still More Ways to Build Self Confidence

• Join a committee• Participate in a mentoring program• Certifications– TagMe– ACUME, Inc.

• Collaborate with colleagues in areas of research, innovations, professional development.

• Expand your knowledge base– Webinars– Journal articles

Scenario #1You are in a room full of people not

connected to the medical world and someone approaches you introduces their self and ask you what you do for a living and you tell them you are a Residency Program Coordinator. We all know that look they smile and say oh that is nice, when really they are thinking what in the world is that. So when they ask you so what all does that entail what you do tell them?

Developing your Self Brand

• What is self branding• Who are you?• What do you want others to

know about you?• Make a lasting impression

Examples of Self Brands

• Top Ten List - David Letterman• Just Do It – Tiger Woods and

Nike• TV’s toughest trainer – Jillian

Michaels• Team Beard – Matt Bischoff ,

Survivor 2013

Another Example

I am taking flight while a

lifetime of love encourages me

to soar!

Revised Example

Student Program Coordinator with 6 years of developing a passion for organizing the educational experiences of medical students, creating concepts to enhance their learning and being an advocate for their concerns, celebrations and well being. This has led to a second passion of sharing these experiences with others in the field of medical education, encouraging professional development and providing opportunities for others to grow. I am taking flight while a lifetime of love encourages me to soar!

Scenario #2You are a member of an organization and the officers and members of the organization created an all day walkathon that would raise money for juvenile diabetes. Everyone worked on obtaining sponsors, door prizes, gift bags for the participants and organizing the event. It was a huge success and at the end of the day the newspaper interviewed one of the officers about the event. Her response was, “It has been a lot of hard work but I am thankful that I was able to pull together such a successful event for those with juvenile diabetes.” If you were a member of this organization how would you feel?

Self Promoting/Bragging?

• Self Promoting - Listing your achievements in the proper venues. With self promoting you are aware of what activities mean to the people you work with , how others have contributed to your success and how it all impacts the organization.

• Bragging - Bragging is ego-oriented and intrusive. Bragging is all about me, myself and I. Promoting your self at all costs.

Self Promotion• Walking the fine line between

self promotion and self boasting.• How to share good things that

happen to you• Find a champion

Making the Switch• Building added value– Taking technology courses– Learn a new skill that follows your

passion– Step outside of your comfort zone– Volunteer for a local charitable


• Resume / Curriculum Vitae– Switching from a resume to CV– Building you profile

Resume• What is a resume?– A resume is brief and concise.– Usually no more than one or two


Curriculum Vitae• What is a curriculum vitae?– It is longer and a more detailed

synopsis– A complete history of your

education, academic background, research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details.

Information for a CV• Are you sitting there thinking you don’t have enough information for a CV, well let’s just see?–You might be surprised

New Items that are appearing on CV’s

• Social media sites• Groups on social media sites you

are involved with.• Blogs• Webinars• Seminars

Scenario #3It is time for you annual evaluation and

you are being asked to provide a list of things that you have done throughout the year. You have been involved with several different activities and feel as though a list will not provide enough information that will thoroughly explain your involvement to your supervisor what can you do?

Achievement Journal

• A place to get a log of your activities.• A place to write down things you

learned.• A place to write down your successes.• Only positive things go into your

achievement journal.

Portfolios• What is a portfolio?– A portfolio is a purposeful

collection of work that tells a story of your personal and professional growth and achievement .

– It should be characterized by a strong vision of content, skills and processes addressed, built on selection of work and referenced to criteria.

– Portfolios may demonstrate a wide range of work.

Portfolios• It demonstrates to an employer

your development, achievements, and progress over time.– It lists your accomplishments–Work you have done– Awards

Uses of a Portfolio• Employment Search • Promotional Tool • Educational Purpose• Project Documentation

Know Your Intended Audience

• In order to create a portfolio it is necessary to know your intended audience. – You wouldn’t want to bring an

educational portfolio to a job interview.

– Although many times they can overlap such as a documentation portfolio may be helpful to a variety of audiences.

Creating Your Portfolio

• A portfolio isn’t a complete history• Limited to 3 years of information• You may have more than one portfolio

What goes into a portfolio

• Early and later works that you have done

• List of Goals• CV• Cover Letter• Letters of Recommendation• Required documents for a

project• Samples of your best work

Extras• Some things that add a nice

touch to a portfolio– A photograph of yourself

– Personal goals

– Cover that represents your topic

Digital Portfolio• Most comprehensive portfolio.• Easy availability.• Captures your audience.

Sample Portfolios• I have my personal portfolios

available for you to look at.

Question• If you could go back 10 years

what information would you tell yourself that you have learned?

Information• Contact Information– Ginger Wilson– 918-660-3432–

• Connect with me on LinkedIn–


• Follow my blog–

References•• LinkedIn, National Association of Professional

Women group discussion.• “The #1 Career Mistake Capable People

Make”, by Greg McKeown, Dec. 6, 2012• “Digital Portfolios: Not your mothers

resume,” LeAnn Morris• Contributions from ACUME, Inc.• “10 Ways to Build Your Brand Reputation

Online” by Deborah Shane, April 2013• “3 Steps to an Outstanding Personal

Branding Statement “, by Jessica Holbrook Hernandez, April 2013