Developing monitoring capability of a volcano observatory Esline Garaebiti, Sylvain Todman Vanuatu...

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Transcript of Developing monitoring capability of a volcano observatory Esline Garaebiti, Sylvain Todman Vanuatu...

Developing monitoring Developing monitoring capability of a volcano capability of a volcano observatoryobservatory

Esline Garaebiti, Sylvain TodmanVanuatu Meteorological and Geohazards Department

Gill Jolly, Art Jolly, Steve Sherburn, Craig Miller,Nicolas Fournie,

Brad ScottGNS Sciences, New Zealand

Vanuatu General Information

Vanuatu is a group of 84 islands (most of them are inhabited) within 12,189 sq km land area

Around 250,000 people (2009 census)Tropical area: Average of one cyclone

every yearBelongs to the “Pacific Ring of Fire”

Currently 6 active volcanoesAverage of one earthquake of M 7.0

every yearAverage of one significant tsunami

(wave >1m) every 10 years

IRD Nouméa, 2004

Vanuatu General Tectonic Context

Pacific plateIndo-Australian plate



Vanuatu General Tectonic Context

Vanuatu Volcano Monitoring Network

Volcano monitoring network have existed, in: Ambae (1997-1998) Ambrym (1998-2001)Tanna (1992 to January 2009)

Funded and installed by IRD

Monitoring system on the Yasur volvano, Tanna island

Research project ARC-VANUATU, since 2008Data collected sent to Noumea or France

processing Analysis

Volcano-seismic network for research, 2008

Pelletier, 2008

3 portable seismographs,

May 5th to 28th 2010

Taranu F., 2009

Volcano monitoring network on Ambrym, Geohazards Vanuatu-Rabaul Volcano Observatory, 2009

Since November 2009

Network upgraded in July/August 2010

3 sites, one connected to Telecom Hub for Real time data transmission to main office

Volcano monitoring network, Gaua , Geohazards Vanuatu- GNS Science ,NZ, 2010

Data Analysis From 1992 to 2009, Yasur volcano monitoring

systemTransmission via satellite Argos to Paris, dProcessing and analysis in Parisaccessed via Internet as number of counts

Since May 2009, data collected manually, first analysis by SWARMMainly focus on the identifications and numbering of events

Data Analysis (cont.)

Since February 2010, Improvement of data processing with daily volcano-seismic plots

Volcano Data Analysis today: Processed data

April 4th 2010, Gaua volvano

Daily seismogram

- Amplitude- Spectrogram

Analyzed data

SSAM/RSAM analysis of GAUA volcano, June 2010: significant tremor recording early June 2010

Tremor Curve Gaua, July 2010

S-P time difference, July 2010

eS-P curve

Analyzed data

Vanuatu portable seismograph project (according to the the MVN concept)

Following Gaua volcano activity, sept 29th 2010

Project proposed by Geohazards and GNS for NZAID funding

Three portable seismograph

Set for local telemetryTheir installation on Gaua

Training of staffs on the Use of instruments and data analysisTwo sessions in

data analysis (February/ August 2010)

One session on equipment deployment (July/August 2010)

Vanuatu portable seismograph project (cont.)

Ambae Volcano activity response, May 2010

Deployment of a portable seismographData analyzed and processed

Other assistance from GNS in volcano monitoring

OMI image and So2 flux limited to each volcano

Vanuatu Monitoring Network today


2. Geo-Hazards Website: Volcanic Live Information

Geohazards Volcanic Updated Bulletin

Current Volcanic Alert Level Interactive Map.

Following Vanuatu Volcanic Alert Level Table (VVAL)

Real-Time Data Transmission Framework



Remote Seismic Station

Data Transmission Framework

- ADSL: Complete continuous data transmission: Real-Time

- Government Network: Partial continuous data transmission: Near Real-Time

- Mobile Phone Network: - CSD (connection time, 9600bps), very light pre-processed materials : Near Real-Time

- GPRS/3G (data transferred, up to 72.4Kbps), pre-processed materials : Near Real-Time

End user

Basic Monitoring Information is managed, even with the smallest option

Daily m



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How can the data be pre-processed on site ?



Remote Seismic Station

Installation of a ‘green’ PC inside the remote station

How can the connection be managed from the station?

Installing ‘green’ computer on-site advantages



Remote Seismic Station

- Connection control (quantity of data, time connected)- Very cheap- Intel Atom processor is powerful enough to compute data- Power-efficient (~6w for the FitPC)- Backup storage- Can manage other equipments for monitoring purpose such as:

- Camera- GPS- Meteorological instruments …

CameraGPS Meteo



Collaborations between institutes is essential for progress of small island states

Progress require Perseverance and will to drive till accomplishment

Ready to integrate telecommunication system

for data transmission and accurate information flow

Research project in view with local network on Gaua