Developing marketing and strategies plans

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Transcript of Developing marketing and strategies plans

Developing Marketing and Strategies PlansBy Group 7

What is the value chain?Is a tool for identifying ways to CREATE more customer value. (Michael Porter)

Design Produce Delive



Support its product

Core Business Processes

Market –Sensing Processe


New-Offering realizati

on processe


Customer acquisitio

n processe


Customer relationshi

p managem

ent processes



Core Business Processes

1. Market –Sensing ProcessesSemua kegiatan untuk megumpulkan intelijen pasar, menyebarkan dalam organisasi , dan menindaklanjuti informasi

Core Business Processes

2. New-Offering realization processesSemua kegiatan dalm meneliti, mengembangkan , dan meluncurkan penawaran berkualitas tinggi yang baru dengan cepat dan sesuai anggaran.

Core Business Processes

3.Customer acquisition processesSemua kegiatan dalam mendefinsikan pasar sasaran dan mencari calon pelanggan baru

Core Business Processes

4. Customer relationship management processesSemua kegiatan dala membangun pemahaman, hubungan dan penawaran yang lebih mendalam dengan pelanggan perorangan

Core Business Processes

5. Fulfillment managementSemua kegiatan dalam menerima dan menyetujio pesanan, mengirimkan barang tepat waktu, dan mengambil pembayaran.

Characteristic of core competencies

1. A source of competitive advantage

2. Application in a wide variety

3. Difficult to immitate

Holistic MarketingKey management question are :

Value exploration

Value creation Value delivery

How a company identifies new value opportunities?

How a company effeciently creates more promising new value offerings?

How a company uses its capabilities and infrastructure to deliver the new value offerings more effeciently?

What is marketing plan?Is the central instrument for directing and coordination the marketing effort. It operates as a strategyc and tactical level.

Levels of Marketing Plan Target

marketing decisions

Value proposition

Analysis of marketing opportunities


Levels of Marketing Plan Product




PricingSales channels



Corporate Headquarters Planning Activities Define the corporate mission

Establish strategic business units (SBUs)

Assign resources to each SBU

Assess growth opportunities

Good Mission Statements• Focus on a limited number of goals

• Stress major policies and values

• Define major competitive spheres

• Take a long-term view

• Short, memorable, meaningful

Major Competitive Spheres Industry



Market segment

Vertical channels


Customer groups Customer needs Technology

Dimensions that define a business

It is a single business or collection of related businesses

It has its own set of competitors

It has a manager responsible for strategic planning and profitability

Characteristics of SBUs

1. Market penetration strategy

2. Market development strategy

3. Product development strategy

4. Diversification strategy

Assessing Growth Opportunities:Ansoff’s Product-Market Expansion Grid

Assessing Growth Opportunities

Business Unit Strategic Planning

Business MissionSetiap unit bisnis harus mendisinisikan misi spesifiknya di dalam misi perusahaan yang lebih luas. Maka, perusahaan peralatan pencahayannya studio televise dapat mendifinisikan misinya sebagai berikut, “Membidik studio televise utama dan menjadi pemasok pilihan mereka untuk teknologi pencahayaan yang merepresentasikan pengaturan pencahayaan studio paling canggih dan handal”

SWOT Analysis Strengths




Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA)

Dapatkah kita mengartikulasikan manfaat secara meyakinkan pada pasar sasaran tertentu?

Dapatkah kita menentukan letak pasar sasaran dan menjangkau mereka dengan media dan saluran perdagangan yang efektif biaya?

Apakah perusahaan kita memiliki atau memounyai akses terhadap kemampuan dan sumber daya penting yang kita perlukan untuk mengantarkan manfaat pelanggan?

Dapatkah kita mengantarkan manfaat dengan lebih baik daripada pesaing actual atau potensial?

Apakah tingkat pengembalian (keuntungan) finansial memenuhi atau melebihi batas atas investasi yang diperlukan?

Goal Formulation For an MBO system to work, the unit’s objectives must meet four criteria:1. Unit’s objectives must be hierarchical

2. Objectives should be quantitative

3. Goals should be realistic

4. Objectives must be consistent

Strategic Formulation:Porter’s Generic Strategies

Overall cost leadershipperusahaan yang mengejar strategi ini

bekerja kerja keras untuk mencapai biaya prosukdi dan distribusi terendah. Differentiation

Bisnis yang berkonsentrasi pada kinerja unggul yang dicapai dengan cara unik dalam wilayah manfaat pelanggan penting yang dihargai oleh sebgaian besar pasar.

FocusBisnis berfokus pada satu atau lebih segmen pasar yang lebih sempit.(Michael Porter)

Strategic Formulation :Marketing Alliances

Aliansi produk atau jasaOne company licenses another to produce its product, or two companies jointly market their complementary products or a new product. Aliansi promosionalOne company agrees to carry a promotion for another company’s product or service Aliansi logistikOne company offers logistical services for another company’s product. Aliansi penetapan hargaOne or more companies join in a special pricing collaboration.

Marketing Plan Contents Executive summary Table of contents Situation analysis Marketing strategy Financial projections Implementation controls

Monica Rizky Alman Pradina16430100022

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Firmansyah Wibisono 16430100007


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