Detox Your Space · Natural Hand Sanitiser 1/2 cup (4fl oz) water 1/2 cup (4fl oz) aloe vera gel 1...

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Transcript of Detox Your Space · Natural Hand Sanitiser 1/2 cup (4fl oz) water 1/2 cup (4fl oz) aloe vera gel 1...



Detox Your Space

Switching Over From Chemical Detergents

Antibacterial All Purpose Cleaner

3 cups (24fl oz) water

1/2 cup (4fl oz) white vinegar

1 Tbsp(1/2floz) castile soap liquid

1 tsp (1/6 oz) bicarbonate soda

5 drops of lemon oil

Mix all ingredients together and place into a glass spray bottle. Spray onto surface and

wipe with a microfibre cloth.

Monitor/IPhone/IPad Screen Cleaner

3 cups (24fl oz) water 1/2 cup (4fl oz) white vinegar 5 drops of lemon oil

Put into a glass spray bottle. Shake to blend. Spray onto glass/mirror and wipe down

with microfibre cloth.

Natural Hand Sanitiser

1/2 cup (4fl oz) water

1/2 cup (4fl oz) aloe vera gel

1 Tbsp (1/2fl oz) witch hazel

10 drops each of clove, and eucalyptus essential oils

20 drops of either lemon or wild orange essential oil (depending on which aroma you

like) 1/4 tsp

Mix essential oils. Add witch hazel and water to the oils and mix well. Add this mixture

to the aloe vera gel and mix well. Place in a spray bottle. Shake well. Spray two or

three times on your hands and rub together. Shake gently before each use.

Yoga/Pilates Mat Cleaner


1 cup (8fl oz) warm water

3 cups (24fl oz) white vinegar

8 - 12 drops of essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, melaleuca

Mix ingredients and place in a glass spray bottle

Spray liberally over mat. Let the cleaner soak in a before cleaning it off. Wipe the mat

with a wet cloth and ensure all cleaner is removed. Rub the mat down with a soft dry

cloth. Repeat on the other side.

Air Freshener Spray

5 drops of lavender oil

5 drops of lemon oil

3 drops of peppermint oil

2 cups (16fl oz) of water

Mix the ingredients and place into a glass spray bottle. Spray into air around desk as


Cleansing Your Space

Scent your mattress, pillowcase, or sheets with essential oils with Neroli,

Lavender, Cypress, Rosemary, Tuberose, Douglas fir, White Fir and Ylang Ylang.

Add drops to laundry and detergent (make sure it is a clear oil).

Mist your room, sheets, and skin with an essential oil and water spray.

Massage blended oil into hair. Anoint all your pulse points with essential oils.

Scent your space with Ylang Ylang, Vetiver or Sandalwood.



Detox Your Medicine Cabinet

One of the most common complaints of overworking are headaches.

Although we can tend to throw all headaches into the same category and reach for the

pain killers to try and alleviate them, there are more natural cures available. However

in order for the more natural remedies to work, it helps to identify the type of headache

we are dealing with:

Migrane Headache A severe and painful type of headache associated with throbbing

pain, nausea and heightened sensitivity to light. Migraines can be triggered by stress,

anxiety, sleep deprivation and hormonal changes. Massage lavender or peppermint

oil into the temples and back of neck to relieve migraine headaches and ease feelings

of nausea and anxiety.

Tension or Stress Headache Characterized as dull, constant pressure or pain. Tension

headaches are typically brought on by feelings of pressure. Use eucalyptus or

peppermint oil topically on the temples, forehead and wrists to alleviate stress and

reduce tension. To ease the mind, add 5–10 drops of lavender oil to a warm-water


Headaches / Insomnia Due To Mental Agitation Or Overwork As above. See also clary

sage, marjoram, ylang- ylang, and neroli.

Sinus Headache Eucalyptus oil topically on the chest, top of nose and temples to open

up the nasal passages and relieve sinus tension.

Sugar Headache Combine equal parts lavender, rosemary and coconut oil, and apply

topically to the back of neck, temples and forehead. Or take 1 drop of rosemary

internally - it is important that only the best quality essential oils suitable for digestion

are used when taking internally.

Dehydration Headache Probably the most common of work headaches - a

combination of air conditioning, large consumption of tea / coffee and remaining for


long periods at the desk without taking any / enough water. Solution? Throw away the

plastic cups and small plastic water bottles and invest in one large 1 - 1.5 litre bottle.

Have the full bottle on your desk at the beginning of your work day and try and ensure

that you have emptied it twice by the end of your working day.

Essential Oils for Period Pain

Menstrual Cramps Chamomile, lavender and marjoram.

Menstrual Cramp Oil 4 drops lavender essential oil 2 drops marjoram essential oil 2

drops chamomile or clary sage essential oil, 3 drops geranium essential oil 1 drop

ginger essential oil 1 ounce carrier oil. Combine ingredients. Apply to abdomen, hips,

and lower back.

Depression Associated With PMS Clary sage, neroli, jasmine, and ylang-ylang.

Water Retention Grapefruit, juniper. Can be used as massage or bath oils.

PMS Headaches inhale lavender or marjoram.

For best results begin using it a couple of days before symptoms are expected.

Essential Oils For Stress and Insomnia

CEDARWOOD sedative properties

LAVENDER sedative, anti-anxiety and stress reducing properties

NEROLI sedative, anti-anxiety and calming properties

VETVIER calming, alleviate stress and improves sleep quality.

CHAMOMILE sedative quality, anti-inflammatory properties that may help if kept

awake by pain.


SANDALWOOD natural sleep aid properties.

Burn your oils in a diffuser, add to a candle, or just smell them. If you want to apply

them to the skin, for example as a fragrance or massage add them a few drops to a

carrier oil such jojoba oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, almond oil or shea-

butter oil. Be sure and test for skin irritation by putting a drop of essential oils at the

back of your palm to see if they cause a reaction.

The Essential Oil Medicine Cabinet

1. Lavender

2. Peppermint

3. Jasmine

4. Clove

5. Geranium

6. Chamomile

7. Eucalyptus

8. Tea Tree

9. Rosemary

10. Lemon

Chapped lips

2 drops of Chamomile oil 2

2 drops of Geranium oil

Mix well with one dessert spoon of aloe vera gel and apply to the lips

Cold sores

Put 1 drop of Geranium oil on a cotton bud and apply it directly to the sore as soon as


become aware of it. Repeat every day.



Put 1 drop of Clove oil on a cotton bud and applied to the area of the toothache.

Massage the lower cheeks and jawbone with 1 drop of Clove oil diluted in 1 teaspoon

in a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil.


Place the following oils in a hot bath, lie back and inhale:

Thyme 2 drops

Tea Tree 2 drops

Eucalyptus 1 drop

Lemon 3 drops

Place 1 drop each of Thyme oil, Tea tree oil, Lavender oil and Clove oil into hot water,

place a towel over your head and inhale the steam.

Place a couple of drops of Peppermint oil or Eucalyptus oil on a hankie or tissue and


deeply whenever possible.

Massage around the chest, neck, forehead, nose and cheek bones with:

1 drop of Lemon oil

2 drops of Eucalyptus oil

3 drops of Rosemary oil diluted in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil such as sweet almond oil.


Lie in a bath with

5 drops of Tea tree oil

2 drops of Lavender oil

2 drops of Thyme oil

Then massage your whole body with the following


2 drops of Tea tree oil

3 drops of Eucalyptus oil

diluted in 1 teaspoon in a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil

Spray the bedroom with Lavender oil mixed in some water.


Warm a teaspoon of olive oil and add to it in 1 drop of Lavender oil and 1 drop of

Chamomile oil.

Blend well soak a piece of cotton wool in this and use it to plug the ear.

Also use the following oil to massage around the ear up to the neck and across the


3 drops Chamomile oil

1 drop of Lavender oil

1 drop Tea Tree oil

Diluted in 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil.

apply a warm compress to the cheek and area after massaging to ease the pain.

Frozen shoulder

Massage 3 drops of Clove oil with 3 drops of Chamomile oil in 1 teaspoon of carrier


such as sweet almond oil and massage in to shoulder


Massage in a clockwork direction over the lower abdomen three times a day with the


15 drops of Rosemary oil

10 drops of Lemon oil


5 drops of Peppermint oil

diluted in 30 ml of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil.



3 drops of Lemon oil

1 drop of Lavender oil

On a hankie and tissue and inhale.


Apply 1 neat drop of Lavender oil and 1 drop of Chamomile oil.


Apply ice cold water to the burn for at least 10 minutes then immediately

put 2 drops of neat Lavender oil directly on to the burn then put 5 drops

of Lavender oil on a dry cold compress and cover the area.


Detox Your Hair



5 drops of Rosemary essential oil into the scalp along with half a teaspoon of coconut

oil every day.

1 teaspoon of Fo ti (he sho wu) - Chinese adaptogen herb for restoring or regrowing


Reduce stress levels.

Rhodiola, schizandra berry to help mitigate stress patterns and support kidneys and


Aloe vera gel plant take the gel from thick leaves and apply it to the hair from root to

tip for twenty minutes.

Eat good fats (including ghee, coconut oil, butter, organic olive oil, and chia seeds)

and green leafy vegetables.

Brahmi oil or powder - massage a small amount into the scalp every day.


Detox Your Body


Working a long work week can often lead to many hours sitting at a desk. Being so

busy and so sedentary for so long for many people results in a poor office diet,

dehydration and lots of caffeine. The results unfortunately can often mean being left

feeling untoned and suffering from cellulite.

Essential oils for banishing cellulite

What many people do not realise is that essential oils can actually do wonders for

assisting with toning up and cellulite.

Add 30 drops of each or your favourite combination of the following oils to your

massage oil of choice, for example jojoba or sweet almond oil:

Oregano, thyme, lemon, grapefruit, juniper, fennel, cypress, celery

Massage the oil into the cellulite area at least twice a day after bath or shower until

you see some improvement. For best results also add use 10 drops of the oils in your

shower or bath.

The Toning Diet

It goes without saying that the routine needs to be combined with a healthy diet

incorporating lots of water - aim for 2 litres a day and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Alcohol, tea and coffee should be replaced with herbal teas in particular nettle and


Red meat and dairy products should be avoided.

Essential oils for other problem areas


For other areas that need toning, try 30 drops of any of the following oils, either on

their own or as your combination of choice.

Lemongrass, lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, lime, pettigraine

Again, massage the oil into the problem area at least twice a day after bath or shower

until you see some improvement and for best results also add use 10 drops of the oils

in your shower or bath.



Detox Your Beauty Regime

Natural Product Alternatives:

Shampoo: Lush Seanik Shampoo Bar

Conditioner: lavera Hair Repair & Care Conditioner ∙ Organic Rose

Moisturiser Lush Vanishing Cream

Facial Cleanser Lush Coalface Cleanser

Skin Tint Lush Feeling Younger Skin Tint

BB Cream Dead Sea Spa BB Cream - Diamond Range 50ml SPF 15

Lipstick Lush Bamboozled Lip Tint

Mascara Lush Eyes Right

Also especially for you - enjoy 24% off Young Living essential oils and natural

products - EVERY TIME YOU ORDER! - Click Here