Designing Succession Systems for New Competitive Realities

Post on 22-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Designing Succession Systems for New Competitive Realities


Welcome To Welcome To Our PresentationsOur PresentationsOn On Strategic Human Resources Strategic Human Resources ManagementManagement Topic: DESIGNING SUCCESSION Topic: DESIGNING SUCCESSION SYSTEMS FOR NEW SYSTEMS FOR NEW COMPETITIVE REALITIESCOMPETITIVE REALITIES

What is Succession Planning ?What is Succession Planning ? Succession planning involves Succession planning involves identifying key management identifying key management positions that the organization positions that the organization cannot afford to have vacant. cannot afford to have vacant.

To designing succession systems for a new competitive realities, we must have needed following task

Driving the changes New succession Planning Paradigm Design the shift Design Issues to be addressed Analyzing Succession Models Analyzing Phase Determine how it will work

Driving the changesDriving the changesSuccessions That provide leadership Successions That provide leadership

continuity in place in many organizations.continuity in place in many organizations.

Installed when organizations were more stable , Installed when organizations were more stable , competitive forces were much less global and competitive forces were much less global and turbulent job security and career predictability were turbulent job security and career predictability were higher individual development.higher individual development.

ReengineeringReengineeringIncreasing global outsourcingIncreasing global outsourcingNewer computing technologyNewer computing technology Rising diversity issuesRising diversity issues

New succession Planning Paradigm.New succession Planning Paradigm.


From •Organizational pyramids with multiple layers.•Desire for “seasoned” leaders.


To•Flatter organization structures.

•Want the “Seasoning” developed sooner in careers.•Flexibility with faster market responsiveness.

New succession Planning New succession Planning Paradigm.Paradigm.Succession System.Succession System.

From • Groom a backup for each

position• Specially disciplines in

candidates • Business unit autonomy

• Company direct and controls career.

• “Promises”• Promote from within when

fully qualified

To• Develop pools of broadly

qualified candidates; have positions pools.

• More broadly disciplined candidates.

• More centralization and integration of systems and information.

• Individual sets career direction.

• No ”Promises” • Promote when about 70%

qualified hire less experienced talent at entry level

Design the shift#4Design the shift#4More CommunicationMore Communication

Entire process more openNo silent “tap on the shoulder”Secrecy leads to paranoia

Design the shift#5Design the shift#5 Continuous ReviewContinuous Review •more continuous process•On quarterly basis

Design Issues to be addressedDesign Issues to be addressed• applicable on entire organization•Must meet other HR needs and functions •Owned by senior management •Contribute to success•Prepare employees/ leaders

Moving from concept to realityMoving from concept to realitySuccession Planning at Succession Planning at ComEdComEd

revenue electric companyNew vision“to become leading national

energy service provider”

Goals for Redesigning Goals for Redesigning Succession SystemSuccession SystemProvide minimum two to three candidates

that are “ready now”Written development planExternal recruitment or internal

accelerated development and mentoring increase employment of minority and female

Competency assessments360 degree feedback assessmentReview effectiveness of succession


Analyzing Succession ModelsAnalyzing Succession ModelsStrategic ModelStrategic Model

* * Strategic GoalsStrategic Goals* * Competency Competency * * Corporate Values Corporate Values * * Career Development PhilosophyCareer Development Philosophy

Analyzing PhaseAnalyzing PhasePHASE # 1PHASE # 1Business Unit Alignment ReviewBusiness Unit Alignment Review

- Key business & leadership Issues (1-3 years)

- Agreement on Critical Competency Model Priorities

PHASE # 2PHASE # 2 IdentificationsIdentifications

Critical PositionsCritical Positions- Position pools- Position pools- Unique positions - Unique positions - Positions targeted for external - Positions targeted for external

selection selection Threshold candidate criteria Threshold candidate criteria Candidates Candidates

- Pools - Pools - Unique candidates - Unique candidates - Diversity - Diversity

PHASE # 3PHASE # 3Development Development

- Development Assessment - Individual Development plans and Follow up

Actions - Development Reviews

PHASE # 4PHASE # 4SelectionSelection

-Job-Specific Requirements - Competency–Based selection Matching- Multi-Selector/ Team interview Process

Determine how the process work Affected by these near-future issues and challenges If any changes/ Shifts in competency priority are required Performances rating past three years They must be continue maintain their

performance Candidate eligible for the positions Leadership position is in one of four profile Effectiveness assessment test Interview for the positions

Benefits of the Succession Benefits of the Succession planningplanning

Available to candidates Selections criteria are easy

Individuals development More feedback are employee

Learning from This ProcessLearning from This Process

Progress is not possible without active involvementHaving a vision or modelCandidates believe this process demonstrate the value of integritySystem must linked directly to

corporate vision and strategy

Any QuestionAny Question

Thanks all of youThanks all of you