Design to Enable Cars to Run on Water - Ultrasonic Electrolysis

Post on 12-May-2017

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Transcript of Design to Enable Cars to Run on Water - Ultrasonic Electrolysis


Koda's Theoretical Inventions

Ultrasonic Electrolysis - This design may enable cars to run on water.

Water as Fuel

Water (H2O) is made up of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. Both are used as rocket fuel. You may

recall that the Hindenburg airship was filled with hydrogen gas and a spark caused it to burn to the ground

in just seconds. Oxygen is required for any flame or combustion to occur.

When an electrical current passes through water, the hydrogen and oxygen become separated and escape as

gasses. This process is referred to as electrolysis. You can demonstrate a simple form of electrolysis by

holding the connection end of a nine-volt battery in a glass of water. Tiny bubbles will begin to form on

each electrode, oxygen on one and hydrogen on the other. Higher electrical current will cause the gas to

form much more rapidly.

I have seen a demonstration for school kids on TV where they cranked the handle of a small generator a

few times then pushed a button to ignite the hydrogen/oxygen gas released from the water. This caused a

small explosion which blew a ping pong ball high up through a clear plastic cylinder.

These facts indicate that it may be possible to build a motor that runs on water. A battery would be used as

a source of electrical energy which would separate the hydrogen/oxygen into gases. The gasses would then

fuel an internal combustion engine, which would power a generator to continuously recharge the battery as

well as deliver useable mechanical energy. If this sort of motor can be made to work, the energy crisis on

this planet will be over forever. Whether or not this device would produce more energy than that required

separating the gasses, and thus produce useful work, depends upon the efficiency of the gas separation



Just as it would be impossible to light a large block of wood by holding a single match directly under the

center of the block, if the bottom and sides of the block were first shredded into thin strips, that single

match would then be capable of igniting the wood. In the same way, it may be possible to use a smaller

amount of energy than expected to separate water into gases.

It has been demonstrated that in addition to electrical current passing through water, ultrasonic vibrations

and radio waves are also capable of breaking the molecular bonds in water to release the hydrogen and

oxygen. The design below uses a combination of ultrasonic vibrations and pulsed electrical energy (which

just happens to produce radio waves as well) as a means for increasing the efficiency of the gas separation

process. Below that are links to info on this and other forms of "free" energy, including videos of cars

reported to run on water.

Ultrasonic Electrolysis

The above illustration shows the principle of how a combination of pulsed low voltage electricity and

ultrasonic vibrations may result in the efficient production of hydrogen and oxygen gas from water. The

device could be used as a constant source of hydrogen to fuel an internal combustion vehicle, or perhaps as

a hydrogen injector at each cylinder. In other words, this device is intended to enable cars to use water as

fuel, as well as power generators and provide essentially free, non-poluting energy for the entire world.

The resonant frequency of water is ~42.7khz. When water molecules vibrate at this frequency they tend

to become unstable. In the above illustration a piezoelectric crystal is glued to the base of a hollow metal

dome, which is attached to a flexible material (in this case, rubber). When stimulated by electric current the

crystal will vibrate, which in turn will vibrate the hollow dome. The dome is surrounded by water, which

will vibrate at the same frequency. This vibration will cause the water molecules to disassociate into

hydrogen and oxygen gas. (Some literature indicates that water will disassociate at frequencies near

2.4Mhz so this device also assumes that possibility.)

At the same time an electrical current is passed through the water, between the dome and the outer (metal)

wall of the device, in pulses occurring at the resonant frequency of water. It is well known that water will

separate into hydrogen and oxygen gas in the presence of an electrical current (hydrolysis) but it generally

requires 3 times as much electrical energy to produce hydrogen than is available from burning the hydrogen.

Efficiency is increased when the electrical current is pulsed through the water at the resonant frequency.

The combination of both physical vibration and electrical pulsing should result in an even greater level of

efficiency. The frequencies of both the vibrations and electric pulses should be adjusted experimentally to

determine which combination of harmonic resonances are most efficient in disassociating the water

molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas.

It should be noted that there have been reports of large explosions when water is physically disassociated

using ultrasonic vibrations. The explosive force reported is substantially greater than can be accounted for

by the chemical burning of the hydrogen (in one case this was 29,000 pounds of pressure from 3 drops of

water). Experimenters constructing this device should use appropriate caution.

I do not know if this device would produce more energy than used to operate it, but I expect it will do so

with great efficiency. I have no plans to build one myself, but will be happy to discuss the matter with

anyone seriously interested in constructing the device. I believe it is likely that similar devices already exist

but have been suppressed and many inventors have been silenced. If you manage to get something to work

well, my suggestion would be to publish the technical details broadly and aggressively, and hope for

compensation by understanding philanthropists.


Here are some other ideas that may increase efficiency of the water to gas separation process, and can be

used with or without including the ultrasonic vibrations.

Using high voltage at low amperage. Rather than using low voltage as described above it may be more

efficient to use higher voltage, as higher voltage will jump further across a gap. Just be sure to reduce

amperage at the same time or current flow will increase and reduce overall efficiency. An automotive spark

plug coil produces 30,000 volts or more and might be suitable for experimentation.

Heating the water. A thermostat regulated electrical circuit can be used to control 12 volt current to an

automobile cigarette lighter element to heat the water entering the device. As water approaches the boiling

point the molecules become less stable and may separate more easily into gas.

Electrolysis of steam. If the water boils it may be possible to get an electrical current to pass through the

water vapor, which may or may not enable more efficient separation of the molecules into gasses.

Fine mesh electrodes. If a fine wire mesh (like copper window screen) were used as the electrodes the

surface area in contact with the water would be far greater than using a solid plate of similar size. By placing

the mesh panels very close to one another and alternating the poles so they are positive, negative, positive,

negative, etc., this would reduce resistance to current flow in the water.

Combining mesh electrodes with bubbles. If air is injected into the bottom of a water filled area, and the

mesh electrodes mentioned above were placed horizontally above the point of air injection, the bubbles

would produce random variations in the volume of water between the positive and negative electrodes. This

would act to reduce resistance to current flow in rapid fluctuations at random locations across the

electrodes and perhaps produce more efficient separation. (Boiling the water at the base of the device might

be the best way to create the bubbles, and if steam can be separated into gasses with electrolysis this would

also do that.)

“Cold Fusion” or “Cold Fission”

So called "cold fusion" is really just electrolysis of water, but the "water" is deuterium (heavy water) and the

electrodes are made of palladium. Sometimes excess heat is generated and some people claim this is caused

by atoms being fused together. But the excess heat occurs only at random times, sometimes not at all, and

there is insufficient evidence to support that fusion actually occurs.

Cold fusion is a very poorly received phenomenon where the electrolysis of water using a palladium or

other similar metal plate will very rarely spontaneously "combust" boiling off all the water, releasing

neutrons and other nuclear radiation, and cause trace elements such as aluminum to appear on the surface

of the palladium as if the palladium was split in a fission reaction.

If seems much more likely to me that "cold fusion" is actually "cold fission" where palladium atoms are

split into smaller atoms. If aluminum is one of the byproducts, the other would have to be selenium.

Palladium has an atomic mass of 106.42 and aluminum is 26.9815. The difference is 79.4385, and selenium

has an atomic mass of 78.96. This would mean that an atomic mass of 0.4785 would have been converted

to energy, which would account for the excess heat produced.

I have been unable to locate any information where aluminum has been deposited on palladium electrodes

during electrolysis, but if this has occurred, the presence of selenium in the water would be evidence that

"cold fusion" may in fact be "cold fission." I simply feel it is important to be aware of these possibilities

should your experiments produce high energy outputs. FIN