Design principles

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Design principles

  • 1. Design principles:Balance, proportion, repetition, dominance, contrast, direction, harmony, variety, symbolicmeaning,composition.

2. Balance:
3. This is an example of radial balance. The picture feels balanced. The way the circles in the very middle are the smallest and the size increases as you go outwards. The thickness of the circles of metal- it increases as you go outwards from the center. All these bring a sense of balance.
4. This is another example of balance. It is balanced in the waythe designer uses the same
materials on either side of the center..and the bit that hangs down serves to sort of
centralize and anchor the piece.
5. There is a striking radial
balance in this picture.
the way the circles get
smaller has a pleasing
effect. The curvy lines
that go up almost to the
top from the arc
increase the sense of
balance. The arcs at the
baseof the biggest circle
increase the balance as
well in that the structure
looks a lot more steady.
6. Proportion..
7. A good example of
Dogs are not this
big in real life. The
dog is competing
with the house in
size and it is
Portrayed as being
bigger than the
Gate. Its exaggerated..and in
This case it has a
humorous effect because
the sign is so obviously
intended for the cat.
8. The man in this picture is way smaller than the other people, whose feet are all we see. He barely get up their ankles. The difference in size is quite funny. The message in the picture is brought out even more would be an insult for this guy to compare himself to the people or actually the feet around him..
9. Difference in size herein the adult human and the baby one. The baby is much
smaller..theway that the picture was taken exaggeratesthe difference in size
a bit, the woman is closer to the camera than the baby. (she looks bigger than she would
if she was the same distance away from the camera as the baby.)
10. The apples get smaller and smaller as you go towards the back.
It lookslike some apples are further away. The ones in the back are smaller
than the ones in front..there is a sort of invisible line. its at an angle and the closer
it gets to its vanishing point, the smaller the apple s get.
11. Repetition
12. The same pattern is repeated here to create a wall. Repetition of one simple item is
used to create something a bit more complex than that one item.
13. There is repetition here in that several metal bars are taken and repeatedly
stuck onto a metal bar following an arc shape . an interesting object is created
through repetition.
14. There is repetition of shapes (that form something when put together) The same shapes are taken and repeatedly used
here to createblock of what is possibly flats..
15. Dominance..
16. Its like one wolf is dominating the picture..
The one wolf looks like it is subservient to it, its sort of crouched
and the other one is upright, making it look like the dominant one
17. The player in the middle
holding the ball and
leaping in into the air
dominates the picture
All attention is
automatically drawn to
him because he is
elevated above the
other twoplayers and
BALL.. it is a
basketball game..
18. The lion in this picture dominates the picture..Its amongst humans and its is the focal
point of the picture. Its coloring also makes it stand out..
19. Contrast
20. The contrast in this picture attracted my attention and is what makes it
possible to see anything. The grey and white parts are what show what
is in the picture. The amount of black there realy draws a lot of attention
to the white.
21. The brilliant contrast of colors here got my attention. The blackness of the clouds and
the ground below makes the sunset look more brilliant and brighter.
22. the contrast here is in the
womans hair color. The black
against the creamy gives
her amore interesting look.
The creamy white draws a lot of
attention because its so bright
especially because it is
23. Direction
24. Thedirection in this picture is forward. The strong vertical lines
that blurinto the distance make it seem as though you are goingforward fast.
Which is a pretty accurate sense because the tide that isgoing back into the sea
does so at a rapid pace, in one strong movement
25. There is some sense of direction here in how all the individual wires of the piece
are somehow following one direction.. they go out and then initsfascinating
because it looks as though the metal is movingand metal as we know it is
wavy and flexible
26. There is a sense of direction in how all the jets are moving as one in one direction..
their trailof smoke is uniform. they are flying in formation..reminds one of birds
flying if it were not for the trail of smoke I would actually think they were birds..
27. a sense of direction
is found in how all the
lines seem to
meet in the middle
ofa side of a square.
28. Harmony
29. Theharmony in this picture is quite striking. the colours used are harmonious..The
tones used blend, the curvy lines and their direction have a harmonious effect as well.
30. There is a definite harmonyhere..The colours and tones used just blend. Also the
type of line in this picture promotesunity..( curvy, feminine line) alsothe way the
things in the room are arranged, its neat, uncluttered and complimentary..
31. What attracted me was the obvious harmony in the picture. This was brought
About by use of similar shapes and colour- there varying shades of red and
Brown. Interestingly though no two shapes are quite the same. Different tones
Are used to keep it interesting.
32. Variety
33. Lots ofdifferent colourslots of shapesDefinitely variety in terms of colour and
shape..stuff has just been put together in a seemingly careless fashion but on
closer inspection you can actually see that the colours are not necessarily fighting..
they have been carefully arranged to have a pleasant effecton the eye..
34. The number of different items on one chain drew my attention..
It certainly doesnt lack in variety. It looks fun and interesting, alive even
due to the variety. The silly smiley face gives it a lot of cheer.
35. There is variety of colour in this picture.The various colours drew my eye. all sorts of colours have been put together, bright tones..dull-ish looks interesting but also rather flea-market like to me.
36. Symbolic Meaning
37. A cross is a symbol of the Christian faith..It symbolises Christs death on the cross. The chain is a bit intricate and sort of delicate and the cross is solid and rather bold. It makes the cross stand out more.
38. Doves are a symbol of peace..the type of line used here is curvy feminine and really restful..the finish on the earnings is also complimentary becauseits not too bright and attention grabbing..its just right
39. This has become a symbol of liberty all over the world. The statue represents Libertas the roman goddess of freedom.
40. Composition
41. What drew my attention is how my eyes took in the scene. The artist and his subject are the focal point but I also get the feelingthat I was peeking in on a scene because of the drawn curtain.There I something catchy about the how we do not see the whole room but a section of itenough to tell whats going on. But I still find myself curiousabout the rest of the room which keeps me looking. The arrangement of items is perfect, it tells what's going on but leaves a bit out..enough to hold my attention a bit longer.
42. This is JohannesVermeers painting of Christ in the house of Martha and Mary. The composition of the subjects in this picture ensures that the eye travels the whole picture. You take in all the elements of the picture. The woman at Christs feet draws curious attention.In the Biblical story, Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to what he has to say whilst Martha bustles about serving. The man is obviously Christ and the relaxed figure at His feet is Mary. The composition in this painting is perfect because it not only tells the story accurately but its pleasant to look at.
43. The composition of the subjects in this picture drew my attention. It is not how you would normally find the objectsplaced. the objects are very different but somehow it feels as though they belong together, the way they are placed adds a lot to this.It draws attention to all elements of the picture. Youreye sees all of them.
44. END