Descubre españa

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Descubre españa

I am from…


Spanish is spoken in 21 different countries!

As well as in Spain, Spanish is spoken in many countries in Central and South America!...Mexico, Chile,Agentina, Cuba


Why is España famous



Toros Paella



...But Spain is more than that :

famous artists and buildings,

Brilliant sportsmen and sportswomen….

...Its powerful football team

European champions (2008) World champions (2010)

Are you good at Español?

What do you know about España?

Bien Mal

Can you find Spain in the map?

What’s the name of the capital city?

This is Madrid. It is the capital city of Spain. It is a made up of old and new buildings.

Which one is the Spanish Flag?

Here is the Spanish flag

The currency used in Spain is….