Dermatological Therapy

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Dermatological Therapy

  • Dermatological therapy (1)General principles:Listen to what patient has to say.Look at the whole person and not only at her/his rash.Be realistic about what is possible.Make a diagnosis before embarking on treatment.Explain to the patient what is going on.Treatment of acute rashes.

  • Dermatological therapy (2)The objectives:to heal/cureto improve/repairto minimize disabilityto prevent

  • Dermatological therapy (3)Therapy used in treating skin diseases consists:topical therapysystemic therapyphysical modalities

  • Topical therapyAppropiate topical therapy requires:Accurate diagnosis.Appreciation of the patients skin type.Assessment of skins present condition.Choice of the correct therapeutic agent.Use of the correct vehicle.Assessment of skins present condition:History of diseaseacute/chronic, stage, localize/generalizeSkin effloresenseintact/damage

  • Topical therapy (2)Advantages of topical therapy:Direct delivery to target tissue.Reduced systemic side effects.The success or failure of therapy is observed directly.

  • Topical therapy (3)Adverse side effects:Irritation.Sensitization.Akneiform folliculitis.Pigmentation.Photoallergy/phototoxicity.Percutaneus absorption:Penetration through the stratum corneumMetabolism of drugTransdermal delivery sistems

  • Topical therapy (4)Penetration through the stratum corneum interfered by:skin temperaturehydration of stratum corneumskin conditionlocationagetopical agentPenetration enhancers:ureasalicylic aciddimethyl sulphoxidepropylene glycol

  • Topical therapy (5)Elements of topical prescription:MedicationVehicleConcentrationAmountHow to applyAmount needed for one application of cream:face: 2 garm : 3 gleg : 4 gwhole body: 30 g Ointment (-10%), lotion (+50%)

  • Topical therapy (6)Topical agent contains:Vehicle or the baseThe active ingredientThe additives:preservativescolourantsfragranceemulsifyng agents & stabilizersThe functions of vehicle:to transportto stabilizeto transferthe active constituent

  • There are 3 building blocks for all preparationPowderGreaseLiquidDrying pasteOintment pasteShake lotionOintmentCreamsCold creamw/oVanishing creamo/w

  • Topical therapy (7)The choice of vehicleSite of lesionsThe form of vehicleFaceHairy skinTrunk/ExtremitiesGenitaliaSkin foldGeneralizePowder/shake lotionCream TinctureLiquidOintmentGel

  • Topical therapy (6) The choice of topical vehicle







    Zinc oxide

    Talcum venetum


    Titanium dioxide

    Absorbent, protective & cooling

    Acute or subacute inflamation

    Face, body & flexures

    CI: exudating areas






    Propylene glycol

    Medicated bath

    Soak/wet dressings


    Oily skin & hairy areas

    Shake lotion

    Liquid & solid

    Calamine lotion

    Burrows lotion

    Anti pruritic, anti eczematous & cooling

    Dry surfaces/mildly oozing

    CI: exudating & hairy areas


  • The choice of topical vehicle (2)






    Oil in water (O/W)

    ~ milk

    Water in oil (W/O)

    ~ butter

    Vanishing cream

    Aqueous cream

    Cold cream

    Petroleum (vaselin)


    to make the skin became dry

    not suitable for the dry skin

    used on acute/subacute inflammation, hairy & the flexure areas

    easier to apply than ointments, more greasier than the vanishing cream


    Oil, little or no water

    Vaselin, paraffin, lanolin

    the best penetration & used in chronic inflammation

    CI: wet surfaces, hairy & flexure areas


    Oil & solid

    Zinc oxide paste

    Zinc oxide linament

    Titanium dioxide paste*

    the best protection

    CI: exudating, hairy & flexure areas

    * sun block agent



    Methylcellulose, agar/gelatin in a liquid

    Solid or semisolid in the cold & become liquid on warming up

    As alternatives to lotions on hairy & oily skin

  • The active ingredients are used for topical therapy

    The active ingredients

    The effects of therapy


    1. Boric acid

    2. Benzoic acid

    3. Salisilic acid

    4. TCA

    5. Aluminium chloride

    6. Anastesin

    7. Gamexan, crotamiton, permethrin

    8. Liquor carbonate detergent

    9. Resorcinol

    Anti septic, astringent

    Anti fungal, anti septic

    Keratoplasty 1-2%

    Keratolytic > 3%

    Anti bacterial, anti fungal


    Anti fungal, anti hyperhidrotic

    Anti pruritic


    Anti pruritic, anti eczema

    Anti bacterial, anti fungal, keratolytic, anti pruritic, anti eczema

    3% solution compress

    10% ointment, powder, shake lotion

    5-10% Whitfield ointment

    2-4% ointment




    ointment, cream, lotion

    Emulsion, ointment


  • The active ingredients are used for topical therapy (2)

    The active ingredients

    The effects of therapy


    10. Rivanol

    11. Selenium sulfide

    12. Sulfur praecipitatum

    13. Sodium thiosulfide

    14. Talcum venetum

    15. Zinc oxide

    16. Eritromycin 2%

    Clindamycin 1%

    Gentamycin 0,1%

    Mupirocyn 2%

    Fucidic acid 2%

    Metronidazol 1%

    Silver sulfadiazine

    17. Corticosteroids

    Anti septic, astringent

    Anti seborhoe, anti fungal

    Anti pruritic, keratolytic, anti bacterial

    Anti fungal

    Closer, Glider

    Anti septic, tissue granulation

    Bacteriostatic Acne

    Bacteriostatic Acne


    Bactericyd, bacteriostatic



    Bactericyd burn

    Anti inflammation, immunosuppressant, anti proliferation






    Powder, compress

    Ointment, gel, lotion

    Ointment, gel, lotion

    Cream, ointemnt


    Cream, ointment

    Cream, gel


    Ointment, cream, gel

  • Topical therapy (7) Soaks/CompressesMaterialsNormal saline solutionKMnO4 solution0.1% acetic acid solution3% boric acid solution0.1% rivanol solution

  • Methods for soaksOpen soaksapplication of a water compress without occlusioncause cooling & drying by evaporationeffective for drying moist, oozing, acute inflammation skin eruptionsapplied for 20 3x a dayClose soaksemploy occlusion over a compresscause heat retentionexcellent for debridement of wound & ulcer macerationapplied for 1-2 hours 2-3x a dayapplied 24 hour 2-3 day, rewet the dressing 4-5x for removing thick crusts

  • The active ingredients are used for topical therapy (3)Corticosteroidschronic, extensive use of potent topical steroids even under occlusion

    systemic side effects:adrenal suppressionCushings syndromegrowth retardationTopical side effects:striae & atrophyacneperioral dermatitisrosaceapurpura & teangiectasiamasking effectGlaucomaAllergic contact dermatitisHypopigmentationReduced wound healingHirsutism (face)Folliculitis & miliaria

  • The active ingredients are used for topical therapy (3) Regional Differences in Penetration of GlucocorticoidsMucous membraneScrotumEyelidsFaceChest & backUpper arms & legsLower arms & legsDorsa of hands and feetPalmar & plantar skinNailsLess penetration

  • The active ingredients are used for topical therapy (4) Classification of topical steroids

    Group 1 Mildly potent

    Group 2 Moderately potent

    Group 3 Potent

    Group 4 Very potent

    Alclometasone dipropionate 0.05%

    Fluocinolone acetonide 0.0025%

    Hydrocortisone 0.5-2.5%

    Betamethasone valerate 0.025%

    Clobetasone butyrate 0.05%

    Desoxymethasone 0.05%

    Fluocinolone acetonide 0.00625%

    Flurandrenolone 0.0125%

    Beclomethasone dipoprionate 0.025%

    Betamethasone dipoprionate 0.05%

    Betamethasone valerate 0.1%

    Desoxymethasone 0.25%

    Diflucortolone valerate 0.1%

    Fluocinolone acetonide 0.025%

    Fluocinonide 0.05%

    Hydrocortisone 17-butyrate 0.1%

    Mometasone furoate 0.1%

    Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%

    Clobetasol propionate 0.05%

    Diflucortolone valerate 0.3%

    Halcinonide 0.1%

  • Systemic therapy




    1. Antibacterial


    Aqueous penicillin G

    Penicillin G procaine

    Penicillin G benzathine



    Ampicillin + clavulanic acid


    A: 250-500 mg (400,000-800,000units)/6-8 hours

    C: 15-50 mg/kg/d in 3 or 4 divided doses

    A: 5 million units or more

    C: 50,000-100,000 unit/kg/g

    A: 600,000-1 million unit or more daily

    C: 25,000-50,000 units/kg/d every 12 hours

    A: 1.2 million units

    C: > 27 kg 900,000 units

    C: < 27 kg 300,000-600,000 units

    A: 250-500 mg/6 hours

    C: < 20 kg 50 mg/kg/d every 6 hours

    A: 0.5 g/8 hours

    C: < 20 kg 50 mg/kg/d every 8 hours

    A: 250 500 mg/8 hours

    C: 20 mg/kg/d every 8 hours

    A: 250-500 mg/6 hours

    C: 30-50 mg/kg/d every 6 hours

  • Systemic therapy (2)

    1. Antibacterial

    1st generation sephalosporins









    A: 1-4 g/d 4 divided doses

    C: 25-50 mg/kg/d 4 divided doses

    A: 1-2 g/d 2 divided doses

    C: 30 mg/kg/d 2 divided doses

    A: 150-300 mg/d

    C: 8-16 mg/kg every 6 hours

    A: 1-2 g/d 2 or 4 divided doses

    C: < 8 years 25-50 mg/kg/d

    A: 1st d 100 mg/12 hours 2nd 100 mg/d

    C: > 8 years 2 mg/lb/d every 12 hours

    A: 1st d 100 mg/12 hours 2nd 100 mg/d

    C: > 8 years 1st d 4mg/kg/d every 12 hours 2nd 2 mg/kg/d every 12 hours

    A: 160/80 every 12 hours

    C: T 8 mg/kg/d, S 40 mg/kg/d every 12 hours

    A: 1st dose 50 mg/d 2nd 100-300 mg/d

    C: 1st dose 0.5 mg/kg/d

  • Systemic therapy (3)

    3. Anti histamineSedation CTMOxatomideCyproheptadineNon sedationTerfenadinAstemizolLoratadineCetirizineFexofenadineDesloratadineLevocetirizine

    3 x 4-12 mg/d

    2 x 60 mg/d10 mg/d10 mg/d10 mg/d

    2. Anti fungal



    Itraconazol (Kandidosis vaginalis)

    A: 500-1000 mg/d

    C: > 2 years 10-12 kg/d

    A: 200-400 mg/d

    C: 3.3 mg/kg/d

    A: 2 x 200 mg/d (1d)

    2 x 100 mg/d (3ds)

    Working mechanism: Inhibiting the synthesis of Ergosterol and 14- demethylase enzym

  • Systemic therapy (4)Working mechanism: Anti proliferativeAnti InflamationImmunosuppressant

    4. Corticosteroids





    Starting dose varies widely, depending on the condition being treated

    5. Anti viral




    5 mg/kg/8 hour IV

    HS: 5 x 200 mg ( 10 ds

    HZ: 5 x 800 mg ( 7 10 ds

  • Systemic therapy (5)

    6. Anti leprosy

    7. Immune therapy




    Immune modulator


    Immune suppression





    600 mg/m (15 mg/kg/m)

    100 mg/d (1-2 mg/kg/d)

    300 mg/m( 50 mg/d

    50 mg/kg/d 3-4 divided doses

    10-25 mg/w, 2.5-7.5/12 hours 3 ds

    100-200 mg/d ( MD 100 mg/d

    50-150 mg/d (1-2 mg/kg/d)

    3-5 mg/kg/d

  • Systemic therapy (6)AntihistamineMechanism of action: by inhibiting H1 and H2 receptor on target cells Interaction of histamine & H1 receptor:Increased vein permeabilitySmooth muscle contractionIncreased airway resistance Increased neutrophyl and eosinophyl chemotaxisNasal mucosa stimulation

  • Antihistamine (2)Interaction of histamine & H2 receptor:Increased vein permeabilityIncreased cardiac rateIncreased myocardial contractionIncreased gastric acid secretionStimulation of CD8 & lymphocyteIncreased airway mucosa secretionInhibition of neutrophyl and eosinophyl chemotaxis

  • Antihistamine (3)H1 antihistamineTraditional/classic type H1 antihistamine, 1st generationLow sedating type H1 Antihistamine, 2nd generation

  • Traditional/classic type H1 antihistamine, 1st generationEffects:antihistaminesedationanticholinergicAntiemetic activityAnti motion sickness effectClassification:Alkylamine = chlorpheniramine maleate/chlortrimethone maleateAminoalkyl ether = diphenhidramine HClEthylenediamine = Tripelennamine HClPhenotiazine = Prometazine HClPiperidine = Siproheptadine HClPiperazine = Hydroxyzine HCl

  • Low sedating type H1 Antihistamine, 2nd generation

    Weaker sedating and anticholinergic effectExamples:TerfenadineAstemizoleCetirizineLoratadineAcrivastineOxatomideFexofenadineDesloratadine

  • Antihistamine (4)H2 AntihistamineLess lypophilicWeaker central nervous system effectexamples:cimetidineRanitidineFamotidineNizatadineOther drugs with antihistamine activity:Tricyclic antidepressantketotifen

  • Corticosteroid Potensial equivalent


    Equivalent dose




    Metil prednisolon/triamcinolon









  • Corticosteroid (2)Indicationsabsolute: pemphigus, systemic lupus erythematosus, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndromerelative: bullous pemphygoid, erythema nodusum, discoid lupus erythematosus, erythroderma, erythema multiformeContraindications:absolute: herpes simplex, untreated TBRelative: peptic ulcer, infection, DM, hypertension, pregnancy

  • Corticosteroid (3)Complications:HypertensionMood disturbance, psychosis, pseudotumorHypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis supression, hirsutism, menstrual irregularity, obesity, moon face, buffalo humpPeptic ulcer, pancreatitisDMLymphocytopenia, monocytopenia, neutrophylia Opportunistic infectionosteoporosis, aseptic necrosis of femoral head & humerus, myopathy glaucoma & cataractSodium & fluid retention, hypokalemia, alkalosis

  • Physical methods of therapyEnvironmental climate therapyDead sea psoriasisSea coast atopicsSurgicalCryotherapyElectrosurgeryCuttingWavePhototerapy (1)UVAPUVA for psoriasisUVBPsoriasisNummular dermatitisParapsoriasisPityriasis roseaAcne Ionizing radiation (X ray)Skin cancersKaposis sarcomaLymphomaBenign conditions (rarely & great caution) Acne Keloid Hemangioma

  • KetrampilanTingkat kemampuan 1 : Mengetahui dan menjelaskanTingkat kemampuan 2 : Pernah melihat atau pernah didemonstrasikanTingkat kemampuan 3 : Pernah melakukan atau pernah menerapkan di bawah supervisiTingkat kemampuan 4 : Mampu melakukan secara mandiriKompetensiPunch biopsy (2)Incision/drainage of abscess (3)Excision of tumours (2)Cryotherapy on tumours (1)Wart, cryotherapy (3)Wound care (4)To apply a dressing (4)Varicose veins, compressive sclerotherapy (1)Varicose veins, ambulant compresive therapy on venouus leg ulcer (2)Phototherapy (1)

  • Cutaneous surgeryCold steel surgery:elliptic excission, skin graft, flap, biopsy (2), MOHS, blepharoplasty, scalp reduction & hair transplantationElectrosurgeryDermabrasionCurettage

    Cryosurgery(1)Chemical peelLiposuctionLASERSoft tissue augmentation

  • Skin biopsyA skin biopsy is the removal a piece of skin to diagnose or rule out an illness.Biopsy TechniquesShave BiopsyPunch Biopsy (2)Fusiform/excisional Biopsy

  • Punch Biopsy-1More often used for deeper skin lesionsSmall cylinder of the skin is removed with a sharp, hollowed instrumen (2-6 mm).Large sample may be closed with stitches.

  • Punch Biopsy-2

  • Incision/drainage of abscess (3)

    Open the cutaneous roof with fine scissors / an inverted # 11/ # 15 blade, grasp an edge & excise the overlying surface. Clean with saline & cover it with povidone iodine and a dressingAn abscess cavity is uncertain, aspirate it with a # 18 gauge needle after prepping with povidone-iodine. It cannot be located, antibiotics & intermittent warm compresses, check it in 24 hours

    Anesthetize with regional field block 1% lidocain 1 cm from the border, inject into the roof of the abscess Incision should be large & directed RSTLThe cavity may be irrigated with saline & loosely packed with iodoform/plaine gauze. Leave this gauze and remove after 48 hoursUse intermittent warm water soaks after packing is removed

  • Cutaneous surgery (2)ElectrosurgeryA form of surgery using electrical equipment which generates controlled electric current to produce selective tissue destruction types: electrodesiccation, electrofulguration, electrocoagulation, electrosection, electrolysisChemical peelingA form of surgery by application of chemical agents to cause anatomical changes; for macro/micro lesions on epidermis/dermis Types: superficial: TCA 10%, retinoic acid, AHAmedium: TCA 35-50%, AHAdeep: TCA 70%, saturated phenol 88%

  • Cutaneous surgery (3)CryosurgeryA form of surgery by using cryogents tissue freezing necrosis Types: Liquid nitrogen (-1960C)N2O (-89,50C)CO2 (-78,50C)Freon 22, 12 (-410C, -600C)DermabrationA form of surgery to peel the skin layer by layer with dermabraderTypes:Wire brushDiamond fraise

  • Some conditions suitable for cryosurgeryPrecancerous lesions (1)Actinic keratosis, leukoplakia, Bowens disease, lentigo malignaEpithelial benign lesionsSeborrhoeic keratosis, HPV lesions (3), epidermal hamartoma, sebaceous hamartomaVascular benign lesions (1)Venous lake, angiokeratomas, lymphangiomaDermal tumours (1)Dermatofibroma, keloid, myxoid cystInflammatory dermal tumours (1)Prurigo nodularis, granuloma faciale

  • Cutaneous surgery (4)Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulating Emission of RadiationPrinciple: light amplificationObjectives:cuttingcoagulatingneovascularizationFibroblast proliferationepithelizationProperties:monochromatic, colimation, coherentOptical spectrum (infra-red,visible light)Tissue response:reflectingrefractingtransmittingabsorbing

  • Laser (2)Types:Continuous wave (CW)Argon: sebaceous adenoma, teleangiectasis, pigmented benign lesion, pyogenic granulomaCW Nd YAG:CW CO2: common warts, condyloma accuminatum, keloid, molluscum contagiosum, skin appendages tumor, psoriasis, tattoo, epidermal nevus Laser Copper VapoxLaser KTP

    Pulsed with high energyDye laser: nevus araneus, rosaseaRuby laser: pigmented benign lesionQ-Switched Ruby laser: tattooQ-Switched AlexandriteQ-Switched Nd YAG