Department Of Sports & Physical Education Yoga Dr Deshmukh.pdf · BENEFITS •Practicing this asana...

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Transcript of Department Of Sports & Physical Education Yoga Dr Deshmukh.pdf · BENEFITS •Practicing this asana...

Department Of

Sports & Physical

Education •




Dr. Seema


Director Of Soprts &

Physical Education


• In yoga, refers both to the place in which a

practitioner (yogi if male, yogini if female) sits

and the posture in which he orshe sits. In the

Yoga Sutras, Patanjali defines "asana" as "to

be seated in a position that is firm, but
















• The asana consists of standing with feet

together, then hinging forward from thehips,

letting the head hang, with palms placed flat

on the floor near thefeet.


• Stretches the hips, hamstrings, andcalves

• Strengthens the thighs andknees

• Keeps your spine strong and flexible

• Reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue

• Calms the mind and soothes the nerves

• Relieves tension in the spine, neck, andback

• Activates the abdominalmuscles

• Eases symptoms of menopause, asthma, headaches, andinsomnia

• Stimulates the kidneys, liver, spleen

• Improves digestion

• May lower high blood pressure

• Therapeutic for infertility, osteoporosis, andsinusitis



• Gomukhasana literally means Cow Face Pose,

a strange name to be sure, but a wonderful

exercise all the same. The Sanskrit go is the

etymological root of the English word—want

to guess?—right, ―cow,‖ and mukha means



• These are some amazing benefits of Gomukhasana.

• This asana helps to flex the back, making it more elastic.

• It helps to cure stiffshoulders and also helps reduce backaches.

• Practicing the Gomukhasana also aids in the treatmentof sciatica.

• It enhances the working of the kidneys, thereby helping those suffering from diabetes.

• It also works the chest muscles and helps in treatingsexual ailments.

• Practicing this asana regularly can reduce stress and anxiety.



• The practitioner lies on the floor, lifts the legs,

and then places them behind the head.

Experienced practitioners may enter Halasana

from a standing position by tucking chin to

chest, placing hands on the floor, walking the

feet towards the hands and bending at the

elbows to lower shoulders to the floor.


• Practicing this asana regularly can avoid

disease like diabetes, obesity, constipation

stomach disorder, Blood pressure and

menstrual disorders

• It makes your back bone elastic andflexible.

• Halasana helps to reduce both belly andbody


• It improves memorypower.



Ardha chakrasana is an intermediate asana that

can help to prepare the body and mind for

deeper backbends and heart-

opening postures like chakrasana (wheel pose).

The name is derived from the

Sanskrit ardha, meaning ―half,"chakra, meaning

―wheel," and asana, meaning ―pose.‖


• Practitioners of this Asana have reported relief from constipation issues, especially if it is practiced during the morning hours.

• The back muscles are exercised and this leads to their strengthening.

• It is a very useful posture for people with excessive fat, especially around the waist region.

• Daily practice of this Asana can lead to moreflexible hip joints than everbefore.

• Asthma and high blood pressure, two commonmedical problems of the modern world, can be controlled through thisAsana.



• It is a very deep backward bend performed in a kneeling position. Many people find backbends difficult or challenging, because bending backwards is not an activity with which most arefamiliar.

• After performing Ustrasana, the pulse rate will often have increased considerably, while the breathing should bedeep and slow.

• A deeper stretch can be achieved by separating the knees slightly wider at the outset. The "full expression" of camel varies widely between practitioners, with some finding it quite difficult to progress beyond a slight backward lean;at its deepest the head can be between theknees.


• Helps to increase chest size and lungscapacity.

• Brings flexibility in chest, abdomen andneck.

• Stimulates abdomen organs.

• Improve the function of the respiratory system. Beneficial for Asthma patient.

• Activate whole respiratory organs andnerves.

• Cures problems related to Neck, Shoulders andback.

• Cures Vata, Pitta and kaphadosha.

• Strengthens the backmuscles.

• Stimulate thyroid gland.

• Releases back pain.

• Increases blood circulation to brain.

• Helps to improvePosture.

• Reduce the fats on the stomach.

• Improve digestion.



• First the practitioner should lie prone and

grasp the feet to lift the leg and chest to form

a bow. Remain in this position for some time

and then return to theprevious position


Bowposefor weight loss:Dhanurasanagive maximum stretchon the abdomen and abdominal sides.Regularpractice of this asanahelps to shedand burn fat of the above said regionsof the body. It also provides overall toned shaped to the entire body.

Goodfor lethargy:Bow pose is very useful for overcoming lethargy. It works directly on the solar plexus at the navel region, which is a large sympathetic nervous centre. These nerves facilitate better efficiency, which in turn leads to improved functioning of vital organs such as digestive, eliminative andreproductive.

MassageLiver: It ensures proper functioningof entire abdominalorgans. It massages the liver, which in turn aids digestion.

Treats diabetes:The pancreas gets appropriate toning by performing Dhanurasana.It stimulates further secretion of the correct amount of glucagon and insulin that helps in balancing of sugar in the blood. Both the diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 will be benefited by practicing this important yogaposture.

Bloodcleansing:Since, it helps to flush blood to the entire body aswell asvarious organs. Therefore, to a greater extent, it works ascleansing process.

Kidneyhealth: Byperforming bow pose, the kidneys works more efficiently, which leads to better fluid balance in the body?

Strengthensspinalcolumns: Dhanurasanarefreshes and rejuvenates the spinal column. It relieves stiffnessand the spine is made more supple and healthy because the ligaments, muscles and nerves are given a good stretch. This asana brings back elasticity to the spines and toned the abdominalorgans.

Goodfor heart: It massages the heart. This is done by the diaphragm, which is pushed towards the heart by the extra pressure in the abdomen.

Curesasthma: It is one of the best yogaposesfor removing the hunching tendencyof asthmatics, which aggravates ill health. Dhanurasana realigns the back thereby improves the breathing processes.This in turn leads to free flow of air through the nasalpassages.

Massage thyroid and adrenal glands: The secretion of the adrenal glands is regularized. Blood is flushed through the glands. It is this effects that quickly removes tiredness, for cortisone secreted to give you the required lift or if you are overactive, the secretion of cortisone is reduced so thatthe body attains balance.

Curesbackpain: The ligaments,muscles and nerves in the backare given good stretchand the spinal column is rejuvenated. It is beneficial for treating backpain.

Treats slipped discs:The persons who are experiencing slipped discs have obtained relief from the regular practiceof Dhanurasanaand Shalabhasana.

Strengthensshoulders:Bow posestrengthensyour shoulders,arms, neck, abdomen, back, thighs & hamstringmuscles.

Locatenavel: It sets the dislocatednavel right, which could be the cause of pain in the stomach, legs or even loose motions or constipation.

Sexualarousal: It helps to invigorates sexualvigor of the person.



• Utthita Parsvakonasana is usually performed in two parts, facing left and then again facing right. Begin standing with the both feet apart, approximately three to four ft. or one leg length. Starting with the left side, turn the left foot slightly to the right, and the right foot out to the right ninety degrees. Align the back of the left heel with the arch of the right foot. Bend the left knee over the left ankle, so that the left shin is perpendicular to the floor. Press and anchor the left and right football mound and heels to the floor in order to improve stability. Firm the thighs and spin the right thigh outwardly. Rotate the torso and squeeze the shoulder blades together against the back. Extend the right arm straight up toward the ceiling, turning the pinky finger side down parallel to the floor and reach the right arm energetically over the right ear. The left arm can either press into the floor, grasp the left ankle/foot, rest on the left thigh, or on top of ablock. Stretch from the grounded right foot out to the finger tips of the right hand, lengthening the entire right side body. Turn the head and gaze above the right arm, which intensifies the twist. Actively push the left knee against the right arm, and tilt the tail bone towards the pelvis. Focus on the breath. Return to standing, the pose is then repeated on the left.


• It stretches outmany parts, helping the legs,

groin, chest, lungs, ankles, spine, shoulders

and abdomen.

• This pose strengthens the knees, ankles and

legs while stretching muscles in the groin,

abdomen, lungs, chest and waist.

• It increases stamina but stimulatingthe

abdominal organs.



• Parighasana is anAsana. It is translated as Gate

Pose from Sanskrit. The name of this pose

comes from "parigha" meaning "gate", and

"asana" meaning "posture" or "seat". It has 2

variations, one performed on the knees andthe

other sitting on theheel.


–Stretches the sides of the body andmakes the spine flexible. Tones theabdomen and improves circulation.

• Other benefits -

• Stretches the muscles joining the ribs,helping in lung expansion thus increasing the capacity of deep breathing. Thus helps asthma patients.



The Pavana Muktasana is also called as Wind

Removing Pose. Pavanamuktasana is a yoga

pose in which the body is positioned ina supine

position. Everyone, regardless of whether he or

she is a beginner or advanced practitioner, can

practice this pose. The Pavanamuktasana (Wind

Removing Pose) massages the organs of the

abdomen and also eases tension that occurs in

the area ofthe belly and lower back.


• This asana cures acidity problems, indigestion and constipation.

• Pavanamuktasana is very good for theabdominal organs

• Regular practice of this asana cures gastricproblems

• This asana is very helpful for people suffering from arthritis pain, heart problems, waist painand acidity.

• This asana gives flat stomach. So every one can practice this asana for flat stomach

• This asana strengthens the digestive system,purifies impure air, helps in diabetes, high bloodpressure.



Tadasana is a simple standing asana, which

forms the basis for all the standing asanas. It is

performed at the beginning and endof

the surya namaskara sequence and is akey

asana for all yogapractices.


• Due to deep breathing itprovides strength and expansion to the lungs.

• This is the best exercise to increase theheight.

• Develops and activates the nerves of the entire body.

• It gives strength tovertebral column and heart.

• Also Good for regulating the menstrual cyclein women.

• Cures the problems related to theindigestion.

• Give strength to arms andlegs.

• Helps to remove lethargy frombody.

• It reduces the problem of flat feet.



• Bakasana is an arm balance asana in yoga.

The practitioner can begin either in crowpose

or, for a more advanced transition, in a head

stand. From crow pose, the practitioner

straightens the arms to imitate the longer legs

of the crane


• Regular practice of this pose will increasemental and physical strength.

• Helps in to make your body moreflexible.

• It increases endurancecapacity.

• Practicing this posture on a daily routine helpsyou in strengthening your forearms, wrists andshoulders.

• Itprovides a decent stretch to your higher back and even strengthens your abdominal muscles.



• The word Setu Bandha is come from the Sanskrit word ―Setu‖ which means Bridge; and the meaning of Bandha, is Lock or bind, and Asana means Posture, pose or seat. Pronunciation of Setubandhasana is SAY-tuh-bun-DHAHS-ana. This Pose called Setu Bandha because in this Asana when we try the pose of this Asana, our body is look like abridge.

• Setu – Bridge; Bandha – Bind, Lock; Asana – Pose,Posture or seat. This asana is pronounced as SAY-tuh-bun-DHAHS-ana.


• At first lie down on yourback.• After that bend or Fold your knees and keep your feet and hip distance apart on

the floor.

• Distance should be10-12 inches from your pelvis. Along with knees and ankles ina straight line.

• Take your arms beside your body, and your palms should facing down.

• Now inhaling, slowly liftyour lower back, middle back and upper back off the floor.• Now gently roll in the shoulders; touch the chest to the chin without bringing the

chin down, supporting your weight with yourshoulders, arms and feet.

• Now feel your bottom firm up in this pose. Keep your Both thighs are parallel to each other and to the floor.

• Youmay interlace the fingers and push the hands on the floor to lift the torso a little more up, or you could support your back with your palms.

• Keep breathing normally and slowly.• Remember to hold the posture for 30 seconds or one minute,and exhale as you

gently release the pose.


• It relieves the tiredback instantly.

• Stretches chest, neck and spine.

• Gives calmness to brain, reduce the level of anxiety,stress and depression

• Opens up your lungs and reduces thyroid problems.

• Improves digestion.

• Good for women in menopause and menstrualpain.

• It gives Strength to your backmuscles.

• Helpful in asthma, osteoporosis, and sinusitis highblood pressure.

• This Pose calms the brain and rejuvenates your tired legs.