Department of Energy P.O · Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O_. l;'lox 550...

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Transcript of Department of Energy P.O · Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O_. l;'lox 550...

l .. ,,...__ I

Department of Energy Richland Operations Office

P.O_. l;'lox 550 Richland, Washington 99352


Ms. J. A. Hedges, Program Manager Nuclear Waste Program State of Washington Department of Ecology 3100 Port of Benton Richland, Washington 99354

Mr. J. Martell, Manager Radioactive Air Emissions Section State of Washington Department of Health 309 Bradley Boulevard, Suite 201 Richland, Washington 99352



MAY 19 2015 WA Dept of Health

Radioactive Air Emissions Section


Thi_s letter t:ransm_its the Notification of Off-PeJIDit Change and the Notice of Construction Application (NOCA), DOE/RL-2015-18, Revision I; to re-register the Groum:I 218-W-4B Caissons in the FF-01 License. The NOCA has been prepared in accordance with Washington Adriliiiistrative Codes (WAC) 246-247. The Notification of Off-Permit Change is being submitted in accordance with WAC 173-401-724.

Attachment I is the clean copy of the NOCA. Attachment 2 is tbe NOCA in a redHne-strikeout format .. Attachment 3 is the Notification of Off-Permit Change.

If you have and question_s, pl_ease contact me or your staff niay contact Jeff Frey, Assistailt Manager for Safety and Environment on (509) 376-7727.




cc w/attachs: See page 2

Addressees 15-AMRP-0177

cc w /attachs: Q. 1;3ollm:e, NPT R. Buck, W anapu,m D. A. Faulk, EPA P. M. Gent, Ecology S. Hams, CTIJIR R.Jim, YN $. IJ:gqsol)., }:IAB P·. T. Karschnia, CHPRC K. Niles, ODOE V. L..Peety, Ecology b. R. Pyzei, CHPRC D ... Rowland, YN M. D. $_ko~ka, Ee:ology D. J. Watson, CHPRC D.Zhen,EPA Administrative Record Environmental Poffill

MAY 1 5 2G'15

DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1




4 DOE/RL-2015-18 Rev 1

s Radioactive Air Notice of Construction Application

6 for the 218-W!'4B Caissons














zo . ZI












DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1

This pa:ge left intc:ntiC>n,ally blank



I Gontents

2 1

3 2 Responsible Manager ..................................................................... , .............. : ....... : .. : ........ :.: ........... :.: ........ 2

4 3 Proposed Action ................................................................................................................................. 2

5 4 State Environmental Policy Act ....................................................................................................... 2

6 5 Pro,.ess I>es,.ripti.011 .... :·:·--,· .... ,._.: ....... , .. ,·:·:·--...... , .. : .... , ..• , ... : ............................................................................ 2

7 6 Existing and Proposed Abatement fecluiofogy , .. , .•.••... , ... : .•. , .. ,.,:.:•:•:-•;, .... ;.: ... : .• ,, .... :; .•...•.•. ; •. ,,, .... : .•• , ..•. ,.:3

8 7 Drawings iJf Contfol Technology Componeiits ............................ :.: ..................... : ..... : ................ :.:-.•.•.• ,.,3

9 8 Identiflcation of Radionuclides ......................................................................................................... 4

IO 9 Effluent Monitoring System ............................................................................................................. 5

11 10 ~~ Qu.8:D~ -.-.-. ........... : .. ······••.•• ....... _._ ............................................................................ 6

12 11 Physical F o_rm o.f F;ac.h Radi!)n_11_cli~e ... , •• , ... : •• ,,.,.,.:·:·-:······»·:·:··:·····,,-·:·--:····,·.,· .. ··,·····:·:·..:·:··· .. ··..:·,,, ... ,.,.,..: ........ 6

13 12 Release Fonil of Each Radionuclide ........................................ , •• :.: ...... , ... : .. , .•••• ,;.: ....... ,,. ........ , ••• :., ........ , 7

14 13 Release Rates ........................................................................................... , .......................................... 7

15 14 Location of Maximally Exposed Individual .................................................................................... 7

16 is Tom.I ~(fective Dose Eqnivalent to the Maximally Exposed Individual ....................................... 8

17 16 BARCT/ALARACT Ass.essment (or Co.s.t fat1ors ofCo.111:rol T~hn!)l11gy) , ........ , ....... , •• , ............ 9

18 17 Lifetime of the Facility Pto.cess .... , ................... ,,.: .......... , ... : ....... ., ••• : ....... , ... :-.......... : .................. : •••• , •• , •. :•:•:,.9

19 18 Control Technology Standards ......................................................................................................... 9

20 19 References ................................................. - ................................................................................ 10






1 Figures

2 Figure 1. 218-W-4B Burial Trench .............................................................................................................. !

3 Figure 2.Generalized Caisson Design .............. •···················•···•····•·······•····'··,.····.········-···.--··.'···.···3


s Tables

6 Table 1. Calculation of PTE by Caisson ................................................................................................... 12

7 Table 2. Calculation ofTEDE to MEI ...................................................................................................... 15


9 Attachment

10 Attachment 1. Redline License Format for Alpha, Mixed Fission Products and UNI Caissons ................ 19





































a:s low as reasonably achievable

as low as reasonably achievable control technology

American National Standards Institute

annual possession quantity

Airborne Radioactivity~

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

best available radionuclide control technology

Contamination Area


CH2M llILL Plateau Remediation Company



counts per minute

U.S. Department of Energy

J;)Oll RicllJan:d Opei:ations Office

disintegrations per minute

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Enviiorimenta1 Restciraticin Disposal Facility



High Efficiency Particulate Air


International Council for Radiation Protection

Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observa:tofy

low-level mixed waste

low-level waste

maximally exposed individual

mixed fission products



. . FOR THE 218-W-48 CA_iSSONS ...

miem niillirem

NOC Notice of Construction

NOCA NOC Application

PCM Periodic Confirmatory Measurement

PTE potential-to-emit

RCT radiological control technician

RH remote-handled

RO/RO roll-on/roil-off

RWP radiological work permit

SEPA State Environ~nial Policy Ac.t of 1.971

SWITS Solid Waste Information Tracking System

TEDE total effective dose equivalent

TRU transuranic

WAC Washington Administrative Code

WDOH Washington State Department of Health

WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

WRAP Waste Receiving and Processing

yr year






1 NOC History

2 In July 2006 the twelve (12) passively vented caissons iri the 218-W-4B biirial groilitd were closc:4 as 3 legacy sources for the Air Operating Permit (AOP), FF-01 license. In 2012, it was recognized that these 4 vents were not included in the FF-0 I Table 2-1, and efforts were initiated between WDOH _and DOE/RL 5 to iricmporate the vents irito the FF-01 license. It was decided that inclusion of the vents into the FF-01 6 Table 2.1 as insignificant ~ssion uniJs was not appropriate and the caisson vents should be licensed 7 individually.. This NOCA provides for the inclusion of the caisson vents into the FF-0 I license.

8 1 Location

9 Regulatory Requirement: Name and address-of the facility, and location {iatitude a,jd /or,gi.tu_de) of the 10 emission unit(s). WAC 246-247-110 Appendix A(J).

11 The address and geodetic coordinates for the 218-W-4B Caissons (Figure I) represented by the Hanford 12 Meteorologicill Station are as follows:

13 U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (DOE/RL) 14 Hanford she 15 Richland; Washington 99352 16 46° 33' 14" North Latitude 17 119° 36' 22" West Longitude 18

\ 21.8-W-2


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Figure 1. 21 B-W-4B Burial Trerich




I 2 Responsible MJnager

2 Regulatory Requirement: Name, title; address, and phone number-of the responsible manager. 3 WAC 246-247-1 JO Appendix A(2).

4 Stacy L. Charooneau, Manager 5 U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Offi¢ 6 P.O. Bo,i:550 7 Richland, Washington 99352 8 (509) 373-9971

9 3 Proposed Action

IO Regulatory Requirement: Identify the type of proposed action for which this application is sulimitted:

11 The proposed action for this application is to individually register eleven (11) of the twelve (12) caisson 12 vents as passive major or minor point sources (WAC 246-247-060(2)). Caisson Alpha-5 does riot require 13 registratfon as it has never been used tC> stC>re radion11clides. MonitC>ril).g of air emissi_ons will be · 14 performed using four existing ambient air monitors (N-555, N-457, N°964, and N-433) thatare 15 maintained as near facility monitors in the200W Area.

16 4 State Environmental Policy Act

17 Regulatory Requirement: lf this project is subject to the requirements of the State Environmental Policy 18 Act (SEPA)containe_d !n chilpte_r 197-11 WAC, provide the name ofth_e lead agency, lead agency contact 19 person, and their phone number. WAC246-247°110 Appendix A(4).

20 The proposed action is categorically e,cempt from the ~ei;i~ of State Environme_ntal Policy Act of 21 1971 according to WAC 197-11 a845, '·'SEPA Rules," "Dq:,artment of Social and Health Services," 22 covering most actions by the WDOH, and consistent with the exemption cif actions on air operating 23 permits providlld by RCW 43.21C.038l, "State Environmental Policy."

24 5 Process Description

25 Regulat_orj! Requireme_n_t: Describe t/Je chemical and physical processes upstream of th_e em_ission unit(s). 26 WAC 246-247;1 JO Appendix A(5).

27 Underground caissons contajn. small closed packages (I to IO gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (RH) 28 mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small 29 . percentage of the package lids became unsealed whei;i th!' pai;kages were dropped d_own tlJ.!l caisspn chirte. 30 The caissons are reinforcedcCOncrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons 31 have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset tci ellimnate direct radiation shine from the 32 stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive 33 emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. Four (4) of the caissons contain 34 alpha contaminated waste and are designated Alp_ha-1 through Alpha-4. Six (6) caissons contajn 35 beta/gamma contaminated waste and are designated MFP-1 through MFP-6. One (I) caisson contains 36 mixed waste products and is designated as UNI-I .. This caisson became plugged in 1978 and has a 37 concrete shield box over the inlet chute. The final caisson was never used and is d!lsignated Alpha-5. The 38 caissons are passively vented through high-efficiency particulate air (HEP A) filters. During filter aerosol





I testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than 2 the caisson airspace.

3 6 Existing and Proposed AbatementTechnology

4 Regulatory Requirement:.Describe the exisiing and proposed (as applicable) abatement technology. 5 Describe the liasisfor th_e use ofth_epropiJsed system. ln_clu4e expected efficiency of each control device, 6 and the annual average volumetricflow rate(s) in meters3/secfor the emission unit(s). WAC 246-247-1 JO 7 Appendix A(6).

8 The caisson vent is required to continuously remove heat generated by the decay ofthe.radionuclides 9 stored within the caisson .. The ciirrent abatement teclui.ology consists of single HEP A filter with a

IO 99.95% removal efficiency and a passive flow rate of 0.25 feet per second (0.08 meters per second). The 11 vent is located 3 feet (I meter) above ground level and has a diameter of0.3 feet.(0.1 meter). The average 12 verit effluent temperattire is 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrec:s Celsius).

13 7 Drawings of Control Technology Components

14 Regillatory Requirement: Provide conceptual drawi_ngs sli<iwing all applicable control tec!Jnology 15 components from the point of entry of radionuclides into the vapor space to release to the environment. 16 WAC 246"247aJJOAppendixA(7).

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18 Figure 2 Generalized Caisson Design


II ft

19 Drawings of controls are ma_iiltainc::d as part of the caisson ventilation upgrade drawing H-2-99363. 3




8 Identification of Radionuclides

2 Regulatory Requirement: Identify each radionuclide that could contribute greater than ten percent of the 3 potential-to-emit (PTE) total efective dos_e equivalent (FEDE) to the maximally exposed indivitfual 4 (MEI), or greater than 0.1 mrem/yr PTE TEDE to the MEI. WAC 246-247-1 JO Appendix A(8).

5 The radionuclides of concern exist in liquid and particulate sol_id forms. For purposes of ~stimating 6 potential and actual emissions and resultant impacts to the maximally exposed individual (MEI), each 7 radionuclide contained in a caisson is represented as curies (Ci). Where a total beta/gamma radionuclide 8 is identified it is assumed to be Sr-90 and is represented in this application as cmies (Ci). These 9 assumptions provide a conservative PTE for emissions from each passive caisson vent. Radionuclides of

10 cone~ vary betvveen iit&vidua_l C:aiss\ms but overall inc_lude H-3 (tritium), Cr-51, Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-60, 11 Sr090, Zr-90, Ru,106, Sb-125, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-144, Pm-147, Eu-154, Po-210, Th,232,U-233, U,235, 12 U-238, Np-237,.Pu-238, Pu-239, Aril.-241,and all associated daughter products. Table I identifies the 13 ~dionuc_lides and PTE associattlli with eac:h cai_sson.

14 For caisson MFP-1, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 10 percent of the 15 'PTE TEDEto tile offsite MEI. Pu-239 contributes greater than 10 percent of the PTETEDE to the orisite 16 MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu,239 each contribute greater than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to 17 the MEI (Table.2).

18 For caisson MFP-2, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 10 percent of the 19 PTE TEDE to the off site MEI .. SR-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu,239 each contribute greater than I 0 20 percent of th~ PTE TEDE to the on_si_te MEI. No radionuclide contributes greater than 0.1 mreni. per year 21 PTETEDEto the MEI (Table 2).

22 For caisson MFP-3, Pu-239 c_olltributes greater than IO percent of the PTE IBDE to the offsite MEI. Pu_-23 239 contributes greater than 10 percent of the PTE TEDEto the onsite MEI. Pu,239 contributes greater 24 than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to the MEI (Table 2).

25 For caisson MFP-4, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 10 percent of the 26 PTE TEDE to the offsite MEI. Pu-239 contributes greater than IO percent of the PTE TEDE to the onsite 27 MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-2_39 elleh contribute gre11ter tl!an OJ Illfelil per ye_ar PTE TEDE to 28 the MEI (Table 2).

29 For caisson MFP-5, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 10 percent of the 30 PTE TEDE to the offsite MEI. Pu0 239 contributes greater than IO percent of the PTE TEDE to the onsite 3 I MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 0.1 mreni. per year PTE TEDE to 32 theMEI (Table 2).

33 For caisson MFP-6, Co-60 and $r-90 (tot;tl beta/ga:mi:na) each contribute greater than IO pc,rtjmt of the 34 PTE"TEDE to the offsite MEI. Co-60 and Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) each contribute greater than 10 35 percent of the PTE TEDE to the orisite MEI. Co-60 and Sr-90 (total beta/gariiina) each contribute greater 36 than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to the MEI (Table 2) .

.37 For caisson Alpha-I, Sr~90 (total bi:ta/gatiJina) lll!d Pu-239 each contribute greater than 10 percent of the 38 PTE TEPE to the offsit~ MEI. Pu-2_39 c01:1~butes great~ tl!an IO percent of tile PTE TEDE to the onsite 39 MEI. Sr,90(total beta/gamma) and Pu,239 each contribute greater than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to 40 the MEI (Table 2).





1 For caisson Alpha-2; Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 10 percent of the 2 PTE TEDE to the offsite MEI. Pu-239 contributes greater than IO percent of the PTE TEDE to the onsite 3 ME_I. Sr-90(total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 0, 1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to 4 the MEI (Table 2).

5 For caisson Alpha-3, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than IO percent of the 6 PTE TEDEto the offsite MEI .. Pu-239 contributes greater than 10 percent of the PTE TEDE to the onsite 7 MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to 8 the MEI (Table 2).

9 For caisson Alpha-4, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than IO percent of the 10 PTE TEDE to the offsite MEI. Pu-239 contributes greater than 10 percent of the PTE TEDE to the onsite 11 MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) and Pu-239 each contribute greater than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to 12 the MEI (Table 2).

13 For caisson UNI-!, Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) contributes greater than 10 percent of the PTE TEDE to the 14 offsite MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) C:OJ!tri~tes greater than IO percent of the PT!;: TEDE to the Ol)site 15 MEI. Sr-90 (total beta/gamma) does not contribute greater than 0.1 mrem per year PTE TEDE to the MEI 16 (Table 2).

17 9 Effluent Monitoring System

18 Regulatory Requirement: Describe the effluent monitoring system for the proposed control system. 19 Describe each piE!ce of monitoring equ_ipment and its rrion_itoring capability, including detection limits, for 20 each radionuclide that could contribute greater than ten percent of the PTE TEDE to the MEI, or greater 21 than 0.1 mremlyr PTE 'FEDE to the MEi. dr greater than twenty-five percent of the TEDE to th_e MEI. 22 after controls. Describe the method for monitoring or calculating those radionuclide emissions. Describe 23 the.method with detailsufficient to demonstrate compliance with the applicable requirements. WAC 246-24 247-1 JO Appendix A(9).

25 The potential unabated offsite dose associated with caissons MFP-2 and UNI-I for normal operation is 26 calcuiattid t_o be Jess than 0.1 Illlllirem per yc:ar (mrem/yr). Therefore, in accordance with 40 CFR 61, 27 "National Emission Standards for Hu.ardous Air Pollutants," Subpart H, '-'National Emission Standards 28 for Emissions ofRadionuclides Other Than Radori from Department of Energy Facilities," periodic 29 confirmatory measurements (PCM) will be made to verify the low emissions using the proposed alternate 30 monitoring method described below. The existing.200 Area network system for near-facility monitoring 31 (DOE/IU,-91-50, Envi,ronmentl11 Monitoring Pla_n Un_ited Sta_tes Depa_rtmi!_n_t of En_e_rgy Richfand 32 Operations Office) will continue to be used to verify low emissions during MFP-2 and UNI-I operations. 33 This is the accepted primary method for monitoring any diffuse or fugitive emissions generated by the 34 continued storage of radionuclide wastes in the 218-W-4B caissons, The near facility monitoring network 35 data for- stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low 36 enlissions ~m tile cai_s_sons.

37 The potential unabated offsite dose associated with caissons MFP-1, MFP-3, MFP-4, MFP-5, MFP-6, 38 Alpha-I, Alpha-2, Alpha-3 and Alpha-4 for nollllll_l operation is c_alculat~ to be greater than 0.1 millirem 39 per year (mrem/yr) and requires continuous monitoring. Due to the passive nature of the vents, it is 40 impractical to measure the effluent rates in the manner required by 40 CFR 61.93. The low effiuerit flow 41 rates (0.25 ft/sec) would re,quire approximately a 170 day sample period using an extractive isokinetic 42 sampling system to collect enough sample volume (20,000 ft3) to meet the method 114 quality 43 requirements. The effluent flow rate can be expected to vary somewhat due to the diurnal heating and





I cooling exerted on the caisson ventstack and the associated 'stack effect'. An average effluent flow rate 2 of 0.25 ft/sec is proposed as the alternative to a measured flow rate required by 40CFR61.93(b )(3) and is 3 derived from similar passively ventil;lted stacks at the Hanford site. Historic radiological contamination 4 survey data upstream of the HEP A filter inlet is consistently less than detectable for removable alpha and 5 beta/giim.tria contamination. The less than detectable value is defined as no instrument deflection when 6 scanning a Large Area Wipe at I inch per second for alpha and 2inches per second for beta/gamma at 1/8 7 inch from the surface ofthe wipe.

8 An alternate monitoring method is proposed for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. 9 Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a

19 smear w,iI h:e taken downstream of the HEPA filter. If conta:mination above 20 dpm/i 00cm2 alpha or 11 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is·found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream 12. contamination will be investigated and corrected. This alternate monitoring method does not 13 underestimate emissions as tJ:ie clata is collected upstrellln of the abaten).ent dc:Mce for non-detectcable 14 contamination and immediately downstream of the abatement device in the event contamination is 15 discovered upstream of the abatement device. liJ. addition, the riear facility monitoring network data for I_ 6 stat_ions N433, N457, N555 and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low 17 emissions from the caissons. The potential for the acute release of the entire caisson inventory is 18 extremely lciw due to the location below ground level, the low verit velocity and reduced (i;e minimal) 19 motive forces within the qaissons. If a release were to occur, it would be of a chronic low volume nature, 20 The use of the alternate monitoring protocol is appropriate for this type ofreleasescenario. The near 21 facility monitoring program meets the method 114 requirements and is well suited to detect this type of 22 release.

23 10 Annual Possession Quantity

24 Regulatory Requirement: Indicate the annual possession quantity (APQ) for each radionuclide. 25 WAC 246-247-1 JO Appendix A(JO).

26 On an annual basis, Table I details the radionuclides and associated APQ for each caisson being 27 registered. The APQ value is provided as a matter of information as the 12 September 2003 Settlement 28 Agreement (Docket Number 03-03-C-2000R1') estaJ>lished that Depa$1e1,1t of Energy, Richland 29 Operations facilities may not have radionuclide quantity limitations placed upon them through a licensing 30 agreement.

31 11 Physical Form of Each Radicmuclide

32 Regulatory Requirement: Indicate the physical form of each radionuclide in inventory: solid, particulate 33 solids, liquid, or gas. WAC 246-247-110 Appendix A(JJ).

34 The radionuclides in inventory are present as particulate solids at ambient conditions. Caisson MFPal 35 also con1ains one radionuclide liquid form.





1 12 Release Form of Each Radionuclide

2 Regulatory Requireme,it: Iiidica.te the release fomi. of eµclJ radionuclide in inventory: Particulate solids, 3 vapor, or gas. Give the chemical form and the International Council for Radiation Protection (JCRP) 30 4 · solubility class, if known. WAC 246°247-1 JO Appendix A(l 2).

5 The radionuclides Cr-51, Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-60, Src90, Zr-90, Ru-106, Sb-125, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-144, 6 Pm-147, Eu-154, Po-210, Th,232,U-233, U-235, U-238, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Am-241,and all 7 associated daughter products are released as partjculate solids. The rallionucJjdetritium (H-3) is released 8 as a liquid particulate.

9 13 Release Rates

10 R_eguJatory Requireme,it: Release rates:

11 New emission uriit(s): Give predicted release rates withou/any e171issions control equipment (the PTE) 12 a11d with _the proposed control equipment using the efficiencies described in subsection six '(6) of this 13 section.

14 Modified (!mission unit(s): Give predicted release rates without any emissions control equipment (the 15 PTE) and with the existing and proposed control equipment using the efficiencies described in subsection 16 six (6) of this section. Provide tiie latest }'(!ar 's emissio11s data or emissions estimates.

17 In all cases, indicate whether the emission unit is operating in a batch or continuous mode. 18 WAC 246-247-110 Appendix A(J3).

19 The PTE is defined in WAC 246°247-030(21) as the rate of release ofradioriuclides from a:n emission 20 unit based on the actual or potential discharge of the effiuent stream tl_µit woulci result if all .abatement 21 control equipment did not exist, but operations are otherwise normal. The PTE is determined by 22 multiplying the APQ, discussed in Section 10, and applying the release factors defined in WAC 246-247-23 030(21)(a) for liquid and si:>lid particulates (Table I). An estimate of the unabated and abated dose in 24 l_ll!el]l/yr to an MEI is determined by applying the dose-per-unit release factors as published in DOE/RL-25 2006°29, CalculatingPotential-to-Emit Radiological Releases and Doses. Do:se-per--unit relc:_1,stifactors 26 are presented for both tl:ie OJ).-siJ.e and off-site individual, with consideration given for the release point 27 (i.e.; less than a 40-meter stack height) inTable 2. The emission passively vented on a continuous 28 basis.

29 14 Location of Maximally Exposed Individual

30, Regulatory Requiren,p,t_: Ide_n_ti.fy the MEI by d_is_ta_n,ce and direction from the emission unit(s). The MEI 31 is determined by considering distance, windrose data, presence of vegetable gardens, and meat or milk 32 producing animals at unrestricted areas surrounding the emissioTJ, ynJ! .. WAC 2 46-24 7-11 0 Appendix 33 ,:1(14).

34 The onsite MEI relative to emissions from the cais~ons is located a~ the L;iser In~erometer Gravit)ltional 35 Wave Observatory (UGO), approximately 18.3 kilometers east southeast of the Reduction Oxidation 36 Facility (S Plant), conservatively chosen to represent.200 West Area. The offsite MEI resides near the 37 Hanford Site, approximately 22 kilometers southeast ofS Plant.





FORTHE 218-W-48 ·cA1ss9rfs . . . .

1 15 Total Effective Dose Equivalent to the Maximally ~posed Individual

2 R_egu_latory il.e_quire_OJ"n!.' Calc_ulatp ~h.e TEDE to the MEI using an approved procedure 3 (see WAC 246-247-Q85). For each radionuclide identified in subsection (8) of this section, determine the 4 TEDE to the MEI for existing and proposed emission controls, ar,d wi_th_out any erni~siotJ controls (the

· 5 PTE) fJsing the re~e_~e rat(!S from subsection (13) of this section. Provide all input data used'in the 6 calculations. WAC246-247-110 Appendix A(15).

7 D<>se ll!ltima~!l.S for unit cllf(e (Ci) rel~ses of selected radionuclides were calculated for emissions from 8 the 200 West Area. These dose estimates were calculated for an onsite member-of the public working at 9 LIGO; who works within the Hanforil Sitebouridilry, and who e:ats food gro\YIJ. regio1:µil)y

10 (DOefR!,-2006-2_9). Simil/lfly, dose estimates were calculated for an offsite member of the public 11 residing near the Hanford Site (approximately 22 kilometers to the southeast ofS Plant), and coilsuriifug 12 food produced the residence location (DOE/RL-2006-19).

13 Using the unit dose factors, and the release rates from Section 13, estimated potential abated and iinabated 14 TEDEs to the offsite and onsite MEis are sho\Vll in Table 2. Unabate<i elllissions iJI curi!l_s were 15 detei:miJ)ed by applying factor 1.0E-03 for liquids and particulate solids directly to the.APQ 16 inventory values. The unabated dose in mrem/yr to the MEI was detemrined by multiplying the unabated 17 release in curies ·and the <iose-~-iinit-rej~e factor frol}l Tal:>i!l.4-8, DOE/RL'.2006-29, Rev 1, 18 Calculating Potential-to-Emit Radiological Releases:and Doses for a stack height ofless than 40 meters. 19 The abated dose in mrem/yrwasdetermined by riiitltiplyiiig the <iffsite unabated dose by 0.!)l, which 20 repres¢nts an in-plac_e testaj ~EPA fi_lter particlJla_te re_ll;l.oval effi_ciimcy of99.00%.

21 The calculated unabated offsite and onsite TEDE to the MEI are estimated to. be for:

22 • MFP-1 ate 3 .58E+OO mrem/yr and 2.24E+OO mr:erJ)lyr respectjvely;

23 • MFP-2 are 4,26E-03 mrem/yr and 2.l 6E-03 mrem/yr respectively;

24 • MFP•3 are 8.4 IE-01 mrem/yr. and l .43E+OO mrem/yr respectively;

25 • MFP-4 are 2:72E+oO mfem/yr and 3.15E+OO inrem/yr respectively;

26 • MFP-5 ai:e ~.54E+oo TIJrerii/yr im.-4 2:.23E+OO mrem/yr respectively;

27 • MFP-6 are 5.19E+o0 mrem/yr and 9.67E-01 mrem/yr respectively;

28 • Alpha-I are 8,74E+o0 mrern/yr an_d 5:6_5:t:,+00 mrem/yr respectively;

29 • Alpha-2 are 5. 77E+OO mrem/yr and 459E+o0 mrem/yr respectively;

30 • Alpha-3 are 6.20E+OO nirem/yr and 4: 78E+OO mrem/yr respectively;

31 • Alpb,a-4 er~ 8.52E+o0 ~yr and 9.41E+OO mrem/yr respectively;

32 • UNI-I are l.98E-02mrem/yrand l.84E-03 mrem/yrrespectively.

33 Also in Table 2, the calculated abated offsite and onsite·TEDE to the MEI for ea~h tjlisson are pres@Jed:

34 • MFP-lare 3.58E-02 mrem/yr im..4 2.241):-02 mrem/yr respectively;

3_5 · o MFP-2 are 4.-26E005 mrem/yr and 2016E-05 mrem/yr respectively;





• MFP-3 are 8.4JE-03 mrem/yr and l.43E--02 m:rem/yr respectively;

2 • MFP-4 are 2.7fE-02.mrem/yr and 3J SE--02 mrem/yr respectively;

· 3 • MFP-5 are 3.54£--02 mrem/yr and 2.23£--02 mrem/yr respectively;

4 • MFP-6 are 5.19£-02 mrem/yr and 9.67£--03 mrem/yrtespectively;

5 • Alpha-I are 8.74£--02 mrem/yr and 5.65E--02 mrem/yr resp~vely;

6 • Alpha-2 are 5.77£-02 mrem/yr and 4.59£--02 mrem/yr respectively;

7 • Alpha-3 are 6.20£--02 mrem/yr and 4.78£--02 mrem/yr respectively;

8 • Alpha-4 are 8.52E--02mrem/yr and 9.41E--02 mrem/yr respectively;

9 • UNI-I are 1.98£--04 mrem/yr an:d l .84~--05 mrem/yr respectively.

10 16 BARCT/ALARACT Assessment(or Cost Factors of Control Technology)

11 Regulatory Requirement: Provide cost factors for cdnstru.ctioT}, operaJ(dn, anti 1}J!!in_tentJ.nc_e of /he 12 proposed control tec!Jnology components and system, if a BARCTor as low as reasonably achievable 13 control technology (ALARACT) demonstration is not submitted with the NOC. WAC 246-247-1 JO · 14 AppendixA(16).

15 The control technology for existing emission units is ALARACT consisting of HEP A filtration of the 16 passively ventillited caissons, WAC 246~247--030(6) states that control t~hnology that meets BAR.CT 17 requirements also m~s ALj\RACT requirements. Pursuant to WAC 246-247°110, Appendix A, Item 18 # 16, cost factors for construction, operation, and maintenance of proposed tecliriology requirements are 19 not required, as the Washington State Department of Health has provided wdance .in a I~ to DOE, 20 that HEP A filters are considered BAR CT for particulate emissions (Conklin 1992). Because 21 the key radionuclides of concern are particulates, it is proposed that the control tecliriology described in 22 Section 6.0 be accepted as ALARACT. Compl1ance with thi: substanµve ALARACT technology 23 staµ.dards is described in Section 18.

24 17 Lifetime ofthe Faci(Jty Process

25 Regulatory Requirement: Provide an estimote of the lifetime for· the facility process with the emission 26 rates provided in this application. WAC 246-24i-J io Appendix A(ii).

27 The estimated emission rates have been calculated to address the facility process through closure of the 28 caissons.

29 18 Control Technology Standards

30 Indicdte which ofthefoliowi/1g control technology standards.have been considered and will be complied 31 with in the design and operation of the emission unit(s) described in this application: ASME AG-1; 32 ASMEN509.' ASME N510; ASME NQA-1; 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Methods 1, JA,. 2,.2A, 2C, 2D, 4, 5, 33 and 17; and ANSI NJ 3.1. For each standard iwt indicated, give reason(s) to support.adequacy of the 34 design and operation of the emission unit(s) as proposed.





I The ASME/ANS.I codes provided are applicable to forced ventilation systems and HEPA filters. The 2 caissons are passively ventilated. The 4.0 CFR 61 Appendix A standards govern the testing of forced 3 ventilation systems and are not applicable to a passively ventilated .system. The ASME AG0 I code 4 sections for ventilation design and sampling systems is designed for forced ventilation s~ems aIJd are 5 not directly applicable to passively ventilated systems. The HEPA filter system is designed to meet the 6 ASME AG-I and ASMJ;: N509 stllndlµ-ds. Th.e ANSI NB.I st_andards allow for a graded approach for 7 effluent monitoring systems and focuses on forced ventilation systems. The pas·sive ventilation system cif 8 the caissons does not allow for timely extractive sampling of the effluent due to the low effluent flow 9 volumes. WAC 246-247-075 requires that the quality assurance program be compatible with ASME

IO NQA-1. Quality assurance for the Near Facility Monitoring sample collection and analyses will be 11 implemented in accordance with the NESHAP Method 114 requirements.

12 The HEP A filters are in-place leak tested annually or upon replacement in accordance with a written 13 procedure that addresses testing and visilal inspections based on ASME N510 and ASME N5l I, and shail 14 have a minimllDl ~ffici.ency of99.95% as.required by DOE Handbook DOE-HDBK-1169-2003 at normal 15 operating flow rate. In addition, filters will be aerosol tested when replacement filters are manufactured. 16 The mariufacturettests the filters to verify it meets the 99.97% aerosol test performance criteria.

11 19 References

18 06°ESD-00!9, K.A. Klein, DOE/RL to A.W .. Conklin, WDOH "Hanford Site Diffuse and Fugitive 19 Radtoactive E111issio11 ~urces'' dated Nove111.ber 28, 2005

20 40 CFR 60, "Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources," Appendices A-1 through A-8, "Test 21 Methods," C.ode of Federal Regulations. Available at: 2009-title40-vol7/pdf/CFR-2009-title40-vol7-part60.pdf.

23 40 CFR 61, "National Emission Standards for Air Poilutants," Subpart H, "National Emission 24 Standards for Emissions ofRadionuclides Other Than Radon from Department of Energy 25 Facilities," Code of Federal Regulations. Available at: 20 I 0-title40-vol8/xml/CFR-201 0-title40-vol8-part61-subpartH.xmL

27 AIR 92-107, A. W. Conklin, WDOH, to J. D. Bauer, DOE/RL, "Surveillance Report Generated by the 28 DOH of KE and KW Basin on 09/16/1992," dated October 5, 1992.

29 AIR 05-807, A.W. Conklin, WDOH, to K.A. Klein, DOE/RL, "Documentation of Wednesday, August 30 17, 2005 meeting between Department of Health, Departriient of Ecology, Department of 31 Energy and DOE contractors', dated August 29, 2005

32 ANSI Nl3.I, 2011, Sampling and Monitoring R.e.leases of A.irlxime &ifi.iO<Jctive S.ubstancesfrom ~he 33 Stacks and Ducts of Nuclear Facilities, Rev. 11, American National Standards Institute, 34 New Y <irk, New York.

35 AOP-00-05-06, 2009, HanfordSite Air Operating Permit, Renewal2 -Revision A, Washington State 36 Department of Ecology, Richland, Wasllingt.on. AvaiJal,le at: 37 a/.

38 ASME AG-I, 1991, Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatmeili, Rev. 12, American Society ofM~haliical 39 Engineers, New York, New Yor~.

40 ASME N509, 1989, Nuclear Power Plant Air-Cleaning Units and Components with Addenda, American 41 Society ot'Mechanical Engineers, :New York, Nevv York.




.. FORTHE2113-W-4B CAISSONS .. . .

1 ASME.N510, 1989, .Testing of Nuclear Air-Treatment Systems, American Society of Mechanical 2 Engineers, New York, New York.

3 ASME NQA-1, 2012, Quality Assurance Reijtiirementsfiir Nuclear Facilities Applications, Rev. 12, 4 American Society ofMechanicaCEngineers, New York, New York.

5 DOE/RL-91-50, 2008, Environmental Monitoring.Plan United States Department tif Energy Richland 6 Operations Office, Rev. 4, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, Richland, 7 Washington. Available at: 8 Doc?accession= E00 17952.

9 DOE/RL-2006°29, 2010, Calculating Potential-to0Emit Radiological Releases and Doses, Rev. I, 10 U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, Richland, Washington. Available at_: 11

12 DOEIRLs2013-18, 2013,.Hanford Site Environmental Report/or Calendar Year 2012,.Rev. 0, 13 U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operatiogs Office, Richland, Washington. Available at_: 14 RevO (9-20-15 13) 2012 complete Report.pdf.

16 RCW 43.21C, "State Environmental Policy;" Revised Code of Washington, Olympia, Washington. 17 Available at: /default.aspx?cite=43.21 C.

18 State Environmental Protection Act, Environmental Coordination Section, Washington State Department 19 of Ecology, Olympia, Washington . .Available at: review.html.

21 WAC 197-11, "SEP A Rules," Washington Administrative Code, Olympia, Washington .. Available at: 22 AC/default.aspx?cite= 197-11.

23 WAC 197-11-845, "SEPA Rules," "Department of Social and Health Services," Council on 24 Environmental ~ty, Washington Admir_tistra_tjve Code, Olympia, Washington. Available at 25 AC/default.aspx?cite=l 97-11-845.

26 WAC 246-247-030, "Radiation Prote_ction-Air Emissions/' "Definitions/' Wash_ington Admi_n_istrative 27 Code, Olympia, Washington. Available at: 28 AC/default.aspx?cite=246-247-030.

29 WAC 246°247°085, "Radiation Protection-Air Emissions," '-'Compliance-Determination for Existing 30 Emission Units and Facilities/' Washington Ad1JU,nistr<itHie Code, Olympia, Washington. 31 Available at: AC/default.aspx?cite=246-247-085.

32 WAC 246-247-110, "Radiati_on Protectiol)-Air Emissions," Appendix A, "Appiicatioh Information 3 3 Requirements," W asliington Administrative Code, Olympia, Washington. Available at: 34 AC/default.aspx?cite=246-247-l 10.

35 WDOH, 2012, Radioactive Air Emissions License For The Department of Energy Richland Office 36 Hanford Site License, License Number FF-01, Office of Radiation Protection, Washington 37 State Department of Health, Olympia, Washington. Available at: 38





Table 1. Calculation of PTE by Caisson

--- ---- .. --- ... -- ---·-----· ~-- -- - ---·- -- . ---- .-- -~, . -· --· . - --- '. . - - . Isotope Al'~Total Reiease_ Fraction• TotalPTE

(Ci) . (Ci/yr)

Am-241 1.-3760E+OO l-.OOE-03 L38E-03 Ce-144 1.0000E-02 !.OOE-03 J.OOE-05

H-3 2.7960E+o3 !.OOE-03 2.80EOO PU.a239 3.5398E+:02 l.OOE-03 3.5'1E-01 Pm-147 3.0300E+.02 l.OOE-03 3.03E-Ol Sr090 2,5000E+o2 !.OOE-03 2,50E-01

total Detliigamma (Sr-90) 1.4899E+o4 1.00E-03 1A9E+ol Th-232 8.9892E-04 l.OOE-03 8.99E-07

uranium-depleted (1]"235) l.1310E-02 l.OOE-03 l.13E-05 uranium-enriched (U-238) 2.5920E-01 l.OOE-03 2.59E-04 11!1lajum-DJ!tural (U-738) l.3433E..()3 l.OOE-03 1.:34~-06

TOTAL 1.86E-+-Ol !iill?,g . . . ' .

• • ch, , !·' • ' ~ • ,_ . ; ' '_t,. ,G ,. '

PU-239 3.2890E001 l.OOE-03 3.29E-04 toW ~gamma (Sr-90) 2.0000E+ol f.OOE-03 2.00E-02 uranium-enriched (U-238) l .O_SOOE-05 l.OOE-03 1.0SE-08

TOTAL 2.03&-02 rv-;;..-,>1> ' • • ' • I :8,L!.)I.S(!/; ., ,,~

Ce-144 8.9610E+OO l.OOE-03 8.96E-03 ~-238 3.9330E+OO LOOE-03 3.93E-03 J:>U-239 2.4755E+o2 l.OOE-03 2.48E-Ol Pm~l47 2.830iE+o2 i.OOE-03 2.8.3E-Of

cs-131 8.96iOE+oO i.\)OE-03 8.9~E-03 6.3446E+OO l.OOE-03 6.34E-03 l.5979E-ci2 LOOE-03 l.60E-05 6.8001,E-02 tQQE-03 6.SOE-05

total beta/gamma (Sr-90) l.OOE-03 5.81E+o0 Th-232 6.-3866£-03 l.OOE-03 6.39E-06

L1§4)E-02 l.OOE-03 l.16E-05 uranium-enriched(U.~238) 6.5947E-02 . l.OOE-03. 6.59E-05






C:s-137 PU-239

tQIJil ~g~ (S_r,90) uranium-depleted_(U-i3s)


APQTotaf .· (Ci)

1.3760E+O0 3.5398E+02 I .48\i~~+0.4 1.1310E-02

~el_ease Fr~c_tior

L00E-03 t.00E-03 t.0OE-03 J.()0E-03

'fotalPTE. · , (Ci/yr)

- ---·..:.

t.38E-03 3.54E-01 L49E+0_t l.13E-Q5 1.S3E+ol

.-·~, ·•. ,:, .. ,. .• ,, ., •. ~"~·~"7°. ,~l" "•:·-··•,·. -,. ~--.,"'-=,·~<l· ·"• ,:,,M~Sl!,JJ-11 'i',,I', ,°'-~~~- ,,t~ ...

Co-60 l.9247E+o4 1.00E-03 C::r-51 I.0000E-01 t .()()JJ-03

- - ---·

Cs013_4 3-0®9!:-01 J.00E-03 Cs-137 l.6588E+02 i.O0E-03 Eu-1?4 2.700(_)E-OI 1.061{-03 Sr-90 8.13l2E+O0 J.0OE-03

totaj ~g8J!llllll (~r-90) 7._902(\_J;:+(}4 ~ .0(l_l:l-03 Fe-59 2.0460E+OO I.00E-03 Mn-54 3.6230E+o0 i.OOE--03

~i!~106 . _2.340Q~J 1,Qci~3 Sbsl25 2.0000E-02 I.00E-03 Zr-95 3.0000E+-Oi i.66E-63


PP-239 8.999_6E+02 l_,QQE-0~ . Np-237 7.7550E-06 1.00E-03 Cs-137 3.0087E+-Ot i .o<iE-Q3 Th-232 9.7482E-04 1.00E-03 sr-9<i 3.00001:l+0I 1:oo_E-03

total beta/gamnia (Sr-90) 3.6267E+04 t.!)0E-03 uranium-depleted (U-235) 3.6771E-03 1.00E-03 uramum-eiirictied ({J~2Js) 9.0569E-02 i.00E--03 uramum-natilral (i.J-238) 3.4900E--07 J.00E-03

Ru-106 I.0IOOE+00 1.00E-03



l.92E+OI 1.00&04 3.00E-04 1.66E-01 2.20E-04 8.13E-03 7_,90E+OI 2.0SE-03 3.62E-03

2.00E-05 3.00E-02 4.SSE-+-01

:l,~1'~1 9. Q.Q l;;-!l. I 7.76E-09 3.0!E-02 9:75E-07 3.0Oi1-0~ 3.63E+OI 3.68E-06 9.06E-Os· 3.49E-10 I.0IE003

3.72E-+-Oi .



Isotope APQTotal. · Reiease Fraction• · TotalPTE (Cl) (Ci/yr)

PU0239 7.5532E+o2 l.OOE-03 7.SSE-01

tot_al i>eW~~ (~r-9()) tOSSOE-+04 i.<>O~Q~ }06~-tQi uranium-depleted (U,235) 2.4039E-04 l.OOE-03 2.40E-07 uranium-enriched (U-238) 6.7.3-23E.-03. LOOJ<:-03 6.?~E-06

.. ~ll!Il-Iiatlifal cQ:-238) §.6893E-95 . l,OOE-93 6,§9E-98 .. TOTAL 2.13E-t-Ol

PUs239 7.8186E+o2 l.OOE,03 7.82E-01 Th-232 2,.97001':-07 LO.O.J<::-0) 2}>71'-}0

total ~gamml! (~~,90) 2.27.36E+Q4 l,OOJ:l-03 2.27E+Ol. uranium-depleted (U:235) .i.8982E-Oi l.OOE-03 1.90:E-07 .

uranium,-enrichc:<l, (lJ-}.38) sJ..ot6~3 l.OOE-03 s.4QE-Q.6_ uranium-natural (U0238) l.1754E-04 l.OOE-03 U8E:,07

U-233 3.4704];:-Q3 LOO:f;-03 3.47.E-06 TOTAL 2.3SE-t-01

PV-239 _1.59.55E+-03 1.00~-03 1,60E+o0 Np:231 9.0945E-04 LOOE-03 9.09£-07 C_o-60 !.6936E+o3 LOOE-03 .L69~+oO. Th-232 9.9068E-04 1.00E-03 9.91E-07 .Po-2.10 7.0000}1+oo LOOE-Q.3 7.00E-03

total ~ta/gamma (Sr-90) 1.9854E+-04 1.00E-03 l.99E+Ol uramum-depleted (0:2:isj 4.32BE-03 f.OOE-03 4.32E-06


wanium~c~:ed N-238) 2.8Q14E--02 1.0QE-03 2.8Q!';:O.$ uranium-natural (U"238) 7.5025E-04 l.OOE-03 7.SOE-07

U-233 3.7982E-Ol LOOE-03 3.80E-04 Arn-241 6.8_8,00E-01 LOQ!}0.3 6.&8E-Q4

TOTAL 2.32E-t-01 ·UNiu£,:;,,t;-;,;:;;;"~,_F,j,~,•~~"'1Bl~YMitfWtilfr~7'fl5fflfmD. :<\._,c,_ ""°'Jl't~_a,.l';·~•·,h>< -~.-., .. ·<·"'·'·,-.:f.ili s,_ , -li ,

totill beta/gamma (sr-90) !.2500E+-02 !.OQl3-0.3 .L25E-Ql TOTAL 1.25E-Ol

• From 40 CFR 61., Appe,:idix D for gases and liquids or particulate solid,s arid WAC 246-247-030(21)(a)






Attachment 2

Redline L_icen_se Format for

Alpha, Mixed Fission Products and UNI Caissons





this page left intenticitially blank


Emission Unit ID: 798 200 MFP -I Caisson 218W4B-MFP-l Caisson


This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218-W.-4B Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALAR.ACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required_# of Units _Additional_ Qescription HEPA-type I Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monit11riog and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring M_e_~sure_~"e1_lt

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method I 14 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near facility ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Stains Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID

218-W-4B Caisson operations

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 3.58E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)) ·

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030( 16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages of TRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE RE.OLINE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply a_ir for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-24.7-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 3.58E+OO mremiyear. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Am-241 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Ce-144 Liquid/Particulate Solid

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

H~3. Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246°247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu-239 3.54E-OI . . ... Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Pm-147 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247:030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mremlyr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma - 1.49E+Ol Liquid/Paitii:ulate·solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

C.ontributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

Th-232 Liquid/Particulate Solid

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

uraniuiri-depleted {U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-enriched (U-238) ·-- ·Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-natural (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes leSs than 0.1 m·rem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEP A-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. lfcontamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.



D.OE/RL-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSEREDLINEFORMAT The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an armual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



Emission Unit ID: 799

200 MFP -2 Caisson

218W48-MFP-2 Caisson


This is a MINOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218-W-48 Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effiuent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius ..

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required # of Units Additional Description

HEPA-type I Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regnlatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Meas_urement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, a,;d N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility moniwring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons.

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID 2 I 8-W-4 B Caisson operations

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 4.26E-05 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons aie used lo store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE REDLINE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 4.26E-03 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Pu-239 3.29E-04 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than· 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma - 2.00E-02 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0. l mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents ·greater than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

uranium-enriched (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030{2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0. l mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An_ alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/l 00cm' alpha or 1000 dpm/l 00cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEP A filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.




Emission Unit ID: 800

200 MFP -3 Caisson

218W4B-MFP-3 Caisson This is a MAJ_OR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218-W-48 Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT


WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required # of Units Additional Descrip_tion HEPA-type 1 PassiveBreather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status ACtiVities invo1ve openitions in support of waste management at the 2 l 8-W4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has I active Notice of Construction.

Project Title

218-W--4 B Caisson operations


Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

Date Approved NOC_ID

1) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 8.41 E-03 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030(16), may be conducted. Underground caissons are used to store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from th_e stored Wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radi_oactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE REDLINE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 8.4 lE-01 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Ce-144 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu-238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents Jess than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents Jess than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu-239 2.48E-0J Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes greater than 0 .1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Pm-147 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l){e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mremlyr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

Cs-137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246:247-030(2l){e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than l 0% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma - Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-enriched (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2J)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents Jess than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



Emission Unit ID: 801

200 MFP -4 Caisson

218W4B-MFP-4 Caisson


This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218-W-48 Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. 1 m. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13.degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required # of Units Additional Description HEPA-type 1 Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monit<1ring and Testing Requirements_

Radionuclides Requiring ~easur~ment

40CFR61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling l'):equency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. lf detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License wlll be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 2 l 8-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID

2 I 8-W-4B Caisson operations

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit fot this Notice of Construction is limited to 2. 72E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed lodividual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted. Underground caissons are used to store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/FU.-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE REDLINE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing; the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-24 7-030(21 )(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 2. 72E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Pu-239 5.39E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid W!i.C 246-247-030(2I)(i:).

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Th-232 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2I)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma- s:SIE+00 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l){e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uraniuiii-enriclied (U:238)" Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l){e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a sinear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/l00cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.




Emission Unit ID: 802

200 MFP -5 Caisson

218W48-MFP-5 Caisson This is a MAJOR. PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

2l8~W-4B Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT


WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Abatement Technology Required # of Units ,Additional Descriptjon .. HEPA~type. . I . ·Passive Bi-eatlier Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and'Umitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice of Construction.

Project Title

218-W-4B Caisson operations

Approval# Date Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)


I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 3.54E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030( 16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages of TRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE REDl,JNE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson ai_rspace.

3) The PIE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 3.54E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Cs-137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246;247-030(2I)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents lesS than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu-239 3.54E-0l Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma - l.49E+0l - · - Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamff_la release rate based on Sr-90

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contri!)utes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME I, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination inclicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



Emission Unit ID: 803

200 MFP -6 Caisson

218W4B-MFP-6 Caisson

DOE/Rl.-2015-18, REV1 uci:::NsE REDLINE FORMAT

This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218~W-48 Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. 1 m. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effiuent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required # of Units _Additional _Description

HEPA-type l Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory _

Monitoring and Testing Reqnirements _

Radionuclides Requiring . Measur_eme_nt _

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method I 14 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Reqnirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM moni_toring requirements. Annually, a ·smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit bas 1 active Notice of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC ID

218-W-4B Caisson operations

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

l) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 5. I 9E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (YI AC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030( 16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages of TRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/RL-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE REDLINE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 5.19E+OO mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Co-60 - 1.92E+O I Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

ContribuJes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents more than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Cr-51 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2I)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Cs-134 [iquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PT.E and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

Cs-137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Eu-154 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Sr-90 Liqtiid/Partfoufate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma - 2.90E+OI Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate.based on Sr-90

Fe-59 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Mn-54 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Ru-106 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247:030(21}(e}

Contribute_s less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Sb-125 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Zr-95 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI. and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20



DOE/Rl.-2015-18, REV 1 LICENSE REDLINE FORMAT dpm/l00cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an armual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.




Emission Unit ID: 793

200 Alpha -1 Caisson

218W48-Alpha-1 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emissi_on unit.

218~W-4B Buriol Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT


WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Ab_atement Technology Required# of Units Additional Description HEPA-type Passive BreatherFilier ·

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed In the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC ID

218-W-48 Caisson operations

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

l) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 8.74E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030( 16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/RL-201~18, REV 1 LICENSE REDLINE FORMAT particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace. ·

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(21 )(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 8.74E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:°

Cs-137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2I)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE an~ rep_resents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu-239 9.00E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Np-237 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247~030(21)(e}

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Sr-90 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l){e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

Total beta/gamma - 3.63E+0I Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l){e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

Th-232 - - Liquid/Particulate Solid - ·wAC246~247~030{2l){e)

Contributes less than 0. 1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abat¢d dose.

uranium-enriched (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l){e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-natural (U-23 8) Liquid/Particulate Solid° WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and.represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Ru-106 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



Emission Unit ID: 794

200 Alpha -2 Caisson

218W4B-Alpha-2 Caisson


This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218-W-4B Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT w AC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Reqnired # of Units Additional Description HEPA-type I Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing RequireJDents

Radionuclides Requiring ~e_as_urement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

. monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 wiB be collected.and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional _Requiremen,s

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Stains Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has I active No.lice of Construction.

Project Title

218-W-4B Caisson operations

Approval# Date Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)


I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 5.77E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages of TRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency




particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 5.77E+00 mremlyear. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Pu-239 7.55E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Total beta/gamma - 2.06E+0 I Liquid/Particulate Solid. ·wAC246-247-030(2 I )(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents great~r than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

-urariiuni-enriched (U'238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-natural (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2I)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpmll 00cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



Emission Unit ID: 795

200 Alpha -3 Caisson

218W48-Alpha-3 Caisson


This is a MAJOR. PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

218-W-4B Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area .. Abatement _T_ecbnology Req llired # of .Units .. Additional Description

HEPA-type Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, to.ta! beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 2 I 8-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has I active Notice of Construction.

Project Title

218-W-4 B Caisson operations

Approval# Date Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)


I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 6.20E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency




particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the ca.isson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2 I )(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 6.20E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Pu-239 7.82E~0l · · LiqU:id/Particufate Solid . WAC246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE·and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. ·

Total beta/gamma-2.27E+0l Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030{2l){e)

Contributes greater tha.n 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

Th-232 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yrto the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l){e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the un·abated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-enriched (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

U-233 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246:247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and rep'res"ents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEP A-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/ 100cm' alpha or 1000 dpm/ I 00cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



Emission Unit ID: 796

200 Alpha -4 Caisson

218W48-Alpha-4 Caisson


This is a MAJOR. PASSIVELY ventilated emission Uhit.

218-W-4B Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. !3 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08_m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Al>at_ell_lenJ Tec_b_nology Required# of Units Additional Description Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements stale enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and.State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

40 CFR 6 I , Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has I active Notite of Construction.

Project Title

218-W-4B Caisson operations

Approval# Date Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)


I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 8.52E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency




particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ainbient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 8.52E+00 . mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Co-60 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247:030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu-239 l.60E+0O- Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 I)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Np-237 Liquid/Particulate ·solid WAC 246-247-030(2I)(e)

Co_ntributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Po-210 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC246'.247-030(2 l )(i:)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME.I, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Total oeta/gainrna:._T99E+0I. Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME1, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE clnd represents greater than 25% of the abated dos.e. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

Th-232 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrery,/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-depleted (U-235) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

uranium-enriche,r(U~238r - - Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% Of the abated dose.

uranium-natural (U-238) Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and r:epresents less than 25% of the abated dose.

U-233 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e).

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

Am-241 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2l)(e)

Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEP A filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.




The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, NSSS, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



,. 11


Emission Unit ID: 804

200 UNl-1 Caisson

218W4B-UNl-1 Caisson This is a MINOR, PASSIVELY'ventilated emission unit.

218-W-48 Burial Trench

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 ft. Im. Stack Diameter 0.3 ft. 0.1 m.

Average Stack Effiuent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack Exhaust Velocity: 0.25 ft/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT


WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Teehnology Required# of Units Additional DeS<:ription HEPA-type I Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

· Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requi,:ements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

40 CFR 61, Appendix B Method 114 Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Fr_equency

Annually for smears and near field ambient

monitoring program

Sampling Requirements An alternate monitoring method is used for the PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEP A filter. The near facility monitoring network samples for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be collected and analyzed in accordance with the near facility monitoring program.

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons.

This Emission Unit has I active Notice of Construction.

Projec.t Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID

218-W-4B Caisson operations

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to l .98E-04 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5))

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons are used to store small packages ofTRU wastes with high levels of radiation awaiting retrieval, treatment, and proper disposal under the applicable federal and state regulations and/or permits. The caissons are reinforced­concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes. This emission unit is passively ventilated on a continuous basis al)owing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent to the ambient air through a high-efficiency



DOE/R),,-2915"18, R~V1 LICl;N$1; REPLINE FORMAT

particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is l.98E-02 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Total beta/gamma - 1.58E-0l Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(e)

Contributes less than 0. I mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than I 0% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90

4) HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

5) An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEP A filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/l00cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected.

The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons.



4 r • ,.

ATTACHMENT3 Page 1 of2

NOTIFICATION OF OFF-PKR1\1IT CHANGE Permit Number: 00-05-006, Renewal 2

This notific~tion is provided to the State of Washjngton, Department cifEcology (Ecology), the Washington S~te DepartmentcifHealth (WDOH); and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as nc,tice of an off-pemnt change, described as follows.

The following changes are allowed pursuant to WAC 173-401 -724( I), WAC 173-401-724(2), aJ!d WAC 173-401-724(6): I. not specifically addre_ssed or prohibited by the.AOP tenns and conditions; 2. Change does not weaken the enforceability of the existing AOP conditions; 3. Changeis not a Title I modification or subject to the acid rain requirements under Title IV ofthe'FCAA; 4. Change meets all !ll'Pii~le requirements and does not violate an existing pennit temi or condition; 5. Change has complied with applicable preconstruction review requirements es~blished pursuant to

RCW 70.94.152.

Descrintion.oftbe cbau:2e: . . .

In Jilly 2006, the twelve (12) passively ven.ted caissons in tlie2l8-W-4B burial trench were closed as legacy sources for the Air Operating Permit (AOP), FF-0 I license. Recently it has been recognized th!l,t these vents are not included in the FF-01 Table 2-1, and that inclusion of the vents into the FF-01 Table.2.1 as insignificant emission u11_its is not appropriate and the caisson vent§ should be licensed individually.

The proposed acti<>n for this Notice of Construction Application (NOCA) is to individually register eleven (11) of the twelve (12) caisson vents as p;JSsive major or minor point sources (WAC 246-247-060(2)). Caisson Alpha-5 does not require registration as it has never been used to store radionuclides. Moni~oring ofa:iremissfons for the 218sW-4B w:ii~ cajssons win be performed using fourexisti_11g ambient air monitors (N-5_55, N-457, N-964, and N-433) that are maintained aji 11~ facility monitors in the WOW A,l:'ea. In addition an alternate monitoring lllethod is proposed to measure emissions for each caisson individually. Each caisson is equipp¢d with a passive HEP A filter as the abatement control technology.

Date of chanl!e: <To be orovided in the iu,encv annroval order.) '.

Upon receipt o:fthe approval order by WDOH arid acceptance of the approval order by DOE/RL . .

Describe the emissions resultin2 from the chanl!'e: This is,an admiriistrat_ive action to incorporate the potential to e111_it estimates from i:he radionuclide inventory currently the 218,W-4B CaissoiJ.s, so there is no physical increase iy e111_iss_i<>ns associated with this NOCA. The emissions estimates in terms of the unabated Total Effective Dose Equivalent to the Maximally Exposed .individual offsite and ons_ite are: ..

• MFP-1 are 3;58E+00 mrem/yr and 2.24E+00 mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP-2 are 4.26E-03 111rem/yi' and 2. I 6E-c03 mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP0 3 are:8.4 IE-01 mrem/yr and l .43E+OO mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP-4 are 2.72E+o0 mrem/yr and 3. ISE+o0 mrem/yr respectively; . -- . . " ,.

April 2013, Rev. 0

. ,,., "

• MFP-5 are 3.54E+o() llll'em/yr and 2.23E+OO mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP-6 are 5J9E+OO mrem/yr and 9.67E-OI mrem/yr respec:tjvely;

• Alpha0 I are 8.74E+o0 mrem/yr and 5.65E+o0 mrem/yr respectively;

• Alj>ha-2 are 5.77E+OO mrein/yr and 4.59E+o0 mrem/yr respectively;

• Alpha-3 are 6.20E+OO mrem/yr and 4.78E+oO mrem/yi' respectively;

• Alpha-4 are 8.52E+o0 mrem/yr and 9.41E+o0 mrem/yr resp~vely;

• UNI-I are l.98E-02 mrem/yr and l.84Es03 mrem/yr respectively.

The c11.k:~lated .abl!t.ed offsite and o\isite TEDE to the MEI for each caisson are:

• MFP-lare 3.:58E-02 mrern/yr@d 2,24E-02 mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP-2 are 4.26E-05 mrem/yr and 2. I 6E-05 mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP03 are 8.41E-03 mrem/yr and 1.43E-02 mrem/yr respectively;

• MFP-4 are 2.72E-02 rnrem/yr and 3.ISE-02 mrem/yrrespectively;

• MFP-5 are 3,S4E-02 mrern/Y!' anc:l 22.3E-02 11Jrern/yr respectively;

• MFP-6 are 5.19E-02 mrem/yr and 9.67E-03 mrem/yr respectively;

• Alj>ha-1 are 8. 74E-02 mrem/yr and.5.65E-02 mrem/yr respectively;

• Alpiµl.-2 are 5.77E-02 mrem/yr and 4.59E-02 rnrem/yr resjlectively;

• Alphas3 are 6.20E-02 mrem/yr and 4.78E-02 mrem/yrr~pectively;

• Alpha-4 are 8.52E-02mrem/yr and 9.4JE:02 mrem/yr respectively;

• UNI-I are l.98E-04 mrem/yraiid l.84E-05 mrem/yr respectively.


Describe the new applicable reqnireD1en~ will apply as a result of the change: <To be·nrovided in the aaen,.,., annroval order.) TheNOCA contains the proposed requirements in greater detail, but these are sUJDmarize.d below:

• HEP A-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually

• An alternate m~>nitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements .. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEP A filter as a contl!nfination indicator .. If detectable contain.ip.lltio.i:i is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abaterilentverification sample, If contamination above 20 dpm/100clll2 alpha or I 000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downs.tre:am of the HEPA filter, the.source of the downstream contiiriiiriation will be investigated and corrected.

Tlie i:i~ facility monitoring network data for statioiisN433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caisson. ... .. .. . - --

April 2013, Rev. 0

L--6-#4 4-1 l



June 18, 2015 309 Bradley Blvd., Suite 201 • Richland, Washington 99352•

TDD Relay Service: 1-800-833-6388

Ms. Stacy Charboneau, Manager Urrited States Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O. Box 550, MSIN: AS.-14 Richland, Washington 99352

Re: Notice of Construction (NOC) Application Review


Reference: · L Letter 15-AMRP-0177 (IM# 8,521),Stacy Charboneau (USDOE) to John Martell (WDOH), "Burial GroUl).d 211!-W-4!3 Caissons, Transmittal of Notification of Off0 pennit Change and Radioactive Air Emissions Notice of COristrilctib11.Application."

Ms. Charboneau:-

This letter doc ___ um1::11ts:th_ e COlllpleteness review of the Refere_nce _1 NOC ap' ph_-~ c~av ·on. No further information is require~_ as the application has been·deemed complete per wasru.,gton Adniiriistrative Code {WAC) 24~24 7-110 Appendix A - Application Info.rmation Requirements.

As.referenced in WA} 246-247-060(lb), we had JO days t~ perform this coinpll teriess review· from the date the application was received (May 19, 2015). f As WAC 246,24 7-060(1c ), within 60 days of the determination of completeness,

. the department shall issue a license. We will work with your staff to have this Hc~nse i_s_stu:d 1:iy August 17, 201_5.

If you have any questions regarding this approval, please col_\~ Mr- ThomasP. Frazier at (509) 946s0774. --

Sine:/ /~

~~u-~;;-John Martell, Manager Radioactive Air Emissions Section

cc: (see m:xt p~ge)

Public Health· Always Working for a Safer and Healthier Washi_ngton

® ..... 155 G

Ms. Stacy Charboneau June 18, 2015 Page 2 of2

cc: Ruth Allen, WRPS Matthew Barnett, PNNL Shawna_ eerven, \VDOH Lucinda Borneman, WRPS Lee Bostic,.BNI Cliff Clark, USPOE-RL Jack Donnelly, WRPS Rick Engelmann, CHPRC Dennis Faulk,-EP A Thomas Frazier, WDOH Gary Fritz, MSA Phil Gent,. Ecology Dale Jackson, USDOE-RL ReedKaldor, MSA Paul JS.arschnfa, CHPRC Ed MacA!ister, USDOE-RL Valarie Peery, Ecology Joroi, Sc}µmd!, WDOH Maria Skorska, Ecology Jeff Voogd, WRPS Joan Woolard, MSA Davis Zhen, EPA Environmental Portal RAEST!'llcking: i,i e 859; Resp. to iM 8;521; NOCs 960thru 970; EUs 793 798 thru 804 .

AIR 15-611

796 and



309 Bradley Blvd., Suite 2/JI • Richlancj, Washington 99352

TDD Relay Service: 1.·800-833-6.188

August.I 7, 2015

CERTIFIED MAIL 7004 2890 0001 9162 0630

Ms. Stacy Charboneau, Manager United States Departmem of Energy Richland Operaticiris Office P.O. Box 550, MSTN:-AS-14 Richland, Washington 99352

Ms. Charboneau:

AQl 15-817

Re:. 28-Day Draft Radioactive Air Emissions Licenses (RAELs), Ernission Unit (EU) S~iftc, to Re-Register Burial Ground 218° W 4B Caissons to be Included in the Next Revision of the FF-0 I Liceilse

Ms. Charbonea_u:

Pursuant to Chaptfr 246-247 of the Wa,5h_i_ngton Admini_~ive Code (WAC), your license revisions will be approved according to the enclosed EU specific licenses (s~ list on page 3).

The Washington State Departmerit.ofHealth (DOH) considers the conditions, controls, monitoring requirements, and limitations of these licenses integral to approval of your applications.

These approvals shall take effect, and final approval letters issued (individually), twenty-eight (28) days after you receive tltis letJ;~r. ~nless you apply for l!n adjudicative pt9ceeding, as described below.

If you accept the conditions and lirilitatioris of these approvals arid do not wish to apply for an adjudicative proceeding, but wish to proceed under these approvals before the 28 days have elapsed, please notify us in writing an_d the DOH \'Jill issue the final approval letters. Your notice sltou_ld b.e mailed or faxed to:

DOH - Office of Radiation Protection Radioactive Air Emissions Section 309 Bradley Blvd., Suite 201 Richland, Washington 99352 FAX: (509) 946-0876 EM.AIL: A

Public He_alth - Always Working for a Safer and Healthier Washington


Ms. Stacy Cliarbon~u August 17, 2015 Page2of3

AIR 15-817

Ifthere are concerns with the conditions and limitations of the approvals, please notify the DOH. If attempts to re59lve the.concerns fail; !lie DOH wiJJ de:iny your application and you may contest the conditions and limitations of these approvals, within 28 days ofreceipt, by filing the enclosed Request for Adj',l)iicative Proceeding or a document providing substantially the same information with theDOH,.Adjudicative Service Unit (ASU), in a riianner that shows proof of service on the ASU. The A_SU's address is:

DOH - Adjudicative Service Unit 31 O Israel Road SE P.O. Box47879 Olympia, Washington 98504-7879


If you have any questions regarding these draft approvals, please contact Mr. Thomas Frazier at or, by phone,.at (509) 946-0774.

Jolin Martell, Manager Radioactive Air Emissions Section

Enclosures: (I) Applicable Draft EU Specific Licenses (11 in total), as noted on page 3. (2) Request for Adjudicative Proceeding

cc: Ruth Allen, WRPS Matthew Bainett, PNNL Shawna Berven, WDOH Lucinda Borneman, WRPS Lee Bostic,. BNI Cliff Clark, USDOE-RL Jack Donnelly, WRPS Ri~k Engelmann, CHPRC Dennis Faulk, EPA Eric FallSt, USDOE-RL Thomas Frazier, WDOH Gacy Fritz; MSA Philip Gerit, Ecology R_eed Kaldor, MSA Paul Karschnia, CHPRC Ed MacAlister, USDOE-RL

Valarie Peery, Ecology John Schmidt, WDOFI Jeff Voogd, WRPS Joan Woolard, MSA Dayis Zhen, EPA Environmental Portal RAES Tracking: L.ine 859; EUs 793,796, 798-. 804; NOCs 960-970

Ms. Stacy Charboneau August 17, 2015 Page 3 of3


I. NOC 960, EU 798: 200W I Caisson Operation

2·. NOC 961, EU 799: 200W 2 Caisson Operation

3. NOC 962, EU 793: 200W Alpha I Caisson Operation

4. NOC 963, EU 79.4: 200W Alpha 2 Caisson Operation

5. NOC 964, EU 795: 200W Alpha 3 Caisson Operation

6. NOC 965, EU 796: 200W Alpha 4 Caisson Operation

7. NOC 966, EU 800: 200W 3 Caisson Op\:ratioit

8. NOC 9.67, EU 801: 200W 4 Caisson Operation

9. NOC 9.68, EU 802: 200W 5 Caisson Op:eration

I 0. NOC 969, EU 803.: 200W 6 Caisson Operat_ion

11. NOC 970, EU 804: 200W UNI! CaJsson Operatio_n

AIR iS-817

Emission Unit ID: 798

20.0W 218W4B-#I Caisson 200W I Caisson Tl_t_is is a MAJO~, PAS.SJYE_L Y ventila~ emissior,i uni~.

200 West. BuriaJ Grounds

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. i3 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state.only enforceable: WAC,246-247--010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement·Technology Required # of Units


Nlon)tori.r:19 Requirements


Additional Descripti.on Breather Filti:r

state enforceable: WAC 246-247--040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regnlatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114

Radionnclides Requiring Measnrement

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling· Freqnency

Annually for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

AddltlOnal R8qUirer'ri81'1ts

Additional monitoring_or sampllng l'.EIQUiren,ents. established by U,is License will be listed in the Conditions and Un:iltatlons section, if applicable.

Operational Statns Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-.4B Caissons

This Ernission Unit has 1 active Notice(s) of C.onstruction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID 200W I Caisson Operation Not Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC·246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 3.58E-02 mrem/yearto the Maximally ~;,cposed µ (WA<:. 246-247--040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modificaiion" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Undergro.und c.aissons contain stnall closed packages {I to Hi gallon 'paint cans') ofremote handled (RH) mixed fission product.(MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels ofradiaiion. A small percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-c0ncrete cylind"<rs buried approx_imately 4 meters below grade. The ca,issons ·have 0.9 meter diameter inlet cliiltes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial tren~h c0n:tai.ns twelve (12) cais.sons. This caiss0n MFP-1 co11.tain.s beta/gainma con~inat~~ wa,st.e. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste. to vent the ambient air through.a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg wi:(l be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn fr<im ambient air rather than the caiss<in airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246°24 7-030(21 )( a-e) [ as specified in the application] is 3.-58E+OO mrem/year; Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 3 for EU_ID 798

Am -241 Liquid/Particulate Soiid WAC 246-247--030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yrto the MEI, and represents 18ss than 10% of the unabated PTE·and represents less than 25% of the abated d6se.

Beta -0 1.49E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21)(0) Contributes greater than 0.1 rrirern/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Ce - 144 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21 )(e) Contributes less_ than o.·1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE.and represents less than :!°5% of the abated" dose.

H-'3 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21)(8) Contributes l_ess. ttian 0.1 m_rem/yr to the ~El, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than .2"5% of. ·the abated d0s8. - · - - - - - - - · ·

Pm - 147 Liquid/Particulate Solid l/1/A_C 246-247--030(21)(0) ContributEls less than'Bm/yr to the MEI, and repr8Sents.lesS tha"ri 10% Of the unabated PTE and rBPreSElnts leSs thaii 25% of the atiaied dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pu -239 3.54E-0_1 Liqui_d/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--0_30(21 )(e) Contrib·utes _greater thaii 0.1 ml"8ITl/yf fo the MEI, 8nd 1'8preS8nts greate·r than 10% o_f th8 ul'lab"at8d PTE and represents greater tna·n 25% Of tl'le clbated dose. , · · ·

Sr- 90 Liquid/Particulate Solid· WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Coi1tritiutes less than 0. 1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less tha·n 10% of the Unabated PTE and represents less th·an 25% of the abated dose

Th-232 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI,, and represents less than 10% of the ·unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose

U -235 Liquid/Particulate-Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEl,·.and represents less than 10% of the ·unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose

U -238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and repl'8S8nts less than 25% of the abated dose

The radioac.tive isotope:s identified for this emission unit are (nci quantities spe:<;ified): Arn - ?41 Ce -144 H - 3 Pm" 147 Pu - 239

Sr-90 Th-232 U-235 U -23_8

The potential release rates described in this Condition were·used to determine control technologies and.monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247°-030(16). DO~ m_11st notify the Department of any changes to a N_ESHAP major emission ((nit when a specific isotope is newly contributing greater than I 0% of the potential TEDE to the MEI,.or greater than 25% of theTEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246,247-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any•changes to potential release rat.~ as required by stat~ or federal regulat_ions inctuding ch,mges that would constiNte a significant modification to the Afr Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4 ). Notice will be provided according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not sol.ely by copies o'r docwrien_ts_.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)). 5) ALTERNATIVE METHOD APPROVAL

An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for_ the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be take!) upstream of the HEPA fi_lter as a cont_ami_naticininclicator. If det!)ctal,le c.ontariiination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100crn2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100crn2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA fiher, the s_ource oftl,.e downstrel)lll contamil(ation wii_lbe investigated an_d correct_ed ( WAC 246-247-030(17)).


Th_e near facility monitoring netvvork data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual Page 2 of 3 fer EU_ID 798

basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons ( WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 3 of 3 for EU_ID 798

Emission Unit ID: 799

200W218W4B-#2 Caisson 200W 2 Caisson This is a MINOR, PASSIVELY v_entilated emiss_ion unit.

200 West Burial Qrounds

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height:. 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Avei:age S_t_ack Efflucmt Ten1pei:a!)lre_: 55 degrees.Filhrenl)_eit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)


Zone or Area Abatement.Technology Required# of Units Additional Deserip#on

HEPA Passive Bread!-'" Fil_ter

Monitoring Requlre111ents state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radi.onueiides Requiring Measurement

Sampling Frequency

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114.

Total alpha, total beta Annualy for smears and near field.ambient mo_niforing program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

A~d_itl~nal Re:qU.i~fflGri~ Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations s~tion, if applicab_le.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit.has 1 active Notice(s) of C.onstniction.

Project Title Approval # Date Approved NOC_ID

200W 2 Caisson Operation Not Approved

Conditions (state only eMorceable: WAC.246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 4.26E-05 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activiti_es or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Undergro_und caissons contain small closed packages (I to 10 gallon 'paint caris') of remote hand_led (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels ofradiation. A small percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages·were dropped down the caisson chute. The.caissons are reinforced-concrete cyii_n_ders buried approx_i111_ately 4 ,_neters below grad". The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine frorii the stored wastes aild equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 2 I 8-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caisso'!!'. This caisson MFP-2 contains beta/gamma contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent the ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will b_e valved. su_c_h tha_t supply air for th_e test is drawn from amb~en_t air ratiu;r than th~ ca:isson . airspace ..

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247--030(2 l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 4.26E-03 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 ftir EU_ID 799

B/G-0 2.00E-02 Liquid/Parti~la_t<a Solid WAC 246-247..()30(21 )(e} Contributes greater than o: 1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater thari 10% of the unabated PTE arid represents gr8i:lt8ithan·2s% of the Sbatad d058.

Pu -239 3.29E-04 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0} Contributes greater than 0.1. mrem/yr to the MEI,· and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater. than· 25% of the abated dose.

U-238 c_o,:itri~_utes les_s than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less ·than fO% of the unabated PTE and ~presents less than 25% of the abated dose.

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Pu - 23·9 U - 238

The potential release rates described in this Co_nditicin were used to detetniine cO:ntro_l technologies and n1on_itcirilig requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247--030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific is:Otcipe is newly identified as contributing greater than lo¾ of the poten_tial TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246,247-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to potential release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute,a significant modification to th_e Air Operl!ting Permit un~ WAC 173-401-7i5( 4). Notice wiil be provided acccirdin:g to the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documen_ts.


HEPA-type breather fil~ers shail be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030( 4)).


An alternate monitoring-method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. An1i11B.~ly, a smear wiilbe tak:e_n upstream of the HE:PA filter as a con_tamination indicator. If detectable contamination is cliscoveted, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2.beta/gamma is found downstream of the HE.PA filter, the source of th_e downstre_am contamination wifl be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030( l 7)).


The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, NSSS, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons ( WAC246-247-030(17)).

Page 2 of-2 for EU~ID 799

Emission Unit ID: 793

ioow i1sW4B-Aipba-l Caisson · 200W Alpha 1 Caisson

This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ·veritilated eniisSiOD

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Un_i_t lnfo_nnl(l~ion

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Average$tack Effluent.Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 1-3 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack_ Exhaus_tVelocity: 0.25 ft/second, 0.0_8 ril/second.

Abate.me_nt Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only erifcirceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area . A1!atement Technolol!}'. ___ .. .. Re(!~ed # of Units


Monitoring Requirements


__ A!iditional Description

Passive B_reather Filter

state enfO:rceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enfO:rceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State l_{eglilll!Ofy

Monitoring and Testing !{!quire'!lents

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114.

RadionucUdes Requiriitg ~~~j(re:l_!l~ti:t

Total ~lpha, total beta

SampUng F ..... . req'!e.f!_Cy

- ---Aruiualy for sm""'"5 and near field ambient monitoring program.

SampUng Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

Ad_d_itJ_or:,al Requi_rerrie_l".'ltB

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operiltio~ Sta~s A_ctivities i_nvolve operations in support ofwast_e managetn_ent a) t_he 21_8-W-4:B Ca_issoris

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice(s) of Construction.

Project Title Approval I! Dat_e Approved NOC_iD

200W Alpha l Caisson Operation Not Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247~040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total aba_ted emission limit for this Notice of Constru_ction is ii_m_i_tedt_o 8.74E--02 ll))"em/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute.a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be ·conducted.

Underground caissons contain.small closed packages (I to 10 gallon 'paint cans') ofremote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of tl;te package !_ids bec_at11e unsea_Ied wi)~n the i,:ackages wc:rre droppe<l down the caisso:1_1 ch_ute. The cais:so.n:s are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute ~ap to seal off the seconda.ry pathway for fugi_tive.emissi_ons. 1],e.218-W -48 burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson Alpha I contains alpha contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent the ambient air t_!irough a high-efficiency i>:'!rt_it:ul_ate a_i_r (HEPA) _filter. !>utiµg flit~ aeroso_i testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air-rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this determined under WAC 246-247--030(21 )(a-e) [ as specified in the application] is 8.74E+OO mrem/year. Approved are the associated pot!llltial release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 f<!r EU_ID 793

B/G - 0 3.63E+O 1 Licj"uid/Particulate Solid WAC 246'247--030(21 )( 0) Contributes greater thBn 0.1_ riif'Bm/yr to th8' MEI, iirid _rep·re·sents gr8St8r ttiiiri 10% of the unabi:ited PTE a·nd r8pre·sents 9i-eat8Fthan25%0fth8.abatecfdose. · · · · ··· ·· · - · · · ·

Cs - 137 i.iquid/Particu_late Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mr8i"n/yr to the MEl,-and represents less than 10% of the unabate·d PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Np-237 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yrto the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu - 239 9.00E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC·246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes greater tt:ian 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 1·ci% of the unabated PTE and repi-esents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Ru -106 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247'030(21)(0) Contribu_tes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents tess than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of ihe abated dose. · ·

Sr - 9.0 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC:, 246-247-030(21 )(ei) G:O.i:iP'i1?,1:1_t~S l~Ss tha;1:1 0.1 m.reri:1/yr t9 the ~-1;1, a_i:id r8pr~en41, less th~n 1 Q°4, of the ~na~Sted PT_E_ ~nd ~Pre)i~n~ l~Ss th"an 25% of the abated dose.

Th -,132 Uquid/Particula_te Solid WA(; 246-247-03()(21)(8) Contrib_ut8s l_ess ttiim0.1 nirem/yr to th8 MEI, arid represents less th·an 10%.of.thEt UnabatEid PTE_ 8fid·l'81)res8nts leSS tticiri 25% of th8 ab·ated doSe. . . . . . . . - . . - .

U-235 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21 )( 0) Contributes less ttian 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less.than 10% of the Unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

U,238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE ahd represents less than 25%.ofthe abated dose.

Th_e radioactive isotopes identified for this @ission unit are (no qiiant_ities spec.i_fied):

Cs- 137 Np -237 Pu - 239 .R.u -106 Sr - 90

Th -232 U --235 U-2~

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this ·approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must noti_fy the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission uni_t wli.en a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246°247,110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to potential release rates as required by st.ate 9~ federal regula~ions includ_ing ch~g~s that would cc:mstj_tute a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4 ). Notic.e will b.e provided according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies ofdocilinerits.


HEPA-type breather fiiters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030( 4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable cont,i;minaticiil is discoyered, a smear will be taken d<:>wristr_eani. of the HEPA filter as an abat@erit verifica_tion sample. If contamination above.20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2.beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030( 17)).


The 1_1.~ar facility m<:>riitofiiig riehyork d_ata for s_tatioris N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on a:n annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247..()30(17)).

Page 2 of 2 ~r EU_ID. 793

Emission Unit ID: n4 200W 218W4B-Alpha 2 Caisson 200W Alpha 2 Caisson 1'.his is a PyiA.iOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit lnfO:rmation

Stack H:tjght: 3.00 ft_. 0.9_1 m. St!'Ck Di_amet"' o_._30 ft.

Average.Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13.degrees Celsius.

Average S(¥k ExhaustVelocity: .0.25 ft/second. 0.08 mlsecond. ' Abatement Technoloe:y ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable:.WAC 246°247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or A)"~ Ab_ate~"i!t Te_chno_l~gy Requ.ired # of Uni_ts


Monitoring Requirements

0.09 in.

A_dditio11al _Desc_riptiol_!

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC"246-247C040(5), 060(5), arid federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State !{egula!~!Y

Monitoring and Testing . R!9ulr_e_me1Jts. __ . __ ... _

40 CFJ.l. 61, Appendix B, M~od 114.

Radionuclides Requiring ~~as1:,1jem£rit

T ot_al_ alpha, t_otal be_t.'!

Sampling Ji'••ii\i.!'n~y

Anriualy for smear.s and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sa)np_ling RNiiirenieµt_s Sm"°' sample upstream ofHEPA_ fiher, Near facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

Additional Requirements

Additional monitOring or sa_mpllng requirements established by this Licen58.will oe·listed in the ConditiOns and Limitations section, if applicable.

Op_erational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at th_e 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notlce{s) of Construction.

ProJe:ct Tit_l~ Approval # D_a~e. ApP.roved NOC::_1D 200W Alph~ 2 Caisson OJiO:ratiC,:fi Not Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), o·60(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 5. 77E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (W AC-246-247'040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the · approved activities that constitute a "'modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246,247,030(16),

inay be conduct_ed.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages (I to 10 gallon 'paint cans') ofremote handled (RH) m_ix_ed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels ofradiation. A small percentage ofthe package lids became unsealed w:heft the packages vvere dropped down the caisson chute_. The caissons are reinforced-concrete-cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade .. The c_aissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and eqiiipj>ed with an ii,i_et c_hute cap to seal off th_e s_ecoµdafy pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson Alpha 2 contains alpha contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste. to vent the ambient air through a nigh-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace:

3) The PTE forthis project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(21)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 5.77E+OO rnre11Vyear. Approved ai:e the associa_ted.potenti_al release rates (Cw:ies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 for EU_ID 794

Beta - 0 2.06Et01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes greater th_an_ 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME( and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated. dose. - · - - · · · · ·

Pu - _239 7.55E-01 Liquid/Particulate W,AC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contrit)l1tes Q!'flater ·than 0_.1_ rTiie'm/yr to thEt ME_l, a·nd l'Elp"resEtntS greater thari 10% of th8 UnabatEid PTE arid represents gr8ater-th8n 25%.of the clbated dose. · · ·

u -235 LiquidiParticulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated .PTE and represents less.than 25%.otthe abated dose.

U-·238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(8) Contributes less than 0. {mrem/yr to the MEt and represents less than 10% of the unabated.·P-TE and. represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

iJ,.e rad}oac:tive i_s)>tope:s ide_nti_fied for ihis e_mission unit are (no quantities specified): Pu-2_39 U-235 U-238

The potential release rates describ_ed in this Condition were used to deteriiiirie cmitrol technologies and nioriitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the De_partment of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247--030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or gre;iter than 25% of theTEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC246-247-l 10(9)) DOE must notify the De_partment of any changes to potential release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a significant modification to the Air Qp_erating Peririit i1i1der WAC 173-401-725(4). Not_i_ce wi)l be provided according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. Ifthe.applicable.regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the De_partment with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not sol_c:ly by copies of documents.


}!EPA-type brt1~ther filters shall be ~eros:ol t~s/ed annu_aily (WAC 246-i47-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use forthe continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. ~.n11ally, a smear vvill be takenupstre:an:i of t_he HEPA filter as a contamin_ation indicat_or. If d~_tectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/ I 00cm2 alpha or I 000 dpm/ I 00cm2 beta/ gamma is found downstream of the H_EPA filt~, thfsoiirce of the doWJ!Stream cont_amin~/.ion "(ill be investig~ted and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The.near facility monitoring network data for-stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247'030( 17)).

Page 2 cit 2Jrir'EU_ID 794'

Emission Unit ID: 795

1.00W 218W48-Alpha 3 Caisson 20.0W Alpha 3 Caisson This is a MAfOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit 1.nfonn~t.lon Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft,

Average Stack Effiuen!Temperature: SS degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average S_tac_k Exhau:StVe_l_o~_ty: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 rn/second.

Abat.em!mt Jech_nc;>le>gy ALARACT WAC246-247-040(4)

state only enforce:able: 'NA<:: 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

0.09 m.

Zone orArea Abatement Technology Required# of Units Additional Description

HEPA Passiv.e Breather Filter

Moilitciiirig Recj"ulreri'ieilts sta)!l enforc!lable: WAC:; ?46-247-040(5), 060(5j, and federally enforceable:40 Ci=R 61 subpart H Federal and Sta_te Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radi<iililclid~.s Requ.\rlng MeasW'emelit

Sampling Frequency

40 chi; i, App~ndix B, Method ll4.

Total alpha, total beta Annualy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

Ad~.iti~n~I ~e.qui.ren_1_an_ts

Additional monitoring or·samplin~ requirements this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if appliCSble.

Opera~onal Status Activfries involve operationsin support of waste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice(s) of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID 200\V Alpha 3 Caisson Operation Not Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246°247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified) 1) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is iunited to 6.20E-02 mrem/year to the

MaxiJnally Exposed Individual _(WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the. emission.unit, as defined in WAC 246°247-030( 16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages ( I to IO gallon 'paint cans') ofremote handled (RH) niixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of the package lids became_ unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons arereiftforced-ccift_c_rete cyHnders bi(rie:d appfo:ic_i_niately 4 meters bel_ciw gra_de. Tile caissons h_ave 0.9 me_t<:r diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the.stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B buria_l trench ccin_tai.ns twe_lve (12) caissons. This caissonAlpha 3 cci11tains Alpha contaminated \\'aste. Th<: caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to ventthe ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filt"'1". During filter aer~sol t~sting, the filter leg will be valve_d such that supply air for the test is dravvn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE· for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 6.20E+OO mrem/year, Approved are the·associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 for EU_ID 795

B/G - 0 2.27E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Gontributes g~aJer than 0.1. mrer:n/yr to the ~El, and represents greater tha_n ·10% of trye unabated .. PTE and represe_nts greater than 25% o_f the abated dos_e.

Pu -239 7.82E-01 Liquid/Particulate S_olid WAC 246-?47-030(21 )(e) Ccintrlbutes greater-tha-n 0.1 mrelTl/yr to the MEI, a'rid re"pre:sents greatEir tha·n 10% of the uriabated PTE cirid ·repreSEints gl"88ter th8n 25% Of the abated dose. · · · · · - ·

Th - 232 LiquidiParticuhite Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Coritributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than· 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% Of the abat8d dose.

U s235 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than· 10% of the unabated PTE and represents· less than 25% of the abated dose.

The radioactive isotopes id_entified f<ir this emi_ssion unit are (no quantities specified): Pu - 23~ Th - 2_32 U - 2_33 U - 2_~5 U - ?38

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this·approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-0~0( 16). DOE lllUs_t notify th_e Department of ~y ch_anges to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0% of the pciteritfal TEDE to the MEI, cir greater than 25% of the TEDEto the MEI after controls. (WAC 246-247-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to potenti_al release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit underW AC 173-401-725( 4). Notice wiII be providtid according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. Ifihe applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of docuinents.


HEPA-type brea_t)ier filters sha_ll be a_e_rosol te_s\ed aliritially (WAC 246-247-030( 4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be takeri upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filte_r, th_e source of the dow_11stream co11_tli111iriation 'ivill be invest_igat_e:d and coi:recte:ct (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The near facility monitoring ile.twork data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on ail annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247,030(17)).

Page 2 of 2 for EU_ID 7!!5

Emission UniUD: 7%

200\V 218'W48-Alpha 4 Caisson 200W Alpha 4 Caisson This is a_ MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit.

200 West Bwial Grounds

Abaternerit.Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abateineiit Tecllilology Recj~~d # of Units Additional Dliscrl11tion

HEPA I Passive Breather Fiher

Monitoring Requirements state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federaUyenforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Monitoring and Testing Radionuclides Requiring Sampling Regulatory Reqnirements M~~11ur•!!l•.Dt fr<9uen~y

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114.

Total alpha, total beta Annu_aly (or smears and near fic_ld ambient mo-nitoring program.

Samp_ling Reqnirements Smear sarnp_le ups_trearii of HEPA fi_lti,r, N.ear facility mol)itoriffg ri~twork S8.!!!P.l_es collected and analyzed annua11r


Additi_or:ial m!Jni~ring or scirriPling ~uirifments eS~blish~d by this ucen·se will b~ li_St~ ii'.' the qomtiJicin~ and Llmitatiori-S s:ection, If applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste the218'W-4B Caissons

This Emi_S!!io_n lln_it h_as 1 ai:tive Ne>tice(s) of Construction,

Project Title Approval# Date App:rove:ct NOC~I_D 200W Alpha 4 Caisson Operation Not Approved

Cond-itions (st11~e only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

- I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to_ 8.52E-02 mrein/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "rilodificatioh" to the emission utiit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground cajssons con_tain small c_loseii packages ( I to IO gaUon 'paii;tt catis ") of remot_e hand_led (Rll) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) w:astes with high levels of radiation.· A small percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter 4i_iifneter inlet chutes th_at J:iave beeiJ. offset to eli111ina_te direc.t r~diation shi_tii: from th_e stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench contains· twelve ( 12) caissons. This caisson Alpha 4 contains Alpha contaminated waste. The caj~son is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson contajning radioactive waste to vent the ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filt_er leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246°24 7-030(21 )(a-e) [ as specified in the application]is 8.5IE+OO mrein/y~ar. Approved are the associat_e_d pote_n_tial re_Iease rates (Curies/.year) of:

Am -241 Liquid/Particulate Solicl WAC 246-247 -030(21 )( e) Contributes lesS than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less thari 10% of the unabated PTE and repreSE!rits less than 25% Of the abated dose.

BIG --0 1.99E+01 LiquidiParticulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated'dose.

Page 1 of 2 for EU_ID 796

Co-60 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21Xe) Contributes tesS than 0.1 mre·m/yr to· the MEI, and represe·nts less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Np c 23f Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246'247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and repreSents less than 25% of the abated d0se.

Po--210 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu - 239 1.60E+OO Liquid/Particulate Solid W.AC 246-247'<)30(21 )(e) Contrib~tes greater than 0.1 mr:e,:n/y_r to the MEI, and represents greater than ~ 0% of the u~_bated :PTE and _repres~nts greater than 25% of.the abated dose.

Th -23.2 Liquid/Particulate S_olid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Q_onyi~1:,1t_es le_s_s th~r:i 0.1 rr:,re_m/yi. t9 the ~El, c1;rid·1'8PrEl_s8n~ l~s tha·n 19%·of the un8bate:<:t PTI; ~n~ l'ep~s:en_ts l~ss than 25% of the abated dose.

U -233 Liquid/Parti_cula_te Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) C0iitribute_s leSS than 0.1 ITll"81Tl/yf to the MEI, and repre·sents less than ·10% of the Unabat80 PTE and represents 185s thari 25% 0fth0 abElted· dCise.

U -235 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC.246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than ·10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the· abated dose.

U -238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less.than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

The radioactive isotopes identified for this eiiiission unit ate (rio quantities specified): Am -241 C.o -60 Np -237 .Po - 210 Pu -239

Th-232 U-233 U -23.5 U-238

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined iri WAC 246-247-030( 16). DOE must notify the Dep_artmerit of.any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit whe\1 a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the potential the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (y./ AC 246-247-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to p_otential release ra_tes as required by state or federal reguJ.ations including ch;anges that wou_ld co11sti_tu_t_e.a signific_ant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725(4). Notice will be provided according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notificat_i<>n, DOE win provide the,Department with advance written notice by letter or el_ectronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol test.ed annually (WAC 246-247-030(4))_. 5) ALTERNATIVE METHOD APPROVAL

An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. AnnuaUy, a smear will be taken upstrean:i of the HEPA tihi,r as a contamination inµicator. If de_tectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter-as an abaterrierit verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or I 000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-2470 030(17)).


The ·near facility monitoring network data for s_tations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on a:n a:nnU:al basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 2460247°030(17)).

Page 2 of 2 tor EU_lci 796

Emission Unit ID: 800

200w 218W4B-#3 Caisson 200W 3 Caisson This is a MAJOR; PAs·sIYEi Y ventilated emission unit.

200 West BuriaJ Grounds

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Average S_tack Effluent Tempj,ratlJre: 55 degrees Fahreilhe#. 1_3 degrees Celsi)IS,

Average Stac\< Ex,haus_tVeJocity: o ... J5 ft/secoiicl. 0.08 m/second_. Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246c247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required # of Units



Monitoring Requirements __

Additional Description

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H Federal and State Regulatory ·

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

Radionuclides Requiring Measurement

Sampling Frequency

40 <::FR 61, App~ndix B, Me$od 114. ·

Total alpha, total beta Annualy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility monitoring network samples coHected and analyzed annually ·

Ad_dltlonal Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed In the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support ofwaste management at the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active 1'4otice(s) of Construction.

Project Ti~le Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID

200W 3 Caisson Oper~tion Not Approved

Conditio.ns (state enforcea_ble: WAC 246-247-04()(5), 060(5) if :npt specified) I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 8.4 I E-03 mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed ·Indiv°idual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval,applies only to those activities described.below. No additional.activities or variations on the approved a~ivities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages (I to 10 gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (fill) niixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the pa:Ckages were dropped down the caisson chut_e. Th_e ca.i_ssons are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade, The caissons have 0.9 meter diamete.r inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate 4.i.rect radiat.ion shitle frolll the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The218-W-4B burial trench contains tvvelve (12) caiss:ons. This caisson MFP-3 contains beta/gamma c:Ontaminated waste. Toe,caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactivewaste to vent the ambient air througlra high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter: Dilrin.g filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246s247-030(21)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 8.41E­Ol mrerii/year. Approvej:l are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 for EU _ID 800

B/G-0 Liqu.i<:l/Particli_late S_olid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) ea·ritributf;$ less than 0.1 rrire.m/yr to the'MEI, a-nd represents 185s th3ri 10% of the uriabated PTE and represents 1e·s_s than 25% ofliie abated dose. . . . . . . . . - . .

Ce - 144 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246'247-030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of. the abated dose.

Cs -137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME.I, and represents ·less than 10%' of the unabated PtE and. represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pm -147 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Cc:ilitributes leS:s than 0:1' mfem/yr to the MEI, aiid·represents IElss than·10% of the un·aoatecl PTE 8"r1d represents less than 25% o/iiie abated dose. ·· · ·

Pu - 238 Liquid/Particulate Solid VVAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contrib_utes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, 3nd represents leS:s than 1 Oo/o of the unabated PTE and represerits 185s than 25%-of the abated.dose. · · · · ·

Pu - 239 2.48E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 Xe) Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents g·reater than 25% of.the abated dose. ·

U-235 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) CO:ntributes 108s th3n 0.1 rifr"er'n/yr to th-a.MEI, and represents t8ss thari 10% of the unabated PTE ahd represe·n_ts less than 25% Of the. abcitect dose. . . . . . . . . . - -

U - 238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247'030(21)(e) C9ntrib_utes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME.I, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated·dose.

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (i:to qwiiitities specified):

Ce-144 Cs 0 137 Pm-147 Pu-238 Pu-239

U-235 U -238

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to deternili:te control technologies and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission uriit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE niust notify the Department of any changes toa NESHAP major emission iiirit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after coi:tti'ols. (WAC 246-247-110(9)) DOE·Ihust notify the Department of any changes to potential release rates·as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute,a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit iinder WAC 173-401-725( 4 ). Notice will be ptovide:d accordin:g t9 the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or el~tronic-1t1ail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breat_htj" filters s_hall be aerosol teste_d aiin:ua_\ly (WAC 246-247-030(4))


An alternate monitoring method is,approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Aniiiiiilly, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contanililatioi:t indicator. If dete_ctable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dprn/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/lOOcm.2 beta/ganinia is found dow~trtjrm of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (Yt/AC 246-247-030(17)}.


The near facility monitoring network data for.stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (Yt/AC 246-247-030(17)).

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Emission Unit ID: 801

200W 218W48-#4 CaiSSJlll 200w 4 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASSIVEL :"{'v~tilated em'issiOD. unit

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit lnfO:rmation

St_ac_k fl:cight: 3.00 ft_. 0.91 m. stack Diame_t_er o.3o ~-

;'overage Stack Effluent Temperature: ss·degrees Fahrenheit. 13.degrees Celsius.

Average.Stack ExhaustVelocit_y: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/sccond. Abatement Tec:hno1oe:y ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Ar.-.. Ab_a:t~ment Tecbiiology R!!qitifed # of UniJs


Monitoring Requirements


Acldi!i~11al Descrip_tion

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247'040(5), 060(5). and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpartH

Federal and State R,egul~!O!'Y .

Monitoring and Testing R.!'411ire111e1_1ts

40 CFR 61, App_endix B, Method 114.

Radionuclides Requiring M"'!•W!!!•tel_lt.

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Fr"9_uency

Anriualy for smears and nea, f'ieJd atnbi_erit IlJ..o:ni.t~ring program.

Sampling Reqnirements Sm_ciir sample upstream of HEPA ti_lter, Nciir facility monitoring netwcirl, san\plO:s collec_ted aJla analyzed

Additional Raqulramants

annual! ... y

Ad~i_tltjnal·ITI~n(ta/ing or S!3rrip_llng. reQui~mB'nts e~~~lish~d by th~s_\lctfrise ~II b_e li~te_d in th~ Conditi~r:1~.a·n:d_ Lir:ni~titjlJS .S:ec_ti~n. if. applicapl~.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support.of waste management at the 218,W-4B Caissons

Thi_s E_rni!1sion Uni~ h_all 1 ~ctive Notice(s} of Constnict_ion,

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_ID 200W 4 Caisson Operation N_ot Approved

Conditions (sta~e only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 2. 72E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed lnclividual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activiti_es that con:s.titu~e a "n:,.odi;ii_catiO:n" to the eJ_lli_ssion unit, as defined in WAC 246-24 7-030( 16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages ( 1 to IO gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (RH) Il).ixe!I fission prodiict (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes wi_th high levels ofiadiation. A small pei'c_entage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter cliameter inlet chutes that have been offset to elimi_nate direct racliation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench.contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson MFP-4.contains beta/gamma contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a cont_in.uo11s basis allowing the ca_isson con_tain._i_ng nuHoactive waste to vent the ambient.air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030{21 )(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 2.72E+OO mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 for EU_ID 801

B/G-0 ~:_81.E+OO Liqµid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes greater than 0.1 mre"rn/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and rep-resents gi"eatEfr thari 25% of the abated dose.

Pu - 239 5.39E-01 liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/· the MEI, and. represents greater than 10% of the.unabated. PTE. and represents greater than.25% .. of. the abated dose.

Th - 232 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246°247°030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to ihe M-EI, and represents less ihan 1·0% of the unabated PTE and represer:its less than 25o/, of the abated dose. ·

U -235 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contrib~tes_less th~p 0.1 m_rei:n/yr to the MEI, and i:epreser:,ts less than 10% of the. u~bated PTE and repre~nts le_ss thar:, 25% of the abated dose.

U - 238 Liquid/Partic.ulate S~lid WAC 246-247-030(?1)(0) Coritiib_ut8s 185s ttian 0.1 ITirem/Yf' to the MEI, a·nd rep·reseiits less than 10_% Of the unabat8d PTE al'id _rej:ireserits re·ss _tha:n 25% of iJie abaied dose. . ·- .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Pu "239 Th , 232 U - 235 U , 238

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE·rilust notify the Departinerit of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in W AC246-247-030( 16). DOE must notify the Department ofany changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than j 0% of the pot~nti_al TE.DE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after c:Oritfols. (WAC 246-247-110(9)) DOE must no_tify th.e Department of any clianges to potential release rates as required by.state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a.significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4 ). Notice will be provided according to the partic.ular regulation under Which notification is required. If the appJicable regulation(s) does not address maI111!'r and iype of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the,continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annuaily, a smear win be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable c.oritaniinatiori is discovered, a smear will be takeri downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/ 100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/ I 00cm2 beta/ gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The near facility monitoring network data for stations·N433, N457, N555, and N964 wiU be trended on an annual basis to verify contiriiied low eniiss_ions from the caissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 2 of 2 for EU_ID 801 .

Emission Unit ID: 802

200W 218W4B-#5 Caisson 200W 5 Caisson is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY veiitilated etriission unit.

200 West Burial.Grounds

En:i.i.sslon Unit i.nform.ation

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0,30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55degrees.Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/sec_cind. 0.08 m/seccirid.

Abatement Technology ALARACT w AC 246-247-040( 4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Aba~emen_t Teebnolog)I_. Re<jllired # <lf Units .


Monitoring Requirements


Additional Descripd,m

Passive Breather Filter

state enforcea_ble: WAe246-247-040(5), 060(5), and fed_erally enforceable: 40 CFR. 61 subP:art H .and State R~gulatciry

M(initoring and Testing Re iiirements . _q_ ...... .

Radfomicli_des Requiring M~~-s-~em.:e~~.

•• -· - +

Sa!Dp_ling F ..... __ i:eq1;:1,_e~py

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114. alpha, total beta Annualy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

S_ampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near faci°lity monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

Additional Requirements

Additional monitoring or sampling requirements established by this License 'Nill be listed in the Co-nditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Opera)i_ona!Stafus Act_ivi_ties involve operations in slipp<irt of waste riiariagement at the 218-W4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice(s) of Construction.

Project Tl.tie App_roval # Da~e App_roved NOC_ID 200W 5 Caisson Operation Not Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified}

1) Th_e t_otal abated emission limit for this Notice ofCons_tnJction is limited to 3.54E-02 rrirem/year t_o the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246"247-030(16), may be c·onducted.

Underground caissons contain:small .closed packages ( 1 to 10 gallon 'paint cans') ofremote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage ofthe p~ckage iids bec~e iinse'!lled wh"~ tile packages·were droi>JJ<id dow~ the cais_sc,11 ciiu!e.- Til_e caissons are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters b.elow grade. The caissons have 0.9 µ,eter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with ~ inJ"t chute cap to seal off the secondary p'!_thway for fugitive emissions. Th_e i 18-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson MFP-5 contains l>eta/gamma contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent the ambient air through.a iligh-tlfficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The !'TE for this project as determined undClr WAC 246si41-030(2l)(a-e) [as spec_i_fi<id in the appli9a!ion] is 3.54E+OO rrireril/year. Approved are the asso.ciated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 for EU_ib 802

B/G -0 1.49E+01 Liquid/Parti~ulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )( e) Contributes greater than O: 1 mrer'n/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% of the ·unabated PTE and represents greater thah 25% of the abated.dose. Beta/Qamma release.rate b·ased On Sr-90. ·

Cs - 137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than·0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and. represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of.the abated dose.

Pu -239 3.54E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247'030(21)(e) Contributes greater than· 0. 1. mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents·greater th8n 10% of the una_bated PTE and rePreserits gre8ter than 25% of the· abate(f dose. - - - ·

U - 23.5 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246'247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than 0.1 i'nrem/yr to the MEI, and-represents teSS than 10% of the unabated PTE and 1'8pl'8S811ts 1855 than 26o/o of the cibated dose. · · - · · -- - - - ··· · · · ··

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Cs-137 Pu 0 239 U-235

The potential release ~ates descrjbed in tl)._i~ Condition were used to determine control technologi~s a:nd monitoring requirements for this app_rcival. DOE miis.t notify the Departnierit of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a. specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 24.6-247-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to potential release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute.a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725(4). Notice will be provided according to the particular regulation ilnder which notification is requited. If the applicable regillation(s) does riot address mariner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol te.sted annually (WAC 246-247-030( 4)).


An alternate:monitoring method is approved.for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamimiticin is discovered, a smea_r will be taken d<Jwristreain of the HEPA filter as anabate_merit verification .sample .. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2.beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter; the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The near facility monitoring network data for stations Jl/433, N457, Jl/555, and N964 wiil be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions frim:i the caissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 2 of 2 for EU_fo 802

Emission Unit ID: 803

200W 218W4B-#6 Caisson 200W 6 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit lnforn:i_at_ion

St_ack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 rn/second. Abatement Technology Af.ARACT WAC 246-247,040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246°247-010(4). 040(5), 060(5)

0.09 m.

Zone or Area Abatement Techn_olol!)' . Required # of Units Additional Description

HEPA Filter Passive Breather Filter

Monitoring Requirements state enforc:etable:: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and fe:derally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 Sllbpart _H

Federal and State !{~g!,tl_"jory

Monitoring and Testing RO!llll!e~e_n_ts .

Radi_onudides Requiring ~~J!s1)tem~nJ

S!!i~ip6*g Freqj/ency

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114

- 'rota! a1p11a, iotaibeta Annualy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near faciiity monitoring network samples coilected and analyzed annually.

Additional Requirements Additiorial monito-ririg or sampling requirements established by this License will be listed In the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operational Status Activities· i_rivo_lve operations i_n support of waste management at the 2 l 8-W-4B Cai_ssons

This Emission Unit has,1 active Notica(s) of Construction.

i>rC?iect Title Approval# Date Approved NOC_lo

200W 6 Caisson Oper~t.ion Not Approved

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247~040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

1) The total a_baied emission li_111_it for thi_s Notice of Constru_ctjon is fi_111ited t_o 5_._19E-02 Il1l"en,i/YAAT to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).


2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16),

· may be condtict_ed.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages ( 1 to IO gallon 'paint cans') ofremote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of t_h_e pacl<age lids bec_iµne \lllSeal_ed wh<li:I the_ p~ckages were dropped ciow11. the caisson chute. The C8,is_soris are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 me_ters below·giade. The caissoi,s have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes.and equipped with an inlet chute cap to se,al off the se<:ondary patl).way for fugitive em_issions. The.218-W 4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson MFP-6 coritairis beta/gamma contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous.basis allowing the caisson coniaining radioactive waste to vent the ambien_t air through a high-effic_iency particulat_e ajr (HEPA) fiJ_ter. During filt!"r ~os(ll t~stirig, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for th_is project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [RcS specified in th!" applicati(ln] is 5_. I 9E+OO Illl'enilyeat. Approve_o are the a:ssotjate_o potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 3 for EU~ID 803

B/G-0 2,._90E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC246-247-030(21 )( e) Contributes greater than o: 1 rrirem/yr to the MEI, and represents gi'eater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gani-ma release rate based o-n Sr~90.

Co -· 60 1.92E+O 1 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )( e) Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents more than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Cr- 51 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes less th_an 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represent_s less.than 10% of the unabated PTE and rep_resents les_s than 25% of the abated dose. · · · · · ·

Cs - 134 Liquid/Particula\e Solid WAC 246-247-03_0(21)(0) Contributes leSs.tha:n 0:1 m·rem/yr.'to the MEI, and _re·preserits· leSs than 10% Of the unabatEld PTE a'nd repreSents· 18ss thBn :i56io0fth8abateddose. · · · - - ·' - - - --- · · ·- · ·-· - ·· ·

Cs -137 Liquid/!! $oli_d WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes grei1ter'thaii 0.1 miem/yr'to the MEI, Brid 1'81)1'8SEl'r1ts g1'8;3t8r'th8n 10% of the ui18bated PTE cirid 1'81)reSents gr8aterthcln·2s%·ofth8 abated d0S8. · · · · - · -

Eu - 154 Uquid/Pa_rtic1.d~tli! Soli_d WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) COntribUte·s less than 0:1 mrem'/yr to th"e MEI, a·rid re·presents 18ss than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25%.of tne abatea dose ..

Fe-59 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-24 7-030(21 )( e) Contributes less .than 0'.1 mrem/yr to th& MEI, and re·presents less than 10% of the unabated PTE· and represe·nts less than 25%.ofthe abatecl.dose.

Mn -54 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated. PTE 'and rep'resents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Ru - 106 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) _Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE.and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. ·

Sb -125 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE.and represents less than 25o/o-or'the abated dose.

Sr-90 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21J(e) Co_ntributes les~ t,!1~_11·0.1. mrerl'.'l/yr-t_o ttie MEI, and represerits le_ss thar, 10% o_f ttie _unabated PTE ar,d represents less than 25% of.the abated dose.

Zr-95 Liquid/Particulate Solid W.AC 246-247-0_30(21J(e) Contributes _less than 0.1.mr8111/yr to the MEI, 8nd r"epr8Sents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents leSs than 2so/o of th8 ab8iecf(fo_s8_. - · · · · ··· · · · · · · · · - · · · ·

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Co-60 Cr·-51 Cs-134 Cs-13? Eu-154

Fe 0 59


Mn-54 Ru-106 Sb - 125 Sr-90

The potential ~elease raJ_es described in this Condi_tjon were u_sed to determine con_trol te~hnologi~s an_d_ n:ionitoring requirements fo:r this approval. DOE must notify tlie Departroent of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined iii WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to aNESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the ME°I after controls_. (WAC i46-24 7-110(9)) DOE m_ust not_i_fy th~ Department of any cha~ges to potential rel.~se rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would c:Onstitute a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-40.l-725( 4). Notice will be provided according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address·manner·and type of notification, DOE wiII provide th1: Department wit_h adv~ce writtc;n notice by l_etter or electronic mail bu_t not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA,type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246°247-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear wili"be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable

Page 2 of 3 for EU_ID 803

contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filfer as an abatement verification sample. Ifcontamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the H_EPA filt"1', the sorn:ce of the doWl)Stream contam_inati_on will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-2470 030( 17)).


The n_ear faciltfy monitoring network data for Sl!ltions N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify coti.tinued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 3 of 3 for EU_ID 803

Emission Unit ID: 804

200W 2i8W4B-UN_I#l Cai_sson 200w UNU Caisson This is a MINOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

EmJss_i_on Un.i.t ln_for111ati<>n

Sta~k. Height: 3.00 ft_. 0.91 n:i .. St_ack ~iametc,r o_.30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Tcmperature:,55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25ft/second. 0.08 m/second.· Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-241-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

'L.9.1).e or Are~ Abate_ment 'feclinology Requirejl # of Units


Monitoring Requirements

0.09 in.

Additional Description

Passive Brel\tlier Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247:.040(5), 060(5), arid federally enforceable: 40 CFR61 subpart H

Federal and State Monitoring and Testing Radionuclides Requiring Sampling Regul~tory. Re_q!l!!"eJl!~nt_s..__ _ Me~surement l'r_equ!'!),cy __

40 Cl'R, 61, Appendix B, Method 114

Total.alpha, t_otal beta Annualy for smears and near field ainbicnt il}_onitoring p'rogriun.

Sampling Requirements Sinear s)lriijile upstream of HEPA filter, Near facili_ty monitoring network sairiples collected and analyzed

Additional Requlnlmants

aiinilall'' ... y

AdditiOnal ri'lcnitoririQ or sa·mplirig ~-Quil'8nients e~tablished by U:,is Li~l'.I~ will b_B Ii~~ iri the eo:ndi.ti_ons an_c;t Lirj,i~tiOris ~~on, if aPP.licable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218°W-4B Caissons

This Er:n)ssion Ur:iit l:l_a_s 1 active Notice(s) of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date.Approved NOC.JD 200W UNI! Caisson Operation Not Approved

Conditions (state only en_forceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) If 11ot specified) 1) The total abated emission limit for tbis Notice of Construction is limited to l .98E-04 mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)),


2) This·approval applies only to those activities described below. No additiona_l!!ctivities or Va,i~J:i9ns 011 the approved activities that constitute a "modifi<:ation_" _to tJ:ie ~_issiO:n un_i_t, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be condu_cted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages (1 to IO gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high l_evels ofra<{iaticin, A!!ll percentage of the pa9kage ·uds becill11e uns¢aled when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-.concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset'.to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson UNI I contains Iriised waste products. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis .allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent the·ambient afr through a liigh-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testitlg, the filter l_eg wiII be Valved su9h th_at supply air for the test is dnivyn from arn_oi¢Ilt air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project a:s determined under WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(a-e) [as specified in the.application] is l.98E-02.mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Page 1 of 2 for EU_ID 804

B/G-0 1.25E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Conbibµtes ~.ater _t)lan 0.1 mrern/yr to the ·MEI~ and ·represents greater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosoltested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)). 5) ALTERNATIVE METHOD APPROVAL

An alternate n\mtlt<iring method 'is-approvcil for use for the c"on_t_i_n11cius ll!ld PCM ll)._onitoring req~_ei:i_t,s. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream ofthe HEP A filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/JOOcm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/l 00cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the soiir<:¢ of the downstream contamiriatioiJ. wiil be investigated and_ correctC:d (YI AC 246-247-030(17)) ..


The near facility nicinjtoriiJ.g network dat_a for stati<iiJ.s N433, N457, N555, and N964 will oe trend_ed ci!). an llll\lua.l basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons·(WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page.2 of 2 for.EU_ID 804

Docket No:




Approval No: AIR1~17

In Re The Approval of(select the appropriate EU specific license):

NOC 960, EU 798: 200W I Caisson Operation

NOC 961, EU 799: 200W 2 Caisson Operation

NOC 962, EU 793: 200W Alpha I Caisson Operation

NOC 963, EU 794: 2Q0W Alp_ha 2 Caisso_Ij. Op_erati_ori

NOC 964, EU 795: 200W Alpha 3 Cafsson Operation

NOC 965, EU 796: 200W Alpha 4 Caisson Operation

NOC 966, EU 800: 200W 3 Caisson. Ope~~tion

NOC967, EU 801: 200W 4 Caisson Operation

NOC 968, EU 802: 200W 5 Caisson Operation

NOC 969, EU 803: 200W 6 Caisson Operation

NOC 970, EU 804: 200W UNII Caisson Operation

THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: Ms. Stacy Charboneau, Mi111ager United States Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O. B.<ix 550, MSIN: AS-14 Richlim_d, Waslli_ngton 99352

If you "'.is.h to rciqu5'st an adjud_i)'a_t_ive proceed.i!lg, you or YO!U". attoir)ey COMPL_ETE AND FI.LE THIS FORM OR A DOCUMENT PROVIDING SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME INFORMATION WITH THE DEP~TME~ OF H_EAL TH ADJUDICATIVE SERVICE UNIT WITHIN TWENTY:EIGHT (28) DAYS OF YOUR RECEIPT of this Request for Adjudicative Proceeding form and a copy of the Offi_c·e of Radiation Protection's approval, AIR 15-817.

Y oil must fi]_e yo\¢ appHcaJiCln. in a 111lll1!ler that shows proof of service on the A_djildicative Servic.e Unit, at the following address:

Department of Health Adjudicative Service Unit 3 JO Israel Road S.E. P.O. Box 47879 Olympia, WA 98504-7879

Request for Adjudicative Proceeding Page I of4

With your application, you must include a copy ofthe·Office of Radiation Protection's approval.


YOU HA VE THE RIGHT TO a formal hearing in this ~,t,ter c~n!lucted pwsuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43_. 70.115, Cl)apter 34_._05 RCW, and Cluip\ef 24_6-l O of the Washington Adrilinistrative Code (WAC). Alternatively, you may waive the formal hearing ~!I siiliril_i_t a wfitteti statement and suppcirting documents setting out your position, your defenses, and atiy Iriitiga,titig cimiinstances that you wish to bring to the Departm~t's · atteQ,Jion.

You have the right to be represented by an attcim_ey at yo_ur own C:xpense.


[ ] I WILL ·Bit represented by an attorney. His/her name, address,. and phone number are:




[ ] I WILL NOT BE represented by an ~ttom~y.

If after submitting this request, you obtain atiomey representation or change aUorneys, you must notify th,e Adjudicative Service Unit. ·


I DO NOT waive rriy right to a forinal l)eari_ng.

[ ·] I DO waive my right to a formal hearing. I understand that if! waive mY right to a forma_l hearing, the Department may decide this matter-solely with reference to info11I1ation in the Department's possession ·and to sucl)_ written statements and supp_ortirig _documents as I_ may .!rave submit_ted.

If you choose to waive your right to a formal hearin~, please complete the following:

I AM NOT suomitting do.c~_erits to !Ji.e DepaI11Ilent i1_1 support of my position.

[ I AM submitting a sworn statement and/or other documents to the Department in support ofmy position. Instructions - Please indicate your responses below: ·

If you are submitting dcic_uments to the Department,: please list and briefly identify all such documents in the space provided be.low.and on any additional sheet that may be necessary.

- \

Request for Adjudicative Proceeding Page 2 of4




The Office of Radiation Protection's approval AIR 15-817, dated August 17, 2015, contains conditions and limitations set out as numbered paragraphs. In the space below you must indicate, in good faith, whether you admit, or do not contest, or deny the conditions or limitations. Conditions or limitations denied or not contested may later be admitted. Conditions or limitations admitted or not contested shall be conclusively deemed true for further proceedings.

Instructions: i admit, deny; or do not contest the conditions or limitations as follows (fill in the appropriate paragraph number):

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Paragraph __

Do Not Contest


Please attac.h any add_i~onal s_heets that ll!'IY be.necessary to respond to all allegatiol)S.

Ifyou have chosen not to waive your rights to a formal hearing, please state all grounds for contesting this matter in the space provided below and on any additional sheets that may be necessary.

Request for Adjudicative Proceeding Page 3 of4


You have the right to an interpreter, appointed at no cost, if you are a hearing impaired person or limited English speaking person. If any witness f6r you is a J:iearing impaired person or a iimited Engiish speaking person, an interpreter will be appointed at your expense.

I [DO]/ [DO NOT] (circle one) request an interpreter be appointed. If an interpreter is requested, please indicate the person or persons for whom an interpreter is required and their primary language, and/or whether they are hearing impaired.


DATED this _____ day of ______________ _


Party's Representative (ifa,ny)

WSBA #: __________ _

Request for Adjil_dic~tive Proceediµg Page 4 of 4

n.J OF Fl .JI

'"" II'" Poslaga $

'"" Certified Fee CJ CJ CJ Return Receipt F89

(Endorsement Requl~)

CJ R88trfctad Dellvery Fee II'" (Endorsement Required) co n.J Total Postage & Fees $ ::r CJ CJ I"'-


• Compleie items), 2iands:.A1so completi, - -11em· 4 H Resll1cled·DellveryJs deslrad.----n= • Print your name and address on the reven,e

so lliat we can return the card to you. ·• Atiiicii ihis card to the back of the mallplece, .... o~ on ihejroniH.~~l!J!. .· .

Ms. Stacy Charbon_ea.u, Ma_nager · United States Dep11rtment of Energy Ricltl1tnd Operations Office

... ,,


,,,,_ Hen,


P.O. Box 550, MSIN: A5sl4 3. Sarvlce'fype

Richland, WA 99352 · C Ceriffled Man'<

11 1ll111l1ll1l1 11l111l1l 1l1l 1ll 1l1 111 llllll111lll,fl1111•wg~=~·-~-~Mal~-~1.__10~-:~c.~==:::...:.:.......,....:........,.. --- - ... - -- --- -- - -- I <i .. RasbMed cieiiw,y?'{E,lnl Fee)

. 2:.'ArUcte Number . , (!la,!Slarllan"""*"'IBbel/ 7004 2890 0001 9162 0630


PS Form 3811, FebNary 2iio4"



309 Bradley Blvd., Suite 201 • Richland, Washington 993S2

TDD Relay Service: 1-800-833-6.188

September 23, 2015

Ms. Stacy Charboneau. Manager United States Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P.O. Box 550, MSiN: A5-14 Richland. Washington 99352


Re: Final Approval of Radioactive Air Emissions Licenses (~Ls), Emission Unit (EU) Specific. to Re.Register Burial Ground 218-W-4B Caissons to be Included in the Next Revision of the FF-01 License

Ms. Charboneau:

Pursuant to Chapter 246-247 of the Wasllingt9n Administrative Code (WAC), your license revisions were approved on September 21, 2015, as negotiated, according to the enclosed EU specific licenses (see list on page 3) and will be included in the next revision of the Hanford Site FF-0 I license_.

The conditions, controls. monitoring requirements, and limitations of this license milst be obse_rved in order for you to be in compliance with WAC 246-247. Failure to meet any provision of this license may result in the revocation of approval, the issuance of Notices of Violation, or other enforcement actions under WAC. 246-247-100.

If you have any questions regarding this approval, please contact Mr .. Tom Frazier at Th,imas. frazicr ii'.doh. or, by phone, at (509) 946-0774.


~~d John Martel_l, Ma@ger Radioactive Air Emissions Section

Enclosure: Applicable Eu Specific Licenses (11 _i_n total), as l)oted on page 3.

cc: (see next page)

Public Health - Always Working for a Safer ,1nd Healthier Washington



Ms. Stacy Charboneau September 23, 2015 Page2of3

cc: Ruth Ailen, WRPS Matthew $arnett, PNNL Shawna Serven, WDOH

· Lucinda Bpmeman, WRPS Lee Bostic, BNI CliffCJark, USDOE-RL Jack Donnelly, WRPS Rick Engelmann, CHPRC Dennis Faulk, EPA Eric Faust, USDOE-RL Thomas Frazier, WDOH Gary Fritz, MSA Plulip Gent, Ecology Reed Kaldor, MSA. Paul Karsclmia, CHPRC Ed MacAlister, USDOE-RL Valarie Peery, Ecology John.Schmidt, WDOH · Maria Sko.rska, Ecology JeffVoogd, WRPS .Joan Woolard, MSA Davis Zllen, EPA Environmental Portal .RAES Tracking: Line 859; EUs 793-796, 798-804; NOCs 960-970

AIR 15-906

Ms. St_apy Charboneau September 23,.2015 Page 3 of3



1. AIR 15-907, NOC 960, EU 79~: 200W l Caisson.Operation

2:. AJR 1S-908, NOC 96i, EU 799: 200W 2 Caisson Operation

' . . 3. AIR 15-909, NOC 962, EU 793: 200W Alpha l Caisson Operation

4. AIR 1_5-910, NOC 963, EU 794: 200W Alpha 2 Caisson Operation

5. AIR l_S-911, NOC 964, EU 795: 200W Alpha 3 Caisson Operation

6. AI.Jl 15-912, NOC 96S, EU 796: 200W Alpha 4 Caisson Operation

7. AIR 15-913, NOC 966, EU 800: 200W 3 Caisson Operation

8. AIR 15-914, NOC 967, EU 801: 200W 4 Caisson Operation

9. AIR 15•915, NOC 968, EU 802: 200W 5 Caisson Operation

. I 0. AIR 15-916, NOC969, EU 803: 200W 6 Caisson Operation

l l. AIR lS-917, NOC970, EU 804: 200W UNI! Caisson Operation


~Jl!is~ioli Unit. 11,): 798

200W 218W4B-#1 Caisson 200W i (:aisson This is a. MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

Ernission Unit lnforrnation

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0:30 t\. Average Stack Effluent Tcmpcrature:.55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Te.chnol_ogy ALARACT W AC246,247-040( 4) state only enforceable: WAC.246-247.:010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required# of Units


Monitoring Requirements


A!fditio_nal Description

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and feder'ally enforceable: '10 CFR 61 subpart H Federal and State Regt!l_ato!Y

Monitoring and Testing !l!'Jl'!l!'•ments

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114

Radionuclides Requiring Me.~~sure~~I!!

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling F_req11e11cy

Annually for sinears and near field ambient mot)itori~g JirograJ)l.

Sampling Requirements Smear sampl_e upstream of HEPA filter, N_ear facility monitoring network samples collecte_d and analyzed annually

Additional Requirements

Ad_qi_ti~nB.I m·cinitpring ~r sampling r:BQuiren:ier:its e);_~~li~h8d by ~I;; Ue:ense will ~ Ii~~ ll'.1 ~ C¢ndltionS and Ul'l"li~_tl~iis sectio~. if 8pj:JliC8bl~.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218,W-4B Caissons Emissior:i Unit has 1 a~_ive Noti_ce(s) of Cons_tructio.i:i_.

Project ritle Approval # Date Approved NOC_ID 200W I Caisson Operation AIR 15-907 9/21/2015 960

Cond_it)on_s (~at, on_ly e_nforceal:llt!: VI/AC 246-24,7-040(5), 060(5) If n_ot specified) 1) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 3.58E~02.mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on·the apjircived activities that con_sJ.i.wfe a "t11()dificati01:i" to the emis:sion iini_t, as defi_ti¢d in WAC 246-247-030(16), · may be conducted.

Underground caissons con/_ain small closed packages (1 to 10 gallon 'paint cans') qfremote handled (RH) riiixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) \1/astes with high levels of radiation. A small perc¢ntage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped.down the,caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-concrete cyfinders b_llried approximately 4 metei:s below grade. The ca_issons have 0:9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been eliminate directradiation shine-from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 21 g;w-4B bw:ial trench ccin_tains twelve (1:2) caisso~s. This cajs_son MFP-1 contains beta/ganinla contaminated waste.

· The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the·caisson containing radioactive waste to

Page 1 of 3 for EU_ID 798

vi:n.t th.e arn.bi1:n.tair tllrough a high-efficiency particula.te air (HE.PA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from arilbierit aii rather than the caisson. airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 3.58E+00 rim,in/year. Ai>prove:d are the associa.t.ed potential reiease r~tes (Curjes/year) of: ·

Am ,241 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes.less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 1 a% of the unabated PTE-·and represents less than

. 25% of the abated dose. ·

Beta -o 1.49E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes greater than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10%:of,the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Ce, 144 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the. MEI, and represents.less than 10% of the unabated PTE: and represenis less than 25% of the abated .dose.

H-3 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(8) ~rytrit:,utes less ihan 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, arid represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the· abated dose.

Pm -147 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) ~ntribl,!teS -~es~ th~n 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% o_f the unabated PTE and represents less thai:i 25% of the abated dose

Pu -239 3.54E,-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid · WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes gr;e~_ter tt:'lan 0.1 .rr:ire_m/yr to the ME( and r_ep!esents greate.r than 10% of the ury~bate.c;:i Pi:E and nilpn;,:sents greaterthan_25%_of the abated dose.

Sr-90 Liqui_d/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yrto the MEI, and repres_eiits leSS than 10%·ofthe unabated PTE and represe·nts l&SS than 25% of.the abated dose · · · · · · · ·· ·· · · ·

Th -2_3~ Liqui9/Particu_late S6l.i9 WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes IEiss th·an· 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, Snd J'8pl'ese·nts less th81'1 10% of the unabated PTE and represents 1es·s than 25% of the atiaied dose .

U - 235 l,iquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes leSS than 0.1 ri1rel'Tl/ the MEI, and iepres·ents 1e·ss than 10% of the unabated PTE· and represents less than 2s01o Of the aticited ·dose ·

U - 238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 ).(0) Contributes less thcih 0.1 m·rem1yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose

The. radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (r;to quantiti_es specified): Am-.241 Ce-144 H-3 Pm-147 Pu-239

Sr-90 Th -2i2 U-235 U -238

The potential release rates descrilied in this Condition were used to determine control teclin.ologies ai:id rjlonitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific·isotope is ri_ewly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the TEDE·to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246-247,J 10(9)) D.OE must notify the Department of any changes to po.ten.tial rel~s:e ra_tt:s l!S ~eq11i_red by st.a.te or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a sigriificarit modification to the Air Operating Permit uncler WAC 173401-725(4). Notic.e will b.e provide_d accofdil).g to the particular regulation under which notification is requited. If the applicable regulation(s) does.not address manner and type of nodfi~a:iion, DOE will provide th·e Depart111en.t with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


Page 2 of 3 for EU_ID 798

HEPA-type:breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continiious arid PCM Inollitoring requireinerits. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 2J) dpl.Ilil 0J)cm2 alpha or 1000 dpri1/100cm2 beta/ganirila is found downstr~am of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination wilfbe investigated and corrected ( WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The nearfacility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify contin1.1ed low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 3 of 3 for E.u_1p 798

Emission Unit ID: 799

200W 218W4B-'#2 Caisson 200W 2 Caisson

, This is a Mll'{OR:P~SivELYventilated emission mrit

200 VVest Burial'Clrounds

Ernissic>n U.nit !nformati~n

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0:30 ft.

A11erage Stack Eftluent Temperature:55'de¥'"ees Fahrenheit.. 13 degrees Celsius ..

Average St.ack ExJ:ia,istYel_oci_ty: 0,25 fl/second. 0.08 m/second.

Al:>ate.rnen.t Te_c:_hi:iol.ogy ALA,RACT WAC246a247-040(4)

state only enforce:able: WAC 246-247-010('1), 040(5), 0_6Cl(5)

Zone or Area .. ;\batement Technology Required#. ~f~nits_


Monitoring Requirements


Passive Breather Fllter

s~te .. enforce:a.ble: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), ahd federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 sul:ipait H Federll.! .and State ~ligtlljt§t)'.'

Monitoring and Testing . Jteq(tireinellt's

4,0 CFR 6 .1, Appendi_x ,8, M~thcid 114 ..

Radionuclides Requiring MeaSl:iJ'e"~eD! . _. · ' -

Total alpha, to_tal beta

Sampling .. _Fr!'!IU.~'!~Y

Annualy for.smears and near fi_eld amliierit mO:tjiJO:iiiig prc,gr"!'l.

Sampfutg R~uireoiliilts ~meat sampfo upstrell)Tl of HEPA filt~r, Nea, faciHty riicirijfoiing .rnitwork sampl_es ciillect0:d aiid ai:,alyzed ani\~aily

Additional Requirements

Additional mo"nitoring· Or sampliri"t~ fecfuir'eni8nts estab}i~li~ b"y" t~i~ Li~nS~ will b8 listed i~ trye Go,:i~i~~n·s an~ _L:ilTiitatiOnS ~~9!iqr:i, if apPl_i_~bl_e.

Op.erational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the218<W4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active iilotice(s) of Con11~ructi!)11.

Proje~ Titl.e 2,00V/ 2 Caisson Operation

Approval# AIR 15-9.08

Date Approv~ NOC_ID 9/2117015 961

.Conditions (sta~e only.el'.lforceal;>le: WAC ~46-~~7-040(5), 060(5) if .l'.I~ spe~ifiedj 1) The totahbated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 4:26E<05 mrem/year to .the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC246.247-040(5)).

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activit_ies that. constitute a "modification'' to tlte ern_issij)n l!riit, as defined i_i;i w'A,c 2460247-030( 16), may be cpriducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages (I to i O gallon 'paint cans')of remote handled (RH) ~ixed fi_ss_ioil prod:u~t (MFP) ai:,:d ti@suianjc (TRU} wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. Toe:caissons are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons J;iave 0.9 meter d}atI1eter i_nlet ch.utes that have been offset to eliiiiiiiate direct radiation shine from the .stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to. seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W "4B burial trench ce>ntains twelve (12) caj_s,s_ol)S_. cai.sson l\.1FP-2 ~o.n.tair(s be!.afgarnma cj)iltain,il)ated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to

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vent the ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter., During filter aerosol testing, the fift~ li:g wtil be vl!,lved such.that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE.for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as spe:Cified in die applic.a:ticm] i_s 4.2613° 03 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

B/G - 0 2.00E-02 Liquid/Particulate Solid \I\IAC246'-24?'-tl30(21)(e) Contr:ibUtes greater ~an 0.1 -~r:em/y_J" to ·the MEL and .repre~ent~ gre_ater tt:iar.i. ~ 0% oJ t~!! 1:1na~at89 .Pn: -~~~-repre~e:nt~ greater.,than 25%.of the abated.dose.

Pu - 239 3:29E-04 Lici'uid/Particulate S.ol.i.d WA<:: ?46'247-035)(21 )(e) COntribu_tes g~ater U.,al'.l_ o_. t.~r:ei:nty.r to ·th.e ry,e1; a:ricf ~P~.s~,:it_~ g~~-t~t ttra:ri 1_0% r:,f tt:i8 uria~at~~ PTE -and repre~ents greate~_than 25% .of the abated dose. ·

U -23.8 c·ontributes less than 0.1 rri1'8m/ th8 ME1, ·and re·pre58rits 18ss. than· 10% Of the uiiab8.ted PTE iliid "represents less than 25% of.the Sbated dOse. ·· · - · · · ·· · · · · · ·· · · · · -

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Pu -239 U -,238 .

Tl)e po.t~µ~ ri:l~se r~Ies described i.n this Condition were used to determine control technologies· and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "1_116difiC:atioi,n to the tl!llis.sion, a,'! defined .in WAC 246-247--030( 16). DOE.must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a spec:ific isotope is newly iden.ti.fied as contributing greater than I 0% of the potentialTEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246-247-110(9)) DOE nii(st i,otjfy the DepaJ1:In~.t of any changes to potential release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a sigilificarit moqification to the Air Oire.rating Permit under WAC 173-401-725(4). Notice will be provided according to the particular re~ation tinder which µotificatiori is reqi(it:ed. If t.h5' appliC:able regu)aticm(s) do~ n.ota_ddress manner·and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electfoiiic mail liil.t not solely by copies of clocuments. ·

4) HEPA FILTER TESTING filters shall be aerosol tested annually(WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM nioriitori,ng requireXn,ents. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If'detectable contamiriatiori is discovered, a ,snieat will be taken do_ wnstream of the HEP A filter as an ,abatement verification . ·----··· ··- -- ... , - ·-. . ,.. . -sample. If contamination ab.ove 20 dpm/l00cm2 alpha or 1000 dpin/100cin2 .bet,,/ganiill;a.i,s.foill)g downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and· corrected (WAC .246-247-030( 17)).


The near facility 1_11,on_itofuig ne1:worlc cjat.a. fq:r.sta.ti9n_s N433, N,457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons ( WAC,246-247-030(17)).

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Einissio.n Unit ID: 793

200W 218W4B-Alpba-1 Caisson 200W Alpha 1 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit

.200 West Burial Grounds

Ei:nissio_n Unit Information

Stack Height: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stacie pi_ame_t_er o_.30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

A',erage Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second. Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-i47-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC.246°247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

z«>.n.e or Area Abateinent T~clii.i:olcigy Required # of Units


Monitoring Requirements

0.09 m,

Additional Description Breather Fiiter

state erifori::eable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and fecleraUy enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H Federal and State R,eg,tl_!ltO!):

Monitoring and Testing ff,!'9uire111en!5

40 CTR 61, Appendix B, Method 114.

RadionuclidesRequlrlng ~eB;sur:e_ment · -

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annualy for smears and near field ambient riionitoririg pro~.

Sampling R_equire_ments Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, N_e'ar facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually

Additional Requirements

Ad_di.tion81 i:Jlo_nitorin·g ci:r sa/Tlp_!Jr:,g ~1::1il'.8.!'D~~~- 8sJ~blish~~ by H:iis ~i~n~e w.m be _li_sted ir:, t_t:i~ Cpnditions a_nd Limita_tions section, i_f applica_ble.

Operational.Status Activities involve operations in support of waste managementat the 218-W-4B Caissons Emiss.i.on. Unit has 1 active N_oti.ce(s) of Construction.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC:_1D 200W Alpha I Caisson Operation AIR 15°909 9/21/2015 962

Condl~ions (s1ate only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if nQt specified) I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice:ofConstruction is limited to 8.74E;02.mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)) .

. 2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that con.sthute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons con_tain small closaj p_aclrages (I to IO gallon 'paint cans') ofreinote h)u:idled (ll,H) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforce<i-c<mcrete cylinders bu_ried approxu:n_ately 4 meters be.low grad.e. The caisson:s have 0,9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to elinrinate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B butia_l trench cO:n.tains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson Alpha I contains alpha coritariiinated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis·allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent the

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ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air(HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg wiH b_e va_lved suc_h that supply .'!ir for the test is drawn froni ambient ·air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as deterririned under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as spec_ified in the application] is 8. 74E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

BIG- 0 3.63E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(8) Contributes greater than 0.1 m_re_mlyr to the MEI, and represents greater than 1 Oo/, of the unabated PTE and repriis:Snts greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Cs - 137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Q~n~rib_utes less tha_r, 0.1 r,:irem/yr to t1)e ME_I; and r'Elpr~en_ts l8§s t_ttar:, 10% O_f th~ unabat~d PTE arid represents I8s-s than 25% of the abated dose.

Np- 2_37 Liqui_d/Particu_late So(ic:l WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) contributes less tha·n 0.1 mrem/yrto the'MEI, 8nd i'epi'es8rits 1e·ss than 10% 0fth8 uriabS.ted.PTEand represents I85s than 25% ofihe abated'dose. · · · · ·· · ·

Pu - 23_9 9.00E-0.1 Liqui_q/Partic~_late S_olid WAC 246-247-030(21)(8) Contrlbutes·gl"8ater" than 0.1_ mre"m/yr to the MEI, Sncl ·rep·resents greater th·ari ·10% of the Unabated PTE and represents gieater ttian 25% of the 8b'ated dose. ·

Ru - 106 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247,-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 11\rem/Yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE,and represents less than 25% of the ab8ted dose.

Sr- 90 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1. mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents Jess than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the atiated dose. ·

Th - 232 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Conbibutes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 1 Oo/o of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

. Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than-10% of the unabated PTE·and represer:its less than 25% of the abated close.

U - 238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) ~nbibutes less than 0.1 .mrern/yr to the ME.I, and represents less than 1°0% of the unabated PTE· and r:epresei:,ts les.s than 25% of the abated close.

The radioactive isotopes identi_fied for this emission unit ~e (no quantities specified): Cs -137 Np -237 Pu -239 Ru - 106 Sr-90

Th - 232 U -235 U-.238

The potential releas¢ ra_tes des(:'ribed i_r:t thi§ Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE xnust notify the Depiutriient ofa "modification" to the emissi<ln unit, as defi_ned in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission uriit wheri a specifi_c isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (y,I AC 246-247-1 I 0(9)) DOE m!!5t n9tify the Deparl!Jlent of any changes to potential release rates as required by s_tate or-federal regulations including changes that would constitute a signific)ii_lt modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC I 73-401-725(4). Notice will be provided according to the particular regulation under which n_otificat_imi is requ_i,ed, If the applicable regulation(s) does.not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter .or: elecfrcinic imi1l but not sole!ly by C!)pies of d9cwnen_ts.


HEPA-type filters shal) be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An alternate mor:iitori_ng tlle_tl)od is aPP.roved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements.

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AnnuaUy, a,smear wiU be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator .. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear wiU be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification s$}ple. If contamination.above 2_0 dpm/l00cm2,alpila-or 1000 dprn!J.00"111'.2 beta/gfilI\llla is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamination wiU be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, arid N964 wiU be trended on an animal basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246,247-030(17)).

Pa·ge 3 of 3 for EU_ID 793

E!D!ss_i~n Unit ID: 794

. 200W 218W4B-Alpha 2 Cai~son 1,00W Alpb.a 2 CaJs~on . This is· a MAJOR,. PASSIVELY ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

e:mission Unit Information

StackHeight_: 3.00 fj:, 0.91 m. St_ack Di_arneter 0.30 ft.

AverageStack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees.Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Technolc:i!:JY ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246>247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Re" uired #-of Units ___ ,.q_ , - . -


Monitoring Requirements


~ddi_tio.nal DO,:scripdon.

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpar:t H

Federal and State R~at9ry_ ,_ . __

Monitoring and Testing __ R~nirements

40 CPR, 61, App:endii B, M_ethod _114.

Radionuclides Requiring ·MeJ!~ur~~!'!).t

Tcital alpha, total beta

Sampliug Ft~!.'eil~y

Annualy for smears lii:td Ij._ear field ambi!'h! _moilitori_ng program.

S.~!#i>ling ~equir~ril~ots Sll_le~r s_anipl_e up_sl[eani oflIE_pA filtior, N~ fa<:il_izy riloili!_o,riiig 11ej)Vork sa¢ple~ col_l_e:C,t_ed "!1ii an),ly~d

Additional Re.qulrementa

annual1 · -- - y

Ad"dlti.Cin:~1 m·9nitorifiQ Or sam·pun'g J'8Quh:elril~n~ E!St_a!Jlis~ .DY thiS bi~ris,e ~II ~ Ii~~~ in· th~ "C~q~dJtion·s arid Linji~_tj.0_~1rs8cti(iri, If a·ppu~bl~.

Operational Status Activities involve o_perations in support of atthe·218-W-4B_ Caissons

Tlii_s ~111_issi9,:, U,:i# h_as 1 act_ive N_otic_e(s) of Cor:i1?tr11~ion.

Project Title Approval# Date Approved NOC.JD. 200W Alpha 2 Caisson Operation AIRJ5>910 9/21/~915 963

Cor:idiflor:is (st11~ on_ly enforcea_bll!: WAC ~46-~47-040(5), 116!1(5) if notspecifie<I) 1) The total abated emission limit for this Noiice of Construction is limited to,5.77E-02 mrern/year to the

. Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246,247-040(5)).

2) This·approval applies 'only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved act.ivi!ies tha! constitute a ''n.,c,<!.\fic:a!/cin" to the et11issiQn titli_t, a:,s dc,fi(l~ in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages (I to 10 gallon 'paint cans') ofrernote handled (RH) mi1<ed fissio(ljiioc:ll!:Ct (MFP) ap.d t_fansiiriuric (TRU) \>/astes with high leve_l_s ofradiatjcjn_. A S!llall p:erceti_tage of the package:lids became unsealed when,the packages were,dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons

. are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliiniiliite direct radiation shirie from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burj_aLtren!'h CQiltains twelve (12) caj_ss()ns. TiI\s caisson A)p_ha 2 conta_i_n_s alpl:(a ctin_t_~iti!lcted wast!<. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to vent the

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ambient air through·a high'-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing,.the filter leg wi_l) bo:: vajvaj su_cll tha_t sµpply air fo!: the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for.tliis prcij<J!:t a,s de_terntined U11der WAC 246-247-030(2.IJ(a-e) [as.sp<le_ified in the applicati(ln] is 5.77E+00 mrem/year. Approved are.the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

Be.~ - 0 2.0QE+01 Liquid/Particulate S.olid WAC 246--247-030(21)(0) Coritritiut8S tfrec:itE!r tha_ri 0.1. _rrirB-ni/yr to th8 MEI, and 'rep·reseints greater thciii 10% of the .. lmabated PTE and represe·nts gre8teiih8i, 2f:f%"ofthe 8bated dose.·- · · - · ·· - · · ·· · ·

Pu -:?3.9 7'55_1::-01 Liq~id/Partic_ulat~ Solid WAC 246--247-030(21)(e) Cciritribut8S _gi"e8tElr th·an 0.1_ ·mrem/yr·to th8 MEI, ahd rej:JresElnts gi'e"ater tha·n 10% of th1fUhabated PTE- and represents' gie8tefth8n 25°/4/cifthB 8tiated dOs·e. , ·

U .- 235 °Liquid/Particulate S.olid WAC 246'247-030(21)(e) Contributes less than.0.1 mre-m/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% ofth·e unabated PTE and represents fess than 25% Of the 8b8t8d d6se.

LiquidiParticulate Solid WAC 246--247--030(21Xe). Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to· the MEI, ·and represents less than·10% of the unabated PTE and represents fess than 25% of.the abate·d dose.___ ·

The radfoactiveiscitop:es id¢ntified for this emission 11ni_t ¥f(11.o qu!JPtitj_e_s speci_fied)_: Plf-,239 U -235 U-238.

The potential release rates,described in this Condition were used fo determine coritrol technologies,aild nionitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission.unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE riius_t notify tile Dep!!Itn).~t cif ll!lY cliange_s to a NJ;:SJIAP m_ajor emission unjt when a .specific is9tope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or: greater than 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controlsc (WAC 246s247.-l 10(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to release as reqliiJaj by stat.e or fecleral regu_la,t_i_c,ns i.11:Ch,ding changes that wou_Jd constjtute a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4). Notice will be provided acciiidirig to the­particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does notaddress manner and type of noti_fic)ltion, DOE vi.j.JJ pfovid!'- t~e Q.epart.111.~t w_ii!J. advance written_ notice or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)). 5) ALTERNATIVE METHODAPPROVAL

An a1ternate.moni_toring method i§ approved for. use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear will be taken iips_treru:jl cif the HEPA filter "1' a c_oritainination indicator. It d!,_tecta,b)~ contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstreru:n of the HEPA filter as an abatement verific·a:tio11 sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/l00cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the H_EPA filt..t,.t!,~ sow:c~_oftl,e d_ownstr_e:a,in c.onta_mi_n,a_ti.on wi)lbe i_llvestigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 willbetrended on an annual basis to yerifycoritiri11ed low einissiO:U:s ffO:i).?, ti,~ c.a'.i.ssons (WAC ~46-;1.47-030(17)).

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Emission Unit ID: '79S

200W 2i.8W4B-Alph11. 3 Caisson 20.0W Alpha 3 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASSIVELY ventilated emission

200 WCSt Burial Groun"ds

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3,,,00 ft. 0.91 m, Stac.k D,iameter 0.30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246,247'-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

~neorArea· Abatemen_t Technology Reqnire,d # of Units


Monitoring Requirement,s


Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable:. WAC,246-247-040(5), 060(5),. and federally enforceable:AO CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Reguiatory

Monitoring and Testing Reqnirements

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114. ·

Radionnclides Reqniring Measurement

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annualy for smears and nearfield ambient mqnitoring pfogra#i.

Sampling Reqnirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility samples collected arid analyzed annually

Additional Requirements

Ad~i.tional ,:noniforing o_r ~ampling ,:equii:en:ier:its ~stablist:ied by tt:ils License ~ll be listed ir:, tJ:te 'C.on"d_itions 8nd l,lmit?,~QI')~ S8C;li01'.l, iJ appli~_b_l~ ..

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 218~W4B Caissons

Tl\is Emission Unit has 1 active Notica(s) of C,onstr'uctio11.

Project Title

200W Alpha 3 Caisson Operation

Approval# AIR JS,911

Date Approved NOC_ID 9/21/2015 964

Conditions (state <mly enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) If n~ specified) I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice·of Construction is ·limited to 6.2-0E'-02 mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed lndivii:lual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).

2) This approval appjies only to ~ose activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that consti,tute a "inodificati<in" to the emission linit, as defi_ned in WAC 246-24 7-030( 16), may be conducted.

U,l)<illrgr6_und C:aiss_ons conJain small dosed packages (I to 10 ga!l,m 'I>aint, cans') ofrernote h:,11_1dled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A sniall per'c,enfage of the package lids becarn,e unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-c<il),:C,rete cy(i'!,dllr!i buri,ed apprp!(i¢ately 4 metc.,rs b~low grad~. The caissons hlive 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes thathave been offset to eliminate direct radiation.shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B oiirial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caissonAlpha 3 contains Alpha contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing'radioactivewaste to vent the

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ambient-air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter ~erosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the tes.t is drawn from aiilbierit air rather th81_1 the caisson airspa_ce.

3) The PTE for this project as. determined under WAC 246-247-030(2 l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 6.20E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

B/G- 0 2.27E+O1 µquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-03_0(21)(0) Contrib_utes g~ater than 0.1 mi:-em/yr to the M_EI, and i:epresents gi:ea_ter than 10% of the una_bate_d PTE and repTe~~ greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Pu - 239 7.82E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-03.0(?1)(0) Conbi~~~s gi:eater Q.1 mrem/yr to the -~_El, an_d rep_,.es~l'.lts gl'.9-ater than 1 O°!c, of the unaba~_d PlJ: an~ rep_~~~ greater than 25% of the abated dose.

T~ -23_~ Liquid/Particulate Soli_d WAC 246-247-039(21)(e) Contributes 1e·ss thSn 0.1 ·mrel'Tl/yl' to the MEI, and represerits le"ss than 10% o_f the unabated PTE and 1"8Preserits leSS thaii 25% of the abated dose. . . . .. .

U -235 Liquid/Particu_late Solid WAC 246-247-03O(21)(e) Contributes less tha:n 0. 1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and repre5ents.I8ss than 10% of the Unabated PTE· and rep"resents leSs tha"n 25% of the abated.dose. ·

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Pu-239 Th-232 U-233 U-235 U-238

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring , reqii_frements for approval. DOE must notify the Depai1mer:it of a "modific_atio_n" t_o the emission unit, as defined in WAG246°247-030( 16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the potential TEDE io the MEI, or greater than 25% of th~ TEDEto the MEI aft_er con_trols. (WAC 246-247'110(9)) DOE mustnotify the Department of any changes to potential release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that wciiild constitute a significant moaification to. the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4). Notice will be provided according to the parti~ular regulat_ion under .wh_ich notification is required . .If the apP.licable regulation(s) does not addn,ss manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter cir electronic mail but iio_t solely by copies of documents. ·


HEPA-type breather filters.shall be aerosol tested annually(WAC246-247°030(4)). 5) ALTERNATIVE METHOD APPROVAL

An alternate mcinitoring method is approved for· usefcir the coi)ti_riiious arid PCM lll_onitonng r~qii~rem¢ts. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream .of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectabl.e contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter·as an abatement verification Satl).ple. If contalninatio_n above 20 dpm/100cm2 alph_a or 1000 dplllil00cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream contamiriatfon will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)) ..


The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual ba,sis t9 verify contin,ued low emission_s Jrol)l th.e ~aissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 2.of 2 for EU_ID 795

Etitjssi_o:,_i Ur#J ~D: 796

200W 218W4B,Alpba 4 Caisson 200W Alpha 4 Caisson This is_a MAJoR: P ASsivEL Y- veiitilated emission unit.

200 West Burial Grounds

Abatement technolog"y ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246°247-010{4), 040(5), 060(5)

:lone or Area Ab_a:t~m,,nt Te<,liiiol~gy ~eqilir~d # of Ullits -


Monitoring Requirements

~di!i~~nal Des~riptio_n

Passive Breather Filter

state erifcirceable: WAC 246-247-040(5),. 060(5), arid federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Mollitoring and Testing Radi~nnclides Requiring Sampling Rllg\!!atory Reg_uiremen~ _ ,Mea!nremen! _ _ _ Fre9.uency_

40 CFR 6 I, Appendix B,. 1ft_et_h"od 114.

To_tal alpha, total beta Anriualy for smears and n_eaf'field ru:i)bi<lllt irionit9ij_ng pfogr~.

s_alitpllilg ReqllireD1eiits Smeiir's~ple.upsti:e_am iifHE_PA_ fil_ter, NO:iir faci_lity riioriitoring n_et"'.orks~ples c_o\le:CJ~tl, @i:l an:~yzO:<,I

AdcffllonalRequlrements annua11 · -- . y

Additiol181 niOriitoril'lQ Or samPlirig. req·Uir8)i1!3ri~ ~s~blis~ by thiS L_iC8ri~s:S. \Yill ~ lisJe)~ in· th8 G,o/id_iti<iriS: 3rjd Linji~.ti~i:i.s sjjclioji, if ~Ppli~b_le·.

Operational Statns Activities involve.operations in:support of waste management at.the'2!8°W-4B:Caissons

This Emission U11it l:i_as 1 active No~ice(s) ofCcmstru~i_on.

Project Title

WOW Al!'ha 4 Caisso_n Operation Approval# .AIR15'912.

Date Approved NOC_ID '91i11201s 965

Ci;,n~it_ions (state only e.nforceiib_le: WA9 ~46-2~7-040($), 060(5) if .not speci[l11d) I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 8.52E002 mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).

2) T_!i_i_s ap2rovaj _applies ol).iy to thO:s_e ~c:tfviti_es clescpoe_d be;;_J_ow. No ad4i_tio~al a:c:tivi_ties or va_ria_t_ions on t~e ·approved itctjvities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in W f\.C 246°24 7-030(16), may be, conducted.,

Un;c)ergroiiridc:aisso~s 9011.tai_ii srri¥)_1 c_losecl iiac~ge_s ( I to IO gil_!Jori 'p;ilrit c@.s ') ofr:e)nqte !tandled{RJ-1) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of the.package:Jids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-concr,ete cylinders buried approxim,ately 4 ni!'te_rs below grade. ':fhe· cai_ssons ];iave 0.9 m:eter diamet_e:r inlet chutes that haYe been offset to eliinwate dir~t radiaticiri sliirie frolll the stored wastes a:nd equipped with an inlet chute cap to:seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons, This caisson Alpha 4 contains Alpha contaminated waste, The cilissoit is piiss_ively vented on a coli.tiirilo_us basis allolivirig the caisS:ori cO:ntiiiajrig radioactive was_te to verit tlie ambient air through a high'-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be va)vecl s~ch that ~upply ai_r for tl_!"tl tc:,st is c;lr.~wn J;r:01_11 ill_ll_blOll,_t ajr rl!tlier th~ th_e ca_issO:n ai,sp~C!',.

3) The PTE for this Jifoje:ct as determined under Vf AC 246-247-030(2l)(a'-e) [as specified in the appliciitioi1] is 8.52E+OO mrem/year. Approved are the associ~ted potentiai"release,rates (Curies/year) of: , ·

Page 1 of 3Jor EU_ID 796

Arn -?41 Uquid/Particula)e Solid wAc 246-247-030(21)(0) Cor'ltribUtes 18ss than 0.1 mf8m/yr to the MEI, and represents leSS thari 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of th8 ab8t8d dOSe.

8/(3" O t.99E+61 L.iquid}Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes greater than· O: 1 · mrein/Yr to the MEI , and represents greater than 1 0% of the unabated . PTE: and represents gieater than-25% of the abated d0s8.

Co-.60 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC24~247-030(21}(e) Contributes IE!ss· than .. 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, ·and represents less· than fa%· of the unabated PTE and ·represents less than 25%-of the ab8ted dose.

Np - 237 Liquid/Particulate Solid W/IC.246,247-030(2°1)(0) Contributes less ~an'ti.1 mrem/yr_ to· the 'MEI, and represents less_ than f0%' .of the unabated.PTE and represents less than 25%-of,the abated dose.

Po -210 liquid/Particulate.Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) _qq~tri~es less ~ari 0.1· mrem/yr to the. ·Mei', and represents less than-1_6% of the ur:raba_ted PTE and repre_se,:its less than .25o/, of.the abated dose. ·

Pu -239 1.60E+OO Liquid/Particulate•Solid WAC 246'247-030(21)(8) Contribu~s g~ater-~an_ 9: 1 m_r.e_i:r,/yr 'to the MEI, and _represents gi:e_ater tha_~ 10% o_f t~e \Jna_b~.t~_d ·prE· ai:i~ repreS~i:l_t_S greater than-25%.of the abated, dose.

Th -·232 licj'uid/Particulate S_olid WA<;: 246-?4.7'039(?1 )(0) Contributes less· than 0.1 mrem/yr to th_e MEI, and rej:)resents l&Ss tharf 1_0% Of th"e Uriabat8d PTE ·arid rapreiS8nts leSS thBh 25% a/the abated dose. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

u - 23_3 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246'247-030(?1)(0) Contributes less than: 0.1 rrirem/ th8 MEI, a·nd re·preSerits Iess· than· 10% Of .th8 Un8bated P.TE a·nd ·repre·sents less than· 25% o/ the abaieddose. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . . . . . · .

U - 2~5!! $olid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes lElsS th811 0.1 ri'lre"mtyr to the MEI, ancl reifre5ents· les·s thari 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25%.of Ilia atiaied dose. · .

U - 238 · ~iq~id/Particul~t!!.$oiid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) contributes teSs than 0 .. 1 rTlre"m/yr to· the MEI, and represents less· than 10% of the Unabated PTE and represents less.than 25% of ttiS· atiated dOS8. · .

The radioactive.isotopes identified for this emission unit ate (no quantities specified):

Am-241 Co-60 Np-237 Po-210 .Pu-239

Th -232 U -233 U-235 U -23_8

The potential release rates·described in this .Condition were used to detennine control technologies and monitoring ·require1nents for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a ''modification'·' to the emission unit,.as defined in WAC 246-247'<)30( 16). DQE·,;riust Iioti_fy the Department of any ch$.ges to a NESH.AP II)~jor emis_sion unit when a specific isotope is newly i( contributing greater than 10% cifthe pciteritial TEI>E lei tlie l\1El, cir gre_ilter tl:_,.S:n 25% or the TEDE to the MEI after controls.· (W Ac· 246-24 7-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to potentiJ1J i~l~_~e. required by·st_ate or federa_l r~gulations including changes that would constitute a significant modification to. the Air Operating Pei:riiit under WAC 173-401-725(4). No_ti_ce wiJI be provid_\ld a:eccO:nliiig t" .th\l particular regufaiion under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address inainier .arid type of notification, DOE wiil provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies.of d"cuinents.


HEPA-type breatherJilters. shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for .the c.ciritiriuciU:s and PCM inO:ftjtoniig requi,el!len_ts. Annually, a smear will be taken upstream ofthe HEPA filter as a.contamination ~dicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear .wiii be.taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification --· . ---- . ... . ... . .. .. . .. - ' • " . ' ... ' <. - . . ,·

Page 2 o_f 3.fo_r EU_ID 796

sample .. If contamination above.20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is foimd downstream of the HEPA filter; the source of the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N55S, and N9o4 willbe trended onan annual · basis to verify CQ!).ii_nued !_ow ®_l_issj_ons from th~ c:aissons (WAC i46-J47-030(17)). . .

Page 3 of3 for EU~ID 796

Emission Unit ID:_ 80_0

200W 218W4B-#3 Caisson 200W 3 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASS IVEL'( ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial.Grounds

Ernlsslon l.i_nit Information

· Stack Height_: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stru::k Diamete, 0-30 _ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second ..

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246c247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Aba_tl!m~nt Tei;liilology lleqitired #-of Units


Monitoring Requirements

0.09 n\.

~_dditiona_I Descriptio_n

. Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246°247-040(5), 060(5),.and federallyehfori::eable: 40 CFR 61 sutipart H Federal and State Reg!llat<!ry

Monitoring and Testing !{eqitire!!'elitL . ·

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Meth_od_ 114.

Radionuclides Requiring ~~~!ur~~e.n! _

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling .¥!e!l'u~ncy

Amiualy for smears and_ near field a!Jlbien_t rrionitori_ng program.

S_iimpliJ_lg Requ)remeiits Sll)ear s_ample upstre'!JTl of HE.PA fi_l_t_er, N"'!f fac_i_lity n\oni) network samples collected and analyzed

Additional Roquinlmants

annuall · . . y

Ad~i_ti_on:a1 mo·nitori119 Or ~a;i:nPlirig ·r:e:<iui~ments 8s_ta~llsh8d t;,y thi_s Li~nie ~II ti:e liste_d in t~8 9,o_nd_iti_on:s 8rid Liir:ti~~9r:,s·s8~~n. if ap.pll~b_le.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in· sup_pori of waste management at.the 2 l 8-W4B Caissons

Ti' Emlssi<>n Unit h21111 a_ctJva Notica(s) of Construc:ti_O:n.

Project Title . 200W 3 Caisson Operation

Approval# AIR.15>913

Date Approved NOC_ID 9/21/2015 966

Conditions (st!l~e only enforceab_le: WAC ~46-247-040(5), 060(5) If not i;pecifie<!)

I) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 8.41E-03 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved act_ivities tliat cO:nstitut:e a "modificatiOti" to the etriission unit, as detiJi"'1 in WA<: 246-247-030(16), may be conducted ..

Underground caissons contain small ciosed packages (I to IO gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) arid trimsilrariic (TRU) wastes with high levels ofradiaticin. A small percentage ofthe package-lids became unsealed when the packages were:dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons · are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately"4 meters below grade. The caissons.have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial tre11ch ~ontains tw~lve ( 1 :n caissons. 11iis caisson M_Fi>-3 contai_ns beta/gamn_ia con.taminate:d waste. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste to

Page 1 of 3 for EU_ID 800

vent the ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such supply air for th.e test is drawn from ambi.ei:i.t. air rat:he, t~ the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 8.41E-0l nm,m/year. Approve<! are thll associa.ted poten\ial release rate_s (Curies/year) of:

B/G •. Q Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes.less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the M·e1, and represents less than 1·0% of the.unabated PTE and:represents less than· 25% of the ·abated dose.

Ce, 144 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the M.EI, and represents less than 10% of the.unabated PTE and. represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Cs - 137 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) ~ntributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the M-EI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Pm. 147 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247--030(21)(e) . C9ntributes !es_s thar:i 0.1 n:,rem/yrto the MEI, and i:eP_r.esents less than 10% of the ui:,abated.PTE a_ijd repre:sen~·l~s than 25% .of the abated dose.

Pu - 2_38 Liquid/Particulate S<iJid WAC 246-247--030(21 )(e) Contributes less 0.1 mrem/yr to the .MEI,· and ·rep'reSerits I8s5 thflri 10% of the. unabated PTE 8nd·represents le:fa th8n 25% of the abated dose. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . - . . ..

Pu - 2_39 2.48E-01 . Liquid/Partic_ulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes gie~~r th:an 0.1 m·~m/yr·to ttiEt MEI, cind rePl"8SffntS greater thBri 10% Of the uriabated PTE- anO rep·resents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

U. 235 Liquid/Particulat_e S()Jid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes leSs than 0.1 mre"l"Tl/yr to the MEI, and rep·resents leSs tha·n 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

U • 238 Liquid/Parti~ulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21\e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified): Ce - 144 Cs - 137 Pm· 147 PU·· 238 Pu - 239

U-235 u. -238

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the DllPartment of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must notify th~ D.llPartment of any changes to a NESH_AP m_ajor emissi<m un_i_t when. a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0¾of the p<iteritial TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 2"5% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246-24 7-110(9)) DOE must notify theDllPartment of any changes to potentia_l release rates as required by state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a significant modification to the Air Operating Pennit under WAC 173-40 la 725( 4 ). No.lice wi!J be provid~d according to t~e particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation( s) does not address manner and type of l).Otification, DOE will provide the DllPartment with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol teste.d annually (WAC 246-24.7-030(4))


An alternate monitoring method is·approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annuaily, a smell!" will be tak:en.upstrelllll of t\le flEPA as a contamination indicator. If detectable

Page 2 of 3 for EU_ID 800

contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/ 100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/ I 00cm2 beta/ gamma is found downstream of th_e HEPA filter, tl_t_e source of the dc:iwnstreru_n contamiriati_on will be itlvest_igated and correct_¥ (VI AC 246-247-030( 17)).


The near facility monit<Jring network data for stations N433, N4S7, N5S5, ll!ld N964 wiH be treri!fed op an an.nual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 3 o/3 for EU_ID 800

Emission Unit ID: 801

200W 218W4B-#4 Caisson 200W 4 Caisson This is a MAJOR, PASS~ y ve_i:iti4t~ .. t:.missi~n l;lll_it.

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 .00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. l3 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Technology AI.ARA.CT WAC 246-247-040(4)

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Technology Required # of Units


lj,'lonl~oring Req~_i.rements


Additional Description

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable:.40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Reqllirements

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Methc,!f 114.

Radionuclides Requiring ~~as~~m,~, Total alpha, total beta

Sampling fr~11~ncy _

Annualy for smears and near field ambi_ent monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample ups)ream ofH:EPA filt~r. Near fru:ility monitoring network s"!Jlp_les coilec_ted and analyzed

Additional Requirements

am\tiall --- y

Ad~i_tltjn_al monl_toring 9r ~njPlinQ 1"8:Q!-Jirerr:i!!r'lts e·s~blish~.b)' t~iS Licerise Wm b~ llst_EI~ iri the <;:oni:litions and Limitation·s s8ctlon, lf applicable.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support of waste managementat the 218-W-4B Caissons

This Emission U_nit h~ 1 ac:tlve Notlce(s) of Constru_ction.

Project Title 20.0W 4 Caisson Operation

App"r'o'!lll #

AIR 15-914

D~e App"roved NOC_ID 9/21/2015 967

Cci_ndit_ions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

1) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to 2.72E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246°247-040(5)).

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages ( 1 to 10 gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (RH) mixed fission ptodu~t (MfP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes wi_t_h high levels of radiation. A smail percentage of the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute, The caissons are reinforcecl-<:oncrete cylinders buried approxiinately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eiiminate direc_t radiation sl:iine frO:rri the stor_ed vvastes at1d equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions .. The 2.18-W-4B burial trench col).tains twelve (12) caissons. Thi_s caisson MFP-4 contains beta/gamma contaminated waste. The caisson is passively vented _on a continuous basis allci'Wing the caisson containing radioactive waste tci

Page 1 of 2 for EU _ID 801

vent the ambient air thro\lgh a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspi1ce.

3) The PTE for t!,_i_s projC:ct as determined u_n4er WAC i46-247-030(2l)(a-e) [llS specified in the appl_ication] is 2. 72E+00 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

B/G-0 5 .. 81.E+D.D Uquid/Pa~iculs1te Sol.i.d WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes gi"e8ter than 0.1· ml'8m/yr. to the MEI, a·nd ·re·presentS gre·ater tha·n 10% of the unaba_ted PTE-and represe·nts giia:ter than·2s%· of the Sbated do·se. .

Pu - 239 - · 5:39E-01 Liquid/Particulate Soiid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes greater than 0.1 mrer'n/yr to the MEI, and represents gre·ater than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Th - 232 Liquid/Particulate Solid wAc 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than.0.1 mrem/yl". to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

U-235 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC.246-247-030(21 )(e) Contrib_utes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to·the MEI, and represents less than 1·o'% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25o/o of the ab.ited c!Ose. U - 238 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Cor:,tl'ib~es less than 0.1 r:nrem/yr to the Pv_'IEI, and represents less thar:i 10% of the unaba_ted PTE and represent$ less than 25%.of the abated dose.

The radioactive isotopes identified for this emission unit are (no quantities specified):

Pu - 239 Th - 232 U O 235 U " 238

The potential release rates described in Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this approval. DOE riiust notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16). DOE must notify the Department of any changes to.a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than 10% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 25% ofthe TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246-24 7-110(9)) DOE riiiist notify th.e Department of any cl,![nges to potential release rates as state or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4 ). Notice will be provided·according to the particular regulation under whfoh notificatioi:i is required. If the appl.icable regul,1J.ion(s) does riot address mariner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An .alternate riionitciring method is approveq for use for th.e and PCM ·monitoring requirements. Annually, a.smear will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEP A filter as an abatement verification sample. If coritaiiiiriation above 2.0 dpm/ I 00cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/ 100cm2 be.ta/ gamma is found downs)ream of the HEPA filter, the source of the ciownstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246-247-030(17)).


The n~llf faciHty monitoring ne.twork data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the crus·sons (WAC 246-247-030(17)}.

Page 2 of 2 for EU_ID 801

Emission Unit ID: 802

200W 218W4Ba.#S Caisson

200W S Caisson This is a MAJO°ii, .PASSIVELY ventiJated etnission ..

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit Information

Stack Height: 3 .00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack Diameter 0.30 ft.

Average Stack Efflu_erit Temperature: 5_5 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Ce_lsius.

Average Stack E"'1austVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Aba~em~n! Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state only enforceable: WAC 246-247--010(4), 040(!i), 060(5)

:lone or Area Abatement Technology Required# of Units


Monitoring Requirements

0.09 m.

Addldonal Descripdon .

Passi','.e Breather Filter

state enforreable: WAC 246-247--040(5), 060(5), and federally enforceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Federal and State Regillatory

Monitoring and Testing Requb-ements

40 CFR. 61, Appendix B, Method il4.

Radionuciides Requiring Measurement

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annualy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, Near facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually -

~_diti~r:i~I R~~ir8ij"i~il~

Additionaf monitoring or sampling requil'faments established b}' this License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations sectiQ.n, if appli~bl~.

Operadonal Status Activities involve operations in support of waste management at the 2 l 8-W-4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notlce(s) of Construction.

Project Title Approval # Date Approved NOC~ID 200W 5 Caisson Operation AIR 15,915 9/21/2015 968

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified)

1) The total abated emission limit for this.Notice of Construction is liinited to 3.54E-02 mrem/year to the Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).

2) 'This approvaJ applie_s 0:11ly to th_ose ac_tivi_ties desc,r{bed ·below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "me>dification" to the emission-unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030(16), may be conducted.

Und,;rgroun_d, cais:soris contain si,:iaH closed pa;clcliges ( 1 to 10 gall,:m 'paint caris ') of r~ote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage cif the package lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-concrete cylind_ers liiirie:ct approximately 4 meters be_low grad_e. The caissoi,_s have 0.9 i:i:i_eter diameter inlet chutes that have been offset to eliminate direct radiation.shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet c_hute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson MFP-5 contains beta/gainma c_oritariiinated waste. The caisson' is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive waste-to

Page 1 of 2_ for EU_ID 8~2

vent the,ambient air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter leg will be valved such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspa;ce.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 3.54E+00 rnrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

B/G-0 1.49E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid VVAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) C.Ontrib~tes gre_a~r ·than 0.1 r:nrery,/yr to_ the ~El, ar,d repre_sents greater tt:,a_r:i 1 _0% of th~ unabat8d PTE' and ,:ep_res~i:its greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release rate based on Sr-90.

C_s - 137 Liqujd/Partic_ulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) Coritributes 18s5 than 0.1 l'T11'8in/yf to the MEI, arid rePresents leSs thB,"n 10% of the unabated PTE a"l'ld f'8pf'858iits less than 25% Of the abated dose. · ·

Pu -239 3.54E-01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes greater than 0.1 mreni/yr to the MEI, and represents greater than 10% Of the unabated PTE, 8.nd rep-resents greatertha·n 25% of the.abated.dose.

U -235 Liquid/Particulate.Solid WAC 24&-247 -030(21 )( e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to.the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and.represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

The rad19active i_sotopes id_e_11tified for t_l;1is emission unit are (no quah_tities. specifi_ed): Cs-137 Pu-239 U-2_35

.The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and monitoring requirements for this-approval. DOE·must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in WAC 246-247-030( 16). DOE must notify the Depa)tnient of any changc:,s to a NESHAP major emj_ssion unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than I 0% of the potential TEDE to the MEI, or greater than 2.5% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. C:W AC 246,247-110(9)) DOE must notify the Department of any changes to potential release rates as required by st.a_te or federal regulations including changes that would constitute a significant modification to the Air Operating Permit under WAC 173-401-725( 4). N.otice will be provided according to the particular regulation under which notification is required. · If the applicable regulation( s) does not address manner and type of notification; DOE wiil provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solc::ly by c_opies of docuinehts.


HEPA-type breather filters shail be aerosol tested annuaJly (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


An alternate monitoring method is approved for use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annlllllly, asl)lear wil_l be take_n upstream of the HE_PA filter as a contamination indicator. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as ail abatement verificatio_n sample .. lfcontamination above 20 dprn/100crn2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter; the source or the downstream contamination will be investigated and corrected (WAC 246,247-030(17)).


The near facility riloriitoring netw:ork data for stations N433, N457, N555, arid N964 will be tret1de_d oh an arniu!li basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246:247-030(17)).

Page 2 of 2 for EU_lb 802

E_ajssi<in Unit ID: 8_03

200W 218W48"#6 Caisson 200W 6 Caisson This is a MAJOR. p ASSIVEL y ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

Emlssiol'.I Unit Information

Stack Height: -3.00 _ft. 0.91 m. Stack'Diameter 0.-30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature:55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0_.25 ft/secci1_1d. 0_.98 ril/sec:ong. Ab.ltl!l118nt ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4) state O:nly enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), .040(5), 060(5)

Zone.or Area Abatement Technology Required# of Units

HEPA Filter

Monitoring Req·uirements


Additional Description

Passive Breather Filter

state enforceable: WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5), and federal_ly enfqrceable: 40 CFR 61 subpart H

Feileral and State ~watory

Monitoring a11_d Testing ~qulre~en:ts

- ---40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114

Radioilnclides Reqiliring M.~s-~emell~

----·--- -- --Total alpha, total beta

Sall)l)_lµig Freq11en~y

Anmialy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream ofli'E°P A filter, Near faciiity monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually.

Addl~ot:1al Requireme~_ts

· Additional monitoring or sampllng requirements established by this.License will be listed in the Conditions and Limitations section, if applicable.

Operationa,I Act_ivities involve ciperajions i1_1 ~U:pport of waste ri\'!Dagement at the J.18-W-4E! Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice(s) of Construction.

Project TIIle 200W 6 Cai_sscin Operation


AIJl 1.5-916

Date Approved NOC_ID 9/2112015 969

Conditions (state only enforceable: WAC 246-247~040(5), 060(5) if not specified) 1) Tlte.tota) abated eii)issfo11 litriit for tliis Noti_ce 6fConstructio1_1 i_s Hmitec;! to 5.19E-02J:IU"einiyeat to the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246,-247-040(5)).

2) This approval applies only to those activities described below. No additional activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "modification" to the.emission unit, as defined'in WAC 246-247-030(16), r1_1ay be conducted.

Underground caissons contain small closed packages (I to 10 gallon 'paint cans') of remote handled (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high levels of radiation. A small percentage of the package lids became uns_ealed when the packages were dropped down the caisso)l chute. The cai~son:s are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximately 4 meters below grade. The caissons have 0.9 meter diameter i1_1let c_hutes that have been off.set t.o eliminate direct radfation shine from the stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B

· burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson MFP-6 contains beta/gamma contaminated waste, The caisson is passively vented O:n a co11tinuou_s basis a(lowing the cais_son cont.ain_ing radi!'.iac_t~vewi(ste to

Pago 1 of 3 for EU_ID 803

vent the ambient air through a higlH:fficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the filter 1¢g wili bevalved such th:at supply air f6r the. test is d!:awn from ambient air rather than t)ie caiss_on airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246-247-030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is 5. l 9E+o0 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

B/G-0 2.90E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes greater tt,an 0.1 mrer:n/yr to t!ie MEI, and represents greater than t0% of the unabated PTE and ,:epreseots greater than 25% of the abated dose. Beta/gamma release_ rate based on Sr-90.

Co - 6_0 1.92E+01 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) C_o~t:?_l!tes greate_r ·than 0.1 rnrem/yr to the ~I, a_nd repre_sents than 10% of the ur:,abSted PTE and rep~_sents l~Ss than 25% of the abated dose.

Cr· 51 Liquid/Particulate .Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(0) Contributes leSs than 0_.1 m1'8m/yr to the _MEI, a·nd represents l~ss than 10% Of the uiiab8ted PTE arid represents I85s.than 25% of the abated ·dose. . . . .. . •. . . · . · . . . . . ..

Cs· 134 Liquid/Pa,rtic:_1,1la)e Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) ContrlbUtes less.than 0.1 ml"Etm/yr t_O the M_EI, arid l'ep'reserits teSs than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of th8 abat8d dOse. · · ·

Cs -137 Liquid/Particulate.Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes greater than 0:1 mrem/yr to the MEi, and represents greater than 10% of th8 unabated PTE,and represents greater than 25% of the abated dose.

Eu - 154 Liquid/Particulate.Solid WAC 246-247-Cl30(21)(e) Contributes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to ttie' MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less.than

· 25% of the abated dose.

Fe - 59 Liquid/Particulate.Solid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(e) Contributes less than O. 1 mrem/yr to the MEI. and repnssents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Mn-54 Liquid/Particulate. Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(8) ~r:,tributes less. than o.1 mrem/yr to .the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

Ru· 106 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) ~r:ttrit)utes less than 0.1 f'l'.'lrem/yr to the MEl,.and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose.

~b • 125 Liquid/Particulate .Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(0) COritrlbutes less than 0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, arid represerits less than 10% of the unc:ibS:ted PTE and represents leSs thS:n 25% Ofti,e abated dose. · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · ·

Sr - 90 Liquid/Particl,!la)e $oHd WAC 246-247'030(21)(e) Contributes less than 0.1 ml"Bm/yr t6 the MEI, Snd ·represents leSs than·10% of the unabated PTE and represents less than 25% of the abated dose. .

Zr-95 Liquid/Particulate.soiid WAC 246-247-030(21 )(8) Contributes less than-0.1 mrem/yr to the MEI, and represents less than 10% of the unabated PTE and.represents less-than · 25% of the abated dose.

The radioa_ctjve i_sotopes id_en_t_i_fied for th_is e_mis~ion un_it are (no quantities specified): Co-60 C_r-51 Cs-134 Cs-137 E_u-154

Fe .,59 fy1n - 54 Ru - 106 Sb - 125 Sr- 90


Page 2 of 3 for EU_ID 803

The potential release rates described in this Condition were used to determine control technologies and mciiiitoring requirements for this approval. DOE must notify the Department of a "modification" to the emission unit, as defined in W~C 246-_247-030(16). DOE must Iioti_fy the Departm!'Jlt of any changes to a NESHAP major emission unit when a specific isotope is newly identified as contributing greater than IO% of th_e potential TE.DE t_o the MEJ, or ~ater th_an 25% of the TEDE to the MEI after controls. (WAC 246-247-110(9)) DOE must notify the.Department of any changes to potential release rates as required by state orfederal regulations including changes ihat would constitute·a significant riJC>dification to the Afr Dperating Perii:iit under WAC 173-401-725( 4). NCltice wii_l be provided a_cconlingto the particular regulation under which notification is required. If the applicable regulation(s) does not address manner and type of notification, DOE will provide the Department with advance written notice by letter or electronic mail but not solely by copies of documents.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aeros:ol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030(4)).


Ap, altem:l!te mcmitClring m,a,thod_ i_s approved fo_r use for the continuous and PCM monitoring requirements. Annually, a smear:will be taken upstream of the HEPA filter as a contamination ihdicato_r. If det"!ble contamination is discovered, a·smear will be taken downstream ofthe HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filter, the source of the downstream ccintamihatim1 'iwill be inve_stigated and cO:rrect_!ld (WAC 246~247-030(17)). .


The near facility monitoring network data.for- stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 will be trendeJi on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247-030(17)).

Page 3 of 3 !or.EU_ID 803

Emission Unit ID: 804

200W 218W4B-lJN!#l Caisson 200w UNII Caisson This is a MlNOR; PASSIVELY Ventilated emission unit

200 West Burial Grounds

Emission Unit Information

. St."!'k Height_: 3.00 ft. 0.91 m. Stack: I>iariie_te_r o .. 30 ft.

Average Stack Effluent Temperature: 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 13 degrees Celsius.

Average:Stack ExhaustVelocity: 0.25 ft/second. 0.08 m/second.

Abatement Technology ALARACT WAC 246-247-040(4).

state only enforceable: WAC 246-247-010(4), 040(5), 060(5)

Zone or Area Abatement Tei:hn:o_logy Required # of Units


Mo_n_itorlng Requlren:ient11



Passive Breather Fi°Iter

state enforceable: WAC 246°247-040(5), 060(5)', and federally enforceable:.40 CFR 61.subpartH

Federal and State Regulatory

Monitoring and Testing Requirements

40 CFR 61, Appendix B, Method 114

Radionnclides Requiring Measurement

Total alpha, total beta

Sampling Frequency

Annualy for smears and near field ambient monitoring program.

Sampling Requirements Smear sample upstream of HEPA filter, 1'/ear facility monitoring network samples collected and analyzed annually.

Addltlorial ReqUlreme"nts

Additional monito_ring·or sar:npli,:,g requirements established by this License w.m ~ listed In the Co_nditlons and Lir'l'.'lita~~:11:i~ s~dion, If appll¢:Bb_le.

Operational Status Activities involve operations in support ofwaste:management at the 218-W,4B Caissons

This Emission Unit has 1 active Notice(s) of Cori"structloii.

Project Title

200W UNII Caisson Operation


AIR 15-917

Date Approved NOC_ID 9/21/2015 970

Conditions (state only enforceable: . WAC 246-247-040(5), 060(5) if not specified) 1) The total abated emission limit for this Notice of Construction is limited to l.98E-04 mrem/year to the

Maximally Exposed Individual (WAC 246-247-040(5)).

2) This approva_l applies only to those activi_ties described below. No additionlll activities or variations on the approved activities that constitute a "mo_dification" to the.emissio_n unit, as defined in WAC 246-24Nl30(16), may be conducted.

Und_ergr'ound caisscins corita_ih s111aU clos:ed p'a_c_k,iges (l t9 10 gailon 'pa:~t c_a:ns') ofreni.ot!" hand)ed (RH) mixed fission product (MFP) and transuranic (TRU) wastes with high le\'.els of radiation. A small percentage of the package· lids became unsealed when the packages were dropped down the caisson chute. The caissons are reinforced-concrete cylinders buried approximat_ely 4111e_ters below grade. Tile.cai_ssons J:i:ave 0.9 meter diameter inlet chutes that have been eliminate direct radiation shine from the.stored wastes and equipped with an inlet chute cap to seal off the secondary pathway for fugitive emissions. The 218-W-4B burial trench contains twelve (12) caissons. This caisson UNI 1 contains mixed waste products. The caisson is passively vented on a continuous basis allowing the caisson containing radioactive vent the ambient

Page 1 of 2 for EU_I_D 804

air through a h_igh-efficieticy particulate air (HEPA) filter. During filter aerosol testing, the fil_ter leg will be valved.such that supply air for the test is drawn from ambient air rather than the caisson airspace.

3) The PTE for this project as determined under WAC 246°247°030(2l)(a-e) [as specified in the application] is l.98E0

02 mrem/year. Approved are the associated potential release rates (Curies/year) of:

B/G-0 1.25E;.()1 Liquid/Particulate Solid WAC 246-247-030(21)(e) Contributes. gre~ter than 0.1 mrem/yr to the ME.I, .and represents greater than 1°0% of ,the unabated. PTE and represents greater than· 25% of the abated.dose.


HEPA-type breather filters shall be aerosol tested annually (WAC 246-247-030( 4)).


· An alternate monitoring method is·approved for use forthe continuous and PCM monitoring requirements: Annually, a smear will be taken upstre:am of the HEPA filter as a contamination ·iU:di¢atcit. If detectable contamination is discovered, a smear.will be taken downstream of the HEPA filter as an abatement verification sample. If contamination above 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha or 1000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma is found downstream of the HEPA filttir, tlie s6u1w of the downstream co11taftl.ifta_ti_on will be inve:stiga.ted ai).d cO:rtec_teci (WAC 246-247-030( 17)) ..


The near facility monitoring network data for stations N433, N457, N555, and N964 win be trended on an annual basis to verify continued low emissions from the caissons (WAC 246-247:.030( 17)) ..

Page 2 of 2 for EU_ID 804