Department Casino Ballroom - · Your Life, Your Legacy: Ice Cream Social: Wed.,...

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Transcript of Department Casino Ballroom - · Your Life, Your Legacy: Ice Cream Social: Wed.,...

Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018 21

Senior Center 5501 27th Ave. S. 727-893-5657

This is your Center! - Sign up today to enjoy all the classes and events offered at the Gulfport Se-nior Center. Hours are Monday -Thursday 8 am – 7 pm and Friday from 8 am– 4 pm. Stop by and ask for a tour and pick up a copy of this month’s schedule or download your copy at and click the Senior Center link. The Senior Center currently offers multiple monthly classes, activities, and services for residents over 50 years old. Reg-istration is required and is easy and free.

Special EventsThe Senior Center now has Facebook. Find us at Support Group – 1st & 3rd Fridays @ 1 pm. Are you overwhelmed with the responsibili-ties & challenges of being a caregiver? You are not alone! On-going support for you is essential. In January, a new Caregivers Support Group will begin meeting on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month at 1 pm. This peer-led group will share tips, offer encouragement, & discuss the trials, demands, & overwhelming experience of being a caregiver for their loved one. Coffee & Conver-sation – Thursdays @ 10 am. You are invited to join your friends on the Senior Center patio for complimentary coffee and conversation. Bridge 101 – Mons @ 9 am. This class is for those who know nothing or almost nothing about Bridge. Learn how to bid and all the tricks to playing. You MUST preregister for this class. No experience needed. Bring a deck of cards if possible.Clubhouse Chatter – Weds., 1/3 @ 1 pm. Open Discussion about the MLB season and your hometown Rays. The good, the bad and the ugly and what the season could have been. Topics will include but not limited to: player personnel, draft picks, farm system (minor leagues), coaching staff, spring season, ticket pricing, and of course the future of tropicana field. The discussion will be moderated by John Dallam. Rays staff and players will be invited to Clubhouse Chatter.impact on your health and well-being.Community Law Program – 3rd Friday of Each Month @ 9:30 am. Legal assistance is available from the Community Law Program. You must call 727.582.7480 to qualify and to make your ap-pointment. If you qualify, legal assistance is free.Tech Tips with Stetson – 4th Monday @ 3 pm. Technology is constantly changing, making it hard to keep up with the latest changes, devices, & trends. Stetson students will offer instruction & tips to keep you up to date. This month’s topic: Face Book. Space is limited. Must call 727-893-5657 to pre-register.Your Life, Your Legacy: Ice Cream Social: Wed., 1/24 @ 2 pm. Learn how to protect your

Department Casino Ballroom5500 Shore Blvd. S. 727-893-1070

Friday, January 19 7 – 10 pm

SOCK HOP with The ImpacsFeaturing Barry Manilow Tribute

Tickets are $15 in advance $20 at the door Tables of 10 are $110

Purchase advance tickets at the Casino and Beach Bazaar.

Saturday, January 207 :30 pm

BEATLEMANIAAn Alan Freed Production benefitting the

Gulfport Area Chamber of CommerceTickets $30 at Gulfport Welcome Center

3101 Beach Blvd. S. 727-344-3711

Sunday, January 21 6 – 10 pm


6 pm – 7 pm: Ballroom Lesson7 pm – 10 pm: Ballroom Dancing

$8 admission.

Monday, January 227 – 10:30 pm

USA DANCE Presents Ballroom Dancing

~ Lesson ~ Great DJ music ~ Dance hosts ~ Members: $5 ~ Non-members: $8


Saturday & Sunday February 3 & 410 am – 5 pm

PAVA 2 COOL ART SHOWJuried fine art and fine craft show

Free and open to the public. Cash

Catherine Hickman Theater

5501 27th Ave. S. 727-893-1070January 18-21

Gulfport Community Players present“Breaking the Code”

By Hugh WhitemoreThurs, Fri, Sat. shows at 8 pm Sat. & Sun. matinees at 2 pm

Tickets $18 in advance, $20 at door ~ cash only Available at Beach Bazaar, at the door within one

hour of performance, or online at

Saturday, January 27 at 2pmAN AFTERNOON DELIGHTWITH POPPY CHAMPLIN Adult lesbian comedy. Cash bar.

Tickets: $20 donation general admission, $25 early entry & reception.

Purchase tickets at Casino & Beach Bazaar.

Saturday, January 27 at 7 pmSunday, January 28 at 3 pm

THE RAT PACK: TOGETHER AGAINA wonderful mix of song, comedy & sketches.

Tickets $25 at Casino and Beach BazaarSaturday & Sunday, February 3 & 4

Saturday & Sunday, February 10 & 11Sat. shows at 8 pm ~ Sun. shows at 2pm


A delightful mix of comedy and drama for seniors, by seniors

Tickets $13.50 in advance, or $15 at the door (cash or check)

Advance tickets available at the Beach Bazaar orat 727-536-7076

GEMS Gulfport GetawaysNo need to be GEMS member to enjoy the exciting Gulfport Getaways. Call 727-893-2242 for more info and to reserve your seat. Trips are non-refundable and subject to change without no-tice.Get up close & personal to the amazing murals throughout St. Pete with this St. Pete Mural Tour on Thursday, January 25. GEMS members $6/non-members $8. Price includes roundtrip transportation.Discover a whole new way of shopping at Ikea on Thursday, February 1. GEMS members $15/non-members $20. Price includes roundtrip transportation.Enjoy lunch at one of the best restaurants in Pinellas County, Bellissimo Italian Eatery on Thurs-day, February 8. GEMS members $6/non-members $8. Price includes roundtrip transportation.

loved ones by making your final arrangements in advance all while you enjoy an ice cream social.Happy Birthday to You! – 4th Friday of Each Month @ 3:00 pm. Help us celebrate this month’s birthdays with cake, games, and more. Spon-sored by Simply Healthcare.Beyond Hearing Aids: Advances in Hearing Technology & Hearing Solutions: Wed., 1/31 @ 2 pm. Dr. Mary Burton of Hear Here Audiology will explain how the hearing system works, causes of hearing loss, and the various treatment options available, including hearing aids and other hear-ing devices.Voter Registration Drive – Thur., 2/1 @ 10 am – 1 pm. Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections will be available for you to register to vote, update your address, signature, name, or party affiliation, or apply to Vote by Mail.1st Friday Flea Market – Fri., 2/2 @ 9:00 am. Come discover the great selection of jewelry, home décor, cook books, collectibles, and many other goodies.

Special ServicesGEMS (Gulfport Extended Mobility Service) – Affordable door to door transportation service. Rides to medical appointments, hopping, and downtown St. Pete for Gulfport residents, 55 years of age or older or disabled. For more infor-mation call 727-893-2242.Reassurance Program - Daily calls made to members to provide reassurance and emergency assistance if needed. Gulfport residents 50 years of age or older.Food Pantry – Supplemental food assistance for qualifying Gulfport Seniors in need. Pantry is open on Mons and Thurs from 1–3 pm. Proper verification required prior to use of the pantry.Senior Citizens’ Advisory Committee – This committee is a liaison for Gulfport Seniors to City Council pertaining to senior issues & ways to en-hance the quality of life for seniors in the com-munity. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, call 727-893-1231.FITNESS CENTER SCHEDULE: Mon–Thurs, 8 am – 7 pm, Fri: 8 am – 4 pm. Stop by the Senior Center and take a tour of our state of the art fit-ness facility.The Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center Foundation, Inc. - Membership in the Founda-tion helps provide enhancements that make our center second to none. All donations to this 501(c)3 non-profit organization will help ensure our continued growth. 727-893-1244.More ActivitiesTo view the Senior Center calendar in its entirety, please log onto

22 Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018

Locating and Filing the Will

Thefirststepintheprobateprocessistodeterminewhetherthedeceasedleft awill, that is a legal documentprepared by a person before deathdirectingothershowtodistributehisorherpropertyafterdeath.Ifawillexists,thepersonissaidtohavedied"testate." Althoughdetermining that awilldoesexistmightbefairlyeasy,findingthewillmay bemore difficult. It isimportanttolocatethelastwillandany amendments (called "codicils")toit.Amongtheplaceswherepeoplecommonly keep wills are strong-boxes, file cabinets, desk drawers,andsafedepositboxes. If you have agreed to serve asthe Personal Representative forsomeone's estate, it is essential tolearn in advance where the personkeepsthewill.Ifthewillisinabank'ssafedepositbox,pleasekeepinmindthat the law requires the box to besealedattheowner'sdeath.Becauseyouneedtogetacourtordertoopenasafedepositbox, it isnotthebestplacetokeepawill. Within ten days following death,the will should be filed by yourattorney with the probate clerk inthe county where the person lived

at the time of death. Inmost cases,however,thereisnoneedtorushtotheprobateclerk'soffice.Ifyouhaverecentlylostaspouseorotherlovedone,thisisastressfulandvulnerabletime.Youmightwant towaita fewmonths,untilyouarefeelingsettled,tobegintheprobateprocess.Withthepassage of a fewmonths' time, youmaybeinabetterpositiontotacklethedecisionsanddetailsofprobate.

Initiating the Probate Process

Any person entitled to thedeceased's property as an heir, asa beneficiarynamed in awill, or asa creditor (known as "interestedpersons") can file a written requestat theprobate clerk's office tobegina probate proceeding. This writtenrequestistypicallycalleda"petitionforprobateadministration."

••Mr. Myers is the owner of Akerson Law Offices which is located at 535 49th St. N., St. Petersburg, FL. The phone number is 727-347-5131. Mr. Myers welcomes calls regarding this article and other related legal topics. This column outlines general legal principles. If you have a specific question about the law, please consult an attorney.



This column outlines general legal principles and is not intended to give you legal advice. If you have a specific question about the law, please consult an attorney.

By Robert J. Myers, Esq.

Chart a Course for Your Hopes and Dreams AVisionMapWorkshopisplannedforSaturday,January20 from8:30a.m. to 1 p.m. in Scout Hall, 531528th Ave. S. The purpose of thiscreativity mini-retreat is to helpfriends, partners, team members,andbusinesseslaunchthenewyearwithgreater clarityand focus.Menandwomenarewelcome. TestimonialsfrombusinesspeopleandcelebritieslikeOprahandEllentellhow“visionboards”setthestagefor their move into success andsuperstardom. The process, along with valuesclarification, creative visualization,and writing a new story, createsseveral benefits. These benefitsinclude shifting fear to fuel formanifesting goals; harnessing thepowerofyourdesireandcreatingasolidfoundationforfutureprojects. FacilitatorsareIngridBredenberg,MA Strategy and Creativity Coachand Lore RaymondMA, bestsellingAmazonAuthorandWritingCoach. For more information, call 727-565-5936 or email


Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018 23

Sport TalkCrossword Puzzle Solution on Page 14

24 Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018

Day of Service,fromfrontpage Braving chilly temperatures and wind, dozens ofparticipantscameout for the fourthannualMartinLutherKingJr.DayofServiceinGulfportonSaturday,January13from8a.m.to1:30p.m. They joinedanationof volunteers for thisannual eventexemplifyingKing’schallengetoserveothers,saidMargareteTober,presidentoftheGulfportNeighbors,anon-profitthathelpedtosponsortheeventalongwiththecityandvariouscommunityandserviceorganizations. “ThisDayofServiceisawaytocelebratewhatpeopledoallyearlongandthat’shelpingothers,”saidTober. Serviceprojectsfor2018includedacleanupoftheTangerineGreenway,aGulfportbeachcleanup,woodenbenchpaintingalong Beach Boulevard, planting bed maintenance in theGulfport Food Forest, providing assistance at the PinellasCounty Animal Services compound and creating welcomebaskets for familiesat theCommunityActionStopsAbusefacility. Openingceremoniesandthefreelunch,sponsoredbytheCommunityEmergencyResponseTeam,wereheldinafieldnexttothebaseballdiamondatTomlinsonParklocatedatthecornerof19thAvenueSouthand54thStreetSouth. FloridaStateSenatorDarrylRouson,D-District19,wasthekeynotespeakerwhodeliveredapassionatemessage. “Dr. King stood for unity. How long must intolerance

continue?Heanswered,‘Notlong,’”saidRouson.“Yet,today,westilllivewithexamplesofracism,ofdivisionandworkisyettobedone.Byyourpresenceheretoday,youareindicatingthatyouareservantsofthepublic.Youareindicatingunity.That we can work together. And, that’s what the Day ofService is all about.Americans giving back to our countrywhatourcountryhasgiventous.Freedom.Opportunity.” JerardWilliamsofSt.PetersburgsangtheNationalAnthemandservedasaninspirationforparticipants.Williamsmadethe top 200 in The Voice,NBC’s national television serieswherevocalistscompeteforrecordingcontracts,saidGulfportCouncilpersonYolandaRoman,theevent’semcee. Being the anthem singer is a role of leadership, saidWilliams. “The meaning of today is not just about cleaning ourcommunitybutalsocleaningourselvesandallowingustobeabletohavethatconnectionaswecleanseeachother,”saidWilliams.

The fourth annual Martin Luther King Day of Service in Gulfport was held on Saturday, January 13 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Tomlinson Park. Councilmember Yolanda Roman, left, served as the emcee for the opening ceremonies.

Jerard Williams of St. Petersburg sings the National Anthem as Gulfport Councilmember Dan Liedtke, left, and Mayor Sam Henderson look on.

Adding a new coat of colorful paint to wooden benches along Beach Boulevard was the idea of Terry Foster, left, “We’re trying to stagger the colors and they are pulled from the Gay rainbow flag,” she said. Also pictured is Paul Ray, councilmember-elect for Ward 3. “I’m a terrible painter so I’m just taping.”

Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018 25

Pictured below, many helped mulch the planting beds of the Gulfport Food Forest project in Clymer Park along Beach Boulevard during the Day of Service. Four pictured from left are Anna DeMeo of Gulfport; Doug Porter a Gulfport seasonal resident from Albany, New York; Crea Egan, founder of the project; Carlos, a diabetic alert dog; and, his owner Veronica Figols of Gulfport. “Since the project was originally formed as a gesture of peace, it feels like in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King that people are coming together to learn how to share. It’s grounds for potentially peace on Earth if we can learn to cooperate and get things done. It’s hopeful relief for me.”

Florida State Senator Darryl Rouson, D-District 19, was the keynote speaker who delivered a passionate message at the 4th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in Gulfport on Saturday, January 13. “By your presence here today, you are indicating that you are servants of the public," he said. "You are indicating unity. That we can work together.”

26 Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018

13th Annual Pink Flamingo Home Tour The 13th annual Pink FlamingoHome Tour is on Saturday, March3, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. This yearit features homes in the StetsonneighborhoodinnorthwestGulfport. Thetourbeginsattheregistrationarea at Most Holy Name of JesusCatholic Church, 5800 15th Ave. S.The10homesonthetourrangefromtheverysmalltoahistoric,Spanish-style home that encompasses threelots. Stetson University’s Gulfportcampusisalsoonthetour. Theyencouragewalkingorbikingthe 2.25-mile level route. For thosewhopreferorrequiretransportation,afreetrolleyandvanwillbecirclingnonstop during the tour. Driving isdiscouragedbecauseparkingwillbeverylimitednearthehomes.Visitorscangoat their ownpace,and therewillbeplentyoftimetotakealunchbreakorshopinGulfport. Ticketsareonsale for$20at theBeachBazaar,3115BeachBlvd., orthe GulfportWelcome Center, 3101BeachBlvd.They can be purchasedonline at pinkflamingohometour.

com/buy-tickets. They will also beavailableattheregistrationareadayofthetourfor$25. The tour is a fundraiser for theGulfportAreaChamberofCommerce,withmostfundsusedfortheGulfportWelcomeCenter. Questions? or 770-497-1139.


Author Speaks on Elder LGBT Sexuality Dr. Jane Fleishman will offera presentation on the topic ofthe sexual lives of older LGBTQcommunity members from 11 a.m.tillnoononTuesday,January30atGulfport Public Library, 5501 28thAve. S. The event is free and opento the public. Attendance by adultsonly is suggested. The presentationis a “lunch and learn” event at thelibrary,andattendeesareinvitedtobring their own “brown bag” lunchandbeverages. Fleishman,asexualityresearcherwilldescribesomeofthekeyfindingsofherresearchintothesexuallivesofLGBTolderadults.Thispresentation

is a preview of Fleishman’s newbook, “Coming of Age at the Timeof Stonewall,” about LGBT elderswho came of age at the time of theStonewallRebellion.Twoiconsofthelocal lesbian community, Edie DalyandJackieMirkin,alsowillreadfromtheirsectionsofthebook.DiscussionandtimeforquestionswillfollowDr.Fleishman’spresentation. The event is presented by theGulfport Public Library’s LGBTQResourceCenter.Findoutmoreaboutthe Resource Center, the Circle or on Facebook at


Lego Starwars at Gulfport Library Come to the Gulfport Library onthe third Tuesday of each monthfor some advanced Lego building(open to ages 7 andup). Theymeetagain onTuesday, January 16 from3to4:30p.m.Comehelpthembuildtheir awesome Lego StarWars Set.Call727-893-1074oremailCaileyatcklasson@mygulfport.ustosignup.


St. Pete City Theatre Features Skyway Author Local author Bill DeYoung willexamine and explain the 1980Sunshine Skyway Bridge accidentand its aftermath as part of St.Petersburg City Theatre’s monthlyspeakerseriesat6p.m.onTuesday,January30.Thetheatreislocatedat402531stSt.S. In his book “Skyway: The TrueStory of Tampa Bay’s SignatureBridge and the Man Who Broughtit Down,” DeYoung chronicles thehistory of the bridge, and its manycontroversies, alongwith the eventsthat ledupto itscollapse.ThebookalsoprofilesharborpilotJohnLerro,whowasexoneratedofwrongdoingforhisroleinthecollision,andGulfportresidentWesleyMacIntire, the lonesurvivingmotorist. His 90-minute talk includesrare historical video, rarely-seenphotographsandmore. Admission is free, althoughdonations for St. Petersburg CityTheatre will be gratefully accepted.Refreshments will be available.Seatingislimited.


Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018 27

Places of Worship

28 Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018

ARIES (March 21-April 19).Relaxationisnotthesameforeveryperson. Some love to relax withothers, having casual conversation.Some like amassage, othersmusic,still others silence and solitude.Knowingandhonoringyourownwayofsettlingdownwillultimatelyhelpyou put forth your best effortwhenit'stimetogettowork. TAURUS(April20-May20).Therearethosewhofindmostsocialsettingstheoppositeofrelaxing,somuchsothattheyhavetocoaxthemselvesintoeven the most ordinary exchanges.Your most useful talent this weekwill be in sensing the comfort levelofothersanddoingyourbesttohelppeopleoutwherevertheyare. GEMINI(May21-June21).Silverspoonscomewiththeirownmetallictaste,whereasthefarlessexpensivestainless steel option is widelypreferred for its noninterferencewith flavor. There are many otherinstanceswhenthecheaperoptionisactuallythebestonethisweek.You'llmake good on such things several

timesover. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Anambitious part of you feels like ifyou'renotattemptingtheimpossible,then you're not doing enough.Relatedly, as you learn to do whatmanyothersarealreadydoingwell,youget thesneakingsuspicion thatthere's something better out therefor you. Go on and stretch into therealmoftheextraordinary. LEO(July23-Aug.22).Becauseoftheusualconditioning,mostassumetheir animal desires are somehowthe basest part of being human.Manydesiresareindeedlow,thoughsome animal impulses are sacreddrivesinspiredbybetterangels.Thisweekwillbringinclinationsbothlowandhigh,plusthewisdomtotellthedifference. VIRGO(Aug.23-Sept.22).Feelingsof trepidation can be interpretedmany ways. The fear might becomparedtoafirealarm,whichis,formostpeople,asignaltorunfromthebuilding.Forfiremen,thealarmisasignaltorun into thebuilding.This

week's scenario isn't nearly as dire.React according to your equipment,skillsetandrole. LIBRA(Sept.23-Oct.23).There'sa slow-motion dance occurringbetween you and a subject of greatpotential. It's starting to requireanunsustainable amount of restraint.Decisions will be made as to thedirection and speed this trajectoryshould take, if it continues at all.Whetheryoudecideorit'sdecidedforyou,itwillturnoutwellforyou. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).Trust is not one blanket thing toall people. It speaks to specific andindividualized expectations. Noone is completely trustworthy oruntrustworthy.Rather,peoplelearnexactly what they can and can'ttrustoneanothertoconsistentlydo.Thisweekyouwillcometoabetterunderstandingofwhattoexpect. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.21). You will find beauty whereveryou are. Whether you're under thecathedral arches or in the serviceelevator.There'scomfortinthesoundofpeoplecallingout,alsointhebuzzof electric heaters. There is poetryin theordinary tensionofagrocerystoreline.Therearesongsintheblurofapassengerwindow. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).How many friends do you want?How close? How frequently do youconnect?Theseanswersaredifferentforeveryone.The logisticsofagoodmatch can be just as important asdeeper factors. This week you'llunderstandmoreaboutyourcriteriaand you'll find friends who fit thebill. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).Animals don't steal. They do notrecognize ownership of things.Rather, they recognize who is inpossession of things and will thenassess the risk of possessing whattheywantwhen opportunity arises.This week you will think of whatyouwant frommanypoints of viewincludingmoral,ethicalandanimal. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Theobstruction in the path of peaceusually falls under the category of"ego."Removeorreduceegotocreatea two-lane road. Then, even thosetraveling in opposite directions cangetplaceswithoutincident.Peaceisa simpleaccomplishment, yetmanyare unable to accomplish it. Whataboutyou?

Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018 29

Replacement Gulfport Banners Going up by SpringBy Fred Langford

Mostreaderswillbefamiliarwiththecolorful“WelcometoGulfport”bannersdisplayedaroundthe city over the past nine months. They mayhavealsonoticedthatquiteafewofthemhavebeenlostorremoved,withthemostconspicuousabsencebeingalongGulfportBoulevard. Thegoodnewsistherestofthebannerswillsoonbeup,andsomeothersreplaced. “WeheldoffontheworkorderbecauseofalltheconstructiononGulfportBoulevardoverthepastmonths,” saidGulfport CityManager JimO’Reilly.“DukeEnergywasalsomovingalotofpolesaroundsoitmadesensetoholdoffuntiltheconstructionwascompleted.” O’Reillyaddedthat“someofthebannersalsocamedownduringthehurricaneinAugustandbyspringwewillhaveallthebannersup.” The permanent banners feature six differentdesigns:asailboat,artist’spaintbrush,volleyball,agecko,dining(representedbypastaonafork)andmusic(representedbyaguitar). AccordingtoO’ReillyinaMarch2016Gabber article the approximately $20,000 projectwasfundedbythecityandoriginatedfromdiscussionswiththeGulfportMerchant’sAssociation(GMA)aspartoftheWaterfrontRedevelopmentDistrict’simprovements.ScottLinde,GMApresident,“cameupwiththedesigns”and–alongwithJustinShea,Gulfport’sculturalfacilitiesandeventssupervisor–workedwiththeartistZacharyKnight(alsothe Gabber’sgraphicdesigner)tofinalizethedesigns.

A city worker hangs one of the original “Welcome to Gulfport” banners in the waterfront district last year. More banners are on the way to replace those that have been lost or damaged. Replacement of the banners was delayed because of hurricane Irene and road construction. Photo by Debbie Wolfe.

30 Gabber January 18 - January 24, 2018

Grand Central Comes to PartyBy Angelina Bruno

Cal Henry, Lea Campbell and Spencer Barnes of WD-HAN perform on Saturday, January 13 at the 4th Annual Grand Central Block Party. The band name stands for “we don’t have a name.” “Mandy reached out to us from Community Café,” said Marjoyre Henry, band manager. “We play a lot out here in St. Pete and we love supporting the community here, so we said sure!”

The4thAnnualGrandCentralBlockPartycelebratedallthingslocalonSaturday,January13.From2to7p.m.,localsandbusinessownershuddledupandbundledup,embracingthecoldandbuyingandbrowsinglocalgoods.Vendors included jewelry, localart,andvintageclothing,plusstreet-sideentertainmentfromDeLaran,WD-HAN,InfiniteEights,InfiniteThirdandmore. “I lovebringing localmusicians, localvendors,and localbusinessesalltogether. That’s my favorite thing in life,” said Mandy Keyes, owner ofCommunityCafé.Thecaféstartedtheblockpartyor“Grandiversary,”asKeyes calls it, four years ago to celebrate the shop’s first birthday withotherbusinessandpatronsnearby.Fouryears laterthepartyhasgrownconsiderably,stretchingfromthecornerof24thStreetNorthandCentralAvenueandstoppedat25thStreetNorth.

St. Pete Beach Center Yard Sale Come shop at over 50 vendorsat the St. Pete Beach CommunityCenter Yard Sale on Saturday,January 20. The vendors will belocated inside and outside at 7701Boca Ciega Dr. from 8 a.m. tillnoon.Vendorspaceisstillavailable.The cost for the 10’ x 10’ space is$15. Formore information call


Korean Wars Veterans Chapter 14 Korean War Veterans Chapter14 meets on the third Thursday ofevery month at Our Lady of GoodHopeChurch,550162ndAve.N.,at6p.m.Refreshmentsareserved,andtheyoftenhaveguestswhospeakonrelevanttopics.Walk-insarewelcomeas they begin their recruitmentmonths. Formore information


Gulfport Lions Pancake Breakfast The Gulfport Lions Club willbe hosting a pancake breakfast onSaturday,January20,from7till11a.m. Breakfast will be served at theGulfportLionsClub,4630TiftonDr.S.attheGulfportMarina.Theywillbeservingall-you-can-eatpancakeswith a single serving of scrambledeggsandsausagealongwithcoffee,teaandorangejuiceatthedonationpriceof$6perperson.Childrenundertheageof12caneatforhalfprice.Ifyouwishtohaveasecondservingofeggsandsausageadiscountedticketof$3isavailable. Bring your family and friendsto spend a cool enjoyable morningoverlooking Gulfport’s beautifulBocaCiegaBay. Whenyoucomeandsupportthisfundraisingactivity,youaredoingmuch to help the Lions help thosethat are in need.Gulfport Lions isa service organization,meeting themanyneedsofthoselessfortunate. Gulfport Lions, proudly servingsince 1948 and for 50 years since1967intheirGulfportClubHouse.
