De˜nitive Treatment for Hemorrhoids - CRH...

Post on 12-Sep-2019

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Transcript of De˜nitive Treatment for Hemorrhoids - CRH...

De�nitive Treatment for Hemorrhoids The CRH O’Regan System®

Provide relief & resolution for your patients’ hemorrhoids.You’re a physician and hemorrhoids will always be part of your practice. With onset commonly occuring after the age of 30, hemorrhoids will a�ect more than half the population at some point in their lives.* Unfortunately, by the time many patients seek help, they really need it. But that doesn’t mean they require a hemorrhoidectomy. In fact, hemorrhoidectomy is inappropriate for most Grade II and Grade lll hemorrhoids given the inherent risks, pain and downtime associated with surgery.

The standard of care for hemorrhoid treatment.Rubber band ligation is one of the least expensive and most popular procedures for non-surgical hemorrhoid removal in the world. A number of studies have found it to have superior long-term e�cacy when compared to other non- surgical treatments such as IRC and sclerotherapy. Rubber banding can treat more than 95% of all hemorrhoid patients, and compared to hemorrhoidectomy, is e�ective without the associated pain and disability. As a result, rubber band ligation is the treatment of choice for most patients with hemorrhoids.

The standard of excellence in hemorrhoid ligation.In our practice, we’ve taken rubber band ligation to a new level of excellence. The CRH O’Regan System® still consists of cutting o� the internal hemorrhoid’s blood supply with a tiny rubber band. What’s di�erent is that it is faster, more accurate, more comfortable, safer and less likely to result in post-procedure pain and bleeding. In advanced cases where the diagnosis includes an external hemorrhoid, additional therapy may be required as rubber banding alone may not be suitable.

Give your patients the outstanding results they want & deserve.The point of referring your patients for hemorrhoid treatment is to provide them with relief. Our method–which combines a unique device, a careful technique and a set of special protocols–has been shown to be 99.1% e�ective and is covered by most insurance plans. A large 2005 prospective study of the CRH O’Regan System® reported the lowest complication rate ever published at 16 out of 5,424 procedures, or 0.3%. Post-procedure bleeding occurred in less than half a percent of patients, while post- procedure pain occurred in just 0.2%.

The CRH O’Regan System® Protecting your patients’ comfort, safety & health.

With this unique system, we manually control the suction needed to grab the hemorrhoid tissue. With conventional rubber banding, discomfort and post- procedure pain, bleeding and complications often result from sharp, metal-toothed forceps puncturing muscle lining and grabbing too much tissue. The device is also smaller, providing greater comfort for patients.

While other ligation equipment must be sterilized after each use, the CRH O’Regan System® is 100% disposable and used only once, thus eliminating the risk of cross- patient infection with diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C due to inadequately sterilized instrumentation.

The CRH O’Regan System® is a product of CRH Medical Corporation

Compare CRH O’Regan System® to other treatment methods:

Contact our o�ce for more information and we will arrange a consultation for your patient where we can evaluate the patient’s problems and institute a treatment plan.

CRH O’Regan System®vs. hemorrhoidectomy & stapled hemorrhoidectomy

• Very e�ective at controlling symptoms & eliminating hemorrhoids• No prep, anesthesia or hospital stay • Signi�cantly lower risk of complication and bowel disfunction • Signi�cantly less pain & bleeding • In most cases, immediate return to normal activities the same day • No risk of strictures due to circumferential stapling

CRH O’Regan System®vs. conventional rubber-band ligation

• More e�ective at controlling symptoms & eliminating hemorrhoids• Less risk of complication, cross-contamination & infection with diseases such as HIV & Hepatitis B & C• Shorter, more comfortable procedure • More accurate placement of ligating bands • Less risk of post-procedure pain & bleeding

CRH O’Regan System®vs. infrared coagulation (IRC)

• More e�ective in treating all grades of hemorrhoids • Fewer complications than IRC (pain/bleeding) • Procedure more comfortable for patient

CRH O’Regan System®vs. other methods

Over the years, a number of treatments have been devised and used to treat Grade II and III hemorrhoids. Among these are sclerotherapy, ultrasound-activated scalpel and bicap electrocoagulation. Compared to each of these, the CRH O’Regan System® o�ers the best treatment pro�le, as our treatment protocols o�ers a superior combination of safety, e�cacy, e�ciency, lack of complications and suitability for all grades of hemorrhoids.

* American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons