Dental Implants Philadelphia

Post on 27-Jul-2016

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Dr. Gerald Regni, DMD 937 Christian St. Philadelphia, PA 19147 (888) 296-6746 Dr. Gerald Regni is a highly qualified and experienced dentist, providing general and cosmetic dentistry services in the greater Philadelphia area. With more than 26 years of experience, including dentistry at its highest level – over 1,000 implant cases and 1,000 cosmetic cases – you will find Dr. Regni a trusted partner in your dental care. Whether you’re looking for a cosmetic dentist or an emergency dentist, he’s got you covered.

Transcript of Dental Implants Philadelphia

Services Offered By A Cosmetic Dentist In Philadelphia

What exactly are the services that you get from a Cosmetic Dentist in Philadelphia? There is

an array of dental treatments that you can get from these dentists whether it is a corrective

therapy or enhancing the aesthetics of your teeth. Besides chewing food, teeth are an

important part of your face and determine the way you look and talk. People with shiny and

white teeth are more confidentabout conversations and discussions. Yellow stain on the

teeth is something that you always abhor. While a glittering smile is what you crave for, a

missing tooth and stained teeth are enough to lower your confidence. However, when you

suffer from teeth problems, you got to take a look at the treatment procedures of cosmetic


Removing Stains From The Teeth

Your teeth often lose its color and shine, and you want to get make it white and shiny.

Consuming food and beverages and not taking proper care of teeth are primary reasons

that cause this problem. In addition to this, chewing tobacco, smoking and alcohol

consumption are some of the other reasons for discoloration of teeth. There are various

teeth whitening procedures that help in restoring the brightness of teeth and removes the

unpleasant yellow stains. When you visit a Cosmetic Dentist in Philadelphia, you can get

advice regarding the teeth whitening technique that you require for getting back the shine

on your teeth.

Treatment For Damaged Teeth

Do you have cracked and chipped teeth? People with brittle teeth need to get treatment

from a Cosmetic Dentist in Philadelphia. Veneers are used for this purpose and they are

usually made from porcelain. However, veneers do not work for extremely damaged teeth.

The cosmetic dentists also use crown for the treatment of cracked teeth. Porcelain veneers

are thin and placed on the front of the teeth that are uneven and crooked. No anesthesia is

required for carrying out this procedure. Dentists use crowns and caps to restore the normal

shape of the teeth. It is a time-consuming process and lasts longer than veneers.

Bonding Treatment For Teeth

A Cosmetic Dentist in Philadelphia uses bonding for filling the gaps between teeth and for

changing the color of your teeth. When you notice strange and unusual gaps between teeth

and food particles sticking in there, you must visit a cosmetic dentist for getting proper

treatment. However, this treatment is also applicable to teeth that have just started

decaying. What is this treatment? Bonds are materials that look similar to the actual color of

the teeth. When these fillings are placed between your teeth to cover the gaps, you get

back the original shape of your teeth. Dentists often use this procedure for covering

discolored teeth.

The Contouring Process

This is a procedure that helps in correcting crooked and overlapping teeth. Dentists also use

this technique for rectifying chipped or uneven teeth. The contouring technique is used for

changing or altering the shape and size of the teeth.

Is Dental Implant In Philadelphia Needed For Replacing Missing Tooth?

Inserting a dental implant is one of the most emerging techniques that help you replace

your missing tooth. Whether you have lost your tooth in an accident or due to a trauma or

illness, you can now smile with confidence with the help of Dental Implant in Philadelphia.

What is a dental implant and how does it help you get back your missing tooth. They are

artificial roots made from titanium which the dentists insert into the jawbone for holding the

teeth. Titanium is primarily used for this procedure because it results in a natural process

that helps in fusing the titanium root with the jawbone and allows the implant to remain in


Functioning of Dental Implants

Dentists often use implants because they infuse into the jawbone and are more stable.

Therefore, the bridges and dentures that are mounted on the implants have little or no

chances of falling or slipping inside the mouth. Thus, people have no problem while eating

and speaking after getting a Dental Implant in Philadelphia. Whether it is a dental crown,

denture or a bridge, the stability of an implant gives a more natural look and allows an

individual to feel comfortable.

Types of Implants

There are two types of dental implants that help you replace your missing tooth and hold it

to the jawbone. In subperiosteal implant, there is a metal frame that is mounted on top of

the jawbone just below the gums. As the gums heal, the metal is fixed and attaches to the

bone permanently. Endosteal implants are directly placed into the jawbone and a patient

has to wait for some time until the gum heals properly. After that, the posts are attached

and finally a crown is placed on the top making the tooth look natural. As part of Dental

Implant in Philadelphia, your doctor decides the type of implant that you may require.

Procedure For Replacing Multiple Teeth

A bridge is generally used for replacing when you have lost a few or all of your teeth. It is

used at first and then implants are placed for supporting it. Ideally, a dental implant is

inserted into each gap and then the bridge is mounted on the top after the completion of

the natural process called osseointegration. There are certain procedures that apply when

Dental Implant in Philadelphia for replacing some or all of your teeth.

Popularity of Dental Implants

Although a dentist has to carry out necessary examination for inserting dental implants,

they have become popular as they last longer. Moreover, you can hardly distinguish a

dental implant from a normal tooth when proper care is taken by a patient. In fact, an

implant may last for a decade or more when the procedure is carried out carefully and by an

experienced physician. This procedure also prevents problems like nonaligned teeth and you

need not remove the implants before going to bed at night.

Will TMJ Treatment of Philadelphia Put You On The Path To Recovery?

The temporomandibular joint is the one that connects the lower jaw with temporal bone.

The joint is like a hinge and it controls the movement of the jaws when you speak, eat,

yawn or laugh. TMJ disorder is an indication that the joint is somehow injured or damaged.

The TMJ disorder is a painful experience. It can cause a splitting earache, headache,

swelling of the joints, popping off your jaws, it can make chewing a painful experience, it

can lead to bruxism or tooth grinding and much more. There are a few over the counter

solution, using steroidal preparations, but it is better to avail the TMJ Treatment of

Philadelphia that is excellent and an effective cure.

Cause of TMJ disorder

The misalignment of the jaw bones or trauma and injury to the teeth, bad posture, bruxism,

stress, gum chewing are often said to be the cause of TMJ disorder. The oft-cited causes are

orthodontic braces, bad bites and much more but it has not been established. Every person

affected with TMJ does not grind their teeth. It is rather safe to say that bad posture like

craning your neck towards your computer for the whole day can trigger the TMJ disorder.

Therefore, early detection of the disorder is essential to the cure and for that, you must

contact the clinics dedicated to the TMJ Treatment in Philadelphia.

The Symptoms of TMJ

The symptoms of TMJ are clicking or grinding sound when you open your mouth or closing

it. The disorder can cause dull and numbing pain in your face, tenderness of your jaw. It

can also cause a splitting headache and earache and in all such cases, you need

professional advice from the experts of the TMJ Treatment in Philadelphia. You need to

know the cause and relief of the pain. If you continuously feel biting or find it difficult to

chew your food then the matter needs urgent attention.

The Tests And Medical Investigations

It is a comprehensive approach and the diagnosis is basically by the way of elimination.

Therefore you may have to consult your dentist, ENT specialist. The best is to take the help

of established TMJ Treatment in Philadelphia clinics. The tests involve the X-ray and MRI

scanning of the jaw, and physical examination by the experts, to check the alignment of

your bites, the muscles and joints for tenderness, and examining how your jaws open and

shut. Then the experts will advise you about the course of the treatment.

The Cure From TMJ

The cure from TMJ starts with a rehabilitation program by the experts. You will be trained to

do regular exercises. It is basically exercising the jaw muscles for opening and shutting

operation and eases the pressure during the process. You should take soft and tender food

to offload the pressure during eating. The habits like chewing gums are a strict no to relieve

the pressure from jaw muscles. The stress reducing procedures and anti-inflammatory

medicines are also prescribed as temporary measures. It is better to avoid non-returnable

surgical measures without taking good advice because it has a mixed rate of success.

Get Your Smile Back With Dental Crowns In Philadelphia

The dental crowns are protective covers to save a decaying tooth. It is also used to cover or

support a broken down tooth to save it from further damage. It is also used to cover a badly

discolored tooth and give it a normal look. Another use of dental crown is to cover a dental

bridge and hold it in place. The dental crowns are generally a corrective measure and also a

cosmetic one. If you are having a problem with decayed or fractured tooth, you should

correct it with the Dental Crowns in Philadelphia before it is too late or is beyond


The Material Used

The material used for dental crowns are of varying types. You will get dental crowns made

of metals, alloys, ceramic, porcelain and a combination of different types. The dental crowns

are made from material to suit individual need. Ideally, gold was the favorite material for

dental crown once, because of the non-toxic effect of the gold and also as a signature of

wealth. But, gold crowns looks odd and severely interferes with the overall look of the teeth

and is not favored now, firstly for the cost factor and secondly for the cosmetic value.

However, if you opt for Dental Crowns in Philadelphia, then you will get ideal crowns

matching your profile.

The Crown Material

The ideal material for the dental crown is a variable, depending on the patient’s individual

need and the materials used are allergy tested. Take the case of children, you may need a

crown to protect the baby teeth that has decayed beyond salvation. Or the child is in a high-

risk group of tooth decay and regular application of anesthesia goes against his medical

history. A stainless steel crown is ideal in this case because the crown will naturally come

out with when the teeth are pushed out and the baby won’t require visiting the dentist.

Consult with the experts of Dental Crowns in Philadelphia.

Selecting The Crown

The best judge to select the material is your medic. If you are under the treatment of

clinics, you will get option while selecting Dental Crowns in Philadelphia that will fit your

budget. Take care, the crown you select must match with your normal teeth and the

blending must be uniform. The crowns are usually made from stainless steel, gold or alloys

of chromium, nickel and palladium for metal crowns.

The Time Required

The time needed will depend on the condition of your tooth. If your tooth is badly damaged,

then you may need root canal treatment and you will get the crown once the treatment is

over. Otherwise, it is a two days job; on the first day, the doctor will check your teeth and

X-ray to find the exact condition of the teeth and take the cast. In your next visit, you will

get the crown fixed. You will find modern clinics equipped with the latest hardware and

software for evaluation and preparation of milled crown and these you get on a single visit.

Ask your medic how to take care of your crown and follow the instructions.