Dementia Week

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Dementia Week ThursdayJuly12010 Herald


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BERECROFT: Disused playarea gets new lease of lifeBy NATALIE DEARMAN

MP in meetingon Alzheimer’sHARLOW MP Robert Halfon isto meet with members of the Alzheimer’s Society as part of Dementia Awareness Week. TheMP will talk to Marion Howell,from the Harlow branch, todiscuss local services and thechallenges faced by people withdementia and their families. Thetalk will be next Friday (July 9),from 10.30am, at Moot House inThe Stow. Call Marion on 01279418331 for more information.l FOR more events being run

 by the Alzheimer’s Societynext week – see page 20

Computer aidCOMPUTERS 4 Africa is usingempty warehouses in Harlow toreceive donations. The charity isworking with landlords andbusinesses such as B&Q andFocus DIY to turn sites intoeducation centres with factfileson African nations. The nextopportunity to visit the charity isFriday July 16 and SaturdayJuly 17 from 9am to 5pm at theformer Wickes site, Prince’sGate, Edinburgh Way, Harlow,CM20 2SU.

Council repayscash for shrubsHARLOW Council is to use part of its £1.5 million under-spend from2009/10 to replace money takenfrom reserves intended for landscapemaintenance in Church Langley.

On June 24 the ExecutiveCommittee agreed to transfer£259,000 to the Church LangleyInfrastructure Reserve, which isused to fund landscape works likegrass and shrub maintenance.

In 2007/08 the council transferred£120,000 f rom this reserve, followedby a further £270,000 in 2008/ 9, tofund other spending. The councilagreed that the money would bereplenished over a five-year periodstarting in 2009/10. The reservewas created by agreements with thedevelopers of Church Langley.

Cllr Andrew Johnson, HarlowCouncil Leader and chairman of theExecutive Committee, said: “Wehave used part of our under-spendto replenish this money, which is setaside for on-going landscapemaintenance in Church Langley.

“Due to the council’s tighterfinancial controls we have been ableto repay this money some four yearsearlier than originally planned. Italso means we have an extra£50,000 a year to help maintainservices against financial pressureswe know are coming. I’m happy toreassure the residents of ChurchLangley that all of the money is nowback where it should be.”

Hospital feesHARLOW MP Robert Halfon isseeking an urgent review into thecharges for using telephone andtelevisions in hospitals.

Mr Halfon raised the issue in theHouse of Commons after he wasapproached by a constituent at oneof his surgeries who was upset thata relative was having to pay £5 aday to watch television in hospital.

Mr Halfon said the situation wasresulting in “outrageous” chargeswhich “can really hurt long-termpatients”. The Conservative MP hascalled on Health Secretary SimonBurns to review the problem of highly priced patient lines andintroduce competition so patients nolonger pay extortionate prices.

Fromleft(back):MaureenLodge(SAH),MickReardon(UnitedHouse),TerryKirkby(PitneyBowes)andRobertBarrett(SAH).Front:residentsAnnetteBateman,MikeBateman,LianeKimber,GrahamBirchandZulqarCheema(residents’association)ND_240610_Berecroft Playground

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FOLLOWING a difficult year,residents living on the Berecroftestate finally have somethingpositive to shout about.

 A number of organisations have joinedforces to regenerate the disused play area,situated behind the estate, givingresidents a fantastic facility which thewhole family can enjoy.

The project is the brainchild of theBerecroft Residents’ Association who areworking alongside South Anglia Housing(SAH), Pitney Bowes, United House andEssex Police.

The idea came about 12 months ago whenresidents decided they wanted to get thefloodlights fixed in a bid to combat anti-social behaviour in the area, which hasbeen neglected over the past few years.

Since then they have taken matters intotheir own hands and plan has escalatedwith the whole area now being revamped.Those involved are working with localagencies, suppliers and Harlow Council tomake the project a reality.

Zulqar Cheema, chairman of theresidents’ association, said: “The residentsare very keen and it’s good to see the areaback up and running. We hope that, apartfrom using the area to run events, childrenwill have somewhere nice and safe to play;there is already more children up therethan normal.

“I’m very pleased and I hope we cancarry it on, as long as we get support fromthe community, which is critical.”

The new floodlights were installed thisweek, thanks to a donation from mailtechnology firm Pitney Bowes, and are dueto be connected up in the coming weeks.

The new playing surface has also beenlaid with United House donating its time,and contractors time and expense. South Anglia Housing has also provided fundingtowards the project.

Once finished, the new surface will bemarked out with a number of courts,including basketball, five-a-side footballand hopefully some sort of road markingsto teach children about road safety.

 A youth shelter will also be provided aswill a picnic area.

Chris Ellison, managing director of South Anglia Housing, said: “The BerecroftResidents Association have been leadingon this project and we are delighted to helpprovide this community facility for allresidents to enjoy. This is a great exampleof successful partnership work. It is greatto see this exciting project come to life andthe new community space will bondeveryone together.”

  A community fun day is to be held onSunday July 25 to celebrate the grandopening of the new facility.

There will be a number of stalls, music,a bouncy castle and all the usual activitiesfor the whole family to enjoy. There willalso be food and games, which have beenprimarily organised by residents.