Demand That The Attorney General Get Tough On Medical Fraud

Post on 21-May-2015

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Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. should create:1) DOJ Task Force on Medical Fraud2) DOJ Strike Force which can immediately and cost effectively be deployed anywhere in the nation to counter Medical Fraud3) Strategic and Advisory Panel made up of both Law Enforcement experts,  Office of Inspector General Investigators and Medical Whistleblower expertsThis Medical Fraud Task Force’s Advisory Panel should be composed of Investigators from the Office of Inspector General, Federal and State law enforcement officials, and DOJ prosecutors but also Medical Whistleblowers who have the medical knowledge to understand in detail how Medical Fraud is actually perpetrated.   To find professionals to serve on the Medical Fraud Task Force’s Advisory Panel, President Barack Obama should look to the National Whistleblower Center, the Governmental Accountability Project, the International Whistleblowers Association,   the National Security Whistleblowers Association and the Medical Whistleblower group to find dedicated Medical Whistleblowers of integrity who are truly committed to exposing fraud, patient abuse and neglect.  Creating an Advisory Panel of Medical Whistleblowers will increase the effectiveness and scope of investigations and help bridge the gap of communication between the law enforcement investigators and the medical community whistleblowers

Transcript of Demand That The Attorney General Get Tough On Medical Fraud

We demand that the Attorney General get tough on Medical Fraud

Medical Fraud harms patients, negatively impacts public health and wastes tax payers money. It is in the interest of the health and welfare of every American

citizen to stop Medical Fraud. A single forensic accounting audit will often not detect this kind of criminal fraud. Medical charts are written in medical termi-

nology and the complexity of medical treatment often can be used to hide complex criminal fraud against the consumers. The White Coat of Silence and the

White Coat Barricade are used to coerce Doctors and Nurses to remain silent even when they see rampant Medical Fraud. Patients accept the authority of their

doctors and hospitals and often are unaware of the fraud perpetrated against them. We need medical professionals within the system to come forward and work

with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to prevent rampant Fraud against patients and the taxpayers.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. should create:

DOJ Task Force on Medical Fraud

DOJ Strike Force which can immediately and cost effectively be deployed anywhere in the nation to counter Medical Fraud

Strategic and Advisory Panel made up of both Law Enforcement experts, Office of Inspector General Investigators and Medical Whis-

tleblower experts

This Medical Fraud Task Force’s Advisory Panel should be composed of Investigators from the Office of Inspector General, Federal and State law enforcement

officials, and DOJ prosecutors but also Medical Whistleblowers who have the medical knowledge to understand in detail how Medical Fraud is actually perpe-

trated. To find professionals to serve on the Medical Fraud Task Force’s Advisory Panel, President Barack Obama should look to the National Whistleblower

Center, the Governmental Accountability Project, the International Whistleblowers Association, the National Security Whistleblowers Association and the

Medical Whistleblower group to find dedicated Medical Whistleblowers of integrity who are truly committed to exposing fraud, patient abuse and ne-

glect. Creating an Advisory Panel of Medical Whistleblowers will increase the effectiveness and scope of investigations and help bridge the gap of communica-

tion between the law enforcement investigators and the medical community whistleblowers.

We call on Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to create an Advisory Panel of Medical Whistleblowers to provide strategic, analytical and cost effective insight

into a DOJ Medical Fraud Task Force.

Send to: Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001



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